Hey Maria I have already revised will pop it on with this reply...and sure we could still toss over those bars..no one would watch would they?...and did you have navy knickers too?..coo just imagine....

revised version of catch and go kiss
I was never caught in catch and go kiss.
My playground days were full
of Sarah with long blond hair,
clackers and elastics.
Gwen who flaunted auburn
plaits, British Bulldog, jacks
and Christine who gave
it up too easily. Yet I still played,
forever the optimist.
One Saturday they came to visit.
Cast critical thirteen year old eyes,
told me to hitch up my dress,
use a belt..Christ I still cringe
at the thought of that brownie
belt with its tarnished brass buckle.
I so wanted to be accepted.
I was taught how to toss over metal bars
at the running circuit, knickers on show.
That's where the lads hung out
and sometimes, that's where you scored.
So there I dangled, seemed I dangled
for days, not scoring in my short shift dress,
navy knickers and pumps.
I was grateful they didn't take the piss.
They told it, lived it like it was.
All hormones and feathered hair.