 | | From: WallStreet (Original Message) | Sent: 5/5/2005 9:37 AM |
ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | You’ve waited nearly a solid year for the moment that you could once again see ICWA on Pay Per View. Well wait no longer as the ICWA Pre-Show that I am too tired to write out has just concluded and we see Michael Cole standing in an area with a lot of ICWA Merchandise around him as the camera begins fading to black. WARNING!!! | Warning: UNAUTHORIZED INTERCEPTION OR RECEIPT PROHIBITED!!! This Pay Per View event is the exclusive property of the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. Only by paying a fee to a cable operator or other entity authorized by ICWA INC is the viewer granted a limited license to view this pay per view program. This Pay Per View may not be recorded, rebroadcast, retransmitted or otherwise distributed in any manner whatsoever without the expressed written consent of ICWA INC. Federal Law provides for civil penalties and criminal penalties against any violators. Unauthorized Viewers Beware and be forewarned!! |  As the scene fades we hear the starting guitar strings of ‘Burning Bright�?by Shinedown. As the music plays we begin to see images that have lead up to the Pay Per View, as well as we hear a little bit of narration.  I feel like there is noooo need for connnnn-versaaaation Some questions are better left
 without a reason
 And I would rather reveal myself than my situation
 Now and then I consider, my hesitation The more the light shines through me
 I pretend to close my eyes The more the dark consumes me
 I pretend I'm burnnnnnnnnning, burning bright

I wonder if the things I did were just to be different
 To spare myself of the constant shame of my existence
And I would surely redeem myself in my desperation Here and now I'll express, my situation
 The more the light shines through me I pretend to close my eyes
 The more the dark consumes me I pretend I'm burning, burning bright  The more the light shines through me I pretend to close my eyes
 The more the dark consumes me I pretend I'm burning, burninggggg 
There's nothing ever wrong but nothing's ever right
Such a cruel contradiction I know I cross the lines
 its not easy to define I'm born to indecision
 There's always something new some path I'm supposed to choose With no particular rhyme or reason
 The more the light shines through me I pretend to close my eyes
 The more the dark consumes me I pretend I'm burning bright
 The more the light shines through me I pretend to close my eyes
 The more the dark consumes me I pretend I'm burning, 
I Feel Like There Is No Need For�?Conversationnn with that we go through a dark tunnel as we head toward a bright light only to come to�?/FONT> Male narrator, "Without further ado Pepsi Energy Cola in calaboration with the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance are proud to present�?ICWA Resurrection!" With that the Dementa-Tron goes black as the pyro begins to explode and we can hear ‘Burning Bright�?playing in the background. ICWA Resurrection Gund Arena, Cleveland Ohio May 1, 2005 |   | As the huge Pyrotechnics show concludes we begin sweeping the arena as Jim Ross and Paul Heyman begin speaking at the commentary table. Jim Ross, "WELCOME TO ICWA RESURRECTION!! MAY FIFTH, 2004�?THAT WAS THE LAST TIME YOU SAW THE ICWA ON PAY PER VIEW!!! BUT WE ARE BACK, OH BAH GAWD ARE WE BACK!!!" Paul Heyman, "Exactly 4 days shy of having a year’s hiatus from Pay Per View but here we are again, and we did not come back to disappoint�? JR, "We certainly DID NOT! We have got a full card of slobber knockers and barn burners that could probably be worth the price of admission on their own, but to put them all together on one card�?MAH GAWD!" Heyman, "But perhaps the single greatest bout to ever be signed�?WallStreet gets to make Taz the Entourage’s Bitch!" JR, "WallStreet one on one with Taz in the Hell in a Cell tonight, no question that’s gonna be a slobberknocker, but the match I am looking forward to most, outside of the main event, has to be James and Ryan Ross in the nWWF, CWA, Championship unification Ultimate X Match!" Heyman, "Watching Ryan Ross conclude James�?run as nWWF Champion will indeed be a sweet victory for all of us in camp WallStreet�? JR, "And you can’t forget about Missy Bytch’s title defense against Krystin Pryce in her trademark "Leather and Lace" bout." Heyman, "Sure ya can, but what you DON’T want to forget about is former ICWA Heavyweight Champion and the final NRA Legend’s champion, Jimmy Stryker making his in ring return to dominate Scott Jensen!" JR, "Jimmy Stryker making his return to the ring after nearly a year’s hiatus to take on the young up and comer Scott Jensen, who’s seemingly been a little down on his luck as of late�? With that ‘My Time Is Now�?by John Cena blast over the PA making the capacity crowd erupt as John Cena comes from behind the curtain. The crowd goes nuts as Cena makes his way to the stage, putting up the W. He finally withdraws a mic as the music dies. Cena, "Aiyo�?Hit me with dat freestyle beat Dun�? With that the beat for ‘Shorty Wanna Ride With Me�?from Young Buck blast over the PA as Cena starts making his way down the ramp, freestyling. Cena, "Aiyo……�?Uh�?Uh�?Aiyo�?BR>I came straight from the WWE I castrate a Man for screwing with Me From Ice Cube to Eazy E, Brock Lesnar to Stryker-Jimmy Don’t Nobody hold a candle to Me B! I’m Hardcore, You’re just a Fake I Rep the people, You rep what You Make And You don’t make shit cuz Listen to these people, listen to that Buzz It’s all over me, the only Wrestlin�?MC I break through your living room and start a riot You wanta step to me, Bitch don’t try it I gets cocky on the Mic, but in the back I stay Quiet You staying at Motel 6, I’m Staying inside of Missy Hyatt - The Young One Thinking you can beat Me?! You must be High Son Best get your Nike’s on and start to Run I’ll give you a 30 minute head start, just for fun Then BAM! I Catch you, and now you’re done! ICWA, There’s a new cat taking Ova The only White guy who can spit like Hova You’ll know I’m here when you walk the Parking lot and see a Rova Skills so great they’d make Ric Flair tear Frantic’s so scared, I smell the Fear So to the ICWA, Just one thing to say�?/FONT> THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!" <<<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Alexis Davis>>>>>>>> The crowd pops as at this point Cena has made it in the ring. Cena hands the mic over to Finkle as The lights flick off. "Laid to Rest" by Lamb of God blasts over the PA system over the booming yells of the fans. The camera focuses on the entrance stage as a red spotlight supports the curtains. Pyros explode at the side of the entrance stage as Frantic appears from behind the curtain, hanging his head low. Frantic has his head rise with his eyes staring down the ramp. Frantic cracks his neck and begins to walk down the ramp. The bell sounds three times as this is the opening contest, and then Finkle announces. Finkle: The following bout is scheduled for onefall! Already in the ring, he weighs in this evening at 248 pounds and comes to us from West Newburry Massachusetts, JOHN_CENNNNAAA! (Crowd pops) �?On his way to the ring, hailing from Moscow Russia, and weighing in this evening at 250 pounds�?He Is FRAAAANNNNNNNTICCCC!!" Frantic reaches the bottom of the ramp, looking at the ring now. He turns and begins to walk up the steel steps. Frantic stops at the turnbuckle and looks at the camera after it zooms in on his face, wearing his cold eyes. Frantic walks on the top of the apron and steps through the middle rope, staring blankly at the air. Frantic then steps in the middle of the ring and holds his arms in the air. The bell sounds as the two circle each other, then go for a lock up as the crowd stamp their feet and clap their hands, each rooting for their favourite superstar. Frantic gains the upper hand backing Cena into the corner, the ref is instantly over telling him to break the hold which he does, but then lands a sucker punch to Cena. Frantic backs away as Cena comes out of the corner and goes for a clothesline but Frantic ducks and as Cena bounces off the ropes Frantic lands a hard hip toss before leaning down and once again punches Cena. With him down Frantic stands and delivers a leg drop before going for the pin, the ref slides into position and counts.. 1.....2... Kick out. Frantic shakes his head and gets to his feet as Cena slowly gets up, trying to shake the cobwebs from his head. As he does Frantic goes for an attack but Cena blocks and begins punching the living daylights from Frantic, though his offence doesn't last long before Frantic has pushed him off and DDT's him to the canvas. Pulling him to his feet Frantic kicks Cena in the mid section and places his head between his legs before hoisting him up into a powerbomb position, he stalls for a few seconds before slamming John Cena into the canvas knocking the breath from him. As Cena lays on the canvas Frantic takes a breather, regaining his composure until he gets up he watches as Cena lays there breathing evenly now before slowly rolling over and getting to his feet, he looks at Frantic and shakes his head before waiting, not really wanting to make the first move, yet waiting to see what Frantic himself is about to do. The fans are on the edge of their seats, cheering loudly for Cena as they boo Frantic, Frantic looks over at the crowd and flips them off. With his attention drawn elsewhere Cena attacks sending Frantic down with a clothesline, grabbing him Cena fololows it up with a belly to belly suplex which stuns Frantic, whiles he down he continues getting offence by slamming his boot into Frantic over and over. The crowd roars with approval as the match has changed course, Cena looks down at Frantic and laughs before landing a Five Knuckle Shuffle. Cena jumps up and rallys the crowd, getting them to cheer louder as he leans down and 'pumps' his shoes, he grabs Frantic and hoists him up for an F U but Frantic is able to counter by moving out of his grasp. As Cena turns Frantic grabs him and suplexes him back down. He stands over Cena and smirks before leaning down and lightly tapping the side of Cena's face. With Cena still down Frantic grabs his legs and goes to lock in a familiar submission hold. He locks in The Fatal Four (Figure four leg lock) and pulls himself back allowing more pressure to be applied to Cena. Cena tries getting to the ropes as the pain becomes evident on his face as Frantic drags them away from the ropes. Cena tries to reverse the hold but to no avail, Frantic grins and reaches out his hand grabbing the bottom rope as he continues putting more pressure onto the hold, Cena cries out in more pain and the ref quickly looks at Frantic who drops the ropes and acts all innocent. As the ref turns once more to check on Cena Frantic once again grabs the ropes pulling hard on them, he quickly lets go as the ref once again turns his attention to Frantic, by this time Cena's hands are balled into fists so he can't tap out, but the pain is unbearable as he lays back his shoulders hitting the canvas, the ref quickly gets into position to count... 1...2.. 2 and a half.... Cena only JUST gets his shoulders up even though he is in pain, lots of pain, he again tries to get to the ropes or to reverse the hold, but again no luck. He again succumbs to the pain and leans back his shoulders once again hitting the canvas. The ref looks at him and again slides into position to count... 1..2....3!!! He motions for the bell and it sounds in the background as Frantic keeps the submission locked in and grabs the ropes adding more pressure. Finkle: Your winner via pinfall, FRANTIC! The ref yells at him telling him to break it or he will reverse his decision. Frantic quickly breaks the hold and looks down at Cena a sinister grin on his face as he slides out of the ring and gets back in before hitting Cena over and over on the knees with the chair, finally he drops it and heads backstage to a chorus of boo's while a bunch of refs run out from backstsage to help Cena to the back. <<<<<<<<<End of Alexis Writing>>>>>>> JR, "Frantic and John Cena both making their ICWA Debut�?Let me tell ya, if this is what we have to look forward to with Frantic he can go right back where he came from!" Heyman, "Come on JR, I wouldn’t put that on my worst enemy�?Well, maybe I would�?Say you don’t have any desire to head down south do ya?!" JR, "Not on your LIFE!" With that the cameras go to the back where we find Ryan Ross, hanging upside with his legs over a pull up bar as he is doing situp while hanging upside down. He seems to be struggling slightly, but considering your average man couldn’t hang still for more than a few seconds, let alone do situps at such an angle, this is impressive to say the least. JR, "Well it certainly looks like The CWA Champion is ready for his match tonight with James." Heyman, "As if there was any question�? With that the cameras go back to the ring. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | <<<<<<<<<<<Following Was Written By Y2Jesus>>>>>>>>>> JR " Well with Resurrection off and running Paul, I have to say that this night is lookin' to be full of surprises. And up next we have a match that, although it was signed just last week on Demented has the possibility of making the following month a very interesting one." Heyman, " Well what else would you expect from Wallstreet Jr, that man is a god among insects. Only a man like he would offer "The Machine" Scott Jensen a chance to book his own matches for the next months should he win the match coming up." JR" Easier said than done Paul, because Scott Jensen has one helluva hurdle to jump over here tonight. And that hurdle is none other than the freshly signed and always dangerous Jimmy Stryker!" Heyman, " Plus...in the intrest of fairness...should Stryker win it will be he who ends up booking Jensen this month. So think about it Jr...we could very well end up seeing Jensen forced into a bra and panties mud wrestling match...Oooooo or he could end up having to step inside the ring for a Last Man Standing match." JR, " Well knowing Stryker...if he's booking there's no end to the possibilities. But...again on the same token....Jensen could very well end up giving himself titles matches each so the outcome of this match not only will effect the two competitors...but will send shockwaves throughout the ICWA as well!" As the crowd is in wait, 'Downfall' by Trust Company blast over the PA as the arena goes dark and red lights begin flashing through out the arena. The crowd nearly explodes when suddenly from behind the curtain comes former PLW Heavyweight champion, Scott Jensen. The crowd erupts for their homegrown boy as he stands, staring around the arena briefly before he forcefully throws his arms into the air in a fashion similar to Stone Cold. The crowd erupts as Jensen begins power walking down the ramp. " Well...here comes Jensen Paul, and with the implications of this match and the recent losing streak he's been on...one has to wonder what's running through that young man's head." " Probably his impending demise at the hands of Jimmy Stryker." " Well that remains to be seen, but he does look mighty focused out there tonight. Plus he has the home field advantage to boot!" As Jensen gets to the bottom of the ramp he slaps a few fans hands on his way to the steal stairs. Jensen quickly climbs up the stairs and hops in the ring through the second and third ropes. " Ladies and gentleman...this contest is scheduled for one fall...the stipulation signed for the bout is as follows. Should Scott Jensen pick up the win via count out, pinfall, or submission...then he will have the opportunity to book his matches for the following month. However should he loose from count out, be pinned or made to submit than his opponent Jimmy Stryker will be booking Scott Jensen's matches for the following month. Standing in the ring...weighing in at 252 pounds...hailing from right here in Cleveland, Ohio (HUGE cheap pop) he is Scott "The Machine" JENSOOOOOOOOOON!" Jensen walks to the turnbuckle and climbs up to the second rope, raising his arms again in an Austin fashion as the crowd is going absolutely wild. Jensen holds his pose briefly before he hops down and walks over to the opposite corner of the ring and repeats this same process. Jensen then hops back down, wraps his arms around the top rope and leans back, crack/stretching his back quickly as he then stands in