We waited some time to get another cat after loosing Precious. One morning it it just seemed that the time had finally come, but we had to wait for permission from our landlord. After several days of playing phone tag, the call came. So off to the humane society we went in search of an addition to our family. This beautiful tabby named Desi came right over to us and climbed into my baby's lap. The two seemed to hit it off instantly. I picked the little kitty up and I hear her little motor just going. I knew she was the one. She was found wandering along a busy road and was given to the pound. Her time had run out there and was then sent to the humane society. She was there for a month before we found her. Once we brought her home it felt like she has been here forever. She spends her days playing with our dog Pork chop, her evenings are filled with love and attention and then at night she retires to my nine year old daughter's room to go to bed. We all love her very much. Jennifer