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Meditation Class : 3-16-06
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 3/31/2006 6:19 PM
MountainMoonChild : and now    ********************
   MountainMoonChild : as promised
 §«M???????????????»§ us is welcome
   MountainMoonChild : we are starting weekly lessons in meditation
   MountainMoonChild : I believe in learning by discussion
   MountainMoonChild : and I know there are those here more advanced than I
   MountainMoonChild : but we will start at the bottom
   MountainMoonChild : and repeat frequently
   MountainMoonChild : so try not to doze off on me
   MountainMoonChild : what do you know about Firing the Grid?
   MountainMoonChild : anyone
   Ghostmist6 : I've heard of it, but don't know that much about it
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : noda
   MountainMoonChild : Kia turned me on to it
   MountainMoonChild : it will take place in 16 months
 §«M???????????????»§ : no
   myckkia : he he he he
   MountainMoonChild : that is not long to prepare
   myckkia : I was touched by this work
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : what is it
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: yes
   MountainMoonChild : can you tell us more Kia?
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: its about joining as one at the dsame time on the same day
   myckkia : there are posts about it at atlantis
   MountainMoonChild : not just us
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: and pumping love into the earth energy grid
   myckkia : the board is called EARTH GRIDS
   MountainMoonChild : if enough people on earth
   MountainMoonChild : get together to meditate and spread love
   MountainMoonChild : at the same time
   myckkia : I see it as each of us meditating and radiating LOVE energy
   MountainMoonChild : it will change our earth
   MountainMoonChild : the better we are at meditating, the better it will be
   myckkia : this would be especially effect if one were near to an actual grid mark
   Ghostmist6 : so kind of like everyone connecting with the Higher Power at the same time to form One, right?
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: its like what happened at the equinox back in 99 the planetary alignment etc etc
8Lady«ßèÏÏå» has left the conversation.
   myckkia : yes  ghost   exactly
   MountainMoonChild : yes, Freya
   Ghostmist6 : okay ty Kia
   MountainMoonChild : the more energy we put into it, and the more preparation
   MountainMoonChild : the better it will be
   myckkia : something like that freya only way more sophistocated
   MountainMoonChild : therefore we are dedicating this hour on Thursday to our preparations
8Lady«ßèÏÏå» has joined the conversation.
   Ghostmist6 : wb bella
   myckkia : wonderful MMC
   myckkia : am all for that
   Ghostmist6 : me as well
   MountainMoonChild : okay, why learn meditation?
   MountainMoonChild : that is our first topic
   MountainMoonChild : what will it do for you?
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : to reach ur higher self
   myckkia : and I have noticed where we all live is very near to an energy vortex.. or a cross mark on the grid map
   MountainMoonChild : yes Bella
   Ghostmist6 : to relax
   MountainMoonChild : yes Ghost
   Ghostmist6 : to get in touch with our spirit guides
   MountainMoonChild : good
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : to get intouch with ur guieds
   myckkia : balance MIND BODY SPIRIT
   MountainMoonChild : to talk to the Divine in us and others?
   Ghostmist6 : yes
   MountainMoonChild : to work magick
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : sorry ghost i was typing same time u ws lol
  Ghostmist6 : np hun
  MountainMoonChild : that is synchronicity, Bella
  MountainMoonChild : that's one of the things we will develop working together
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : cool
  MountainMoonChild : another question, How long does it take to get good at meditation?
  MountainMoonChild : some can do it right away
  Ghostmist6 : I think it is an ongoing process
  MountainMoonChild : others take years
  Ghostmist6 : to refine techniques
  MountainMoonChild : right Ghost
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : it doesnt take long to get good at it but it may take longer to actually do what u want to in medtion
  Ghostmist6 : try new things
  MountainMoonChild : zen practicioners say you must work for 30 years
  myckkia : wow
  MountainMoonChild : some people get hit with enlightenment while waiting for the bus
  Ghostmist6 : some get enlightened when they open their hearts to it
  Ghostmist6 : and welcome it also right?
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : brb going to try to take a bath
  MountainMoonChild : it is the process that matters
  MountainMoonChild : yes
8Lady«ßèÏÏå» is away.
  MountainMoonChild : right
  Ghostmist6 : k ty
  MountainMoonChild : questions?
  Ghostmist6 : good so far MMC
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : yes how many medations can u do at nite
  MountainMoonChild : okay, next
  Ghostmist6 thinks she's been asking way too many questions.