wait of his opponent. " That's quite a reception for the young kid...with the crowd firmly behind him...and with the home field advantage he defiantly has a chance for the upset here Paul." " Well you obviously have no idea who Jimmy Stryker is then Jr...because if he has anything to say about it...the only way Jensen is leaving tonight will be on a stretcher!" With that the arena lights go out as �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/3/581/graphics.msnw?action=get_threads&all_topics=1">Right Now�?by Korn begins blasting over the PA. The crowd begins booing as the Dementa-Tron lights up with footage of Jimmy Stryker decimating opponent after opponent�?A Dark mist comes over the stage which raises to a height that blocks off the entrance. As the music picks up we see a large, dark cloaked, man standing in the midst of the mist. " And making his way to the ring...weighing in at 290 pounds and fighting out of Las, Vegas Nevada...Jimmyyyyyyyyyyyy Stykerrrrrrrrrr!" Stryker proceeds down the ramp as JR says, "Now that is one scary man�? Heyman, "Yeah, well that "scary man" is one of the best of all time, and tonight he’s going to bring forth the end of Scott Jensen once and for all." JR, "That’s your opinion, but never the less, Jimmy Stryker has made quite the transformation here in the ICWA�? Jimmy Stryker makes his way to ringside as the crowd is booing loudly, firmly behind their hometown hero in Scott Jensen. Stryker puts his foot on the canvas and grabs the top rope, pulling himself up on the ring and stepping up and over the top rope. The lights slowly come back on as the music fades. As the bell is rung signaling the beginning of the match...both men slowly make their way towards each other. Neither one too quick about starting up...with Jensen employing a more technical based offense, and Stryker...like his namesake sticking to strikes..the mess of styles would certainly be a factor. Without any warning, Jensen tries for an amateur style shoot for a quick take down. But Stryker hops back and tries for a combination of kicks that although never were intended to hit, made it clear that should Jensen try it again he might end up taking some painful shots. Stryker smirks and tells Jensen to bring it, just daring him to try it again. Jensen teases doing another shoot...trying to psyche out Stryker...but instead holds up his hand and he eases towards his opponent. He wiggles his fingers to show they should instead start off with a test of strength. Jimmy looks out at the ground and grins before turning back and nodding his head and he locks fingers with Jensen. Jensen slowly lifts up his other hand as does Stryker...but instead pulls Jensen in driving his knee in Jensen's cut. With the air knocked out of him Jensen doubles over allowing Jimmy to nails a few more well places knees to the stomach, and then one nasty one catching Scott under the chin. Jensen's head snaps up which allows Jimmy to catch him with a swinging neck breaker, driving him back down to the mat. Stryker doesn't let up however and mounts Jensen before setting in with a flurry of lefts and rights to his face. Laughing his picks up Jensen’s head and starts talking some shit before getting off of him. As Styrker let's Scott struggle to his feet, he slaps him across the back of the head a few times to add some insult to the injury. But it proves to be an unwise move as Jensen quickly grabs his wrist and twists it around a few times before securing a hammerlock. He torques it a bit before Stryker reverses it into one of his own, before transitioning into a side headlock. Jensen struggles and is eventually able to toss Stryker into the ropes. Jensen tries for a clotheline but misses as Stryker ducks underneath. As he rebounds and comes back, Jensen drops down, Stryker hopping over him and ricocheting off the opposite set of ropes. Jensen hops back up and this time catches Jimmy coming back with a textbook high angle belly to belly suplex. Stryker flies through the air landing hard on his back, but Jensen isn't quick to let him recover. He goes for a quick cover and only gets a one as Jimmy powers out. Stryker grabs the ropes as Jensen hooks him up for his trademark trifecta of German suplexes...but Stryker valiantly latches on like a Pitbull. Eventually Jensen lets go as the ref tells him to back off and let Stryker get off the ropes. But Stryker uses the opportunity to try a cheat shot. However as he's trying for an elbow to the face, Jensen is able to duck and in transition catch Stryker in an Angle Slam dumping him over the top rope to the floor. The crowd pops big as Jensen plays to them a little bit. The ref begins his standard ten count as Jimmy begins to pull himself up to his feet. However the ten count becomes redundant as Jensen runs and bounces off the ropes before running back across the ring and leaping over the top rope in a beautiful somersault plancha, causing both men to lay wiped out on the floor. The crowd chants "Holy Shit!" as the ICWA show a replay of the move before going back to the live action. Jensen has made his way back up to his feet and is trying to pull the seemingly lifeless Jimmy Stryker up to his feet as well. Figuring he has some time to do some more damage, Jensen drags Stryker over to the Spanish announce table and goes to bounces his head off of it. But an elbow to the midsection changes that plan and it's Jensen who gets a few up close and personal meetings with the table. Jimmy eventually gets bored with this and whips Jensen hard into the ring post causing him to bounce off and into the guardrail. The ref begins to admonish Stryker who simply flips him off before rolling into the ring to break the 10 count, and then back out to continue his assault. Jimmy goes over to Jensen and drapes him over the guardrail before taunting the rabid Cleveland fans and getting lip on the apron. He smirks and leaps off hitting and RVD style spinning lep drop to the back of Jensen’s neck, causing him to flop back over onto the outside ring area. Jimmy stays on his knees admiring his handiwork for a bit before pulling Jensen up and rolling him back into the ring, following behind him. Jensen is crawling around on his hands and knees as struggles to get up, and Stryker is slowly circling him like a predatory jungle cat. He eyes Jensen looking for the perfect time to lash out with his "Supreme Killing" kick to the head. Seeing his opening Stryker looks to end the match and goes for the kick to Jensen's jaw, but somehow Scott has the where with all to put his hand up catching Stryker's leg. He quickly gets to his feet still holding the leg as Stryker hops on his other foot begging him off. Before Stryker can go for an inzuguri, Jensen sweeps his other foot and tries going for his Boston Crab submission hold. Knowing exactly how deadly his submission skills are, Stryker is able to wiggle free and kick Jensen in the chest driving him back first to the mat. Stryker kips up as Jensen gets his footing again and charges at his opponent. But Stryker uses his own momentum again him, picking him up and nailing a sick looking Whirlwind backbreaker. He goes for the lateral press, but somehow Jensen gets his shoulder up and 2 and 7/8ths keeping him in the game. Stryker doesn't look too pleased but continues on Jensen, grabbing him before whipping him into the corner. He nails a running back elbow, before starting in with some Undertaker like body shots as Jensen is held up in the corner. Using a combination of kicks and punches, Stryker wears Jensen out enough to allow him to place him up on the top rope. He climbs up to the first rope, and then to the second as he hooks Jensen for a suplex. But instead, with careful balancing he gets up on the top rope and quickly delivers a bone jarring superlex to Scott Jensen. Both men are worn out from the maneuver, and as the ref again begins his ten count the crowd is abuzz. Jimmy is eventually able to make the cover, and although everyone thought that it should have been over there...Jensen is able to get a foot on the ropes. Stryker looks up in surprise after not getting the three but the ref points and he looks over to see the foot on the ropes. He pounds the mat in frustration and gets in the refs face about the count. Unfortunately this gives Jensen some times to crawl over and sneak behind Stryker, before rolling him up in a school boy grabbing a handful of tights. The ref is quick to go for the count but Stryker is out at 2. Jensen, although weary from getting bounced around has enough left to pull off a desperation German suplex as Stryker got back up to his feet. However he's not able to capitalize as he tries to recover a bit while he has the time. He watches as Stryker rolls over and begins to pick himself before starting back over. This time though he does the unexpected and begins trading blow for blow with Stryker. And to his credit, Jensen is able to stay on his feet for awhile with the dangerous striker. But eventually Jimmy gets the better hand and whips him into the ropes, grabbing him in what looked to be a side walk slam. However, Jensen is able to grab and arm and shift his weight going through trying for the Crippler Crossface. The crowd erupts desperately wanting to see Stryker submit, but Stryker is able to somehow keep Jensen from getting to the crowd and locking it in. Still on his feet Jensen decided to switch tactics, and instead pulls away. Stryker begins throwing lefts and rights, which Jensen ducks. Dipping under Jensen hoists Stryker up onto his shoulders. The crowd erupts as Jensen has Stryker primed for his finisher "The Machine". But as he lifts Stryker up looking for his deadly DVD...Stryker is somehow able to use the momentum and grab Jensen’s head countering it into his "Final Countdown" (RKO). Jimmy quickly hooks the leg and 3 slaps of the mat later is the winner. The crowd erupts in a loud chorus of boos as the ref helps Jimmy to his feet raising his hand. " The winner of this match via pinfall....Jimmyyyyyyyyyy Stykerrrrrrrrrrr!" Jimmy cocks a grin as he points down at Jensen and spits in his genral direction. " Right Now" by Korn kicks up over the pa system as Stryker rolls out of the ring. The camera's stay with Jensen who is slowly getting up and burning a hole through Stryker as he struts back up the ramp. Jensen shakes his head in anger not wanting to believe that his matches for the next month would be booked by the man who had just beaten him. <<<<<<<<<End of Y2Jesus writing>>>>>>>> The crowd is booing loudly, throwing things at the smirking Stryker who just shakes his head and goes behind the curtain. Back in the ring Jensen shakes his head and rolls out of the ring as the fans begin to cheer. Jensen still hits a couple of hands on his way back up the ramp as the scene fades to the back where we find Krystin Pryce and James in a locker room. Krystin has an evil smirk on her face as James is relaxed on the couch with a cold bottle of Molson beer in his hand. Krystin stands, looking at herself in the mirror on the wall as she says, "I’m going to look so good with the Women’s championship around my waist." James glances away from the monitor and over to Krystin as he smirks and says, "You already look great babe�? Krystin smirks and walks over to James where she says, "After I win my Women’s championship, and you win the CWA-nWWF Championship, I think we should have a private celebration between the two of us." James grins as Krystin leans down and gives him a tounge filled kiss that’s enough to make the viewers at home want to either handle some personal business with themselves, or toss there cookies, depending on preference. Krystin gets up and heads out the door as JR says, "Well this has been over a month in the making�? | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | With that ‘The Treason Of Isengard�?by Mask blast over the PA as we fade into a video put together showing how this Woman’s championship match came to be. We open up seeing Missy standing in the ring across from former ICWA Members Kristilin Flint-Flair and Justine. They glair each other down and shoot for each other as the scene fades into a later portion of the match. At this point DSL has run down to aid her friend, only to be attacked by Kristilin and laid down. However, as Kristilin is beating on DSL here attention has drifted from the match at hand and Missy has found her feet behind her. Missy quickly rushes over and spins Kristilin around. Kristilin tries to go for a chair shot on Missy but Missy delivers a stiff kick into the gut of Kristilin, followed by an eye rake which makes Kristilin drop the chair and grab her face. Missy then kicks Kristilin in the gut again and brings her head between her legs. She hoists Kristilin up so that her legs are in the air, but Missy holds her for a few seconds before she eventually drops, hitting a stalling piledriver. Kristilin bounces out of Missy’s legs and lands on her back as Missy gets up and goes over to check on DSL. As Missy is checking on DSL Justine runs toward Missy looking for a clothesline. Missy happens to glance back so she backs up a couple feet and ducks. Justine stops and turns around just in time to see Missy Leap. Missy wraps her legs around Justine’s head and hits a Hurrincarana but instead of sending Justine flying, she grabs her legs and has a pinning situation. Hebnar counts ……�?……�?……�?! Justine kicks out but just a second too late as Kristilin is too her feet but didn’t get to her feet quickly enough to break up the pin. Kristilin runs at Missy but Missy drops and rolls under the bottom rope. Missy pulls DSL out of the ring, as DSL holds her neck and head. DSL and Missy head to the back as Kristilin stands in the ring, clearly pissed. Finkle, " Ladies and Gentlemen, Your winner�?AND THE NUMBER 1 CONTENDER TO THE WOMEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP…�?MISSY_BYTCCHHH!" The scene fades to later on in the night Where Akasha makes her ICWA Return by attacking Missy and DSL with a steal chain, leaving them both laid out. Akasha walks over to Missy and pulls her head up by her blonde hair, she is clearly out of it. Akasha says, " I know that you’re getting really comfortable as queen bitch in this place, but you were a substitute and now the real Queen has arrived to take her thrown. So next week you go play with Heather McMahon and get yourself a pretty little title so that this way when I beat you and�?(She gets an almost euphoric look on her face as she says�? Bloooooddy you……�?(Her look goes back to normal), I get more out of it than just your blood on my hands……�?(smirks) Although that will certainly be a delight too." With that she pushes Missy’s face back down, letting it bounce off the cement as Akasha walks off into the shadows. With that the scene fades into next week. Once the camera catches up with the action backstage the crowd erupts, seeing an enraged Missy Bytch bouncing Akasha’s face off of a table. Her head bounces up like a basketball, but Missy shows no sign of being finished. Missy grabs Akasha’s head in a front face lock (set up to the DDT), jumps, spins, and delivers a Tornado DDT Through the table, shattering it to pieces as the crowd erupts. Missy rolls over on top of Akasha and begins slapping at her face as a flood of ICWA staff come pouring out. Road Warrior Animal wraps his arms around her waist and hoist her up and off Akasha as she is kicking and screaming, attempt to get back to thumping the Vampiric Queen. The crowd is going nuts as Kevin Nash is also there, attempting to calm the irate contender to the Women’s title. Akasha is motionless as the trainers are looking over her. The crowd is firmly in support of Missy as they are going wild. Animal and Nash remove Missy from the area. As The cameras go off of Missy being carted away and get back to Akasha, we see that she has regain consciousness and is slowly getting up with a helping hand from ICWA’s head trainer, Danny Young. Akasha stands, " That bitch is mine�? With that we fade to a little later in the night�?/FONT> …soon realizing we are in the women’s locker room. There is a bunch of people surrounding a laid out Missy Bytch who has a little blood trickling from her forehead. A trainer ask, " What the Hell happened?!" DSL who is standing over the mess says, " I don’t know, I went out to have a smoke and when I came back she was like this…�?I’d bet it was that bitch Akasha�? The trainer who we just chased speaks up and says, " I wouldn’t count on it�? DSL and the main trainer Danny Young both shift their attention to the secondary trainer who says, " We just had the EMTs come in and pick up Akasha near the parking lot where she had sustained similar injuries to what I’m seeing here." Young, " Go get another medic team in here�? The trainer nods and rushes back out the door as the cameras look over Missy and JR says, " What the Hell�?