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So, do any of you guys watch America`s Next Top Model?Well,I do and it`s my like my second fav. show.and i read in some other post called "the person below me(tpbm)" that one of the peeps here watch top model i think it`s kris_ is_ a_ new_ yorka.so, i hope i can disuss it with some of you! laterz! ~Cindy-You`re next Endurance Champ! |
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I was definitely glad Clark went home.
I was pretty annoyed when Lauren Brie went home, yes, she was boring. But she was very photogenic, I think if she wasn't against Sheena (blah, want her gone) in the bottom two I might not have been as annoyed if they cut her. You can train people to show more personality but you can't take out the annoyingness of people's overconfidence/sluttiness (sorry if we're not supposed to say that on here, but it's true. xDDDD)
My favorite is still Analeigh and I like McKey too. |
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well, i tend to like sheena(she got so much flava!) and i also thought that lauren cheddar was a shoo in for the final three,but i had to go for 7 episodes without knowing how her voice sounded like.
My Fave:Sheena Maybes: Analeigh(i just wanna give her a hug!) Joslyn Elina(but i might not like her after the next episode `cause i they showed her fighting with sheena,but the producers can do anything with your footage.take the cycle 10 finale they showed tyra saying "that was the biggest trainwreck ever" and made it seem all bad after, but actually she was complementing the girl she was that to after that) |
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Ill be honest. I love all reality and ANTM is one of my favorite shows even though Im a boy. XD But I watch everything reality so it doesnt really matter. My favorite has to be Majorie cause shes coming out of her shell and shes taking really good pictures. Sheena... Even though she was in the Bottem 2, I still think she looks like a model. I like Analiegh like Wesley said, shes like Caridee. Just not as hyper. I would like to see her win. I cant really say much more since to me all the other girls are average. IDK who will win this season. |
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I'm confused - anyone know what episode's on tomorrow? When I watched the show on its first run last week, it said that next time would cover the commercials. But then my dad was flipping through channels on Thursday or Friday and saw the end of the same episode, and it said that this week would be the recap episode. Any ideas? |
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yeah they do do that all the time. with antm when they have a recap show they make a commercial telling you about the next ep.(well actually next,next) but apperently they don`t show it at the end of ep.s so i think there really is gonna be a recap show 2morrow and that prview you saw at the end of last week`s episode is gonna be shown next week. Hope I was good help!:) |
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Yeah, that seems right. I normally watch ANTM on YouTube a couple days after the episode has aired, so i normally don't see the 'next time' segments. |
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wow! i always like these review episodes `cause they always show deleted scenes. and in this episode i kind of saw knew sides of people i didn`t know they had. like mckey :it shows a more nice and down 2 earth side of her. and elina: i thought elina was a very gloomy person, but i was so wrong `cause in this recap episode elina seemed very mean and defensive.like when she was comparing joslyn with clark or when she and sheena got into a tiff in the limo about vegans and meat. so yeah,i`m looking towards the next episode where elina and sheena get into another tiff and when they do commercials |
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I can`t believe it! Josylyn got elimanated! I thought Elina should have got elimanated `cause she was really mean in this episode and she and Marjorie kept blaming their problems on being European. |
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im actually on elenas side. i really do not like sheena at all. she's just wayyy to aggressive. and samantha i dont like either. she reminds me of a lot of girls in my class that i dont get along with. my favorite person is analeigh. she's very pretty. i love her hair. shes getting a lot better. and her commercial was amazing!!!! HOLLAND NEXT BABY!!! i'm excited |
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Although I feel bad for Joslyn because she was ill and that led to her elimination, I favored Elina over her. And on the Sheena-Elina feud, I have to agree with Elina (and Marjorie). European parents do tend to be more strict on their children than Americans. And although I admire Sheena's favor and strongness, she's concerning herself too much with Elina's personal life than focusing on the competition. My favorites are Elina and McKey, and now, I think, Analeigh. |
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i don`t think sheena`s aggresive,but i do think that maybe she should stop digging in to some of elina`s buisness.and the fight they had about elina winning the holiday photoshoot and that she doesn`t believe in holidays was kinda unnecsssary.i`m excited for next week`s episode `cause they`re going to amsterdam! and........................................
SHEENA FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
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I was so excited Analeigh won! She's my favorite, and I'm glad she was finally noticed and is getting better with modelling in general. (:
I think the fights were a bit stupid, they should have realized that everyone has different views and so what if Elina won? It just meant she did the best. Though her and Marjorie's pessimism is a little annoying.
I agree that Sheena's worrying too much about Elina's life than focusing, and I don't really like her... There's something about her that just bothers me.
And it was unfair that Joselyn got out just because she was sick. |
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analeigh didn`t win yet she just got called first this week! |
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well she was the best in the commercial by far. i can't wait for next week's episode!!! |