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Psychic Ability : Aura Templates
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 Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 12:25 AM

Aura Templates


The ketheric template aura extends about thirty six to forty eight inches from the physical body and appears as an extremley bright golden light that is rapidly pulsating.

This aura takes on the form of a golden egg that surrounds and protects everything within it.


The mental aura extends about four to eight inches from the physical body and is usually a bright shade of yellow in colour.

Within this aura are our thoughts and mental processes.

The more active our thinking processes the brighter our mental aura becomes.

Within this aura can be found thought forms


The etheric template aura extends about twelve to twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a blue print form.

There is an empty groove in the etheric aura aura into which the etheric aura fits. The etheric template aura holds the etheric aura in place. It is the template for the etheric dimension.


The etheric aura extends about two inches out from the physical body and is usually a shade of blue in colour.

The shade of the blue relates to the physical condition and health of the physical body.

Athletes have strong etheric aura's of a deeper blue in shade.

In the etheric aura you feel all the sensations, both pain and pleasure.

Whenever their is pain the flow of energy in that area of the etheric is eratic


The emotional aura extends about two to four inches from the physical body and appears as rainbow coloured clouds.

This aura is associated with feelings.

Positive feelings generally create bright colours, where as negative feelings generally create dark colours.

Problems in this aura will eventually lead to problems in the first and third aura's


The celestial aura extends about twenty four inches from the physical body and appears as a brightr shimmering light of pastel colours.

This is the level of feelings within the world of our spirit.

Here we communicate with all the beings of the spiritual world


The astral aura extends about eight to twelve inches from the physical body and appears as brightly coloured rainbow clouds.

The astral aura is the bridge between the physical world and the spiritual world

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:03 PM