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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 5/1/2006 6:43 AM
<NOBR>MSN NicknameEerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 10/25/2005 11:48 AM

Oversoul Families
June 11, 2004

Just as God-Mind is infinite, there are an infinite number of Oversouls. All Oversouls exist for the purpose of God-Mind exploring Itself. As part of the exploration process, some Oversouls choose to outpicture a part of themselves into this physical reality.

Because each Oversoul in existence represents a different aspect of God-Mind, each one outpictures something different. No two Oversouls outpicture the same thing. For example, one Oversoul outpictures the Plant Kingdom, one outpictures the Mineral Kingdom, one outpictures the Animal Kingdom, etc. Descending out of these Oversouls in hierarchal form, are more Oversouls for specific species.

The Animal Kingdom Oversoul, for example, outpictures every variety of animal that can possibly exist within this reality. Each animal is innately connected to its own species Oversoul. Each animal has perfect Oversoul communication. Each one knows by knowing exactly what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. Because it would be foolish for a flock of birds to try to function like a colony of ants, or a herd of elephants, each communicates primarily with its own appropriate Oversoul.

Each animal species is one Oversoul Family because each member began their Original Descent out of God-Mind together. Robins, for example, all belong to the same Oversoul Family. After their descent from God-Mind, they descended through the Animal Kingdom Oversoul, then through the Bird Oversoul, and finally through the Robin Oversoul into this reality. Each robin has a place within its Oversoul Family that is outpictured here in this reality. Each one plays a different part but is equally important to the whole. No one robin is more or less important than another. The robins have a 100% robin body whose genetics support the robin frequency, thus facilitating ease of Oversoul communication.

If a robin breeds with a seagull, there would be two frequencies functioning in one physical body. If the robin/seagull then breeds with a pheasant, three frequencies would exist within one physical body. If this continues, finding a 100% robin body in which to incarnate would be almost impossible. The robins would have to incarnate in bodies of mixed frequencies.

A body of mixed frequencies creates confusion for the robin. Now, it cannot communicate as easily with its Oversoul of origin, as it is also connected to other Oversoul frequencies as well. The other genetics block the robin’s easy access. Without awareness, the robin may not know if it is a robin, seagull, or pheasant. To connect with the robin Oversoul, it must surpass the seagull and pheasant frequencies, as well as any additional ones. Now, it does not “know by knowing�?exactly what to do, when to do it, where to do it, and how to accomplish it because it is no longer in perfect alignment with its Oversoul, or the hierarchy from which it originally descended out of God-Mind.

On the other hand, the robin now has easier access to the Seagull and Pheasant frequencies through the body’s genetics. But ultimately, for the robin to be in total harmony with its original Oversoul Family, it needs to be in a body created from 100% robin genetics. This is the purest outpicturing of its Oversoul Family.

All humans have similar descents out of God-Mind. On your descent, you are a part of a specific energy stream that eventually chooses to outpicture itself in this reality. The soul-personalities who are a part of this energy stream are your Original Oversoul Family. Within your Oversoul Family, you all existed in perfect harmony in a state of perfect communication, not only with your Oversoul, but also with each other. Each member of the group has a function like no other, but each one is equally important to the whole.

Because of genetic manipulation, you have lost touch with the others that originated through your Oversoul lineage. Like the robin, a mixed genetic heritage is a deterrent to perfect alignment and communication with your own Oversoul.

When the human race was created of mixed alien genetics, this ensured that people could not operate and function in perfect harmony with their Oversoul or with each other. And, with a Reptilian brain stem, humans as they currently exist, will always have at least two genetic frequencies. Simply put, genetic engineering has taken place so that soul-personalities have no choice but to wear clothes (bodies) that do not match.

In addition to the original mixing of genetics, humans breed without thought of genetic lineage. As frequencies are continually mixed, it is no wonder that it is increasingly difficult for people to feel connected to their source. They are searching their genetic frequencies for the one that will match their point of origin. This is one of the reasons why Oversoul Families have difficulty finding and recognizing each other.

If people were procreating according to the best frequency match, it would be easier for every generation to naturally improve and adapt. However, most procreation is left to “chance and circumstance�?so that the highest receptacles are not manufactured. Incoming soul-personalities must try to match to the “least uncomfortable clothing.�?Once in the body, they are trapped by the genetics. Each soul-personality must first overcome the genetics before it is possible to even begin discovering their own frequency, much less that of their Oversoul and Oversoul Family.

The powers-that-be match specifically programmed people with other specifically programmed people in a gigantic genetic experiment, knowing that specific body genetics will attract specific soul-personalities, creating genetic prisons. This is another way that humans are easily led away from their original frequencies. The powers-that-be play with souls and soul-energy of humans just as scientists play with the genetics of the plant and animal kingdoms. Even though people are told that science is breeding plants and animals to upgrade them, they do so without consulting the involved Oversouls. They mix and match genetics, and thus, frequencies.

The more closely that the people can stay connected to their Oversoul and Oversoul Family, the easier it is for them to know by knowing what to do, how to do it, and where to do it, as evidenced by the unexploited Oversoul Families of Nature.

So, what can you do? Whatever your genetics, you can utilize the ones which do not contain your original frequency to your advantage. Then, with the power of your mind, call forth your Original Oversoul Family.

As the members of your Original Oversoul Family gather, everyone resonates in the Original Frequency, and thus the Original Mind-Pattern. Physically being together further reinforces and strengthens the Original Mind-Pattern, bringing everyone closer to perfect communication with their source and with each other. Everyone is part of the whole. Everyone plays a different role, Everyone is equally important.


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 Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGhostmist6Sent: 5/6/2006 1:20 PM

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From: MSN Nicknamewomanlikehalo0Sent: 5/9/2006 7:01 AM

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From: MSN NicknameBlueEgyptainWindSent: 5/11/2006 11:57 PM

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