  MountainMoonChild : as many as you like
  MountainMoonChild : Bella, or one long one
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : it wont effect what ur trying to do
  MountainMoonChild : some yogis spend all their time in meditation
  MountainMoonChild : no, you learn to meditate while you work
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : does it still work if u fall asleep doing it
  MountainMoonChild : yes, I think so
  MountainMoonChild : some of these things are personal
  MountainMoonChild : what might work for you might not for me
  MountainMoonChild : we will explore all facets
  MountainMoonChild : okay?
  MountainMoonChild : There are three different spiritual activities
  MountainMoonChild : Prayer meditation and comtemplation
8Lady«ßèÏÏå» has left the conversation.
  MountainMoonChild : I would like to explore some definitions for a few minutes
  MountainMoonChild : What do you think are the differences.   First prayer.   What does that mean to you?
  MountainMoonChild : What are you doing when you pray?
  MountainMoonChild : if you pray?
  Ghostmist6 : when I pray I ask for healing for those who need it
  MountainMoonChild : yes
  Ghostmist6 : and offer thanks for how blessed I am in my life
  MountainMoonChild : who do you ask?
  Ghostmist6 : personally, I ask the Goddess and God
8uncle-frankie-girl has left the conversation.
  MountainMoonChild : ah, there is the essence of prayer
  MountainMoonChild : we all ask someone different
  Ghostmist6 : yes, whatever works for the individiual
  MountainMoonChild : but we are asking and talking to something or someone outside ourselves
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  MountainMoonChild : thanks for your responses, Ghost
  Ghostmist6 : yvw
  MountainMoonChild : But with meditation, we correspond differently
  MountainMoonChild : Prayer usually means communication with an entity outside oneself.
  MountainMoonChild : Meditation?
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  Ghostmist6 : meditation is communication with ourselves
  MountainMoonChild : communication
  Ghostmist6 : but on a different level?
  MountainMoonChild : yes
  MountainMoonChild : good
  MountainMoonChild : communication within
  MountainMoonChild : but listening
8Lavender-Roze has joined the conversation.
  Ghostmist6 : wb Roze
 Lavender-Roze : ty
  MountainMoonChild : waiting for knowledge from within
  MountainMoonChild : Meditation can be said to be listening to  the God/dess within you
  MountainMoonChild : or to your higher self
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  MountainMoonChild : that is what we will learn
  MountainMoonChild : it all leads to contemplation
  MountainMoonChild : I’d like to define contemplation as a dialogue between you and your Self.  At this point, unity has been established.
  Ghostmist6 : May I ask another question?
  MountainMoonChild : please do, they help
  Ghostmist6 : Do you think
  Ghostmist6 : that this unity is with the conscious and subconscoious?
  Ghostmist6 : I have heard that theory
  MountainMoonChild : I am tossing that one around still
  Ghostmist6 : I am too
  MountainMoonChild : I think that the Ego and Self and somewhat different from Conscious and Subconscious
  MountainMoonChild : any one else know about this?
  Ghostmist6 : I kind of think that
  MountainMoonChild : We all do pretty well at prayer.  We are all good at asking for help, or thanking for it.
  Ghostmist6 : it is the communcation between your conscious self and your soul
  MountainMoonChild : It is in meditation we need work, so we can get finally to the comtemplation.
  MountainMoonChild : yes Ghost, I like that
  MountainMoonChild : Some of you may already be there.  Please bear with those of us who are slower.  I want to start with the basics.
  Ghostmist6 : It is always good to go over the basics
  MountainMoonChild : NEXT TOPIC
  MountainMoonChild : Basic Meditation Techniques
  MountainMoonChild : All meditation techniques have one thing in common.  They all have ways to quiet the monkey mind.
  MountainMoonChild : We will give you many ideas.  Use those that work best for you.  We will try them all out one by one
  MountainMoonChild : Give each of them a good trial, for a week.   Then we learn another.
  MountainMoonChild : And we can come back and discuss them next week
  Ghostmist6 : okay
  MountainMoonChild : stop for questions again?
  MountainMoonChild : okay,
  Ghostmist6 : No I'm good thanks
  myckkia : am good here
  MountainMoonChild : the most fundamental and widely used technique is breathing
  MountainMoonChild : proper breathing
  MountainMoonChild : concentration on the breath
  MountainMoonChild : any of you know yogic breathing?
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  MountainMoonChild : good
  MountainMoonChild : one of the best ways to inhale is into the abdomen before the chest
  MountainMoonChild : when you take a breath, fill your lungs from the bottom up
  myckkia : oh yes.. have done that
  myckkia : didn't know what it was called tho
  MountainMoonChild : your belly should expand before your chest
  MountainMoonChild : that is just one way the yogis breathe
  MountainMoonChild : and when you exhale, empty the top of the lungs first
  Ghostmist6 : Can I ask another question? Sorry......
