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Cockatoos : Another Sweet Story
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Recommend  Message 1 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePeggy19401  (Original Message)Sent: 2/6/2005 5:46 PM
BLI members have heard this one.

Last spring I brought home a beautiful Utoo named Sugar. The first 2wks were great, then one morning when I uncovered her, she fell to the bottom of the cage, screaming like she had never seem me before. At first I thought it was just a little setback, but it didn't get any better. Just giving her food and water and cleaning the cage was a nightmare. She wasn't mean, she was scared. I just couldn't figure out what I had done, though she was that way with everyone. After a few months, I decided to rehome her. She was so unhappy, it broke my heart. I talked it over with friends (thanks BLI) and decided to take a different approach. I talked softly to her ALOT, and just set by the cage to read or watch TV. Over the next few months she begin to act less fearful, but she wouldn't let me touch her. When she was out on top of her cage, I would have to kind of herd her back in.

One morning I woke up to find my favorite cat had died in the night. He had never been healthy and it wasn't a surprised, but I was very upset. I cried of and on all day. After lunch some friends came over so he could bury the cat for me. We were all sitting in the den and the birds were out, Sugar on her cage. I started talking about the kitty and got sort of weepy and I looked over and Sugar was climbing off her cage. She came over to where I was sitting on the sofa and climbed up in my lap and start cuddling. I was floored. She stayed with me until it was time to go back in cage. I had not touched this bird in months. I was so afraid it was just a fluke but it wasn't. Since that day she has become a love sponge. I couldn't ask for a sweeter, more lovable, bird. As I look back I realize that while she LET me handle her when I first got her, she didn't come to me on her own. Now she does and that's a big difference. Sugar knew that I was sad and unhappy and she offered comfort in the only way she knew how. I wouldn't take ANYTHING for this bird.

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Recommend  Message 2 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameannieokie100Sent: 2/6/2005 7:49 PM
Yes, I had read your Sugar story before and this time it brought back the tears again. So glad you had the patience to wait for her.

Recommend  Message 3 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePeggy19401Sent: 2/6/2005 7:56 PM
I'm not now and have never been a patient person, Annie. I'm greatful to all my friends at BLI who had clearer heads than I did and who gave good advice. She was worth waiting for.

Recommend  Message 4 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 2/6/2005 10:36 PM
That was a sweet story Peggy and thank you for sharing. I feel such deep emotion reading about a pet when they decide to bond with it's human caretaker........ I have one I'll have to share about my darlin' General............ Too2

Recommend  Message 5 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameToolady2U2Sent: 2/8/2005 2:08 AM
General U2 when he came to live with me had been a wild caught breeder.... The seller opened up the small carrier door and General flew to a gym that I had in my bedroom and decided that would be his new home ... for almost 4 months this bird hissed and lunged at me while I tried to change water and food bowls but since I played on the bed with the other Too's he did observe the interactions between them and myself. I hadn't been aware of an eyesight problem and my presence while I entered and exited the bedroom would always get a raised crest flare up and the usual lunges.  I had tried earlier on to catch him only it caused him so much distress and flaying about I was afraid he'd get hurt and he seemed content on the gym, never venturing down to the floor.
Normally I spoke to him softly every night when I got off work and all the while trying to squeeze past the gym without loosing my head. This particular evening I spoke only to Savannah and GeorgiaC who shared my room, and we whispered our I love you's. ... when General ventured over to the branch that jutted out closest to their cage and out of the blue laid his head on my shoulder. I did become afraid as he was so close to my face and I stood motionless, more like paralyzed, all the while wondering what to do and yet enjoying his affection. I finally had the courage to raise my hand in an attempt to stroke his head and he took off, flaying about as usual, in fear of me.
I've wondered if maybe he has a good "seeing" side and possibly one where it's shadows and causes him to become alarmed..
I have no idea why he decided to be friends but he and I have had a wonderful relationship since then. It only took a few days later for him to crawl up onto the bed and lower his head for scritches.
He had no idea how to play, has never spoken, still is terrified of anyone other than myself. He does now try to sing, shows off for me and loves it when we dance together.
I had to teach him objects wouldn't hurt him, toys with noises were OK to touch and all I have to do is say "goodmorning" and the dance begins. It's wonderful to watch, crest up, wings outstretched, hops in place, taps his foot and sings with a sound that I know is meant to be in rhythm to impress me. His eyes actually light up, recognition is there when he hears my voice......Too2

Recommend  Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamePeggy19401Sent: 2/8/2005 10:42 PM
Boy! These Toos just steal your heart don't they? That was such a sweet story. When you finaly win their trust, it's such a great feeling.

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