Hello Vera
I could not help but reply to you. My daughter was the same as her dad too, both n/p's my mother was also one. I lived through three of these nightmares, until I discovered this site. I learned what that was all about. My d used suicide threats and once her children came also used them, saying she would kill them, her husband and then herself.
I could go on for hours, this happened over a 35yr period. It started when she was 15, this sort of thing was not heard about then.
She, minipulated, lied profusly, screamed at me, slandered me to all my family and friends, had sex with my male friends and told me about it in later years, traumatized me and her kids, and as I said I could go on for hours.
Her final betrayal was the last straw, I knew then what I was dealing with.
I am so much better now. I had to have a foot of my colon remover because of the stress of this.
I so wish I'd had this info then and saved myself the grief for all the years.
Read everything here on the left. It made all the lights go on for me, I think because I had a lot of references for many years. I realize now, I loved what I thought she was and not what she really is. It was what I wanted, a daughter who loved me in a normal way. I kept trying to help her thinking she couldn't know what she is doing or else she wouldn't do it. I was so wrong, she never loved me or anyone else, she has no feelings, no heart, empathy etc. any of the normal emotions.
You are in my heart as a soul sister. I hope I have helped you to understand, they don't and can't change. Accept that you are dealt a nasty blow. Save yourself.