  MountainMoonChild : and at the end of the exhale roll your tummy muscles up like a tube of toothpaste and expell all the old poison air
  MountainMoonChild : please ask
  MountainMoonChild : don't be sorry
  MountainMoonChild : questions are the only way I have of knowing if you are with me
  MountainMoonChild : can't see your faces
  Ghostmist6 : when I learned yoga, we were taught to breathe that way because it filled the solar plexis
  Ghostmist6 : and activated that chakra
  MountainMoonChild : yes
  Ghostmist6 : he called the solar plexis chakra the center of your soul.
  MountainMoonChild : it also allows you to take much more air
  Ghostmist6 : Just always wondered about that.
  MountainMoonChild : the yogis believe that is right
  Ghostmist6 : oh that makes sense
  MountainMoonChild : Buddha contemplates his navel
  Ghostmist6 : okay ty
  MountainMoonChild : he is studying his own solar plexus chakra
  BlueEgyptainWind : solar plexis chakra powers your body's energy system
  MountainMoonChild : thanks Blue
  myckkia : yes
  Ghostmist6 : oh that makes sense. ty Blue
  MountainMoonChild : I would hope you will all add to this discussion as we go
  myckkia : and more air activates more brain cells
  MountainMoonChild : I never pretend to know it all, just how to activate your minds
  myckkia : and that stimulates the brian centers
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Kia
  Ghostmist6 : yes, and fills your blood with oxygen
  MountainMoonChild : good, now we are going
  MountainMoonChild : see what just a couple of good breaths can do
  myckkia : lol
  MountainMoonChild : there are many other breathing exercises in yoga
  MountainMoonChild : all are great
  MountainMoonChild : but, we can also use breathing
  MountainMoonChild : and the concentration on it
  MountainMoonChild : to quiet our monkey mind
  BlueEgyptainWind : fire breath is to hard for me
  MountainMoonChild : that one can knock you out if not careful
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes
  MountainMoonChild : you all know monkey mind?
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes i like to monkey around
  MountainMoonChild : gets in the way of meditation
  MountainMoonChild : or in Blue's case helps
  myckkia : lol
  Ghostmist6 gets out shiny new gold frying pan to whap Blue with.
  MountainMoonChild : but to concentrate on each breath
  MountainMoonChild : feeling the air going in and out
  MountainMoonChild : O2 coursing through the body
  MountainMoonChild : stops the monkey mind
  MountainMoonChild : if that doesn't work, try this
  MountainMoonChild : on the first breath in and out, count 1
  MountainMoonChild : on the second inhale 1 2 exhale 1 2
  MountainMoonChild : on the third inhale 1 2 3 exhale 1 2 3
  MountainMoonChild : okay, got it?
  MountainMoonChild : try it
  MountainMoonChild : 1
  MountainMoonChild : 1
  MountainMoonChild : 12
  MountainMoonChild : 1 2
  MountainMoonChild : 1 2 3
  MountainMoonChild : 1 2 3
  MountainMoonChild : 1 2 3 4
  MountainMoonChild : 1 2 3 4
  MountainMoonChild : go on by yourself
  BlueEgyptainWind : i feel calm now
  Ghostmist6 : me as well
  myckkia : yes
  MountainMoonChild : stop the monkey mind?
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  MountainMoonChild : okay, one quick little fun exercise and then we go for tonight
  myckkia : yes
  MountainMoonChild : is there someone you are having a disagreement with?
  Ghostmist6 : rofl
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes
  Ghostmist6 : sorry
  myckkia : lol
  myckkia :
  MountainMoonChild : I want you to picture them sitting in a chair facing you
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes
  MountainMoonChild : and you are having a convo
  MountainMoonChild : why do you feel this way?
  MountainMoonChild : why can't you see things as I see them?
  BlueEgyptainWind : cuz they wouldn't lisson
  MountainMoonChild : they have to listen, this is your meditation
  MountainMoonChild : tell them shut up and listen
  MountainMoonChild : but you have to listen to them also
  MountainMoonChild : getting any surprises?
  MountainMoonChild : just continue the convo
  MountainMoonChild : till you reach agreement
  MountainMoonChild : then hug or shake hands
  MountainMoonChild : and agree to remain friends
  MountainMoonChild : do this in your meditation session every time
  MountainMoonChild : you have a problem like this
  MountainMoonChild : okay, homework this week
  myckkia : so this is how we can clear the chatter out of our minds ?
