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Dream Interpret : Smoking
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 Message 1 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameshell035  (Original Message)Sent: 08/08/2008 13:54
I quit smoking when i was 6 months pregnant with my son over 7 years ago but keep dreaming of starting to smoke again. I am worried i will start smoking again. Can anyone tell me why i keep having these dreams

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 Message 2 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameminnieminesotaSent: 08/08/2008 14:06
Hi Shelly
 I quit 23 yrs ago , but was not a heavy smoker. Just lately there have been a couple of times when I had this overwhelming urge to have a ciggie , but it was only fleeting and went as quick as it came . never give in to it once you stop it is horrid Uhggg!!!!!
Love & Light
minnie  xxxxx

 Message 3 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameSoldarath·Sent: 08/08/2008 14:43
Mmm - maybe theres somethign else you need ot change in your lifestlye, did you transfer the addiction from nicotine to something else - me i gave up 4 yars ago, and when i stopped the ciggies i nearly trippled my caffiene intake - I didnt crave ciggeis for along time, but when it came time to stop drinking caffienated drinks, i used to be able smell ciggies where there were none and really really want one after dinner - sound odd, but as soon as I switched to decaf, the cravings for asmoke and the smelling ciggies went away.....I did an 8 week detox, and now i cant drink fully leaded coffee it makes my heart race - wich sorta scared me when i think how much of the stuff i was drinking LOL.
Perhaps you need to look at making another change to be healthy, or do something for yourself....we often forget when our children are young that we need to nurture ourselves as well as our children.
Hope it helps.
Love Erika xxx

 Message 4 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameshell035Sent: 08/08/2008 15:29
Thanks Erika. When i quit i gained a lot of weight. I have now started to eat alot helthier as there is a lot of heart complaints in the family. My sister actually Died of a heart attack. Hopefully the dreams will stop if not i will just have to try and figure out what is causing them.
Love shell

 Message 5 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePewterMagicianSent: 08/08/2008 18:09
Could be just dreams of an inner desire to re-sart....probably due to a need to fill somehting.  Kind of like ciggies might have filled something when you were smoking.  LIke feeling that little stress and saying "ah I need a cigarette".  Maybe you are feeling those little "stress" triggers and would never fathom the thought of starting again in your waking state, however,in your deepest thoughts (therefore in your dreams) the truths always lurk not too far behind!!!!lolololol  Why not take that BIIIIIGGGGG drag IN YOU DREAM.  Maybe it will help you feel better with out the physical harm!!!  Then ask yourself why the deep root inside is craving.  I'm sure you will find answers.
As for your question that if it means you will start again, I don't htink so.  I trully believe that with these types of things, we have full control and you will only start again if you let yourself start again.  If you stay ademant about staying a non-smoker, then so you will stay!  Stay away from the cigs though.  Heart problems in families are something that we cannot change entirly (we can prevent things though).  My father, myself and my son are prevalent to hths and my father had a quadruple and reconstruction heart surgery two years ago.  His heart was at a 20% capacity and they didn't know if they would be able to save his heart (and therefore him) so they kept postponing his surgery.  Want to know the kicker?????? Had he been a smoker, they wouldn't have even bothered!  Which means that he would have to accept death as a certainty right then and there!  A smoker would never be able to survive the surgery (I'm guessing because of the lung compression that they have to do).  Smoking in general is bad for you.  Smoking with potential heart problems is a one way ticket to moving in with our little friends on the other side (bad joke, I know, but I couldn't help myself). 
This is also a reminder for you to pat yourself on the back for being so sucessful at staying smoke free!!!!

 Message 6 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameshell035Sent: 08/08/2008 19:20
In my dream i do take that drag so i will ask myself that question next time. I can be around people smoking even hold a cig infact my husband rolls his own so when we are on long journeys in the car i roll them for him. It doesn't bother me. My dad also has had quadruple heart bypass due to angina. Thanks for your reply. 
love shell

 Message 7 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameNova_JeanSent: 09/08/2008 18:20
I read this and went NOOOOOOOOO!!
I stopped smoking nearly 6 months ago (once again I have to thank everyone for the wonderful support I got here) but I still almost weekly dream that I am smoking - its always the same - I am smoking and then think oh no I thought I had stopped, I must have just cut down.
When I read that you are getting these dreams after 7 years  !!!!!!!!!
I am not planning starting again though - I am one of those ex smokers that can't even stand the smell now, LOL
Love Nova xxxxxxxxxxxx 

 Message 8 of 8 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePewterMagicianSent: 10/08/2008 15:26
don't want to be a busy bee snoppy drag.....but hubby should really stop too.  Second hand smoke isn't much better (if not worse) for you......just imagine the effects on him!  GIve him some additiona incentives "wink-wink".....have him stop too.........
I've been smoke free for 11 years now and I'm thankful everyday that I was able to take the first step.  My dad was smoking 75 ciggies (three packs) a day years back and I thank God too that he quit when he did (25years ago) because I just wouldn't have him with me today!
I have a sister in law and another friend that both quit the same time as Nova and I'm sooooo proud of all of you as you all have stayed right on track!!!!!!!  Especially now that we have concrete proof of the negetive effects it does to us...... just imagine it even causes pre-mature aging and WRINKLES!!!!!lolololol

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