It is with great sadness in my heart that i make this announcement to you all that
this group will be closing down on
30th November.
Since MSN gave us the news about the closeure of all its groups i have been very busy creating new trial groups at "Multiply" "Yuku" Aimoo" and Google.I have spent many many hours setting these all up as i also had to setup a personal one on each of these servers and after it was ALL done i was so dissappointed with the results of ALL OF THEM that i came to this very sad decision to close down my group here.
I am so dissappointed with how things have turned out and the shabby way that we have all been treated by MSN that i feel like i have had my heart "Ripped Right Out"
This group has been my life for the past year and i have worked very hard to get it the very best i could for you all but my heart just isn't in it now thanks to MSN.
So i am now just going to be just a member like you but i think that it will never be the same for me anymore..
I will still have my own private group where i will transfer and store things i have made here personally and as soon as i narrow my choice down from one of the three i have going at the moment i will post the link on this group before the final day so that we can still keep in touch with each other as i have become so fond of you all especially my dear friend 'Annie' who i adore and i hope she will keep her own group going so that you can follow her there.And to Jude who has been such a help to Annie and myself since joining our team i say a big thank you sweetie we both have appreciated all your help.I am so going to miss you all and i hope our paths will cross again in some of the new groups that are popping up.(Although i wont be rejoining many this time as my heart is not in it
anymore i'm sad to say)
Now if you decide to stay with us till i close the group on the 30th November that would be great but if you also decide to leave us i will understand your decision totally and my feelings will not be hurt.
I just want you all to remember that we had a great group here and the reason that it was so enjoyable was because of all the wonderful members we have here.
Now if Annie wants to take it over i am more than happy to let her do so all i know is my heart has been broken and i can't repair it.And to MSN i say this...
"It was very poor form to throw all our groups on the garbage heap as you have just done for i feel we all deserved much better treatment than that from you".
I wish you all well my dear friends and i will go now and wipe away my tears as i ask god to bless each and everyone of you.
My deepest thanks for being such a huge part of my life and making my time here in this group so enjoyable.
"I love you all"