/FONT>…�? We then fade into the conclusion of the Women’s title match taking place the following week where WallStreet has placed the vacated women’s strap up between Akasha and Missy Bytch. Akasha wipes the blood from her face as Bytch begins to get to her feet. Akasha runs at her but is met with a kick to the gut, which Bytch follows with a DDT. She covers. 1�?.2…�?3!!!!! We have a women’s Champion! Finkle, " YOUR WINNER, AND THE NEW ICWA WOMEN’S CHAMPION…�?MISSY BYTCH!" Missy celebrates in the ring when someone suddenly slides in out of no where. We see that it’s Krystin Price. Kristin has a smirk on her face as she applauds the show from the Women’s champion and the challenger who is stirring on the mat. JR, " I’m not sure what this is about." Krystin grabs Missy by the hair and gives her a small kiss in the lips making the crowd erupt, before she reaches behind her and WHAM! JR, " BAH GAWD, IS THAT A FRYING PAN?!" Krystin apparently was stashing a small frying pan in the back of her pants. She smirks as Missy lays on the mat, barely moving as her hands are on her head. In the corner of her eye she sees Akasha getting up. As Akasha get to her feet�?BAM! Frying pan over the head! Carl, " Guess she couldn’t jump out of the proverbial frying pan�? Krystin smirks as she’s handed a microphone and says, " Awe, Missy�?Don’t be mad, you look at home on your back�?Don’t worry about rading the locker room, the search is already over�? She gives a sarcastic kiss to the air and drops the mic as System by Chester Bennington blast over the PA and she rolls out of the ring and heads up the ramp. | <<<<<<<<<<<Written By Alexis Davis>>>>>>>>>> The arena goes pitch black and pale blue lights begin to pulse. The arena is dead silent except for the screams of anticipation by fans. Suddenly the elevated and obviously pleasure-filled moans of a woman fill the arena, giving the illusion she's orgasming. The moaning is cut off by a cruel laugh, a woman with a soft and sensual voice saying, bluntly, "Perverts". A screen of mist/fog has formed, diffusing the blue flashing lights. "System" begins to play and white strobe lights are added to the mind-warping show. Finkle: The following bout is dubbed a Leather And Lace match for the ICWA's women championship title! Making her way to the ring she is the challenger... Krystin Pryce! Krystin walks out dressed in a black robe she runs her hand down between her legs and grins before heading down towards the ring blowing sarcastic kisses to the fans as she does, Krystin slides into the ring and looks over at the ref who is holding a leather strap in his hand. Krystin just shakes her head and looks down at her robe deciding not to disrobe at this moment in time. The unmistakable music of Miss Behavin blares out from the arena loudspeakers. In rapt anticipation, the crowd rumbles in unison, scanning the top of the ramp for any sing of movement.. The lights die out, pink and purple strobes encircle the area and the sexy silhouette appears behind the white screen.. moving and caressing she gives a Triple X grind as the music plays.. Then, she pushes down the screen and steps on it..she looks to the right and left of the stage. Finkle: Anddddddd making her way to the ring she is the ICWA Women's Champion... Missy Bytch!!!!! She tosses her long blonde hair and pulls a cherry lolly pop from behind her back and senually unwraps it, sliding it between her crimson lips and gives them a grind once more running her hands from the top of her head around her full breasts, acrossed her exposed stomach, down her hips, falling between her thighs and down her leg as she goes all the way down. She smirks the little burst of kinetic energy she is standing tan and curvyfigured like the little blond locked goddess she is. She jumps into the air tossing her hands up as the gold shooting star pyros explode towards the heavens..The thousands in attendance erupt in around the arena... She pulls the lolly pop out of her mouth and skips down towards the ring with the kinky little smirk on her face. She takes the steps stair by stair posing momentarily before she stands on the ring mat.. slides her lolly between her lips once more and gives a sexy pose and then flips her leg between the second and third rope and climbs into the ring...she struts around and then pauses. Missy turns and looks at Krystin a smirk on her lovely face as she toys with the strap to her white robe. Earl Hebnar the assigned referee steps forwards and looks at both the ladies, he takes the belt from Missy and shows Krystin before holding it up high. He gives it to Finkle who steps out of the ring allowing Earl to explain the match. Earl: Now ladies, the rules are like this, both of you will strip out of your robes and will be cuffed to each other via the leather strap the only ways to win are via TKO or Submission, weapons are legal in this bout, do you understand? Both ladies don't move a muscle each staring at the other, the build up to this moment in time has came and gone, they nod and finally look at Earl who motions for them to disrobe. Missy steps in first and slowly undoes the strap to her robe, she slowly pushes it off her shoulder and reveals a light pink lace teddy with a matching lace thong underneath. Krystin rolls her eyes as she steps forwards she too takes her time undoing her robe before pushing it off allowing the world to see her body, she's dressed in a black lace camisole top and a matching black lace thong. Earl takes Missy's right hand and latches the cuff around her wrist, he turns to Krystin and does the same, both ladies grab at the leather trying to give them as much as they can, the bell sounds in the background both ladies instantly pull on the leather strap trying to pull the other off balance. Neither get the upper hand as Krystin flies through and takes Missy down with a spear type manoeuvre. with Missy down and Krystin on top she begins to slam Missy’s head into the mat, Krystin manages to slam it a good four or five times before the ref pulls her off but he can't take her too far due to the leather strap tying the two together. He places her down and she instantly pulls on the leather strap almost dragging Missy along the canvas, but Missy fights back and grabs the rope using it to get to her feet she grabs the strap and gives it a hard pull which causes Krystin to stumble Missy grins and pulls once more this time Krystin falls off her feet and lands on her ass. She quickly rushes over and wraps the leather around Krystins neck and pulls back her knee firmly in place in the middle of Krystins back choking her. Missy doesn't relent as Krystin waves her arms up trying to grab hold of Missy to try break the hold, but Missy leans her head back not allowing Krystin to reach her, she tightens the hold as Krystins face slowly turns red. Krystin grabs Missy's legs and pulls them out from under her causing the choking to stop, she unravels the leather from around her neck and begins taking deep breaths. Missy gets up and stalks Krystin once again, neither not caring a real move has yet to be made yet as the crowd get back to their feet cheering on their respective superstar. They are both to their feet and glaring at each other Krystins face still a little red, she now has a strap mark on her neck from how tight the leather was wrapped around her. She gently traches the mark on her neck and hisses before glaring at Missy, Missy just grins at her and gets set to restart the match, Missy leaps at Krystin and Krystin grips taking Missy down with a deep arm drag, she grabs her hair and slams her head first into the turnbuckle as she pulls Missy away she swings her foot up and connects with Krystins face as she had just leant down to trash talk Missy. She loosens her graps and Missy breaks free crawling under Krystins legs and grins, she grabs a tight hold of the leather strap and pulls, causing Krystin to cry out in shock as the leather rubs against her causing her to stumble forwards into the turnbuckles. Stalking towards her Missy slams her boot into Krystins ass before leaning down and spanking the young lady. Krystin stands and moves so the leather is no longer in between her legs, she nods her head and looks over at Missy before grabbing her and bulldogs her to the ground she rolls her over and quickly goes for the pin 1...2... Missy kicks out and gets to her feet quickly, not wanting to be out done at all. She slaps Krystin and grabs her landing a DDT. With Krystin down Missy grabs her long hair and drags her back up before tossing her over the top rope which she soon follows, taking the fight to the outside much to the delight of the male fans who happen to be ringside. Krystin grabs Missy and moves towards the barricade before whipping her into it Missy falls onto her knees trying not to cry out in pain as it soars through her back. Krystin licks her lips and runs her hands down her body before moving towards Missy once more again she grabs her and goes to whip her into the ring pole but Missy reverses and KRystin gets a moutful of steel! Missy laughs and grabs a chair that was laying ringside, turning around she swings but Krystin ducks and the chair hits the pole, dropping it Missy grabs Krystin and pulls her towards the commentators table, she smiles sweetly at JR and Glares at Heyman before slamming Krystin head first into the table over and over. Grinning Missy grabs her and places her onto the table before looking around, she nods and uses a chair to get herself on the gaurdrail and walks over slightly getting closer to Krystin she hadn't noticed JR and Heyman moving from the table as she flies off into a moonsault that causes both ladies to fall through the table as it shatters beneath them both. Both girls lay there trying to regain their composure. Missy is the first to her feet since she didn't take the brunt of the move, reaching down she grabs Krystin and pulls her to her feet before limping towards the ring. She rolls Krystin into the ring before following in herself. Missy looks down at Krystin and drapes herself over her body making sure to hook her leg as Brian Hebnar slides into position 1....2...3!!! He motions for the bell as Missy rolls of Krystin and uncuffs herself from the leather strap. She stands and as Brian hands her the title she climbs the ropes and raises the title up high Finkle: Your winner and STILL ICWA's Women Champion.. Missy BYTCH!!! Missy grins and once again holds the title up high before climbing down, she rolls out of the ring and begins walking back stage stopping half way she glances at Krystin once more and nods, continuing backstage to no doubt celebrate her win. <<<<<<<<<<<<<End of Alexis Davis Writing>>>>>>>>> Heyman, "So much for that private celebration! HA!" JR, "That was quite the hellachious bout between two top performers." Heyman, "But not nearly as good as what’s coming up!" With that the cameras go to the back Where WallStreet is walking in his gear. The crowd erupts, albeit with a mixture of boos and cheers. As WallStreet walks the hallway in his gear and his Tag Team Championship, he stops in his tracks and simply stairs ahead. As he does so the camera pans out a bit and the crowd goes nuts as we see�?/FONT> Jacob Mitchell. WallStreet, "Hey kid�?Bobby Johnson is my teammate, and he has my full support�?But I just want to let you know that if he doesn’t come out on top of the main event tonight, I have no question that you will be the reason why, as well as the ICWA Heavyweight Champion (crowd pops)�?When that happens, you should see me, I’ve got a few opportunities for ya…You’re a sharp kid and personally, I haven’t seen anyone so young with as much undisputable, pure talent since myself at 21�?Get a hold of me later Jake�?I won’t be hard to fine, I’ll be the one covered in fine Wine and Women as I celebrate my victory�?Perhaps we can even mesh celebration parties." With that WallStreet gives Mitchell a pat on the shoulder and walks around him as we fade from Mitchell’s unchanged, emotionless face, to the ring where that ominous steal cage hangs. JR, "That was interesting�? With that we go to the front row right beside the Spanish announce table where we see Alexis Davis sitting in a black leather coat, a pink shirt, and a pair of crutches leaning on the black barricade separating the crowd from the ring area. She gets a soft smile as a customized ICWA Graphic comes up on the screen�?/FONT> ICWA United States Champion Alexis Davis | JR, "Alexis Davis has apparently purchased herself a front row seat for Resurrection since she wasn’t able to participate in the affair on account of injured sustained in her Unification match with No Limits Christian Skywalker." Heyman, "I hope her career is over, backstabbing corner pro!" | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | The lights go out in the arena as the fans grow loud with anticipation. War Machine by KISS echoes through the arena as Taz’s video plays on the Titan Tron. An orange spot like sweeps the arena like a prison light searching for an escaped convict. This makes the crowd get even louder as they now believe that Taz could be coming from anywhere in the Arena. At nearly a minute into the song a blast of orange pyro explodes on the stage and then with a black towel over his head comes Taz at the same time that the singer says �?Better Watch Out, Cause I’m A War Machine! Finkle, "The following bout is a Hell in the Cell match! If Taz is able to win this bout he will determind the next Tag Team Title defense for WallStreet and James, as well as who WallStreet faces at the ICWA Royal RUMBLEEE! However, should Taz win, he will be forced to serve the Entourage as WallStreet sees fit for one month! Already on his way to the ring�?From the Red Hook section of Brooklyn, he weighs in this evening at 242 pounds�?He is TAZZZZZZ!" Taz walks down the ramp with his aggressive bad ass walk as JR and Heyman can be heard arguing over the abilities of the man labeled the Human Suplex Machine. Taz gets to ringside, climbs the stairs, and enters the ring. As he bends over to enter the ring the towel falls of his head. He stands in the corner of the ring with his arms crossed, just waiting for the referee to ring the bell so that he can chalk up Just Another Victim. As he waits the lights go out as Green Lasers shoot from the stage and �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/4/9052/graphics.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=10920&LastModified=4675710924949166064&all_topics=1">Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent begins blasting over the PA. "Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get At Ya�?My Knife Cut’s Your Skin�?I’ll Get At Ya�?Blow Shots At Your Man�?I’ll Get At Ya�?Tupac Don’t Pretend�?I’ll get at Ya�?I’ll put that shit to an end…�?