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Psychic Ability : Cleaning Your Aura
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 12:32 AM
"Etheric shower" - Cleaning the aura

Usually, empathic people pick up energy debris from outside their energy field. Every time one interacts with another, there is an exchange of energy, which could be beneficial or not. That's why it's important to clean your aura on a regular basis.

"Etheric shower" is one of few methods to sweep the aura clean, purifying the mind.

You can do it in a seated position or standing but make sure your are grounded (feet make contact with the floor).

Closing your eyes, imagine a large colorful whirlwind spinning in a clockwise motion coming from above (Universe), encircling your entire body and aura.

Choose a color for this whirlwind. I personally prefer purple, violet, blue, green or rainbow colors (mostly upper chakra colors).

Take your time and visualize this whirlwind going slowly and steadily downwards. sweeping and cleaning the entire aura and body, getting rid of energy debris.

Watch this energy whirlwind exit through your feet, going deep inside the earth. The mother earth knows what to do with these energies. It balances and transforms them into higher energies.

This simple exercise can be done whenever you feel drained, after entering in contact with people who are low in energy and consciously or unconsciously absorb the energy from your charged aura.

Taking a shower or a bath is not only about cleaning your physical body, see it as an aura cleanse also.

Nature heals. It can also help you clean the aura. Sit next to or under a tree, hug the tree, they are natural energy cleansers. Sunlight and fresh air strengthen the aura. Spending time in nature helps balancing and healing. 

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:00 PM