So I have these little Celtic Wisdom Sticks.....and I've spent ages reading the book on how to use them, and i just can't get my head round it
Charlie suggested i pull a stick for each person in the Testing Testing Area so that I can get to know the sticks, and understand the energies. I do struggle with celtic divination tools, runes amaze me but I can never quite connect to their energy. So I'll pull a stick for each of you in turn and see where we end up
It's an honour to sit in the light and connect for you all.
Love Soldarath xxxxxx
Nova ~ I drew Fern stick ~ NGetal
Based around an older irsih word for wounding, this stone highlights your healing gifts - teh stick itself having a message of sustenaance of a healer or vesture of a physician. Work more with your healing crafts and develope your own style.
Chazz ~ I drew Aspen stick ~ Edad
An obscure stick ren=mindingyou to practice discernment, taek measure of thing around you, select your friends wisely, and guard your inner thougthts for a while - an 'exchange of friends' may indicate a transition from one freindship to a new one.
CC ~ I drew Blackthorn stick ~ STRaif
Referring to the magical nature of sulphur perhaps the centre of the alchemical processes. learn to work with the clour red and harness its powers, spend time wandering around your inner bieng finding the next step of the journey that is right for you.
Mandy ~ I drew Pine stick ~ Ailm
Centered on the A or Ahhh sound you should focus your attention on truly listening to the sounds of nature and being at one with our earth. (from Charlie - Your native american spisirt guide is with you and ready to talk to you.)
Wheezie ~ I drew Holly stick ~Tinne
Representing strength in the power of the trinity - traditionally in a warrior situation: holly is indicitive of the 'bar of iron' and being one third of a Chariot Wheel, or one third of a weapon. Take your whole being and play to your creative powers as well as your strength of personality.
Nana ~ I drew Oak stick ~ Duir
Referringto the high respect tath those that know you have for you, wether you accept that or not. Perhaps an indication to have more self love and self confidence, your friends around you may not always agree with you, but they do not disrespect you any for that either. Perhaps looking at the wider piucture whould help you find peace with yourself where you struggle.
Jewels ~ I drew Willow stick ~ Saille
Sometimes called Sallyt rees. Symbolising the need for assistance to move forwards soemtimes. Such as bees need flowers to make honey. You odn't have to do everything on your own, asking for assitance is NOT a sign of weakness.
Polly ~ I drew Vine stick ~ Muin
Symbolic for the neck, or the back, it brings a message of poutting your back into something, giving it your strongest effort. And also, i think underscores the other message I ahve for you via your animal totems about the kundalini flowing strongly, or being ready to flow storngly for you now.
Wendy ~ I drew Hazel stick ~ Coll
A message that you truly are in the right place, symbolising 'sweetness' the words i am given to give you are 'friend of the nutshells, and the 'sweetest tree' Nutshells symbolise knowledge and understanding and can, with the Hazel tree symbolise a deep compassion and understanding of others. I smile as I write this message Wendy, because i feel that in your day to day work thatyou do you bring much joy and love to those you work with, even if they forget to tell you sometimes. Well done, a big round of applause and a pat on the back from spirit for the light you bring to the world.
Tink ~ I drew Hawthorn stick ~ Huath
A stick that brings a message of balance, or seeking balance. Try to find away to let go of your worreis and fears, especially at bedtime. Washing things away can sometimes help, a short cool shower at betime will align your chakras and bring you peace as you close your eyes.
Minnie ~ I drew Birch stick ~ Beith
A message of protection - do you worry about yoru time in the light and if you are protected enough,if the 'bad guys' can get you - this is a rassurance fro spirit that you are doing allthe right things, and there is no need to worry, so long as you ground and protect before you do anything in the light, youwill b fine.
They are truly lovely sticks, very hard to connect to, so I hope that you all could take something from these little mini readings.
I obviously need to practice, so I will be back
Love and Light
Soldarath xxxx