This afternoon crept by very slowly since I didn't have much homework nor did I have band practice this afternoon. I started working on the Christmas cards I need to mail before or during break so I can spend more time doing other fun things at home.
Speaking of fun things to do, the EWU football team is going to play in the quarter finals in North Carolina this Saturday against Appalachian State. If we win this game, we will be in the semifinals and if we win that game, the entire marching band will get to travel with the football team to Chattanooga, Tennessee!! I have never been to the east coast so if we get the opportunity to go, I wouldn't pass it up.
As for the not-so-fun things happening at EWU, last Saturday, a Sigma Phi Epsilon student was dragged to his death behind a pickup truck. There seems to be two different versions of the story going around which makes me suspect that this story will take a while to solve. Then, a couple weeks ago, another EWU student was put into jail for raping a female Whitworth student in Spokane. Our local news stations are all over these two cases. Of course, this is bad Public Relations campaigning for our school ,"Come to Eastern where drama never ends."
Well, I suppose I better get to bed. I am positive that tomorrow won't be much of a picnic either considering that the quarter and homework loads are winding down.
Sarah |