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Meditation Class : 3-23-06
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 3/31/2006 11:55 PM
 MountainMoonChild : okay, I think we can begin our class
   myckkia : ok mmc
The chat's topic has changed to: Meditation
   MountainMoonChild : last week we just went over definitions
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: aha we did
   MountainMoonChild : and we still will stay basic this week
   MountainMoonChild : we will advance in time, but we have plenty of time
   MountainMoonChild : we are working to be ready to fire the grid next year
   MountainMoonChild : so we will learn and practice and get ready
   MountainMoonChild : THE SOWER BHARADVAJA, a wealthy Brahman farmer, was celebrating his harvest-thanksgiving when the Blessed One came with his alms-bowl, begging for food. Some of the people paid him reverence, but the Brahman was angry and said: "O samana, it would be more
   MountainMoonChild : oops
   MountainMoonChild : For all of you who think they cannot learn how to meditate, I will teach you how to do it....and without contorting your body into lotus positions...or chanting!
   MountainMoonChild : I was posting and didn't clear my clipboard
   myckkia : 
   MountainMoonChild : lol
   MountainMoonChild : Meditation utilizes a natural "state of mind" that your brain produces. When a person is in a meditative state, the brain is predominately producing alpha <> brainwaves.
   ƒîRʃl? : can I ask a dumb question, that I probably should already know the answer to if hubby had left me alone 
   MountainMoonChild : you don't need the link
   MountainMoonChild : yes you can
   ƒîRʃl? : what are ya'll talking about when you talk about the fire grid
   MountainMoonChild : please ask questions whenever
   MountainMoonChild : good, thanks Fire
   MountainMoonChild : there is an energy grid that seems to surround the earth
   myckkia : the ley lines
   MountainMoonChild : we and other light workers want to add all our light and energies to it at one time
   BlueEgyptainWind : yes
   MountainMoonChild : hoping to restore and heal the earth
   MountainMoonChild : with over a year to go, there should be many people when the time comes
   ƒîRʃl? : ok
   MountainMoonChild : any other questions
   ƒîRʃl? : no not yet 
   MountainMoonChild : and I will see if I can get this cut and paste down better
   MountainMoonChild : to meditate, we need an alpha state of mind
   MountainMoonChild : in hypnosis and meditation, we bypass the active monkey mind in various ways to get to those slower brain wave states
8§«M???????????????»§ has returned.
   BlueEgyptainWind : wb
   Ghostmist6 : wb
   MountainMoonChild : like alpha, beta, etc. even deeper
   MountainMoonChild : we only need alpha
 §«M???????????????»§ tytytytyty
   MountainMoonChild : Meditation utilizes a natural "state of mind" that your brain produces. When a person is in a meditative state, the brain is predominately producing alpha <> brainwaves.
   MountainMoonChild : there is that silly link again
   BlueEgyptainWind : whats it to
   MountainMoonChild : you produce alpha naturally
   MountainMoonChild : probably the site I was researching
   MountainMoonChild : no, I think the link describes alpha brain waves
   MountainMoonChild : I can help you with that right now, though
   MountainMoonChild : you daydream?
   MountainMoonChild : you watch TV?
   MountainMoonChild : both of these are often done in alpha
   MountainMoonChild : watching a movie and being oblivious to all else is alpha
   MountainMoonChild : daydreaming is alpha
   MountainMoonChild : it is that dreamy sort of feeliing
   MountainMoonChild : actually your waking self is the dream, and the alpha is more real
   MountainMoonChild : anyone remember that feeling?
   ƒîRʃl? : yea
   MountainMoonChild : so what I will be doing over the next few weeks is showing you many of the various ways to get to alpha
   MountainMoonChild : then you can choose the ones that work best for you
   BlueEgyptainWind : great
 §«M???????????????»§ : dont dream or day dream 
   myckkia : wonderful
   MountainMoonChild : try each of the methods through the week
   myckkia : aawww  mystic
   MountainMoonChild : and when the next class comes, we will discuss how it worked
8Êmeräld£io?e?? has joined the conversation.
   MountainMoonChild : you probably don't remember your dreams, Mystic
   MountainMoonChild : Em, good to see you
   myckkia : emerald..  welcome
   BlueEgyptainWind : hi em
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : Hi mmc  ty    Love
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : heyyyyyyyyyy em how ya doing "D
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : hiya kia.. ty
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : 
   MountainMoonChild : I will use some of the methods of hypnosis, and Em is as familiar as I with these
   ƒîRʃl? pokes emmy 
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : hey blue ...