/P> With that WallStreet comes out from behind the curtain as the crowd pops. He stands, his head down as he simply stands under the Dementa-Tron, soaking up the crowd and the music. Finkle, "And his opponent�?Hailing from Hartford Connecticut and weighing in at 286 pounds�?He is the ICWA CEO and Chairman, as well as One Half of the ICWA Tag Team Champions�?The WallStreet Brawler Mr. Taylor McCAAAALLLLISTERRRRR!" WallStreet makes his way down the ramp, glaring into the ring, never letting his focus be broken. JR, "This one is gonna be a barn burner, there’s no question!" Heyman, "WallStreet has yet to suffer defeat inside of a steal cage of ANY sort�?Hell in a Cell, open topped cage, it doesn’t matter�?Mr. McCallister is arguably the single greatest performer of all time." JR, "I will not argue that WallStreet can get it done in the ring�?He’s a great athlete and has proven it time and time again, BUT, he has the morals of an ally cat and frankly, I believe this would be a much better place without his presence!" Heyman, "Perhaps you’d rather work for Bryant Montgomery?" JR, "Awe Hell no�? Heyman, "How about her�?you know who I mean�?From down south�? JR, "I’d pitch manure first�?and ironically there wouldn’t be much of a difference in jobs!" Heyman laughs and says, "But I do believe I’ve made my point, No?" JR, "I didn’t say that there weren’t evils worse than WallStreet, just saying that he’s not exactly the greatest option himself�?But yes Paul, your point has certainly been made." At this time WallStreet is arriving at ringside. He walks around the steal steps, places his knee on the canvas and pulls himself up onto the ring as the Hell in a Cell is slowly declining from the sky. He turns around, placing his back against the ropes as he glares out to the crowd, then turns his head to Alexis, smirking briefly as she glares at him. WallStreet snaps around and enters the ring between the second and third ropes as he then flexes his back, making the crowd pop as his already ripped chest and abdomens bulge out further. The crowd pops despite their hatred for WallStreet as WallStreet leans back in the counter, glaring across the ring at Taz, neither performer showing any emotion as the music fades, the lights readjust, and the cage slowly comes down onto the floor. As the cage finally hits the floor referee Teddy Long calls for the bell as WallStreet and Taz continue to glare at each other. Finally WallStreet steps out of his corner as does Taz, the two slowly coming to center ring. Finally out of no where they seemingly get the same idea at the same time and begin exchanging devastating right hands that would make even Mike Tyson and Vatali Klitchco cringe. The two keep going like a couple of lumberjacks hell bent on dropping an all might oak. Slowly they begin to wear down as their once rapid punches are growing fewer, however Taz realizes that when it comes to slower power punches he’s gonna be put out fast by the clearly much more powerful WallStreet so he quickly latches the Corporate Icon and hoist him up and over in an overhead Taz-plex, sending WallStreet on his back with his feet under the bottom ropes in the corner. The crowd pops as Taz has struck that oh so fatal, metaphorical, First Blood. WallStreet holds his back as Taz walks over and latches him into a modified Dragon Sleeper, showing absolutely no mercy as WallStreet screams out in pain. His legs are under the ropes, however a Hell in a Cell is no DQ, so that becomes absolutely irrelevant. WallStreet realizes this so he puts on foot down flat on the mat, and then a second, pulling himself up in a Matrix like fashion. This forces Taz to get up from his knee and stand on his feet, still holding the lock on WallStreet. The Brawler reaches back around the ass of Taz and locks his hands as he uses all of his strength to continue getting himself upright as he picks Taz up off the canvas and ends up with him up in the formation for a Tombstone piledriver, however, before WallStreet can deliver a Tombstone, if that was indeed his intention, Taz pushes up and slides down the back of WallStreet. WallStreet spins around and is met with a graceful Northern Lights Release Suplex. WallStreet again flies across the ring and lands hard as the crowd goes wild. He rolls over to his knees and starts getting up as Taz walks over and hooks his head and then tosses the Icon’s arm over his head, locking in the set up for a Vertical Suplex. Taz goes to deliver the suplex but WallStreet blocks the move. He goes for it again and again is blocked, WallStreet suddenly delivers a couple of stiff knees to the gut, locks the arms and falls back delivering a Double Arm DDT. The crowd boos as WallStreet gets up and stumbles slightly as he found himself quickly being thrown around in the opening of the bout. WallStreet leans back on the ropes and clears his head as Taz is slowly getting to his knees. WallStreet shakes the cobwebs outs as Taz gets up but is still bent over. The Corporate Icon runs ahead and lifts his knee, driving it into the head of Taz and making him fall back to the mat. The crowd continues to boo as WallStreet just glares out at them. The Corporate Icon reaches down, grabbing Taz’s legs, and lifts them up, separating them before he delivers a stiff stomp to the package, releasing Taz’s legs as he rolls over, grabbing himself in pain. JR, "Well that’s as legal as a headlock in this bout, but it damn sure doesn’t make it right!" Heyman, "It’s not about being right, it’s about being the winner!" WallStreet smirks as the crowd boos him and Taz holds himself. He grabs Taz by the head and guides him up before grabbing his wrist and delivering an Irish Whip, sending him across the ring and into the corner. WallStreet stands back in the opposite corner and smirks before he runs across the ring with the speed and power of an all mighty Clydesdale, only for Taz to bend down, hoist him up, and send WallStreet flying up and over the turnbuckles, landing hard on the floor and nailing his leg down across the steal stairs as he attempted to evade the steal stairs by directing himself to the side. The crowd goes nuts as WallStreet grabs his leg and holds it in pain. Taz exits the ring and grabs WallStreet’s leg as he begins stomping at the back of the knee, attempting to further the injury. After a few solid kicks he drops the leg and gets around WallStreet, grabbing him by the hair and guiding him up to his feet. WallStreet gets up and Taz grabs him by the back of the head and begins grinding his face into the steal cage and begins using it like a cheese grader on the Corporate Icon’s face. WallStreet screams out in pain as the crowd is going wild. Finally Taz stops, turns the Brawler around, locks him in a front waste lock, and delivers an over head belly to belly suplex, sending him flying and landing hard on the black mats at ringside. Taz walks over as WallStreet is slowly rolling to his knees, holding that back again. Taz hoist him up, grabs him by the back of the head, and begins smacking his face off the steal post like a basketball. After a few times of doing this he lets go of WallStreet. WallStreet stumbles back, seemingly out on his feet as he turns so if he falls, he won’t collide with the ring, and in a fashion similar to Ric Flair he drops hard on his chest as the crowd pops. Taz smirks as he grabs WallStreet’s arm and neck, and then locks in the Tazmission as he falls backwards, making the crowd erupt. WallStreet is struggling to hold on as Taz has in synched in. JR, "TAZMISSION! HE’S GOT THE TAZMISSION LOCKED ON!!! WallStreet has yet to be defeated by submission, but he’s yet to be subjected to the TAZMISSION!!!" Heyman, "COME ON BOSS!!" Taz keeps the hold locked in just as tight as he can as WallStreet is beginning to lose consciousness. He slowly fades off as referee Teddy Long is at ringside and begins lifting the right arm of WallStreet. He drops it and counts 1. He again raises the arm, and again upon the release it drops down as Long counts 2. He Raises it once more, and it begins to drop but as it does WallStreet wraps his fingers around the steal cage and Teddy Long declares that WallStreet is able to continue. WallStreet isn’t showing a lot of movement, but he is clutching that steal cage for dear life. He begins rolling a bit, trying desperately to get up but despite the power advantage, he just cannot get himself out of this hold. He does, however, manage to use all of his power and roll himself to his chest, which puts his right arm under the ring. Taz keeps the move locked but suddenly from under the ring that arm comes out, throwing a fist full of white powder into the Human Suplex Machine’s face. Taz releases the hold and throws himself back off of WallStreet, wiping at his eyes rapidly in an attempt to regain his vision as WallStreet has yet to move, still seemingly lifeless from that Tazmission. Taz gets up, still attempting to wipe his eyes as WallStreet is slowly pulling himself under the ring, seemingly attempting to get away from Taz anyway he can. Taz, who’s vision is questionable to say the least, does happen to notice that WallStreet’s legs are sticking out from under the canvas and are slowly going under the ring, so he grabs WallStreet by the legs and begins yanking him out. As he does WallStreet rolls over to his back, reviling a Fire Extinguisher, which he sprays right into Taz’s face, nailing him with a huge blast of dry Ice. Taz grabs his face and stumbles away as WallStreet reaches back under the ring, grabbing a Sledgehammer as he slowly pulls himself up. JR, "Oh come on�?I know it’s no disqualifications but get that thing to Hell outta there!" WallStreet gets up, his back turned to Taz, who also has his back to WallStreet. Taz turns around, still blinded from the fire extinguisher and powder as he stumbles forward only for WallStreet to spin around and lunge at him, nailing him right between the eyes with the Sledgehammer. Taz spins in the air and lands on his chest, bringing his hands up to his face briefly before they go out to his sides. WallStreet leans back against the ring as comes into eye contact with Alexis Davis in the front row. This brings a smirk to WallStreet’s face as he grabs Taz by the neck and guides him up. When Taz is pulled to his feet we see a trail of blood coming from his forehead. WallStreet smirks and slams the Human Suplex Machine face first against the Cage wall. He begins grinding his face against the steal as he smirks, keeping his eyes locked with Alexis�?the entire time. Finally he pulls Taz back, turns him around, and delivers an Irish whip, sending him across the floor, nailing the steal stairs hard with his back. WallStreet adjust the waist band of his tights and points over to Alexis as to say ‘This’ll be you.�?. Alexis glares at her ex-lover and begins cheering on Taz, who is still leaning back against the steal stairs. WallStreet sizes Taz up, runs forward looking for a Mick Foley style high knee but Taz quickly rolls out of the way as WallStreet nails the stairs and flips up and over, landing on the other side of the stairs. The crowd is going wild as WallStreet holds his knee in pain and Taz pulls himself up to his feet. Taz walks around the steal stairs where he sees WallStreet on his side, nursing that knee. Taz reaches down, grabbing a fist full of WallStreet’s hair as he picks him up and slides him into the ring. Taz rolls in behind him, standing up and seemingly stalking the ICWA Chairman. WallStreet pulls himself up slowly and turns around only to be locked up, and then thrown back with a vicious T-Bone Suplex. Taz walks over, drops down, and hooks the far leg as Teddy Long counts …………�?……………�?……………�?WallStreet just barely gets his shoulder up before Long can hit the three. Taz sighs as he gets up and again grabs a fist full of WallStreet’s long hair. He guides WallStreet up to his feet and turns him around, starting to hook him up in another Tazmission which makes the crowd erupt. However, their cheers quickly fade away as WallStreet swings his leg back and delivers a stiff kick between the legs of Taz as Taz drops back holding himself and WallStreet drops down to his knees, attempting to regain his thoughts. WallStreet crawls over to the ropes and pulls himself up as he turns around, seeing Taz laying down there, helpless. WallStreet goes over and grabs the Human Suplex Machine by the legs, twisting him over and locking on The Dollar Sign (Walls of Jericho). The crowd erupts with boos as Taz screams out in pain. WallStreet has himself positioned in the center of the ring, his eyes locked with those of Alexis in the front row. WallStreet gets a huge smirk on his face, feeling the match coming into his favor as he begins talking shit toward Alexis. Finally Alexis gets up and says something to the security guards near her. They grab her, both of em placing a hand under Alexis�?armpit and their other hand on her wrists as the pick her up and set her on the otherside of the barricade. Handing her, her crutches as she stands on the ringside of the barricade. Alexis rushes (as much as one on crutches can) around the cage till she gets to the locked door. She reaches into the pocket of her black leather jacket and withdraws a key, which she uses to unlock the pad lock and then undo the chain holding the door closed. Heyman, "HOW THE HELL DID SHE GET THE KEY TO THE HELL IN A CELL!!!" She opens the door and walks hobbles into the ring as she is now facing WallStreet’s back. She slides her crutches into the ring and then slides herself into the ring as we see that her right ankle is heavily braced. She gets a hand from the official, getting up and grabbing her crutches as she does, but WallStreet isn’t a complete idiot and can hear the commotion behind him, so just as Taz looks about ready to throw in the Towel, WallStreet releases the hold and turns around, seeing Alexis with her crutch raised in the sky, probably wanting to strike the Icon from behind. She freezes up as WallStreet lunges forward and shoves her, making her fall back into the corner, dropping her crutches. WallStreet gets a sadistic grin on his face as he approaches Alexis. He gets within inches of her when she throws her good leg forward, nailing WallStreet in the Corporate Icon so to speak. WallStreet doubles over and turns around where he sees Taz has come to his feet. Taz goes to hook WallStreet but he suddenly drops down to his knees and delivers an uppercut low blow. The crowd boos as Taz doubles over and WallStreet gets up with a smirk on his face. He hooks Taz and then BAM! Heyman, "GAH-HA! STOCK MARKET CRASH!" WallStreet nailed The Stock Market Crash (Pedigree) and then turns Taz over, covering him as Teddy Long counts ………�?…………�?……………�?! Finkle, "Your winner via PINFALL, The WallStreet Brawler, Mr. TAYLOR_McCALLLLLLLISSSSSSTTTTTTERRRRR!!" WallStreet turns around and smirks as he sees Alexis with a look of concern on her face. WallStreet gets chest to chest with her again and again she knees him between the legs but he just smiles as he grabs her by the hair and throws her down to the mat. WallStreet reaches into his tights and withdraws a nut cup, making the crowd boo as he then replaces it into his tights. WallStreet stands over Alexis with an evil look on his face as she is basically helpless. Suddenly the crowd erupts and the camera angle switches to the ramp where Y2Jesus is darting down the ramp, ignoring his injured right knee as he runs with great speed. He swings around the cage, through the door, and slides in, shoving WallStreet’s back, making him stumble several feet away from Alexis. Jesus jumps over Alexis and begins exchanging hard right hands with WallStreet as the crowd goes wild. Alexis however sees that this is her opportunity to exact some revenge on the Corporate Icon so she grabs her crutches and pulls herself up as Taz has rolled under the bottom rope and has yet to move on the floor. Alexis gets up and releases her left crutch as she holds the right in her hand as if it were a club or a baseball bat. Y2Jesus and WallStreet have been slugging it out, but Jesus has been the clear aggressor as he gets WallStreet in the corner and continues driving his right hands into WallStreet’s face. Finally Alexis gets over and puts her hand on Jesus�?shoulder. Y2J looks over and Alexis asks him to back off and let her get her licks in. Jesus smirks and puts up his hands as to say ‘Have at it�? He takes a step back as Alexis whines up and�?SMACK!" JR, "WHAT THE HELL?!?!?!" Heyman, "SHE HIT JESUS!" Sure enough Alexis swung right around and clocked Y2J upside the head, dropping him like a ton of bricks as WallStreet gets a huge smirk in the corner. WallStreet steps out of the corner and grabs Jesus by the hair, pulling him up as Alexis steps outside the ring and slowly attempts to walk up the ropes, one rope at a time. WallStreet delivers a kick to the gut of an already pretty much unconscious Y2Jesus, props him between his legs, and then without an further ado�?