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General : Tarotscope week of 11/24/08
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From: Ren�?/A>  (Original Message)Sent: 11/25/2008 5:16 AM

EARTH ELEMENT    Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Business, agreements, purchases and sales are favoured today, so get out there and do your wheeling and dealing. Someone may offer you an excellent opportunity today - take it! Partnerships and joint ventures are positive..

Life is a highway - and you're at the crest of the hill today - surveying the beauty and bounty all around you. The world is full of possibilities and you're riding high. Stretch your arms high in the air and soak up the wonders of the universe through every pore in your body. You might also want to make a toast to Lady Luck..

Change is good so don't be afraid to create new situations for yourself. Changes will be prominent in your life but it won't be a total shakeup. It will just be a new - and better - twist to an old situation. Pay attention to the color purple..

Any walls or fences that you have erected around yourself are in danger of being a little battered today - is it perhaps time to just open the gate? Or do you need to shore up your defenses? Either way, get to it!.

A good day to get some work done. Putting your nose to the grindstone will pay off. Material gains come from your work. Create something with your hands, work at your desk, bake cookies - any hobby or labour will bring profit, success and happiness today. It's a good day for career building endeavours..

Even though you might be a bit down, give yourself a pat on the back today. It's true that things wouldn't be as efficient or run as well without you. People do know what you contribute, even if they don't acknowledge you often enough and even when you don't toot your own horn. It will all come out in the wash..

Today may bring a major shift in plans, so be ready to take appropriate action. You may find yourself set for a totally unexpected course. Prepare for change, transformation and revelations - and to jump ship if necessary. Lay back and do the backstroke!.

FIRE ELEMENT    Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Your high ideals and hopeful dreams will seem within reach today - closer than they've ever been. Reach for the stars - they are not as far as they may appear. Your angels are especially close so whisper you desires to them and ask for any help you may need..

You've taken on the role of the one in control today so you can help keep order. While it's noble of you to take on this parental role, is this situation really your responsibility? Excuse yourself from situations that are really not in your domain - you'll feel better for it when the day is done..

Your serenity is being compromised because you're worried that a secret or unresolved issue from the past is going to come to the present. If you want to let your worries go, bring the issue into the light. The truth will set you free..

An earth sign person may enhance your day today, with assistance, advice, or just simply 'being there' for you. Money and business matters are looking good - take advantage of being on a roll. Key words for today are 'down to earth' and 'rock solid'..

Stop putting things off until tomorrow. Tomorrow never comes:>) Finish the tasks at hand so you can relax. Letting something slide is only going to make the project bigger. Once you get it done, you'll realize it wasn't as difficult as you thought it would be..

It's time to tell someone to sit down for a minute so you can talk things out. It's a great day for negotiating and getting your point across, especially regarding partnerships, business ventures and agreements. Communication is highlighted, so speak your mind..

Avoid arguments and confrontations today, as you may end up getting nicked in the battle. A person or situation may make a sudden exit from your life today, and plans may change equally quickly. It's probably best to lay low until the dust settles. Tennis, anyone?.

AIR ELEMENT    Aquarius, Gemini, Libra

If you are feeling off-kilter today, don't just ignore it. If you can't seem to get in touch with what's amiss, it may be necessary to look outside of the box today. Take the time to honour your inner voices and find some silence to think about what is really bothering you -- the answers will come to you. Make a game out of looking for divine clues!.

Don't be afraid to delegate today - you are a very capable person but there's no harm in sharing the load. Others will be more than happy to pitch in. Get some rest if you've been overdoing things - your muscles and joint may be stiff and sore. Take time out for some fun too..

Your key word for today is 'a new dawn'. A situation which has been distressing or worrying you will be found to be as insubstantial as shadow, and warm light will dissipate your fears. Be inspired by this new perspective and make a mold of it for the next time you see dark shadows on your path..

The phone's ringing, the mailman's knocking, and your email in-box is overflowing. Try to sift through as much of it as you can, because there' s all kinds of good news and new opportunities just waiting to be discovered..

A situation that is making you upset can be solved easily if you can see past the problem and look at the whole picture. Listen to your intuition because your angels are trying to give you signals but you can't see them. This situation will become crystal clear -- look for significant numbers and symbols to guide you..

Sometimes you feel like the whole world comes crying to you for support. People turn to you for comfort and help, and cry on your shoulder - but who do you turn to? If nothing else, be happy that you can help those less strong or fortunate than you. Minor financial or legal difficulties could be plaguing you today - do your best to dot the i's and cross the t's. You vibrate to number 5 today, which brings changes..

You may be feeling like an outsider today, but have you considered that it is you who has put yourself on the outside? You don't need to be standing on the sidelines if you want to play the game. Get out there and become part of the group! You'll feel much better about your circumstances and about yourself if you do..

WATER ELEMENT    Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Today will feel like two days in one - YIKES! A younger person may be a source of irritation, and overall, things may not seem to be going your way. You, or someone close to you, may simply be feeling rebellious today. Don't worry - the aggravations are minor, and will soon pass. Look for the number 8. Restrictions may be all around you, and you feel like you've been here before. Well, you have! Take note of your karmic lessons..

While someone may have some good suggestions for you, keep your guard up and your 'filters' open. Keep in mind this person is working for their own benefit or from their own agenda and not necessarily yours. Ask a lot of questions to make sure their suggestions support your best interests fully before you commit to this path or project..

Youngsters may be moody and difficult today, but it is a passing phase. If you yourself are a little out of sorts, the angels suggest you take some time to pursue a creative or artistic project. Write a poem, or revel in beautiful music. Let yourself enjoy a good joke or two - the smiles will linger..

Peek your head out from underneath the covers and go outside into the world. Others need to see your smiling face because you inspire others. Even though you don't feel like seeing others, it will do good for your spirit and theirs..

A loan is due or fluctuating investments change and you could be strapped for cash right now. While this is going to cause some lean times or worry, it's not a long-term issue. Ask a friend or partner to help you get through this. They'll give you more than financial support..

It's time to take a breather. Pause and reflect on your accomplishments and bask in the security of how far you've come. Let others help you if they offer to - it won't diminish you at all to accept help. Your feet are firmly planted on the ground while your eyes are on the horizon..

You may be in a contemplative mood today. It's a good day to do some artistic endeavour, to listen to music, or to take up a course of some kind. Help a child with his/her homework - it will uplift you too. Then, pamper yourself with a bubble bath or a favourite TV show tonight. Youngsters will bring gentle happiness today..

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     re: Tarotscope week of 11/24/08   ~So~  11/25/2008 9:17 PM