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General : Tarotscope week of 11/03/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 11/4/2008 6:56 AM
EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Your work or a special hobby will bring rewards and satisfaction today. You'll have no trouble keeping your nose to the grindstone with the future in mind. Handiwork and fine craftsmanship are highlighted..

A planned get-together or outing, especially with family, may not turn out quite as planned. Your children or other youngsters may be arguing - it will pass. A friend from the past may let you down. Chalk it up to experience, and remember to look forward, not back. Being open to bends along the path may bring novel and delightful opportunities..

Physical strain and weakness, things you have little patience with, may have been slowing you down a little, but relief is in sight. You don't like to share your burdens and responsibilities, but if you do so, you may find a difficult situation easing up. Your motto today: "He ain't heavy, he's my brother...".

No sooner do you think that the time for a break is at hand, than something new comes your way and you're back at it again. You may have to fight for your right to take that break - but make sure that you do - burning the candle at both ends will leave you with burnt fingers and a puddle of wax..

This would be a good time to be quiet and look inside for the answers. There are some things from the past that are holding you back. Once you identify them and work on them, you'll be free to soar!.

A career situation or long-term project will be winding down very soon. You're not quite sure where it's going to take you but don't worry about it because you will be taken care of nicely. There will be new opportunities unfolding for you in the days ahead so have an open mind..

Your spirit guides suggest you maintain your authority and self control by keeping a firm hand and level head. Don't hesitate to turn to authority figures who are willing to help or give advice..

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

All it takes is some kind words to heal a situation. While tensions may be running high, you can defuse the situation easily. Your angels are helping to express yourself with clarity and compassion so don't be afraid to say what you think. The power of the words you speak becomes apparent today..

Don't be surprised if you have a slight embarrassment at work or in business. Fortunately it is not something that will be remembered for long. Apologize if it's appropriate but don't drag the situation out. Showing a crack in your armour may have a pleasant side-effect of making you more appreoachable to others who don't know you that well. It's a good day to see yourself as other see you. You won't be found wanting at all..

A loving woman supports and encourages your spirit. Friendship and support are keywords today, whether you are giving or receiving. Your intuitions and psychic perceptions can guide you today - listen! You'll discover that sixth sense..

Uh-oh - things seem to turn today and suddenly you're feeling confined and restricted. Wait a few days for the influence to pass - it won't be easy for you having to wait before you can take some positive action, but the future is unclear right now so just sit tight until you get the go-ahead. You can make great use of the pause to collect yourself..

Life may be a bit of a roller coaster today - no sooner do you reach the glorious pinnacle of exhilaration than you take a dizzying plunge into the unknown. Well - that's the whole fun of it - by the time you catch your breath you're climbing back to a new viewpoint!.

Your hopes and dreams are reflected in the twinkling stars, which are dancing with incredible energy above you. Reach out and catch one of those stars as it dances by - and allow your soul to fill with wonder..

You will have a spring in your step today to go with that positive attitude. If you feel like skipping down the sidewalk - why don't you? There's no law against expressing your joy - and none that says you have to deny yourself fun and frolic..

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

You've been isolating yourself lately but a sociable friend is no longer going to allow you to do that. Have you thought about getting on a roller coaster lately? You need a good scream. Plan something outrageous to do real soon - perhaps with a Scorpio friend..

Today will likely be a 'should I stay or should I go' day - everything will be yes or no; black or white; forward and back. You're travelling a stretch of bumpy terrain but all will be well if you keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel..

It's a 'power' day for you - so get out there and enjoy! Exciting new opportunities, fresh beginnings of all kinds are possible and new roads beckon. Most importantly, do something you've been forgetting about lately - play! It's good for the soul..

Laughter is the best medicine and you'll be portioning out the right dosage for everyone. Don't let an opportunity pass by to bring someone else joy. Your charm and wit will impress someone in a position of influence today and will have positive repercussions..

If you've been having a rough time, today is the turning point and there's only one way - UP! A situation may be ended for you forcefully if you haven't been able to let go yourself. Someone may need medical attention or an injection today. If someone lets you down, pick yourself up and start all over again..

Take a deep breath today and start anew. A project needs to be scrapped because the premise has changed, but don't worry. The new plan will be a lot easier to put together because it will be in line and in harmony with the highest good. Don't get frustrated -- helpful spirits are helping you work your magic..

It's time to stop sitting on the fence. While two family members or situations are pulling you in two directions, it's time to call a truce. Get everyone together to talk things out. Once you figure out a plan and delegate responsibility, get everyone out for a happy wrap-up over coffee and cake (may be substituted with beer and pretzels, strawberies and champagne, or all of the above)..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Don't let coworkers or peers discourage you from doing what you feel is right. There are others who would rather see you stay where you are so they won't be challenged in their position. Go with your gut instinct and follow through on your promises and ideals..

Smile - today is a great day for you! You've been feeling neglected and now cosmic adjustment rewards you for your hard work. Take some time to thank the angels and all your spirit helpers too for your good fortune. Divine timing starts to be evident..

You've learned something about a situation that may have shaken your confidence. It's okay. This will pass and you'll come out on top. Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Breathe and calm yourself -- it will all blow over. Instead of worrying the situation to death, enjoy the clarity of 'being in the know'..

The word for today is 'oops'! You may miss some calls or visitors, experience delays or make little mistakes. Minor annoyances are likely to colour your day, but don't let them get to you. If you just grin you'll find you can sail through anything and even enjoy the trip. Don't jump to conclusions today as they are likely to be wrong..

It's a day where you'll have to watch for thieves, crooks, schemes and rip-offs. Someone may try to take advantage of you so stay alert. On the other hand, it's a good day exercise your intellect. If you can't have it all, take what you can. You'll be the winner..

Take the time to make sure your files are backed up today. Your computer is going to be acting funny and you don't want to lose any data. Tie up loose ends in all that you've been doing - you'll feel great when you know everything that matters to you is safely put away..

A friendship or personal status quo is going to go through a huge change. Don't fight it -- let it play out the way it's supposed to. You'll likely be feeling rather emotional so cut yourself some slack. It will all turn out for the best. Observe. Go with the flow..

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Recommend  Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: ~So~Sent: 11/4/2008 5:48 PM
Thanks Ren