/P> JR, "AWE FOR GOD’S SAKES!" The crowd is booing as WallStreet stays on his knees and rolls Jesus over, holding his arms down to the mat, although that seems pointless as Y2J is lifeless at this point. He looks up to the top rope where Alexis has managed to balance herself despite her fractured Ankle. WallStreet can be heard yelling, "NAIL HIS ASS LEX!" On cue she leaps, hitting a surprisingly decent Shooting Star Press on Y2Jesus as the crowd’s boos grow even louder. WallStreet stands up and helps Alexis up as the two grin. WallStreet and Alexis gaze into each others eyes, still smirking, as they lean in and give each other a deep, passionate kiss as the crowd continues to boo. Heyman, "How sweet�?I guess she’s not a hussy after all!" JR, "This is completely repulsive! You mean to tell me that this has been a sick, twisted, GAME all along?!" With that ‘Piggy Bank�?by 50 Cent blast over the PA as WallStreet picks up Alexis, walks over to the ropes and gently places her down on the ring, and then exits between the second and third ropes. He pulls Her out and carries her as the Hell in a Cell has raised just enough for him to duck under it and head up the ramp. They get about half way up the ramp and he gently sets her on her feet as they raise their arms in triumph. JR, "This is completely appalling!" With that we go to the back where Michael Cole is standing by with James. Cole, "In just a couple of minutes you defend your nWWF Championship in what is perhaps the most difficult and athletically sound title defense that you’ve had to date, do you think you can not only retain your championship but also win his in his own match?!" James smirks and says, "Not only do I think I can but I am certain that I will�?I mean if I don’t, than we are forced to listen to the pointless ramblings of this jackass about how great and magnificent he is for all eternity�?Yes, I will definitely obtain glory and have my name cemented in the record books as the last, and most dominate nWWF Champion of all time. My name may have been superceded by Ryan Ross in the year book, but in the ICWA Record Books, Ryan Ross will never be more than a spec on my glorious and heavily written name!" With that James walks off as JR says, "Well lets take ya back and show ya how this one came about�? | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | With that ‘Burning Bright�?by Shinedown begins blasting over the PA as we fade into the Dementa-Tron where we see the video package thrown together to show the events leading up to this match. We start out going to the returning episode of ICWA Demented on March 22, 2005. James has just got done with an insanely brutal street fight with Taz where both men ended up all but dead by the time it was over. The crowd is going ballistic as Tim White raises James�?lifeless arm. Slowly James is regaining thought as he very slowly sits up, reviling hundreds of tacks in his back. Tim White helps him get to his feet as he stumbles around. He slowly slides into the ring with his nWWF Title and raises it in victory as on the outside Tim White is checking on Taz. JR, "This has been one of the most extreme contest that I personally have ever bared witness too." Heyman, "If anybody knows Extreme, it is Paul E Dangerously, and that my friends was EXXTREEEMEEE!" As James is attempting to remain standing in the ring the Dementa-Tron suddenly begins flashing as ‘Shadows�?By 12 Stones blast over the PA. The crowd is still going nuts from the match and James has a look as to say "Ahh fuck, what now�? Suddenly from behind the curtain comes none other than……�?/FONT>  JR, "IT’S RYAN ROSS!! THE CHAMPIONSHIP WRESTLING ALLIANCE CHAMPION HAS RETURNED TO THE ICWA!!!" Ross walks down the ramp to a huge ovation from the crowd. As he gets half way down he stops walking and runs to the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and jumping up. Ross is claping and pointing at James as the crowd is going wild. Ross raises James�?hand and points to him before he releases James�?hand and request a mic. Ross, "What a night! The ICWA is back and so is it’s top guy, Ryan "The Rush" ROSS! (Crowd erupts). James and Taz, what a battle, what a test of wills, what a…�?boring disgrace to the main event slot." JR, "What?!" Before anything else can be said Ross delivers a superkick to the jaw of James, droping him backwards. The crowd boos as Ross drops the mic and runs, jumping up to the top rope. Ross turns, and leaps. He spins through the air and lands a DOUBLE shooting star press! Normally this would send the crowd into a frenzy but they are booing with great volume. Out from the back steps Shawn Allen and Shane Douglas who must have gotten to the back while James and Taz were battling on the floor. The two are applauding as they stand on the ramp, seemingly waiting for something. Suddenly from behind the curtain with a huge smirk on his face comes WallStreet. WallStreet, "Congratulations James�?You’re "The Man"�?When you wake up I want you to take a look at this tape and look at the man who stands over you now, because he�?Ryan Ross�?He is a TRUE Champion! Ross is everything you could never become�?And now that he’s returned�?It’d be a real shame if he decided to beat your ass so bad right now that you strangly couldn’t compete on Tuesday and had to forfit the titles over to Michaels and Inferno�? With that WallStreet gets a huge grin on his face, as does Ross. Ross turns to pick up James but Taz slides in the ring and has that barbwire covered chair again. His face is a bloody mess and he has thumbtacts all over him but he doesn’t seem to care. Taz runs at Ross who quickly drops and slides out of the ring. Ross walks backwards up the ramp as WallStreet just glares at the ring. Taz holds the chair and remains at the front ropes, keeping James safe from his attackers. With that we fade to the following weeks Demented where after the closing of the show, Ryan Ross came out and addressed James, challenging him to unification match at Resurrection, which he would accept. We then go on down the road a couple of weeks where James and Krystin Pryce are in the ring with Havoc and Missy Bytch. We see Ross run down and clock havoc with the CWA Title, but Why? With that we fade forward to the Contract signing in the ring where Paul Heyman is overseeing the events in WallStreet’s absence. Ross laughs and grabs the microphone placed on his side of the desk. Ross, "I didn’t "Aid James" in the aspect that you think�?I’m a fair man, and if James is gonna have a prayer against me at Resurrection he needs something in his favor, so I opted to give him some momentum heading into the Pay Per View. Consider it an early "Get Well Soon" present for what I’m gonna do at Resurrection." Heyman, "Now as for the contract�?It seems that he’s added a stipulation that he wants announced�?This match will be, apparently at your request Mr. Ross (Ryan smirks), An Ultimate X Match." The 7 or 8 fans who watch TNA pop as James raises an eyebrow, clearly spending way to much time on women and beer to see TNA. Heyman, "Apparently two ring ropes will be extended over the ring in the form of an X, hooked to some kind of a device that will be latched onto the ring�?And from that X, the nWWF and CWA Championships will be hung. The first person to shimmy across the ropes and obtain the belts will become the Unified CWA/nWWF Champion. So if that’s agreed upon�?I suppose you guys may as well sign the contract." Heyman drops the clipboard on the desk and Ross is quick to grab it. He takes the silver pen off the top of the clip board and signs without hesitation. He then drops it on the desk and slides it over to James. James just shakes his head, clearly thinking that this is a cheap attempt to get an edge in this match from Ross, but James doesn’t seem bothered as he picks up the contract and signs, dropping it on the desk and making the match official. JR, "There it is folks, this match is official and it looks like it’s gonna be an Ultimate X Match�? James reaches on the table and goes to grab the nWWF title but as he does Ross grabs it with his left hand. James looks up with a serious look as Ross has his arrogant grin. The crowd erupts, knowing that James title belt is on a list with his beer and his women when it comes to things ya don’t touch. Ross grabs the mic with his right hand and says, "Enjoy that belt, by my calculation you have 12 days before it’s around my waste." Ross winks as James rolls his eyes and pulls to leave, but Ross has yet to release the nWWF Title. James stands up as if to step up to Ross, and likewise Ross gets up, which cues Heyman to get out of dodge. James and Ross glare a hole through each other til finally Ross drops the belt and smirks. James decides to maintain his composure and turns to exit the ring but Ross jumps up on the desk and then leaps, drop kicking James in the back. James lunges forward, nailing the ropes with such power that he goes up and over, lands on the outside ring canvas, bounces, and hits the floor at ringside. The crowd begins booing as Ross just smirks. With that we fade forward in that same segment to James and Ryan Ross being restrained atop of the ramp. The staff holding Ross seems to be having a hard time, as Ross somehow manages to get free. Without thinking he runs and leaps in a reverse moonsault (basically a standing swanton) and collides with James who grabs him as he goes flying back, sending both of them off the stage where they fall 20 feet to the bottom, crashing through several black tables that were apparently being used for some of the electronically equipment of the ICWA’s. Fortunatly somebody thought to move it all when the two superstars started fighting on the stage. They both lye there, motionless as the medics rush in from an entrance on the floor. The crowd is still erupting: HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT�?/FONT> JR, "MAH GAWD! THEY MAY HAVE JUST HAD THERE CAREERS ENDED!" Heyman, "That right there is why The Rush Ryan Ross is my pick to win it all at Resurrection! That kid is EXTREEEEMMMEEE!" JR, "RESURRECTION?! THEY MAY NOT MAKE IT TO RESURRECTION! BAH GAWD!" With that we progress to last week where we see Pamela Paulshock giving an interview to Ryan Ross. Pamela Paulshock is standing by with Ryan Ross who has his CWA Championship slung over his shoulder. Pamela, "Ryan Ross, in just five days you meet your biggest challenge to date in the ICWA in the nWWF Champion James�?What’s going through your mind?" Ryan Ross, " �?Look lady, I’m not worried about James, I think I’ve made that painfully obvious. It’s the Ultimate X match, and of all the people in the ICWA there’s two who even know what this thing is, Me, and WallStreet. And even WallStreet would be clueless to it if I hadn’t of shown him the video when I made the request. James can’t beat me in this environment�?or any other for that matter, but especially this environment�?You look back at everything James has done in this company, the title runs, the ground breaking matches, all of it, and it comes down to one simple fact�?James has never faced me. And this, this is why James is such a success, cause he’s never had to cross paths with the likes of The Rush Ryan Ross. For nearly four years we’ve been watching James V.S. WallStreet, waiting for one of them to bring the other to the end�?Well in one match I’m gonna accomplish what WallStreet couldn’t in 4 Years�?I’m gonna end James, and then when I bring the titles together, WallStreet has agreed to let the winner, in other words me, choose the new name for the Unified heavyweight title. I personally am pretty keen on The Rush Ryan Ross Heavyweight Wrestling Championship since you won’t see anybody else with the belt so long as I’m around. But I suppose we’ll see, I’m still excepting suggestions on my website from all the Rush-heads out there." Pamela Paulshock, "How can you be so arrogant, you’re not steping in against some nobody from PLW, You’re facing JAMES! The man who has single handedly defeated nearly every top name to of ever walked the ICWA�? Ryan Ross, "And�? Listen lady, I’ve got a nobody to go throw around for a few minutes, but you keep the air flow going between them ears." | With that concluded we go to the ring where the ICWA’s increadible ring crew is putting the final twists on the overhead ropes with the ol�?wrench. They quickly conclude as we see the final product of the Ultimate X Match�?/P> JR, "Well there it is, the Ultimate X match�?One of three ICWA "Firsts", alongside the Leather and Lace bout and the Elimination Chamber. Heyman, "This is gonna be great�?I am looking so forward to seeing that drunken thug decimated at the hands of our CWA champion!" JR, "Well that has yet to be seen�? The lights in the arena dim to a barest minimum, and the Dementa-Tron flares up with images of the CWA champion, "The Rush" Ryan Ross. Then, "Shadows" by 12 Stones begins to play loudly as Ryan Ross steps out from behind the curtain. He thrusts his arms out to his sides, and then Pyrotechnics rain down from behind him. He taps the CWA title which is resting on his shoulder twice as he begins to walk down the ramp. Howard Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following bout is an ULTIMATE X MATCHHH! It is for the CWA and nWWF Heavyweight Championships! On his way to the ring, hailing from Philadelphia Pennsylvania and weighing in this evening at 225 Pounds�?He is the CWA Champion, The RUSH_RYAN_ROOOOSSSSSSS!" The Crowd boos him loudly, but he still smiles, and even waves to some of them. Ryan Ross jumps up onto the ring apron, and climbs into the ring as.. The main lights suddenly go out, leaving only red and blue spots to light the stage and the ramp. The first few chords of Sweet Dreams By Marilyn Manson Play as six beautiful women dressed in catholic schoolgirl outfits strut sensuously down the ramp taking positions along it, three on each side. James slowly struts from behind the curtain, white pants and shirt adorning his body as he slowly walks out both hands crossed in front of his chest, his hands resting by his throat as he stares at the ground. Pyro erupts from the stage as the first chorus ends, James slams his hands apart easily tearing the shirt from his body to the roar of the crowd. He grins as he slowly walks down stopping and posing for a few pictures. Finkle, "His opponent�?Also making his way from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, he weighs in at 302 pounds�?He is the nWWF Heavyweight Champion, JAMMMMMEEESSSSSS!!" He walks by each group of women and they quickly step in behind him. he climbs the steps slowly and hops the ropes walking to one side and slowly running his hand over his head then down his body suggestively. He walks to the center of the ring, as the girls slowly run their hand over his body, he smirks as they slowly get out of the ring, raising his hands into the air and turning slowly before he leans back in the corner as vice senior referee Nick Patrick comes to center ring and motions for Ross and James to come to center ring as well. James and Ryan do in fact come to center ring, both of them glancing up to see their championships hanging over them as Nick Patrick quickly explains the stipulations of the contest. With both participants giving a nod of understanding, Patrick backs out of the way and calls for the bell. Ross smirks and goes to speak but James doesn’t hesitate as he drives his hard right hand right into Ross�?mouth with enough power to drop him down on the canvas. The crowd erupts as Ryan Ross rolls out of the ring holding his jaw and James just smirks. Ross hops up on the outside ring canvas and James goes to cut him off but Ross drops right back down as the crowd begins booing. James smirks and Nick Patrick pleads with him to just step back and let the CWA Champion re-enter the ring. Ross walks around and paces in front of the commentary tables as James just shakes his head and turns his back, only for a split second, but long enough for Ross to feel he has an opportunity. The Rush slide under the bottom rope and bounces off the ropes as James turns around only to be speared hard and rammed down to the ground by Ryan Ross. The crowd boos as Ross gets up, smirking as he hops back, puts out his leg, and flexes in a very Shawn Michaelsish fashion. James pulls himself up just as Ross concludes his taunt. Ryan smirks and the two begin to slowly circle each other like a couple of lions set to fight for dominance. Finally They both shoot to the center but Ross whips himself around to the back of James and latches on with a rear waist lock as he hoist James up and then drops forward, planting James on his chest as Ross falls with him, landing on James�?back. Ross quickly sprawls around and locks on a front face lock but only briefly as he breaks the hold and slaps James across the back of the head a couple of times and hops up. James gets to a knee and glares at Ross who keeps that cocky smirk well intact. James gets up Ross puts his arms out as to say ‘Come at me�? This makes James laugh slightly as James shoots for the head just enough to make Ross go for a block but James is seemingly toying with the CWA champion as he just as quickly bounced back. Ross has a very ‘Come on pal�?attitude as James just smirks and shakes his head. Ross goes to shoot for a double leg take down but James quickly jumps and spins