  MountainMoonChild : do the breathing exercise each day
  MountainMoonChild : if it doesn't work for you
  BlueEgyptainWind : oh yes
  MountainMoonChild : I will give you another that will
  Ghostmist6 : cool
  MountainMoonChild : want it now?
  BlueEgyptainWind : great
  myckkia : yes
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes
  MountainMoonChild : okay, start counting your breaths
  MountainMoonChild : at the same time, start reciting the alphabet backwards
  MountainMoonChild : 1 z
  MountainMoonChild : 2 y
  myckkia : I have troube wiht it forwards
  MountainMoonChild : 3 x
  Ghostmist6 : lol Kia
  MountainMoonChild : 4 w
  Ghostmist6 : So basically it is refocusing the mind?
  MountainMoonChild : 5 v
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Ghost
  BlueEgyptainWind : wow - thats a good one
  myckkia : oh that's for people like john who think outa both sides of their brains at the same time ?
  MountainMoonChild : hypnosis is getting around the conscious mind to the subconscious
  Ghostmist6 : lmao
  Ghostmist6 : yes
  Ghostmist6 : You and I had a wonderful past life session once Donna!
  Ghostmist6 : I'd love to try it again sometime
  MountainMoonChild : then John has to add another parameter until he has to focus so much that all else falls away
  MountainMoonChild : yes, I would like to try that in chat sometime
  Ghostmist6 : ohhh that would be awesome!
  myckkia : oooo   great on the past life thingy
  Ghostmist6 : I'll be your guinea pig anytime
  myckkia raises hand shyly
  MountainMoonChild : I think we can, but will need people who won't get upset
  MountainMoonChild : I can do groups actually
  MountainMoonChild : I think it might work
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: sounds awasome
  MountainMoonChild : we'll pick some music, or you can
  myckkia : yes..   we may find out our personal connection s to one another
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: and that will be a good thing kia?
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: lol
  Ghostmist6 : we don't have voice in the chat room, but can do a conference for voice
  myckkia : lmbo ! freya
  MountainMoonChild : yep, it is worth a try
  Ghostmist6 : in yahoo messenger
  Ghostmist6 : yes it is MMC
  Ghostmist6 : It was awesome
8ƒîRʃl? has joined the conversation.
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Ghost and i worked with MSmessenger
  Ghostmist6 : wb firefly
  myckkia : wb freya
  Ghostmist6 : yes we did MMC
  MountainMoonChild : warning
 ƒîRʃl? : ty ty ty ty
 ƒîRʃl? kciks her cable company
  MountainMoonChild : you do not get very high and mighty lives
  MountainMoonChild : the vast majority of us were just folks
  myckkia : fire..  we will post the class  ok ?
  BlueEgyptainWind : farmers
 ƒîRʃl? : ok
  MountainMoonChild : but each life is meaningful
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Blue mostly farmers
  BlueEgyptainWind : Farmer Freya
  MountainMoonChild : Farmer Freya might have been a man
  BlueEgyptainWind : eeeeks
  MountainMoonChild : I never did tell  you homework
  myckkia was regressed once and was a man
  BlueEgyptainWind : eeeks
  MountainMoonChild : practice your breathing, and try the convo with someone a few times
  Ghostmist6 : who knows Blue, you might have been a woman once. rofl
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: i was
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: i was a man ...
  BlueEgyptainWind : no have always been a man
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: pensyvannia, amish
  myckkia : seee  john it happens
  Ghostmist6 : rofl
  MountainMoonChild : poor Blue
  myckkia medieval farm boy
  MountainMoonChild : so gender challenged thru all his lives
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: i was female i medieval times
  Ghostmist6 : lol
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: just another wench i guess
  MountainMoonChild : so deprived
  Ghostmist6 : Yes
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: and still hasn't gotten the msg
  MountainMoonChild : of the pleasurs of being female
  Ghostmist6 : being a woman is awesome
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: poor soul
  BlueEgyptainWind : have been back about a doz times - and they've all been male
  myckkia : just a dozen, blue ?
  BlueEgyptainWind : yeah
  Ghostmist6 : maybe your blocking your life as a woman
  MountainMoonChild : Hi Fire, never got to say hello
  BlueEgyptainWind : some are not pretty
  myckkia : yes, ghost, that must be it
  Ghostmist6 : lol
 ƒîRʃl? : hey mmc
  MountainMoonChild : did you say you would post this class, Kia
  myckkia : yes..  mmmc..  I will
 ƒîRʃl? : I wanted to be here, then my cable moofed me out
  myckkia : there is a lot of info in the feed back as well
  MountainMoonChild : good, then if any missed, they can catch up
  MountainMoonChild : yes there is
  MountainMoonChild : that is why I didn't want to post just my outline
  myckkia : we could post your notes...  ???  but is that enough ?