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : did ya miss me 
 Êmeräld£io?e?? pokes fir4efly
   MountainMoonChild : you can hypnotize yourself to get to alpha
   BlueEgyptainWind : ladies - a class is going on
   MountainMoonChild : so, the first one I want to teach you is Fractional Relaxation
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : hey bella.... am doing  good ..tired but good
   BlueEgyptainWind : **********************
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : listens to mmc ... and yes  it is  alot like it
   MountainMoonChild : it is one of the most effective ways of attaining an alpha state
   MountainMoonChild : sit comfortably
   MountainMoonChild : this exercise is best laying down, but works as well sitting
   MountainMoonChild : first wiggle your toes, and let them relax
   MountainMoonChild : let them go loose like rubber bands
   MountainMoonChild : looser and looser
   MountainMoonChild : more and more relaxed
   MountainMoonChild : now let the rest of your foot relax
   MountainMoonChild : let is go
   MountainMoonChild : let the tension go
   MountainMoonChild : loosen those muscles until they are like wet noodles
   MountainMoonChild : your feet now sit heavily on the floor
   MountainMoonChild : and your lower legs also now begin to relax
   MountainMoonChild : let them go loose
   MountainMoonChild : looser and looser
   MountainMoonChild : more and more relaxed
   MountainMoonChild : as you relax your body let the stress and worry of the dayt fall away
   MountainMoonChild : now relax your upper legs,
   MountainMoonChild : tighten the muscles, and then let go
   MountainMoonChild : let go all the tension
   MountainMoonChild : let go all the tightness
   MountainMoonChild : looser and looser
   MountainMoonChild : more and more relaxed
   MountainMoonChild : now, your hands
   MountainMoonChild : wiggle your fingers
   MountainMoonChild : let all tension leave your wrists and hands
   MountainMoonChild : now you begin to notice that the sounds around you
   MountainMoonChild : just cause you to relax more
   MountainMoonChild : all those little interruptions just cause you to let go
   MountainMoonChild : relax your arms in the same way
   MountainMoonChild : let they go muscle by muscle
   MountainMoonChild : relax more and more
   MountainMoonChild : forget the troubles of the day
   MountainMoonChild : and now relax your torso
   MountainMoonChild : abdomen, back, hips
   MountainMoonChild : by now you are a soggy heap in your chair
   MountainMoonChild : you feel your body pressing heavily into the chair
   MountainMoonChild : you are more and more relaxed
   MountainMoonChild : looser and looser
   MountainMoonChild : relax the muscles of your face
   MountainMoonChild : scrunch them up and let them go
   MountainMoonChild : relax the muscles of your neck
   MountainMoonChild : move your head around and loosen them
   MountainMoonChild : now just begin to feel waves of relaxation
   MountainMoonChild : starting at your feet up your body and over your head
   MountainMoonChild : another wave
   MountainMoonChild : up your body
   MountainMoonChild : over your head
   MountainMoonChild : another wave
   MountainMoonChild : and repeat after me:
   MountainMoonChild : Just aloud to yourself, don't type
   MountainMoonChild : Everyday in every way
   MountainMoonChild : I am getting better and better
   MountainMoonChild : everyday in everyway I am happier and happier
   MountainMoonChild : everyday in everyway, I am calmer and calmer
   MountainMoonChild : Everyday I get thinner
   MountainMoonChild : Everyday I smoke lesss
   MountainMoonChild : Everyday I eat healthy foods
   MountainMoonChild : okay, relax now
   MountainMoonChild : well, I mean unrelax now
   MountainMoonChild : we can chat for a couple minutes before we go on
   MountainMoonChild : how do you feel?
   †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: relaxed.
   Ghostmist6 : good MMC
   myckkia : great
   MountainMoonChild : good, I thought you all went to sleep
   BlueEgyptainWind : good
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : i feel empty
   MountainMoonChild : everyone just type a k so I know you didn't fall off your chair
   Lady«ßèÏÏå» : k
 §«M???????????????»§ : relaxed ty mmc.. will cut and paste and read it again tomorrow when La Matho is at school
 §«M???????????????»§ : k
   MountainMoonChild : yes, try this one as you go to sleep at night
   BlueEgyptainWind : k
   MountainMoonChild : the affirmations at the end are for you to write for yourself
   myckkia : ok  good idea
 §«M???????????????»§ :   and in the day..
 §«M???????????????»§ : I gone back to what I was like before i was diagnoised
   MountainMoonChild : yes, if you do this as you fall asleep, and ask for guidance, you should have an answer in the morning
   MountainMoonChild : okay
   myckkia : yes mmc wonderful
   MountainMoonChild : questions?
   MountainMoonChild : got a quick one that is more fun
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : smiles
  MountainMoonChild : everyone go get a glass of water
  MountainMoonChild : small glass
  myckkia : ok
  BlueEgyptainWind : ok
  MountainMoonChild : tell me when you are back
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : k
  MountainMoonChild : everybody got water?
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : back
  myckkia : y
  BlueEgyptainWind : yes got water
  †•·÷F®€¥Å÷·•�?: yep
  MountainMoonChild : okay, now  you got a problem that has been worrying you today
  Ghostmist6 : back
  MountainMoonChild : something makes you mad?
