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Past Lives : Black Holes and Reincarnation
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From: MSN Nicknamemyckkia  (Original Message)Sent: 8/3/2006 12:25 AM
<NOBR>Eerie7</NOBR>  (Original Message) Sent: 9/19/2005 4:38 PM

Black Holes and Reincarnation

The great advantage of contacting your inner self through meditation is that you gain access to information which would be totally impossible to acquire through your conscious mind or outer self.

Your outer self is focused upon your five physical senses, which provide information from your third-density physical environment. Your inner self, however, resides in the expanded reality of fifth density. When you contact your inner self you have access to all of the wisdom, not only from your physical incarnations, but also from your in-between lives in the spirit and mental realms of fourth and fifth density.

Space Exploration the Easy Way

After Victorian-era scientist Michael Faraday passed away in 1867, he went on to learn how to channel information through a physical human. It was through this physical channel that he reported his findings from research expeditions to other planets! Imagine, a Victorian-era scientist in his spirit body, a century before the start of the space race, visiting other planets to compare them to life on Earth.

In the afterlife, people inhabit spirit (astral) bodies. Astral projection means just that, projection of your astral body to a new location. In your spirit body, which you inhabit every night while you sleep, you can project to any location on the Earth in less than a second. Projections to other planets take a little more planning. There is a limit to how far most people can project into deep space to other solar systems, so a good interplanetary tour guide will plan a series of “skips�?for their tour group to pause and then re-project along the route to their destination.

Time Exploration, Too

In your fifth-density, inner self (soul) consciousness, you have even more freedom than your fourth-density, astral consciousness. In fifth density, you can shift through time just as easily as shifting your location. It is in fifth density that you plan each new physical incarnation. Your next life will not necessarily be one that comes historically after your current one. Your next life in your sequence of incarnations could be in what we call the past, or the future. For example, Michael Newton, author of the book Journey of Souls, once reported a case where one of his research subjects liked reading about the history of the founding fathers of the United States of America. He was deeply interested in the subject because he was preparing to become one of the founding fathers - a step backwards in history - in his next life, and wanted to be sure that he would do a good job!

In deep meditation, you have access to all the information that your inner self possesses, and also any that it can access for you upon request. For example, take a subject like black holes in space �?a subject about which we know very little. We certainly don’t have the capability, or intention, of flying into a black hole just to find out what lies beyond.

A Mystic Scan of the Universe

However, in a deep mystic state, we can study black holes and perceive them as part of the design of the Creator’s universe. Here’s how black holes look from the mystic state:

The universe was originally created from a central sun, which was formed by two counter-rotating energy vortices. Inside the meeting space of these vortices, a continuous implosion occurs as the counter-rotating energies, which are of opposite polarity, meet and fuse together. From this implosion, a continuous energetic explosion occurs as an automatic reaction.

It is this explosion of carefully designed energy which feeds the universe with a high form of etheric energy. Etheric energy is pre-physical and therefore invisible to the human eye. The “big bang�?in the historic center of the universe was actually a coming together of counter-rotating energies to form the central sun. Since then, energy has been rushing into the universe, causing its continuous expansion and making the formation of galaxies, suns and planets possible as the universe expanded.

Our local sun acts as a transducer, or step-down channel, for energy from the central sun of the universe via the central sun of our galaxy. It radiates etheric (life) energy, magnetic energy (the fabric of space-time) and electric (physical light) energy.

Mystics report that the Sun makes a subtle sound in the ethers as it radiates energy. This non-physical sound, they say, contains three syllables �?AUM. When people intone the sound of the Sun as a meditation mantra, they have to speak or think the syllables one by one. The Sun, however, creates the sound of all three together continuously.

The Secret of the AUM

The “A�?is the subtle sound of etheric energy, the “U�?is the sound of magnetic energy, and the “M�?is the sound of electric energy. Magnetic energy is the carrier medium for the other two energies. The Sun therefore radiates electro-magnetic energy (light) and ethero-magnetic energy (life).

Sooner or later, all of these energies degrade in potential. In a similar way, a waterfall loses its potential energy of height as it tumbles down. The universe uses energy to power the motion which makes life possible. All of that vast supply of incoming energy from the central sun of the universe works its way through the central sun of each galaxy, through the local suns, through the planets and then cascades away, spent in potential and ready to be recycled.

Recycling manifests everywhere in nature. When water, tumbling down a waterfall, loses all of its height potential, it ends up in a lake or the ocean. Then the Sun evaporates it into rain clouds, where it can start falling all over again.

The Beauty of Creation

The spent energy of the universe disappears into black holes; huge cosmic vacuum cleaners which absorb all the energy and matter which comes their way. Black holes are the "drain holes" in the universal plumbing system. Some stars and their planets choose to disappear down a universal drain hole so that they can become reborn as a supreme gift to the universe. They reincarnate as high frequency energy from the central sun, ready to shine forth and give essential power to all life in the universe.

Such is the beauty of Creation.

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