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Coping with the Psychopath/Narcissist Child[email protected] 
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 Message 6 of 6 in Discussion 
From: XtraMSN Nicknamesparkysmoonlady  in response to Message 5Sent: 23/11/2008 9:14 p.m.
Hi there "Mom"
You have to get tough
"Tough Love" is just that  - I was in  a Tough Love Programme
It's a 12 Step Programme and its message to the kid is "We love you but we hate what you are doing so stop doing it or take the consequences"
And when they are old enough ' We love you but we hate what you are doing so if you want to do it go and do it somewhere else
In your case - you took the cell phone - and had it disconnected - good for you
And you do have to pick your battles - so what is important?
I had few rules - something like
Where what you like to bed but take you shoes off please
If you don't shower you will start to stink and no one will want to sit near you - so you shower or get lonely
He was about 11 when I said "If you don't change your T-shirt grass will grow under your arms - it worked well - it wasn't long before he came to me crying because he noticed he had under-arm hair.
And picking your battles doesn't mean you are being easy on him - you are being easy on yourself and saving yourself for the big battles
Keep in touch - all of us here have had to be into Tough Love whether we ever got into a programme or not

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