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Ok, your wish is my command, Virginia!! LOL Just a friendly reminder though of our Rules & Guidelines before we start this discussion, in particular #'s 7-9. Thanks for abiding by them. And thanks for being considerate & respectful of other people's views. And now..... let the FUN begin!!  Marian |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 12 of 26 in Discussion |
The book advertised on the "Obama test" website is in no way endorsed by the Obama camp. It is a critique and a smear job. The questions on that so-called test were biased and intended to stir up emotions and inflame people, particularly conservative voters. This election is not about the abortion issue. Which ever side of the fence you're on in that debate, the decision is a personal one. There are far greater issues at stake for this country at this time. Please don't allow heavy-handed tactics like this "test" distract you from the real issues. Teresa G. |
 | | From:  merf66 | Sent: 9/8/2008 2:38 PM |
I did manage to finish the test and I agree with Theresa--there is no way that this test is from the Obama camp. Most of those questions were worded to put Obama in a bad light. One question on the healthcare issue and making sure it mentions that illegal aliens are covered and 15 abortion questions? And did you notice that the poll that they used to determine the American view was of 1007 people? I really am playing the devil's advocate here. I feel strongly on the abortion issue so I find it hard to vote for Obama, but this is just another anti Obama thing out there. Why do I never see any anti-McCain stuff? To me this sheds bad light on McCain! And I usually try to stay out of politics, mostly for this reason. It seems each side just tries to shed bad light on the other so we are left trying to decifer who is the lesser of two evils..... |
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Okay, I'm collected now, and Teresa, you're right. This election is not about abortion as much as it is about other very important issues: energy, taxes, health care. But I still can't vote for anyone who feels that abortions are okay.
Merf66, maybe this test was not put on by the McCain camp; maybe a group who doesn't like Obama did it and they have nothing to do with McCain.
I also agree with your other statement, that each side talks bad about the other side instead of what they're going to do for the country. |
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Wow, while I agree that there are other important issues, I certainly find killing babies an important issue. When you say that there are other more important issues, will our maker think that there was something more important on judgement day than killing a baby? I don't think so. Also I wonder why your sure something bad that was sent out, was not put out by the "Obama camp", but are so quick to say other bad things shed a bad light out on McCain.There are a lot of things put out by people that neither candidate has anything to do with. As long as we are voicing out opions, when the writer yesterday said that she could just hear the Republicans saying oh let's pick Palin, because she is a woman, she is a hunter, she is a mother, and on and on, well to me that means she would represent a lot of people, and is more down to earth, and living a life like the average American. She is a far better representatiion of the average American than either candidate! I don't even care about how many kids she has, or what any of their issues are! I don't ask my doctor what her family life is like, and she is making very important decisions that directly affect me, and yet I seem to trust her based on her job performance! |
 | (2 recommendations so far) | Message 16 of 26 in Discussion |
May I suggest not continuing with this topic? Far too heated for this board - debating the pros and cons of abortion is like trying to convince someone to chnage their religion. I appreciate all the different points of view but not sure this is the forum for such strong opinions. We all have different points of view about what is the reality...I think the intention of the thread was your opinions of the candidates - not to try to educate on a soapbox about the prolife/or proabortion movement... I think some of the view expressed could be offensive to someone who may be new to this board and has different points of view Just my thoughts... Moderators? |
 | | From:  hakline | Sent: 9/9/2008 4:28 PM |
I have to agree with mommy2bs I think though this is "off topics" this is def. a discussion that should not be on here ~ it should be something that people can email to each other back and forth about ~ Religion and Politics are something not to be discussed like this ~ because everyone has different views and opinions ~ and if I was a new consultant ~ this is just something I would not want to see on a board for PC. My 2 cents Heather - IL  |
