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Just this morning when I signed this petition the numbers were at 475,000. Now within a matter of HOURS it's climbed to almost a half million!! Here's what I sent out via my email a couple of hours ago: ----- Forwarded Message ---- Please take a minute or two to copy and paste the following link into your brower to access the online petition to urge our Congress to allow drilling for oil in our country. This is the land of the free, isn't it? Yet our oil producers aren't free to supply us with the oil we need to run our economy. As I've said before, conservation is fine, but we're not going to conserve our way to prosperity. If we're going to continue to grow our economy, we need to increase our supply of oil to meet the rising demand. Marian's PostScript to this forwarded message: I've been advocating drilling our own oil for YEARS!!! It's about time the masses are waking up to the fact that we need to drill our own & not line the pockets of our enemies. Is it any wonder the MidEast can afford such extravagance like a HUGE ski slope in the middle of the desert (click BBC's Dubai Ski in pictures)!! And here our "lovely" democratic-controlled congress & some weak-kneed Republicans have made it ILLEGAL to use our own oil. I don't see THEM giving up their oil-fed luxuries....as Chuck Norris said in his recent WorldNetDaily.com article, Congress needs "to get off their GAS, & DRILL!!" I signed this petition just a couple of hours & within 20 minutes or so of signing it the number of signers jumped up by a couple hundred; now it's rising by a thousand every few minutes!! People are FED UP. I am, aren't you? Are you willing to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT?? I AM!! Don't forget to check out the articles & YouTube vids as well!! They are EYE-OPENING!! |
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Do these every go anywhere? People sign them and then what? That's why I never do sign things like this. Ann R. |
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Ya, I know, Ann, I'm a lot like you in that I'm leary of signing things I know nothing about. HOWEVER, after doing a lot of searching around via their website & other places, this is legit & I had no problem signing it. Btw, here's an excerpt from a Washington Post article that answers your question as to where do these signed petitions go: Sign of the Times? Sometimes the most difficult problems can be handled with the easiest solutions. At least that's what it looks as though former House speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) has been able to pull off on the issue of oil exploration. Congress has tied itself in knots over whether to permit more domestic drilling for oil and gas. But Gingrich, through his organization, American Solutions for Winning the Future, has come up with a phrase that has inspired a torrent of support via the Internet. In just three weeks, more than 750,000 people have signed on to a cyber-petition that endorses the phrase "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less." In a single day last week, nearly 100,000 people endorsed the simple-to-understand concept. "It's far exceeded all of our expectations," said Dan Kotman, spokesman for the group. The price of gasoline certainly helps. Gingrich plans to collect 3 million names and present them (no doubt with a media-heavy flourish) at both parties' national conventions at the end of the summer. At this rate, he'll have no trouble reaching that goal. You might also want to check out the two YouTube vids they have at the very bottom of THIS PAGE, in particular the one on the righthand side. HTH to explain things for ya, Ann.... Marian |
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Here's an email update I just received today:  Dear Marian, I have some exciting news to share with you. Because of your hard work and support we reached one million signatures on the "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" petition. Your voice and the voice of one million Americans is truly making a difference in shaping the national debate. Just this week, President George Bush, Senator John McCain, and Florida Governor Charlie Crist all called for lifting the federal ban on offshore drilling. And U.S. Representative Lynn Westmoreland has started a pledge in the U.S. House in support of American oil production that has been signed by 126 members of Congress. Now, we need your help to reach our next goal: 3 million signatures by the Democratic and Republican national conventions this fall. I hope you will go online today and make a special contribution of $10 or more to receive your own "Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less" bumper sticker to help us grow the movement. I also hope you'll forward this message to 5 friends and encourage them to sign the petition. Thank you for supporting this movement of one million Americans demanding real solutions to our energy challenges.
Your friend, Newt Gingrich General Chairman American Solutions P.S. Your personal commitment to our work, and your special gift right now, are vital to our continuing growth and success. |
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