  MountainMoonChild : I would post the entire chat
  myckkia : ok hon...  will do
  MountainMoonChild : I used to do that at that other place that shall remain nameless
 ƒîRʃl? : hey if I have a question can I come to you sometime mmc
  myckkia : that's anice name for it. 
  MountainMoonChild : anytime darlin
 ƒîRʃl? : kk wanted to check
  MountainMoonChild : read the chat and let me know if you have questions
  Ghostmist6 has a ton of questions as usual
 ƒîRʃl? : it was about meditation in general right
 ƒîRʃl? : I had one I wanted to ask during the class
  MountainMoonChild : pretty much Fire, we defined terms and introduced our reasons for this class
  MountainMoonChild : ask now
8Theoriginalsirius3 has joined the conversation.
 ƒîRʃl? : wb theo
  Ghostmist6 : wb Sirius
  MountainMoonChild : hi sirius
 Theoriginalsirius3 : ty
 ƒîRʃl? : well when I first attempted meditating, everyone said it was great and ect. well no one warned me of anything but peaceful loving feelings
  MountainMoonChild : I want you all to feel free to ask questions or add information
 ƒîRʃl? : is it common or normal to feel like you are floating  and that you are jsut about detached
  MountainMoonChild : it would be normal
  MountainMoonChild : when you meditate properly you often lose attention to your body
  MountainMoonChild : that can give you the sensation of floating
 ƒîRʃl? : and thats why I stopped mediating that day, no one warned the newbie bout it and it scared the tar outta me
  MountainMoonChild : awwww
  MountainMoonChild : someone should have told you that things of the spirit cannot hurt you
  MountainMoonChild : spirit is love
  MountainMoonChild : let  yourself float just like you do at night when you almost drop off to sleep
 ƒîRʃl? : when I first started opening, no one really went into detail with me about anything, was bascially told me how to do it and said see ya
  Ghostmist6 : oh wow Fire
  Ghostmist6 : that is too bad
 ƒîRʃl? : what I know now, I've learned on my own
  MountainMoonChild : are you okay about it now
 ƒîRʃl? : but still can't shake that fear
  MountainMoonChild : well, you will never go over the edge dear
  MountainMoonChild : you are always in control
  Ghostmist6 : and all of us will be here to help you if we can Fire
  MountainMoonChild : even in hypnosis, you stay in control
 ƒîRʃl? : like when ppl talk about astro, they say you can get lost and not return
  MountainMoonChild : they are wrong
  MountainMoonChild : there are always people who will try to scare you
  BlueEgyptainWind : you always return
  MountainMoonChild : that makes them feel superior
  Ghostmist6 : yes Blue
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Blue
 ƒîRʃl? : which all of the things I've been told is probably why I won't open fully
  Ghostmist6 : then I would suggest starting with baby steps
  Ghostmist6 : until you get comfortable
  MountainMoonChild : well, stay with us each week, and you will hun
 ƒîRʃl? : I'll try
  MountainMoonChild : we will progress in baby steps
  Ghostmist6 : then move forward at your own comfort rate
  MountainMoonChild : just breath and watch your breath this week
  Ghostmist6 : and MMC is an awesome teacher
  Ghostmist6 : and would never do anything to put anyone in danger Fire
  MountainMoonChild : be in the NOW, noticing all around you, and you won't go anywhere
8?????m??? has joined the conversation.
  Ghostmist6 : Hi Nightmare
  MountainMoonChild : that is next week's lesson
  MountainMoonChild : hello Nighty
  Ghostmist6 : what an awesome lesson MMC. Thank you
 ?????m??? : hello
 ƒîRʃl? : yea when I did it, I could still hear the scanner and the dogs even when I went deep
 ?????m??? :
  MountainMoonChild : if you hear the dogs you didn't really go anywhere
 ?????m??? : did I miss somfin?
  MountainMoonChild : who let the dogs out?
 ƒîRʃl? : felt like it
  Ghostmist6 : an awesome meditation class Nighty
 ƒîRʃl? : not me but I need to but I dont' wanna (a0
 ƒîRʃl? :
8halfpint56 has joined the conversation.
  Ghostmist6 : Hi Halfpint
8Theoriginalsirius3 is away.
  MountainMoonChild : just tell those dogs to keep you earth bound, Fire
  MountainMoonChild : they will

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