I felt like I was reading something I wrote! I have a 15 year old daughter and also an ex husband that is narcissistic. I suffered many years of abuse and then many years of counseling to get over the damage.
Lately I/we have been struggling with my daughter. It wasn't until 2 days ago that I put it together that she may be narcissistic also. I look at all the symptoms over the past year. She has every sign of NPD. It is so sad to me because I feel the same way - I don't want to hate her like I do her father and I don't want to completely distance myself from her as I have had to do with her father. See I am my daughter's number one target/victim/supply just as I was her father's. I guess it is because people with NPD seek out my type.
The ironic thing about all of this is she HATES her father. He can also be so cruel to her. I beleive it is because you can't have to NPD's together....it is too much competition. He has emotionally scarred her just as he has done to me. When I finally got strong enough to put him out of my life and learn to deal with as I should, he sought her as his next supply system.
I am currently on this website because I also want to find a way to help her and diagnos her. I have started by researching therapists that are trained in this area so they can possibly recomend where to get her completely tested for NPD or possible other personality disorders.
If I find something out I will keep you posted. Stay strong and always remember it isn't your fault!