back delivering a vicious back kick across the jaw of Ross. Ross bounces up, stumbling slightly as James delivers a devastating kick to the left ribs of Ryan, followed by a standing enziguri which finds hits place across the back of the head of Ross, planting him hard on the mat. James squats down in front of the CWA Champion and just as Ross picks his head up, James bitch slaps him across the face and then jumps back, smirking just as Ross had been earlier. And just as James had been earlier, Ryan Ross glares at James with homicidal rage. Ross gets up and as the rolls have seemingly reversed, James stands back and does a taunt similar to the Rock’s ‘Just Bring It�?taunt which sends the fans into a frenzy as Ross just glares across the ring. JR, "At the moment this bout is just a contest of one-upmanship!" Heyman, "No, what it is, is, James realizing that he can’t out wrestle the CWA Champion so he’s attempting to make it a martial arts contest�?Well the last I knew this was the InterCountyWRESTLINGAlliance�?Not the Martial Arts Alliance!" With that said Ross shoots down in a fake for the single leg take down and actually swings around and delivers a belly to back suplex, dropping James on his chest again. And again he sprawls around to the head locking on the front facelock, but this time he maintains the hold and opts not to get cocky and attempt to further taunt the adversary. James pulls his knees under him giving himself a strong base as Ross kicks his own legs back so that James can’t attempt a sweep reversal. James wraps his arms around the higher thigh/lower ass area of Ross as the two are seemingly at a stalemate. However James seemingly uses Ross�?body to pull himself up to his feet as Ross is still leaning forward in an attempt to apply as much pressure as possible. James however is able to break Ross�?grip and swings around locking The Rush in a basic hammerlock. Ryan Ross slaps his shoulder a couple of times signifying to the crowd that he’s feeling the sting in that region of his arm, and then he spins around and reverses James�?hammerlock with a hammerlock of his own. James now slaps his shoulder similar to the way that Ryan Ross just had, and just like Ross did to him, he spins around and re-applies the hammerlock to The CWA Champion. The CWA Champion however drops down wrapping his legs around the legs of the Original Sadist and rolls under himself dropping James to his chest as Ross has a reverse grapevine with a modified ankle lock applied. James realizes that the Ankle lock is arguably the most damaging move in professional wrestling so before Ross can really synch the hold in James lunges forward and escapes the grasps of the CWA Champion. James and Ross both get up but Ross is quick to go right back at James in an attempt of shooting for that leg again, however James jumps back and catches Ross in a front facelock of his own, making us wonder if perhaps James has an amateur wrestling background of his own. James however is quick to follow it up with a knee to the gut and a DDT, clearly growing tired of the technical game. James gets up as Ross rolls about holding his head and the capacity crowd goes nuts, thrilled that James ended up on top of things. James glances down at Ross and then up at the two championship belts, seemingly evaluating the situation. Ross gets to his knees and James realizes that even he can’t obtain the championship in the mere seconds before Ross is able to be on his feet and attacking so he grabs the CWA Champion by the neck and guides him to his feet and then delivers a deep armdrag into a basic armbar. JR, "Shades of Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat with that deep armdrag�? James keeps the arm bar locked on as Ross slaps at his shoulder, but shakes his head refusing to submit, not that it’d matter if he did tap out as it’d have no baring on this match and it’s only relevance would be to show that Ryan Ross is a complete bitch, but if that were the case he wouldn’t be in this match in the first place so I think we can pretty much rule that out�?Yeah�?Anyway�?James keeps the hold locked on as Ross slowly gets himself to his knees and gets up, forcing James to rise to his feet as well. James now has the arm bar weakly applied as Ross is able to escape and lock on a front wristlock. Ryan applies a great deal of pressure which causes James to slowly decline backwards until he is supporting his wait on his feet and neck as the top of his head is planted flat on the mat and his body is making the form of a horse shoe. He gradually fights back and manages to rise back upright and then applies a wrist lock of his own to Ross, pushing him back and making the CWA Champion end up with his head and feet on the mat the same as James�?had just been�?And just as James had, Ross fights back and the two end up releasing each other as they remain upright. James however quickly locks his right hand into Ross�?left hand and then they lock their opposing hands, putting them in a test of strength. James brings the hands down to their sides and begins to apply pressure as he has seemingly gotten a quick advantage with the test of strength, but Ross fights and brings their arms out a little before he ducks down and delivers an overhead suplex, keeping his hands locked in James as he bridges up as if he’s looking for the pin despite a pin being meaningless in this contest. Ross turns over, remaining on his feet and guiding James up to his as they keep their hands locked in the test of strength grapple. James however delivers a stiff knee into the abdomen of Ross making him relinquish the hold, and delivers an Irish whip, sending Ryan Ross into the corner. James runs after Rush, probably looking for a high body avalanche (Stingger splash) however he Ross quickly grabs the top ropes and pulls him self up delivering a double Big Boot (or a modified front drop kick) to James, sending him flying to his back, rolling through to his knees and getting up as Ross runs, jumps, and nails a quick Hurrincarana. The crowd boos but Ross seems to care less as he quickly finds his feet and James doesn’t seem to far behind although he does stagger slightly. Ross takes full advantage as he delivers a stiff kick to the gut of James, locks on the front face lock, and then with great speed executes the Twist of Fate as the crowd continues to boo the CWA champion. With James hitting the mat hard The Rush senses his opportunity for Victory as he goes over to the corner and begins climbing the ropes. As he reaches the top he turns around, facing the ring, and latches onto one of the X shaped ropes as he begins to slowly shimmy across the rope. James has gotten to his knees and slowly pulls himself up as he glances up and sees Ross making is way across the rope. James smirks as he drops back down and rolls out of the ring. James walks around the stairs and comes over to the time keepers table where he barks out orders to Finkle who responds with great haste, jumping out of his chair. James grabs the black steal chair and folds it up as he slides back into the ring with it. James smirks as Ross continues making his way along that rope. James sets unfolds the chair and sets it down right under the championships as he slides back out of the ring and barks at Time Keeper Mark Eaton, who just like Finkle, quickly jumps out of his chair. James grabs that black steal chair as well and folds it, taking it into the ring with him. With that as Ross is getting within reach of the titles, James runs, bounces off the far ropes, runs up the chair, leaps off the back of the chair and slams the folded steal chair across the ribs of Ross as Ross comes flying down hard on the mats and James releases his chair in the air as he realizes he over jumped and ends up landing with his ribs across the top back, making him lean forward, placing his hand on the outside ring canvas and flipping himself over to the floor where his feet slip from under him and he ends up on his ass. The crowd pops as James just sits their and smirks, shaking his head as he knows he fucked up, but he still got in his shot, so to Hell with it. James gets up and slides back in the ring as Ross lays on the mat, holding his ribs. James decides that this may be his opportunity as he climbs the ropes and he begins inching his way across that X shaped rope. The crowd is going wild as James inches closer and closer to the belts and Ross continues to hold his ribs. Ryan Ross slowly reaches out, grabbing the ropes, and pulls himself up as he sees that James is within arms reach of the straps. Without any thought he glances, sees that the original steal chair is still standing in the center of the ring, so he runs back, bounces off the ropes, runs up the chair, jumps off the back and nails a huge drop kick to the chest of James as James goes flying back and Ross flips back and inadvertently frog splashes the chair, decimating the chair and probably his own chest. Crowd, "HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT�?BR>JR, "BY GAWD! HE MAY HAVE JUST ENDED HIS OWN CAREER!!!" Ryan rolls a bit on the mat clenching his chest and ribs as James lays on his back, his arms out and his chest going up and down as he is deeply breathing, clearly having had the wind knocked out of him after taking that huge spill off the rope. The two are both down and seemingly out however due to the stipulations referee Nick Patrick can’t even apply the ten count as his sole purpose in this bout is to simply call for the opening bell, and the closing bell when one of these men obtains the straps. Eventually as they lay their, the crowd going wild, James finds himself rolling over to his side, grabbing the bottom rope, seemingly contemplating getting up. He looks out toward the commentary tables and finally, begins slowly pulling himself up, one rope at a time. He gets to his feet and turns around, leaning back against the ropes as Ross is still gripping his chest. James glances at Ross, then at the X Rope, then back at Ross, clearly trying to determine whether or not he should make another attempt at grabbing the belts James takes a deep breath and walks over, grabbing Ross by the head and slowly pulling him up to his feet James pushes Ross into the far ropes and seemingly whispers something in Ryan’s ear as he does so�?He pulls Ross out and goes for an Irish whip but the CWA Champion reverses and sends James running. Ryan grips his chest but is fighting off the pain as James comes running back only for Ryan to jump up, catch James�?head, spin around and deliver a standing Tornado DDT. Fortunately while both men were down Referee Nick Patrick kicked all of the shambles of the chair out of the ring so the competitors hit nothing but mat. Ross and James are both down and Ross is still holding his chest and appears to be having a hard time breathing, however he pulls himself up and notices that James has rolled to his back. Ross runs back bounces off the ropes, runs across the ring, jumps up onto the second rope and seemingly goes for a lionsault however he flips all the way through in the air and ends up landing a Leg Drop across James�?throat. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | JR, "HE JUST HIT THE IMPACT! If he can capitalize this one could be over!" Ross sits there, clenching his chest and trying desperately to just catch his breath, he may have seriously injured himself after that drop kick. But all the same he pulls himself up and stumbles over to the corner, grabbing the top ropes and leaning forward, dropping his head on the top turnbuckle as he again attempts to regain his breath. As he does this a fairly stocky figure slides into the ring from the back of the ring. He has on a pair of black jeans, a black shirt, a black leather coat, and a black ski mask, making it fairly impossible to determine who it is. JR, "What the�?Who the�? The man stands, seemingly stalking Ross. Ryan Ross turns around and steps out a couple steps only to receive an incredibly powerful Spear from the masked man. The crowd pops as he stands up and jumps in a Goldberg like fashion. James has just started to move, not realizing that just mere feet from him his opponent is being attacked. The masked man bends down and pulls Ross up by the head, and then hoist him up into a Gorilla press, before he throws him up, catches him, and drops him in a devastating Spinebuster. This makes a lot of the fans boo�?BR>JR, "That looked like the�?well that can’t be, he’d never show his face here�?not after everything�? Heyman, "Well at the moment he doesn’t seem to be showing his face�? The masked man sees James rolling to his knees so he hops out of the ring and drops to his knees at ringside in an attempt to go undetected as he knows James wouldn’t except an interference victory. James gets to his feet and glances at Ross as a look of confusion comes to his face. He sees Ross completely out on the ground and draws the conclusion that his chest must of really gotten screwed up and as a result, has made him pass out. James shrugs and goes over to the ringside nearest the commentators as he climbs the ropes begins to shimmy his way, inch by inch toward the belts. As he gets to the center Ross is still out�?So he grabs the nWWF strap, and gives it a good yank, ripping it off the X. He drops it to the ground and then reaches out, grabbing the CWA title, which he also gives a hard yank, ripping the belt off the X. James releases the X and drops down to the mat as Patrick calls for the bell. Finkle, "Your winner, and the NEW CWA Heavyweight Champion�?JAMES!" ‘Sweet Dreams�?by Marylyn Manson blasts over the PA as Nick Patrick Raises James�?arm and hands him the belts. James takes a couple of deep breaths as the crowd is going wild, and then rolls out under the bottom rope. He slaps a few fans hands and walks around the ring where the mystery man has seemingly disappeared. James just keeps walking, heading up the ramp as he turns back and raises both belts high in the air making the crowd explode as Ryan Ross has only just started to roll over, although considering he was already having breathing problems and then had himself slammed with great strength it’s no surprise that he’s barely moved since. Back on the ramp James turns back around, heads up the ramp, and walks behind the curtain as back at the ring the mystery man crawls out from under the ring apron. JR, "Well James has unified the nWWF and CWA championships, but the bigger question maybe who the Hell this guy is!" The mystery man slides back into the ring and stands in wait of Ryan Ross who is slowly pulling himself up on the ropes. Ryan gets to his feet, staggers back, and turns just in time to find himself yet again hoisted in the air in a gorilla press�?And again he finds himself slammed down in a spinebuster. The crowd is booing as they are certain they know that move�?And then without any further ado, The man grabs the bottom off his ski mask and lifts it off, revealing himself to be……�?/P> JR, "I’LL BE A SON OF A BITCH, IT IS HIM!! THAT’S DESTRUCTIVE JAY MARSHAL!!" Heyman, "But�?But�?HOW?!" JR, "What in the HELL is this SORRY SON OF A BITCH, Doing HERE?!?! Somebody get Security out here DAMN IT!" Marshal just smirks as �?A target=_top href="http://a420.v8383d.c8383.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/420/8383/3b858b51/mtvrdstr.download.akamai.com/8512/wmp/4/87/graphics.msnw?action=get_message&mview=0&ID_Message=10889&LastModified=4675710357544197368&all_topics=1">Walk�?by Pantera blast over the PA. Marshal heads over the ropes by the ramp and exits between the second and third ropes as he begins heading up the ramp and the medics begin rushing down the ramp. As the medic team checks on Ryan Ross we go to ringside where JR and Paul Heyman are seated at a regular wooden table as a result to Missy and Krystin shattering their announce table earlier in the night.  | JR, "I Can’t believe this! That man has absolutely NO BUSINESS here in the ICWA!! He turned his back on this company along time ago and as far as I’m concerned, he should keep his back turned and just keep on walking away!" Heyman, "It is rare that we agree on anything, however, I have to admit that I am equally as disturbed by Destructive Jay Marshal’s return to the ICWA." JR takes a deep breath as he says, "In any event�?On a much more disheartening note, the professional wrestling world has lost a close brother in Chris Candido�?Some of your may remember him from his stint in the WWE as a member of the Bodydonnas, Skip�?Some of you may remember him from his stints in ECW, WCW, or TNA as Chris Candido�?But all the same, in one aspect or another, we all remember the man, and it’s with a poignant heart that we’ve decided to take a glimpse over the glorious career of the late Chris Candido�? With that 'My Immortal' by Evanescence begins to play over the PA as we fade into the Dementa Tron With that the cameras return to ringside where the tears are streaming from Paul Heyman’s face as he is attempting desperately to remain professional. JR, "If you wish to show honor Chris Candido, In lieu of flowers and cards, you can donate to the Chris Candido Scholarship Fund. Bank of New York 3rd Avenue and Washington Street Springlake, NJ 07762 Chris Candido, a great athlete and a Hell of a man�?We’ll miss ya buddy�?we’ll miss ya�? Paul says nothing as his bottom lip is trembling, fighting to maintain his composure as we slowly head to the top of the ramp�?/P> <<<<<<<<<The Following Was Written By Jimmy Stryker>>>>>>> The lights slowly begin to fade and after two to three minutes the arena is pitch black. The crowd start to freak out and all of a sudden a faint "static" noise can be heard coming across the PA system. A large image begins spreading across the Dementa-Tron screen though the crowd are disappointed when that to, is just television static. The crowd suddenly become anxious to find out what is going on and a thin green smog begins to spread thinly across the ramp way and the crowd begin to liven up a little and come out of there temporary silence. The static noise suddenly stops and several words can be heard across the PA system�? "This is a song about what I am, a mother fucking IDIOT!" The crowd all instantly rise to their feet and green lights begin to whiz around the arena and highlight certain individuals at random holding their precious crappy signs. The green smog begins to spread a lot further and it eventually makes the ring, smog unexpectedly starts pouring out from the top turnbuckles and the crowd begin to freak out, then�?it happens. The curtains begin to ruffle a little and the crowd begins screaming all sorts of obscenities. The scruffy bastard himself emerges from behind the curtain and walks two to three meters down the ramp way before stopping. Finkle: The Following Contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the #1 contendership for the ICWA United States Championship....making his way to the ring from Lima, Ohio weighing in at 240 pounds SASCO STUDMEN!!!!! As Sasco stops he throws both of his arms in the air in the formation of a "X" and the crowd go crazy as the man standing knee deep in green fog appears to be doing all of the right things. Sasco slowly begins to shuffle down the ramp whilst on the titantron highlights from several of his previous federations are shown and the crowd seems to be quite shocked by the maneuvers and risks that this man is willing to take. Twenty or so seconds pass by and Sasco is standing at the rings steps paying no attention what so ever to the massive crowd around him. Sasco quickly takes a look around him and walks up the ring steps and cunningly makes his way through the ropes and steps into the ever elusive "squared ring!" Sasco then leans up against the ropes as his music continues to play. As he is still getting a ovation from the crowd, his music stops and the lights go down once again as "Waiting" by Greenday blares loudly over the pa system. The fans start too boo and some start too scream for there favorite wrestler.. The lights slowly fade on as purple smoke begins too rise all around in the ring and along the ramp. On the titatron the words "I'm here, You better run" appear. As the lights go black again blue and purple fireworks go off in the ring appears Da Sweet Lunatic as she raises her arms Finkle: And his opponent, From The Back Streets Of New York City, weighing in at 135 pounds " The Ultimate Extreme Hardcore Queen"....D S L!!! *DSL makes her way quickly to the ring to begin her quest to becoming the next United States Champion* JR: I think she can do this Heyman. Heyman: Are you nuts JR? A woman is not supposed to fight for a mans belt. JR: Well then what about Hope Cassidy winning the ICWA title back in the day? Heyman: They must of felt sorry for her! At least Jimmy Stryker took that title from her!!! JR: Oh your something real special. *DSL quickly makes her way to the ring as her and Sasco stare one another down. DSL and Sasco watch each other closely as the circle the ring staying on opposite ends to avoid conflict. But finally "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake hits as DSL and Sasco begin to watch as they await Ricky Carter who seems not to be making his way to the ring. Heyman: What the hell is going on here? JR: I dont know Paul! Do you think I can read minds? *As Ricky's music continues to play...Sasco comes up from behind DSL and starts to slug her heard in the back of the head. Ricky's music dies down as DSL is finally fed up with the cheap shots delivered to the back of her head, turns around and lays one hard right to the head of Sasco sending him down crashing to the mat. DSL then gives Sasco a pissed off look, as Sasco gets up to his feet and backs into the ropes. He smiles as DSL who just continues to give him the cold stare that she had on her face moments ago. Sasco then walks up to DSL where they come face to face. DSL then shoves Sasco to the mat. Sasco get to his feet as he pushes DSL to the mat. Sasco so proud that he grabs a womans chest holds up his hands so everyone can get a view. DSL stands up and begins to punch Sasco in the jaw over and over. While Sasco's neck snaps back, DSL then grabs Sasco and sets him up nailing him with a suplex to the mat. Sasco rolls right up to his feet and clotheslines DSL down hard to the mat that her head hits and makes a loud thud that echo's throughout the arena. DSL rolls to her side as Sasco kicks DSL in the ribs as now she wraps her arms around her ribs protecting them from other attacks. Sasco then kicks DSL in the back of the head. DSL then lies flat on the mat, as Sasco then bounces off the ropes nailing DSL with a huge legdrop. Sasco attempts the first pin in this contest. Ref: 1...2...Kickout by DSL Heyman: Damn that was close, one more moment and it would be all over!! Sasco then takes DSL by the hair as the referee catches him doing so tries to get him to break the hold, but is unable to. Sasco then irish whips DSL into the ropes, as DSL is on her way back Sasco picks her up delivering a Gorilla Press Slam lifting DSL high into the air and dropping her like a sack of potatoes. Sasco then picks up DSL and irish whips her into the turnbuckle where she falls down to her ass. Sasco lines her up and goes to the opposite side of the ring. Sasco then makes his way towards her running as "Rock Your Body" by Justin Timberlake hits over the pa system. Sasco continues to make his run as DSL low blows Sasco while the ref's head is turned to the stage area, where Ricky Carter makes his way out from the back. Sasco then falls to the mat as Ricky Carter slides into the ring and goes to work on DSL who is still in the corner. JR: It's Ricky Carter!!! Where in the hell has he been? Heyman: Give the guy a break JR! He just came from the hospital! Sasco is seen rolling to the outside of the ring as Ricky lays the boots into DSL as she is pushed back into the corner. DSL who is helpless at this moment, is then released as Ricky Carter then moves away from her and taunts the crowd. DSL then tries to get up but here comes Ricky delivering a knee to the face of DSL!! DSL's necks snaps back eve harder than before. DSL then falls face first flat on the mat as DSL is then picked up by Ricky Carter, but then pulled to the outside of the ring by Sasco. Sasco then whips DSL into the barricade on the outside of the ring as she falls to the ground and dosent move. Sasco then slides into the ring, as he and Ricky start to push one another until Ricky slaps Sasco across the face. Sasco backs off a bit, but comes back with a slap to the face of his own. Ricky then swings his right fist and connects to the face of Sasco as he inches closer to the ropes. Ricky whips Sasco into the ropes, as Sasco is on the rebound, he is clotheslined to the ground. Sasco gets up again and is clotheslined down one more time, and then one more time after that. Sasco then stands up frustrated as Rick carter clotheslines him as he flips through the air and lands hard on the back of his head. Heyman: Now this is getting good JR! DSL starts to come alive on the outside as she grabs the feet of the referee and pulls him down as his face hits the mat and the referee dosen't move. DSL grabs a chair and slides into the ring as she swings and connects to the back of the head of Ricky Carter. Sasco then stands up as he is then too leveled with the chair. DSL then puts one foot on the chest of Ricky Carter who seems to be out cold. The referee is also out cold. DSL tosses the chair to the outside as she walks over and grabs the referee, and slaps him across the face to wake him up. DSL gets the referee to notice her as she pins Ricky Carter. JR: What the hell? A Cheap win if you ask me!! Referee: 1....2....Kickout by Ricky Carter!! DSL is upset by Ricky kicking out of the cover. Sasco and Ricky both get to their feet. DSL then turns around and starts to fight them both off, but the two men are too strong for her to handle. Ricky Carter looks at Sasco and vice versa. Ricky then smiles clubbing the hell out of Sasco and then taking DSL down. Ricky sets up Sasco on the mat facing upwards as you see Ricky climb the turnbuckle. Ricky comes off the turnbuckle nailing a huge Moonsault as he makes the cover... JR: Holy SHIT!! Heyman: JR did you just swear? Referee: 1....2...Save by DSL with a shot to the back of Ricky's head. Sasco then gets up and nails DSL across the plain of her back. Ricky then gets up and nails Sasco across the back of his neck. Heyman: What the hell is this? JR: Seems like a fight to me Heyman!! Heyman: No Shit JR! JR: Well you asked dumbass!! The three competitors lie on the mat all three of them look up at one another as DSL is quickly to her feet. DSL then grabs Rick Carter and tosses him shoulder first in between the middle ropes and into the ring post sending Ricky to the outside as well as he holding his shoulder in agony. Sasco is up on his feet as he goes for DSL turns her around and attempts the DOPE! However DSL quickly reverses the move by back body dropping Sasco but then picks him up immediatly. DSL then kicks Sasco in the midsection and sets him in between her legs. Heyman: Is this it? Is this the Lunatic virus? DSL nails Sasco with the Lunatic Virus right in the middle of the ring. DSL then makes the cover. Referee: 1.....2....3!!! Finkle: The Winner of the match and the NEW ICWA #1 contender for the United States Championship DSL!!!!! JR: What the hell? JR: Heyman what do we expect this coming up week on Demented? Heyman: I don't know JR, but it should be good -DSL is seen celebrating in the ring as �? <<<<<<<End of Stryker writing>>>>>> | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | With that cameras go to the back where a Limo is sitting, running in the parking lot. The camera pans out and WallStreet is still carrying Alexis as the two are laughing and joking about. The limo driver opens the back door as WallStreet says, "Back to the Hotel oh nobel Stead! And double speed!" The driver nods and waits for WallStreet to enter the limo with Alexis before he shuts the door behind them, rushes to the front of the limo, and takes off. With that we switch over to Bobby Johnson who is seen with Shawn Allen. Allen, "Handle it man�? Allen pats Johnson on the shoulder and Bobby takes a deep breath and heads out the door as we switch over to the nWs locker room where Jacob Mitchell is standing, surrounded by Seifer, Omen, Mace, and even Kill Switch. No words are needed as Jacob simply matches eyes with each of them, and exchanges nods. Mitchell gives a concluding nod and turns, heading out of the locker room as we than switch over to Brock Lesnar who is in his room with Torrie Wilson-Lesnar. Torrie, "Good luck baby�? Brock smiles and the two exchange a kiss as he follows suit, heading out of his locker room as the scene fades to Ryan Michaels who is alone in his locker room. However, the door opens and in walks Blaze Inferno to a huge pop. Ryan, "You’re Back?!" Blaze smiles, "I couldn’t miss your big match�?I believe in ya Ryan, go out there and go the distance�? Ryan smiles and the two shake hands, and even share a hug as he walks around Blaze and heads out as we go over to Y2Jesus who is getting a neck rub from Amethyst as Ice is psyching him up. Ice, "Forget what happened earlier�?It’s not important�?What IS important is winning the ICWA Heavyweight Championship! Everything else can be handled later�?Just get that strap!" Jesus nods as he gets up off the leather couch and heads out the door and finally we fade to Matt Matlock’s locker room where he stands with……�?eh…�?well never the less just like everyone else he too heads out as JR says, "Well it’s become that time�?Let’s show ya how This One, Came to be�?  WallStreet, "See, in 2 weeks we are going to have what I have labeled a "Impress The Boss" match. And in this match will be Brock Lesnar (Crowd boos), Shawn Allen (Crowd boos), Taz (Crowd pops), Mace (Crowd erupts), And several other ICWA top names. And on that ramp will be a rather comfortable leather chair which will lay host to me very attractive ass (Crowd pops a bit). And I’m going to watch, as every 3 Minutes I will change the stipulations of the match. I will continue to do this until there are 6 People remaining in the ring. Then I am taking those 6 people and I have decided that we will have, for the first time in the ICWA An Elimination Chamber Match (Crowd pops). And the winner of the Elimination Chamber will become the ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION OF THE WORLD!!!" WallStreet, "So, two weeks from Tonight, all you guys in the back�?Be prepared to Impress The Boss!" 2 Weeks Later�?/FONT> We see highlights of the 6 Elimination Chambers making their way to the ring for the Impress The Boss Match. From there we see highlights of the match. We see Shane Allen being eliminated by being disrobed, Jack Memphis losing his job, and the near fall of Ryan Michaels. We proceed on and see Sean O’Haire getting F5ed through a glass table, Jacob Mitchell obtaining the Immunity brief case, Pitbull finding her way out of the chamber�?We see Ryan Michaels and Dark Angel fighting their way through the back and we see Scott Jensen attempting to aid Y2Jesus only to find himself nearly crippled at his hands. Finally we draw to the conclusion where Matt Matlock is being held in Bobby Johnson’s modified Tazmission and Scott Jensen is in that modified Lion tamer as WallStreet calls the next fall as being a Submission’s match. With limited hesitation Scott Jensen taps and we conclude who will be in the Elimination Chamber at Resurrection. Finkle, "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE FINAL ELIMINATION HAS BEEN SCOTT_JENNNNNSENNN! (Crowd boos) Your Final Six Are, JACOB MITCHELL, RYAN MICHAELS, BROCK LESNAR, Y2JESUS, MATT MATLOCK, AND BOBBY_JOHNNNNNNNNNSONNNNNN!!!" JR, "BAH GAWD! WE HAVE OUR RESURRECTION MAIN EVENT, BUT AT WHAT COST?!?!" Suddenly the lights begin to flicker as the ring begins shaking. JR, "What the Hell?!" With that a huge blast of pyro explodes on the stage which causes WallStreet to jump up and walk a little ways down the ramp, which it’s probably a good thing he does because the stage gets engulfed with flames, which begins melting the leather chair. The Dementa-Tron then kicks on as the following words come across. "Now 6 Victors Celebrate At Resurrection 6 Gladiators Decimate For the opportunity to be crowned a King Amongst Men But For That "King", Hell Shall Truly BEGIN!" With that the lights go out as the arena is pitch black. ‘Right Now�?By Korn blast over the PA and the lights fade back on, reviling that Brock Lesnar, Y2Jesus, Matt Matlock, Bobby Johnson, and even Amethyst Jane are all soaked in blood from an apparent Blood Bath given during the black out. Last Week Mitchell has a small laugh and winks at the camera, sure his nWs running buddy is watching somewhere. The crowd is going wild, clearly very into the proven Icon Slayer, who continues to grin. Mitchell, "See I hear WallStreet in the back and he’s always telling the new talent "In places such as�? Well specific names aren’t important (laughs slightly), anyway, "In.. ‘Those places�? Men become Heroes, but in the ICWA, Heroes, become LEGENNNDSSS!" Well I intend to be living proof, because when I walk into Resurrection I will do so as an Icon Slayer and a Hero�?But when I walk out, I will be the proven best in this company and, an undisputed Living Legend�?So�? Before he can finish the lights dim and ‘Not Falling�?by Mudvayne blast over the PA. Mitchell perks his Prodigal brow as he looks up the ramp only to see Matt Matlock emerge from behind the curtain Matlock, "�?You talk about having a "Destiny to fulfill" while the rest of us just have the opportunity to basically sit and say ‘Hey we were there when he started his "Legacy"�?