 | | From:  Ãnąm_Ćarą (Original Message) | Sent: 9/22/2008 3:50 PM |
Sometimes sometimes I feel lost and the world is covered in frost sometimes I feel frustrated and now everything is concentrated sometimes everything feels too hard I am a pawn you can discard sometimes this life is cruel it must be lived your rule sometimes that is vague and wish I could trade © Cara Sept 2008 |
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rhymes and has shape Sometimes sometimes I feel lost and the world is covered in frost sometimes I feel frustrated and now everything is concentrated sometimes everything feels too hard I am a pawn you can discard sometimes this life is cruel it must be lived your rule sometimes that is vague and wish I could trade © Cara Sept 2008 |
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Very clever little piece, especially when shaped  |
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Thanks Jen I usually write free form so this genre is not my usual hence the title LOL  |
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Hi AC..the shaped version gives yor work added texture and colour. A deft composition indeed....from jj |
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Hi Cara, A poem shaped like a vase. Very nice. Now, you just need a flower-shaped poem to go with it.  Seriously though, prose and free-form were the only forms of poetry that I ever felt comfortable with when I started writing. I'd tried rhyming poetry, but I wasn't very comfortable with it. It took ages for me to get to grips with rhyming poetry - and it shows just how much I've changed as, nowadays, I'm more comfortable with rhyming poetry than freeform. OK, I'm off to bed now. 'Night all!  Lynn xx |
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Hi all thanks for your kind commentry the is fun to be had stepping out of comfort zone Since being here it the community and sharing and reading and having your feedback my peotry has developed and I feel more confident to experiement. TheFriday challenges have been good for that.  Thanks again for reading and sharing with me hugs Cara |
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It is good to try out different forms - as yet I'm pretty hopeless with shapes and am trying hard to lay out my work better - I enjoyed reading, thank you Emma x |
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Tried for 10 minutes to do a flower shaped poem, but failed miserably. So ere stick this in yer vase  Needs some water  |
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 a little watter does wonders for a flower  Thanks for you kind response |
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I see it all now, very clever... my form of expression is in the art work attached...I can't rhyme, don't make sense, and am lost at times being around writers like you people ... But I try...means a lot to me. Good job, great read... Mariaxx |
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Hi, Cara. I quite agree, experimenting with different forms and styles isn't just good fun, but it's also good development. I much enjoyed this. Merlin |
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