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I have to agree that this is not the place for a pro-life/pro-choice discussion. I don't think that was ever the intent of this thread. However, I do appreciate an opportunity for an honest discussion of the election process. That was the intent of my first posts on this thread. I tried to go out of my way to start with why I support my candidate, rather than what's wrong with the other side. I also wanted to share my impressions of the Republican National Convention and the Republican candidates. Those are strictly my opinions, although I tried very hard not to bash and to only bring up things that have been substantiated. The one exception was my tongue-in-cheek, imagined "political matchmaker.com conversation". If I offended anyone with that, I apologize. It was simply what the process felt like to me and I was trying to be funny. So, are we able to have honest debate on the relative merits of the candidates and their position on the issues? Or is a genuine debate just too difficult these days? Teresa G. |
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This message has been deleted by the author. |
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I deleted my original reply because I was really ticked off when I wrote it...so I will try again, in a less confrontational manner. Let me first start by saying that I am a Christian and I am a mother. So it is offensive to me when somebody says "I hope all you mommies...believe like I do." It is also offensive when somebody says that "killing a baby" will be the most important issue on judgment day. First of all, to God, sin is sin...there is no one sin that is worse than another. If you believe that abortion is a sin, that is certainly your right to do so, but it is no worse than any sin that you have committed. An abortion is a very private and personal thing that IS between the woman and God and not for us to make judgments on. For most, it is not an easy decision and it is something that many people suffer lifetime effects from, both physically and emotionally. I have never had an abortion. I don't think that it is something that should be used as birth control or gender selection, etc. However, I do feel that it should be legal. Don't think for a minute that if abortion becomes illegal that they won't happen! I mean just because drugs are illegal, it hasn't kept a whole lot of people from doing them! If abortion is legal, it can be regulated...licensed doctors, sterile environments, after care, etc. If it is illegal, there is no regulation, maybe not even a doctor performing it, let alone one with a license...no sterile environment...no after care. Risk of not only infection but serious bodily damage can occur; even death. Would you want that for your teenage daughter who got pregnant and was too scared to tell you and was looking for ANY alternative to make it go away? I'm sure that it doesn't change anybody's opinion, and that is not really what I set out to do. But there could be consultant's on this board that have had to deal with the trauma of abortion and they need a voice, too. |
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First let me say I totally agree, that this is not a Pampered Chef topic, and was surprised when this was on this site! So I do agree that this shouldn't really be a topic for business discussion. I have never written anything on any kind of political issues really anywhere, I generally avoid political discussions, but I felt compelled, because i was offended when several were saying that abortion is not important, and there are way more important issues. Also to the person who said a sin is a sin, I agree with that, if you read my message that was not my point, my point was that it would be I believe he might be asking us on judgement day about abortiion, but not about taxes, or schools, or immigration! Merely saying if you are a person who believes abortion is wrong, it should be an important issue, over these things that in the big picture won't matter, that is all. |
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moderators, care to weigh in? |
 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 23 of 26 in Discussion |
I didn't intend to open a can of worms, but I guess I did. I'm sorry.
The point of this particular thread is about the presidential election, and aside from straying out of the guidelines, there were no parameters to follow.
I think we should guide it back to the candidates, but their opinions, beliefs, and senate/congressional voting record IS up for discussion.
I haven't been around on the board long enough to have been here when the last election occurred, but I think that being in the off-topic area is where it belongs, and I don't think it should be removed. We all have a comoradarie with each other, being consultants. We share our opinions elsewhere on the board, why not here? As long as we keep it HERE, and not let it spill over onto other areas of the board and that no one harbors any bad feelings toward another, then why not talk? To me, this is about the safest place on the internet to talk about the election because we all seem to be pretty level-headed people, even so much as to delete a post because she recognized she was too upset to post something right away.
So, let's get back to the candidates. I think Sarah Palin is an excellent choice in running mate for McCain. She is every woman's woman, and I like that she can relate to so many of us.
