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Psychic Ability : Auric Colors
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 12:14 AM
Auric Colors
If you ever gazed upon a the reds ..blues and yellows can see that there is a FORCE much greater than OURS behind these colours..
now.....think of the is but the reflection of light....white light to be more specific.......and as this white light shines through the prism it breaks down into the colours of the a rainbow comes about after a rainstorm...where there is still enough moisture in the atmosphere that when the white light of the Sun reflects through these prisms of moisture...the light breaks down into the seven basic colours.......hence we get our rainbow...
Well the chakras and auras are but reflections of the light from the physical bodies personal rainbow..........
Mother Earth is two thirds is our bodies..and it is this moisture and the Spiritual light of Prana...that  enters our bodies through the bodies Spiritual gateways ...referred to as Chakras...and as this Prana (White Light) is absorbed through these seven breaks down..into the prisms and reflects out from the body as the Auric lights...
If one combines these seven colours together in perfect balance ..that is where it again becomes Perfect White!......that is what each of our inner-souls aspire to to return to White Light....perfect balance..
Once we have balanced these colours we begin to develop White within the auric colours...
Now having said all that...the other chakras you speak of here are the secondary gateways like back doors or sidedoors ...even windows... the colours that emerge from these openings...are combined colours of two or more of the prime example ...Red and Orange combined gives us that shade of brown can differ into many many different hues...if there is more orange than red....or if there is more red than orange could equal a messy shade of mud.....
Red and blue together can create beautiful purples and indigos...but out of balance can create black...... is these combined colours that reflect out of the secondary chakras......therefore it is wise to know the Prime colours of the Prime chakras in order to grasp an understanding of the secendary colours of the secondary chakras....... hence this is the reason the focus is on the Prime colours....sort of like learning the alphabet in order to put letters  together into words into a sentence then into paragraphs...
Now we all  know that there are thousands and thousands of words and sentences etc..etc....but all these are derived from the Simple basic alphabet of only twenty-six little letters....
I DO 'see' aura colours....and believe me when I say ...there are thousands ..possibly billions different shades and hues of each basic example.......Each and every one of us have blues and greens in our aura lights.....but...and a big BUT here........the shades and hues of the blues and greens....can be as many as the stars in the heavens......
And to try to answer your basic question here....
which is..
"Who decided which were the ‘important�?ones that we need to concentrate on?
Well Dear Soul......if you can answer my question...
then you will have the answer to yours..
which is.....
"Who created the Rainbow?"

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From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:05 PM