  BlueEgyptainWind : lol - lots
  MountainMoonChild : something negative
  MountainMoonChild : project it all into the water
  MountainMoonChild : all the worries, one by one
  MountainMoonChild : all the anger, think about what makes you angry
  MountainMoonChild : all your fears
  MountainMoonChild : stare at the water and project them all into the water
8ƒîRʃl? has left the conversation.
  MountainMoonChild : now drink the water
  myckkia : did fire spill her water ?
  MountainMoonChild : and go to the bathroom and piss those troubles right down the toilet
  myckkia : drink the water ?
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : she had to go .. says night all
  myckkia : LMBO !   love it.. love it   l..  loveit
  MountainMoonChild : yep drink the nasty old warer and go piss it away
  MountainMoonChild : go do it, I'll wait
  MountainMoonChild : you can't leave it there inside you
  myckkia : ooo  you are so so right MMC
  myckkia : thank you for this
  myckkia : I will try this on my kids
  MountainMoonChild : oh, kids take to that one beautifully
  MountainMoonChild : they love it, and it makes them smile
  myckkia : yes..  but how do you get kids to drink water ?
  MountainMoonChild : tell them it is a game
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : nasty ole water at taht
  MountainMoonChild : tell them it is magic to help them feel better
  myckkia : lol
  MountainMoonChild : it is true
  myckkia : aawwww  yes.. that will do it.. but they way my Iced Tea is magic ???
 §«M???????????????»§ : ok I c&p all that
  myckkia : say*
  MountainMoonChild : yes, Iced tea also works
 §«M???????????????»§ : ok guess where I going
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : yep
  MountainMoonChild : beer works very well, but it loses its fizz
  myckkia : LMBO !  mystic  too funy
  myckkia : lol mmc
 §«M???????????????»§ :  kia
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : dont make beer nasty ok ?
  MountainMoonChild : can't make it much nastier than it is
  myckkia : ok.... but it is.. wine better for me
 §«M???????????????»§ :  it was a innocent statement/question
  myckkia :   mystic
8myckkia has made §«M???????????????»§ a Host.
  §«M???????????????»§ : I think time I went beddy byes 
  MountainMoonChild : okay, let me call you back to order
  MountainMoonChild : for closing
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : mmc...  come back sat .. or fri evening and will make you another  margarita.. the ones Im famous for
  myckkia : ok
  MountainMoonChild : **************
  §«M???????????????»§ :  u not finished  i closed my word doc down
  MountainMoonChild : sorry, you won't need this one
  MountainMoonChild : I want us to finish each med night by practice firing of the grid
  §«M???????????????»§ :  i just opened it up again
  MountainMoonChild : so just relax again
  MountainMoonChild : concentrate on your breathing
  MountainMoonChild : Visualize rays of golden white light energy  radiating from your physical body
  MountainMoonChild : Take this light and send it out into the grids. . .
  MountainMoonChild : Follow it as it goes outward. . . upwards. . . until you reach the light energies of the grids
  MountainMoonChild : Flow through the grids becoming one with their energies
  MountainMoonChild : Sense what they are telling you as you  begin your journey into conscious awareness.
  MountainMoonChild : That is the method we will use to Fire the Grid
  MountainMoonChild : we will practice it and improve on it
  MountainMoonChild : thank you all for your attention tonight
  myckkia : oh thank you mmc
  MountainMoonChild : practice that fractional relaxation
  BlueEgyptainWind : great class MMC
  myckkia : this is terrific information
  Ghostmist6 : awesome class MMC
  MountainMoonChild : and next week we will talk about how it works or not
  §«M???????????????»§ : ty mmc .. can i go beddy byes now
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : ty
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : night celtic  hug
  Ghostmist6 : Night Mystic. Blessings
  MountainMoonChild : nite Mystic
8?????m??? has joined the conversation.
  MountainMoonChild : sleep well
  Ghostmist6 : Hi Nighty
  MountainMoonChild : hello Nighty
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : hey nighty
 ?????m??? : hello
  myckkia : nighty...
  myckkia : welcom
  §«M???????????????»§ : now u gotta go for walkies tomorrow  coz i sleeping
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : fire wanted me to tell you all .. she had to go ..   for the night
  MountainMoonChild : yep, you are right
  Ghostmist6 : okay ty Em
  MountainMoonChild : you are ahead of me how
  myckkia : aa nite nite fire
  MountainMoonChild : now
  §«M???????????????»§ : nights all
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : your welcome ghost...
8§«M???????????????»§ has left the conversation.
  myckkia : nite mystic
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : she twisted my arm
 Êmeräld£io?e?? : so I said Id say it
  Ghostmist6 : lol
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : hello nighty
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : great class  thanks
  MountainMoonChild : thanks Bella
  Lady«ßèÏÏå» : yw
8Lady«ßèÏÏå» is away.
 ?????m??? : hi bella
 ?????m??? : what class?
 ?????m??? : I miss everything
  myckkia : sorry nighty  it will posted
8?????m??? has left the conversation.
  myckkia : watch for it in the MEDITATION board

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