| (2 recommendations so far) | Message 1 of 334 in Discussion |
| From: Soldarath· (Original Message) | Sent: 19/09/2007 19:54 |
Soldarath's Mail box Please excuse the graphic, I need to work on that. I will copy any messages over once I have the correct graphic for my mail box. |
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Hi Hun, Just thought I'd keep you up to speed. I'm having a Reiki 1 attunement on the 1st of november and I have been taken under my friend Rosie's wing, as she is a Reiki master, so on the 2nd of November my Reiki 1 course will start. I am so thrilled!! Thankyou for your help once again my love. I'll nip round the boards now...as hopefully msn will be working. Hope your all well and keeping your spirits up. BIG HUGS!!! love chazz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
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Hi Erika, being the silly empath I am, when I feel it, I really feel it, so those letters were just a way of me saying, I'm here to hold your hand if you need me too!lol. I'm usually absolutely no good at expressing what I really want to say...it kind of gets stuck...but I'm finding it easier to open up. So, yes, I am thinking about you all hun and my heart is with you all. much love chazz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx |
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Erika hope your feeling a little better today nanaxxx |
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Thank you I will remember that
Prayerwoman |
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Hi hun! Yep I'm fully loaded and rareing to go!!!! I have been reading some stuff on the internet about self-attunement...and I just 'erm' ed at that. Can you self attune then? I think I'll stick with the trusted method of someone giving/sending an attunement I think. Thankyou for thinking of me, I am thinking of you too, and I hope your doing better now, hopefully the sunshine today would have perked you up a bit? Wrapping you in big warm hugs! love chazz xxxxxxxxxxx |
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Hi ya,
I had NO idea that you had panic attacks! Honey you are in my prayers and thoughts.........nothing like them.....I know. You ever need some distraction or a shoulder you know how to find me.
Love Jadie xoxo |
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Hi Hon,
Glad to hear that you are starting to feel a bit better. I like to think of mine as a grizzly bear.........and over time with a few good whacks on the nose I have been able to bring it down to the size of a manageable cub. Not an easy thing to go through and I so wish I could have been there to help you through that one last week........but know that they are controllable......sometimes that is hard to believe.....I know. Its easy for someone without panic disorder to say that.......but coming from one who was locked in the house for three months in terror........I hope you know that I mean it. There is a story I wrote for a friends website........you should go and check it out....................... www.mentalhealthsolutions.ca Look under stories and you will find mine. |
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Or maybe you won't......................lol. The site seems to be down. |
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Hi Darlin' Just swinging by...checking up on you! lol. How you doing hunny? Hope things are starting to get better for you. Still thinking of you...just take as easy as you can. loads of love chazz xxxxxxxxxxx |
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I would never think you were ignoring me love! I just kept trying and it let me - just the once lol! Not sure if this going to go through either so will not blather on! Take care, sure miss you! Hugs, CC |
| | From: Wheezie | Sent: 04/11/2008 01:08 |
Erika, I'm so glad to hear that Dawn has gotten home. I'm sure she will recover more quickly at home than in the hospital. Just having all her own things at home will make her feel better. How are you feeling now? Have the attacks subsided now? Hope things are better for you. Everything happens for a reason and we learn from those happenings. Thinking of you tonight, hun. Happy dreams and lots of hugs, Wheezie |
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Hi Erika I have not forgotten reading , doing it on Wedensday OK. Love Minnie xxxxxx |
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Hi hunny, just wanted to pop in and say i am thinking of you and really miss you. Hope your getting better and getting some energy back. Sorry havent been around life issues work as you know is draining and hard lol but hey i am makeing progress day by day. Love silver xoxoxo |
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Hey there hunny, The one thing i have learnt is that to move forwards you have to come crashing down to get back up stronger. This past few weeks its been amazing as to the help and guidence that has been around me. I have learnt so much about myself fears, honesty to myself, responsability and others opinions of me are no bussness of mine. I am in control of my choices and hold the reposability of there affects no one else. Strenth comes and goes depression is there but eases with moving frowards. It a rollercoaster ride of my life, i can see so many patterns dramas self dought shyness lack of verble and physical expression. Fear of how other people see and think of me. I spent more time trying to be what was expected of me i forgot who i was , holding to my truth. As time goes on i change i am finaly doing what anthony saw in me all those years ago and i can understand the nagging came from love and careing not hate and malipulation. A bit late but hey i got a best friend out of it. We are open and say how and what we feel and honesty ruels the day. Its refreshing to be able to speck my truth rather then hide behind a wall of uncertanty. I really value your friendship and love you on a soul level not just earthly i can understand what you have gone though and how you express yourself clearly now. Its like being blind and then having lazer treatment all becomes clear and even if you dont understand everything faith hold you close and you know everything is connected with God and spirit. I never understood why i had so maey guides and helpers around me but i am starting to with there help. If prizes were given for persavation biy they would be rich with them but all there hard work is starting to pay off now i am listening and trusting. If we fall it is only because they know we can get up dust ourselves off and carry on the path knowing better till the next stumble and so it coninues makeing us stronger till if we fall we can laugh and jump straight up again with knowledge and understanding as to why we fell and not make the same mistake again. It a mountin we climb but when we reach the top its just an end to the climb not the enjoyment of life. Off on one of my bleathering but a good one lol Love Silver oxoxo |
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Dear Erika Thank you so very much for the reading. I was not aware of the Cartouche Cards but very grateful for the points brought out. I am particularly fascinated by the reference to a baby girl, Rebecca, as I do not currently know of one but I will watch for her. The number 47, February and Gypsophelia I know exactly what they refer to thank you, and i will follow the guidance and take that time for me every day. I am really grateful to you . love and light Linda xx |