Except, I would hope that I had raised my daughter to value human life and accept responsibility when she's made an error, and to not be afraid to come to me with it. I would hope that my relationship with my daughter is strong enough to weather the storms, so we can get through them together. My mother is my rock here on this earth, and through tough times I've come to realize that. I want that with my daughter. |
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Hey Jill & anyone else who are Sarah Palin supporters like myself, shoot me an email & I'll email you some good-natured political cartoons that I'm sure will put a smile on your face if not some all out chuckles!!  Btw, my email is in my profile when you click my MSN ID within this message! Marian |
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Here I am, the starter of this subject, interesting the views I have read on here. My views definetly don't match your views. The most important thing to me about this election has to do with the Security of this Country. I'm offended that Barack Obama won't show his patriotism and then won't allow us to question him on it. Why won't he place his hand over his heart during the National Athem? Why is it that Sarah Palin has been scrutinized in 2 weeks and in 2 years Barack has spent his time whining every time someone pokes into his back ground. Why is he not made to answer for decisions he has made and people he has associated with. And why is it that he can't admit when he has made a bad judgement - meaning the surge didn't work. Did any of you watch him on the O'Reilly Factor? Did you notice that everytime the heat was put on him concerning hot topics, he laughed his way through the end of the answer to the question and never really gave a strong answer. Then I heard a media type say that it was nice to see that Barack Obama has a sense of humor. GASP!!! The outcome of this election is not anything funny!! There is nothing funny about the war, the economy, energy issues, I just don't see that and it offends me that he would make lite of it. The economy? I personally don't think it is as bad as some would have us to believe. Its a lot easier to look at the negative than to bring out the positive. Yes, I am aware that there are ligitimate concerns out there, however, there are also a lot of people out there who have made poor decisions and there are a lot of people out there who expect hand outs, and it is not my job to provide them. I don't approve of supporting those who come into our country and think it should be handed to them just because they are here. And why is that those who have worked all of their lives for their American Dream are being told that they should be giving to those who are not working for the American Dream? Those people who have earned their way to the American Dream I am sure did not earn it through selfishness, I am sure they give there fare share based on their beliefs. I don't have a lot, but I do try to take care of those in need. But no one has the right to force me to give my American Dream away. As far as the economy, I watch a lot of Financial Programs and I listen to what is going on in our Financial World, ya'll should check it out. My last observation concerns President Bush. I don't agree that everything that has happened in this country over the last 8 years is totally his fault. He deserves more credit than he is getting. Like I said, the security of this country is very important to me and my family. I know a lot of people have lost loved ones to this war and you may not believe that it was in the best interest of our country, but in the long run, it has been. Bush is not the only one that makes decisions in our country, we do have a congress and a senate and they are the ones who approve any monies going out of this country. If memory serves me, it is the democrats who have control of the congress and senate right now. I'm not sure what my point is here except that I don't think everything is Bushes fault. All I have to say is may the best person win this election and may it be won fair and square. Virginia |
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Jill...I do agree with you that having a forum to discuss off topic subjects is okay and I do think that we have been pretty respectful of other people's opinions. I am use to being in the minority with my beliefs...I live in the "Bible Belt" and while I am a Christian, I am also a Democrat and a lot of Republicans don't believe that you can be both. With that being said, I haven't made up my mind which candidate to vote for. Things appeal to me about both. The idea of having a woman VP is very exciting and would be a HUGE step for all women, however, I'm unsure if my beliefs match up with hers and I don't know if I am willing to forego my beliefs just to get a woman VP. I do think that the VP role is more important that ever before! If McCain is elected, he would the oldest president to take office and his health could become a factor. If Obama is elected, I unfortunately think there is a possibility that there could be an assiniation attempt on him simply because I think there will be some people who have a major issue with having a black man as president...I hope and pray not. Lastly, I do think as parents that we all have a responsibility to let our children know that while we may not approve of some of the things that they have done, our love will not change when they mess up. I can appreciate you discussing the value of human life, having a strong relationship, etc. But not every parent does that. A lot of parents don't even discuss sex with their kids!!! I can tell you from personal experience...I had a rock solid relationship with my mother...she was a young single parent for several years, she talked openly to me about sex and I always felt comfortable about going to her with questions. But there was a time when I made a mistake and thought I might be pregnant and my biggest concern was how was I going to keep her from finding out? I was scared of disappointing her. I felt abortion was my only option. Fortunately I wasn't pregnant, so it became a non-issue ~ but, you can do all the right things as parents and your kids still have to make their own decisions sometimes. |