/FONT> (Mitchell grins, shrugs, and nods agreeingly)�?Well piss on you, piss on your legacy, and piss on every Mitchell before you! I don’t give a sh*t about a bunch of Hula dancing, pig and pineapple eating, sub-American jackasses that couldn’t cut it in the business and I damned sure don’t give a sh*t about the forth edition of the never ending story of failure!" Mitchell is growing annoyed in the ring as Matlock continues, "I don’t think you get it�?Yeah, Resurrection is a night for a Destiny to be fulfilled, but not your Destiny�?MINE!" Matlock gets half way down the ramp and stops. He is gonna continue but Mitchell raises the mic back to his lips and says, "Tell ya what Matlock, why don’t you try and "Resurrect" your career by stepping in the ring with me here and now, and we can eliminate one of the Elimination Chamber members before the match even starts?" The crowd pops at this idea as Mitchell takes off his shirt and tosses it to the side, showing he is ready to go. Matlock is contemplating the idea but before he can respond we hear the opening chords of ‘Next Big Thing�?from the WWE Anthology CD. Lesnar, "Easy kiddos, don’t wanta have a Resurrection Main Event Pre-Party without the guest of honor�? Mitchell, "Jesus Christ! I came out to give my fans a chance to see me since WallStreet deprived them of seeing their Hero in action because he was concerned about my back, which is just find might I add, and it turns into the biggest BOREFEST since Dark Child’s run at the top�?Yeah, all 30 seconds of it! Let me sum this all up for the two of you and the other 3 in this match�?You need to know 3 Things! (Puts up index finger) ONE! So long as I’m around, NONE of you are relevant�?(Adds middle finger) TWO! None of you hold the slights of candles to the walking torch in myself�?(Puts down the index finger and puts up all three of the other fingers) THREE! At Resurrection I become the ICWA Heavyweight Champion, no ifs, ands, or buts�?End of story, no flash backs, no huge swerve making the underdog come on top�?this movie ends with the most obvious ending, Jacob Mitchell OWNS ALL OF YOU! End of story, end of plot, movie over, there’s the credits, now get your fat ass out of the seat so the theater employees can clean up for the next showing of the film so accurately titles "Jacob Mitchell and the nWs OWNS ALL!" We then go further into the show where Ryan Michaels is being broadcasted from the ICWA Evolution Night Club out of NYC.  Ryan laughs, " Wasn’t it ol Bobby Johnson who said of the 15 guys booked in the Demented main event, I stood the LEAST chance of progressing?! Yet here I am�?Not only am I here, but I even picked up one of the eliminating pinfalls�?Who’d you eliminate Bobby? (laughs) But it’s okay, see Bobby Johnson talks about what he did to me in XWA, Talks about me "disappearing" from the XWA�?News flash pal, XWA’s the minor leagues, the ICWA’s the big time�?That’s why I left XWA, not because I was "scared" or "showed up", I left the XWA to pursue a career here in the ICWA, and here I stand number 1 contender to the ICWA Heavyweight Championship�?Bad call? I don’t think so�?But hey, maybe after I win the ICWA Championship you can give Triple X a call and work it out with your new found "buddy" WallStreet for him to bring his ass to the ICWA and we’ll go Champion against Champion. (crowd pops) Never the less, I’ll sum things up�?This Sunday, 6 Men, 1 Belt, 1 Match, 1 Immortal Champion�?The One and ONLY Ryan Michaels!" | With that we fade to the ring where the Elimination Chamber has been lowered and Howard Finkle is announcing at ringside. Finkle, "Ladies and Gentlemen, The following bout is the ICWA MAIN EVENT!! It is an Elimination Chamber MATCH! And has been scheduled to determine the InterCountyWrestlingAlliance World Heavyweight Championship!" The cameras show the Time Keepers table where a glass case is sitting, containing the ICWA Heavyweight Championship. The scene then fades back into the Chamber. Finkle proceeds, "This bout is an Elimination contest�?Before this bout each superstar drew a number in front of Senior Referee Tim White, Vice Senior referee Nick Patrick, and ICWA CEO and Chairman Mr. McCallister! Numbers 1 and 2 will begin this contest as the other four performers will go to their assigned chamber where they will be enclosed until their number is up�?This bout will fall into 5 Minute periods, after each 5 minute period a chamber will be opened until each performer has entered the match! In the event that all but 1 performer has been eliminated before the conclusion of a five minute period, we will automatically advance to the next performer!......." The lights in the arena flicker, as the commentators and crowd watches the titantron, waiting for the man's introduction movie to hit. Red lights fill the arena, as the small projector in front of the stage begin to flash with Jacob's face as one of his trademark tattoo signs. Finally, the familiar guitar strums opening up "The Chauffeur" by Deftones plays over the P.A. System. The crowd jumped to their feet, booing Jacob yet at the same time anxiously waiting the arrival of The Prodigal Son. The black curtain was seen pushed to the side as Jacob slowly struts out and stopped at the top with his head cocked a bit. Out behind him is his older brother Allan Mitchell. Jacob looked back towards Allan and then laughed at something Allan said before he turned back around and faced the ring. He held both arms out to his side with an cocky smirk on his face while he waves the crowd down. Allan stepped to Jacob's side as he dropped his arms back down to his side as he begun to walk down the ramp. Jacob and Allan watched the crowd laughing at different signs in the fans giving them a better reaction. Jacob had on his black tights, and tribal design on the back of his tights, which was outlined with a gold stroke, and in silver letters 'MITCHELL' which was also stroked with a gold outline. Allan sported a black and grey surf shorts with a white shirt thrown over his right shoulder, blocking the tattoo of the Taurus on his shoulder. Once they reached the middle of the ramp, he slowly dropped down to his left knee and braced himself with his left arm and closed his eyes. Behind him, Allan stood with both of his arms above him. Jacob looked down at the steel ramp and Allan cut a cocky smirk as sparks fell from the top of the titantron. After a few seconds, Jacob pushed himself back up and Allan dropped his arms back down to his side as they made their way down to the bottom of the ramp. Finkle, "Introducing First�?Hailing from Honolulu Hawaii, he is accompanied this evening by Allen Mitchell and weighs in at 265 Pounds�?Representing the new World slaughter is JACOB_MITTTTCHHHEELLLLLL!" Jacob walked towards the ring apron and pulled himself up. He got into the ring and walked over to the ring post in the far right-hand side. He pulled himself up and extended his arms again while a few gold and white lights beamed down on Jacob, exposing his deep muscle definition. Allan stood on the bottom rope and bounced himself on it, similar to something Jeff Jarrett did. Camera flashes and cheers filled the arena as Jacob and Allan's smirks got wider. Jacob dropped his arms back down to his side and jumped back down to the mat. He backed up into the corner and rolled his head on his shoulders as he made his way to the turnbuckle in the opposite side. Jacob climbed up the turnbuckle again and held his arms out, gathering much more cheers this time around. Allan made his way over towards the opposite side ring ropes and once again bounced himself on the bottom rope while he held his right arm above him and left arm gripping the top rope. Chants of "Prodigal Son" and "Allan" begun to start up, that only fed his ego more as he dropped down to the mat and perched himself up onto the turnbuckle. Allan gives Mitchell a couple of words of encouragement and exits the chamber as everyone has been bared from ringside for this event. As he does so "The G.O.A.T." starts to play. Bobby Johnson appears at the top of the entrance ramp wearing an all black wrestling singlet. He wears a white T-shirt over his singlet, that says, Bobby Johnson on the front, and The Future of The Franchise on the back. He wears a black spandex-like wave cap on his head. He flexes his muscles for the crowd as his pyros go off a lot like Batista does. Finkle, "Next, Making his way from New Orleans Louisianna�?He weighs in this evening at 255 Pounds and represents the ENTOURAGE�?He is the ICWA Hardcore Champion, BOBBY_JOHHHHNNNNNSOOONNNNN!!!" JR, "That’s strange�?Bobby doesn’t seem to have his Hardcore championship with him�? Heyman, "Probably didn’t want to be weighed down when he adds the Heavyweight belt to his championship collection�? When he is done flexing, he slowly makes his way down to the ring and walks up the stairs and climbs the nearest ring post, and again flexes his muscles for the crowd. He climbs down from the ring post, and gets into the ring and walks to the ring post on the opposite side, and climbs it and again flexes his muscles to the crowd. He then climbs down from the ring posts and takes off his wave cap and T-shirt and puts them in the corner. He then leans on the ropes and glares across the ring at Jacob Mitchell, who smirks, but also glares. JR, "No question that these two are walking in here with the biggest rivalry out of the bunch�? Heyman, "Imagine if they’re numbers 1 and 2�? JR, "That may bid well for the other four in this match, cause I’m not sure they’ll leave anything of each other for the other competitors�? The chords of the electric guitar sound and the familiar sound of "Next Big Thing" hits the PA system. From behind the curtain comes Brock Lesnar. He stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the fan reaction, which isn’t very positive, then he begins to jump from side to side to get himself pumped up. He then slowly begins to walk down the ramp. Finkle, "On his way to the ring�?From Minneapolis Minnesota, he weighs in this evening at 294 pounds and is the ONLY Former ICWA Heavyweight champion entering this contest�?He Is the ICWA Franchise, BROCK_LESSSSSNNNNAARRR!!" He gets to the bottom of the ramp and the stops to do some more pumping up. He then leaps up onto the chamber which sends pyro from each of the four ring posts. He then gets into the ring and pumps himself up even more... The lights go off and strobe lighting searches around the building, going over the fans. As the music starts to play the strobe lights point to the entrance ramp. Ryan Michaels walks out into the lights and pyros go off on both sides off him, leading to the arena being lit back up. He walks down the ramp a bit and as the lyrics get to the chorus he kneels down and pyros start going off in all directions. Finkle, "Making his way from San Antonio Texas�?He weighs in at 238 Pounds�?He is RYAN_MICCCCCCHHHHAAAELLSSS!!" He gets up and walks down the rest off the ramp, giving the fans high-fives and everything, slowly making his way to the ring. When he climbs in he climbs the turnbuckles and taunts the crowd. He then goes to the rope facing the entrance ramp and does the thing Shawn Michaels does. This then sets off more pyros, this time coming from the turnbuckles in the ring. As he gets up he finds himself face to face with Bobby Johnson, neither man offering an inch as they glare a hole through each other. JR, "A lot of history between these two�?They actually got their start in the same Indy promotion�? Mudvayne's "Not Falling" begins to play over the speakers, as the lights slightly dim. The titantron shows images of the one & only Matt Matlock, beating the living hell out of many opponents. Pyro blast off on the ramp as the first verse begins. As it subsides, walls of sparks come up on either side of the ramp as Matlock emerges in a pair of torn denims and a white wife beater. He puts his hands on his hips, and narrows his eyes as he looks back and forth at the crowd. The crowd boos the shit out of him, but it bothers him not. With the sparks still shooting up, he walks down the ramp as the crowd continues their pointless booing. Finkle, "Introducing next�?From Nova Scotia Canada, he weighs in this evening at 242 pounds�?He is The Lone Wolf, MATT_MATTTTTTTTTLOCCCKKK!!!" He steps through the ropes into the ring, and leans on the ropes on one side flipping off the crowd and talking shit to them. He goes to the opposite side, and does the same. He then climbs one of the far turnbuckles, folds his arms in front of him and gazes out over the crowd. He then looks upward as he raises his arms out to his sides, palms upward. Rapid shots of pyro shoot off in the middle of the ring. When he lowers his arms, the pyro subsides. He then steps down. The lights go back to normal, and the song fades as Matt looks over the competitors in the ring with a glare in his eye�?Clearly none of these men are fond of each other. -()- Suddenly the lights in the arena dim and the Titan Tron flickers to life with the symbol for the Inter County Wrestling Alliance . A few heartbeats later and some hard guitar riffs begin pulsating through the PA system. Up atop the entrance ramp, in the middle of the stage a bright column of gold light shoots up from underneath, illuminating the darkness. The rythmic guitar riffs continue and 36 seconds into the song ICWA symbol is crushed by a falling graphic that says Y2Jesus. The crowd erupts in a mixed reaction, the lights around the Titan Tron begin strobing bright white and gold as the tempo speeds up again. The climax of which shows the Y2Jesus graphic explode as his tron video begins playing. " Desire" by rock icon Ozzy Osborune is heard blasting over the PA system. " I always knew what I wanted to be I knew for sure, I knew for sure! Always knew it was them or me I wanted more, more and more! It's alright! it's OK! None of them people gonna take it away! They don't know like I know, And I can't stop 'cause it drives them crazy! It drives them crazy! Cause I won't be cool! It's too late baby..." -()- As the song plays you see the Self Appointed Savior of the ICWA rise up from underneath the ramp like how the Brood used to do way back when. He pauses with his back turned to the audience, he hands in prayer before spinning around and holding them out in a grand fashion. -()- " It's the same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain, oh yeah!" -()- As he stands proudly atop the ramp as a shower of gold pyro erupt behind him from atop the Dementa-Tron (think Christian's old entrance), and some firework like pyro explode above him in a teardrop type fashion. He pauses and soaks up the crowd reaction, the light from beneath the ramp shutting off. His reknowed smirk graces his face as he looks about the jam packed arena. -()- " Always moving, somewhere else to be Moving on, moving on! Scream at you and you scream at me Right or wrong, right or wrong! It's alright! it's OK! No one's ever gonna take us away! 'Cause they don't know, like I know I gotta keep rocking, 'cause it makes me crazy! It makes me crazy! Who needs to be cool?! Life's amazing..." -()- Y2J smiles widely as he spins around on the top of the ramp. Y2J begins walking in a very cocky manner, his flowing brown locks trail behind him as the golden specs from the fireworks fall all around him. He struts and primps, tossing his hair, pausing and jabbering with the fans a few times as he approaches the ring. -()- Finkle, "And Finally�?Hailing from Boston Massachusetts, he weighs in this evening at 235 Pounds�?He is the Self Appointed Savior, Y2JESSSSSUUUUSSSSSSS!!!" -()- Y2J gets to the ring and stomps up the steps one at a time, getting up on the apron. He pauses and wipes his shoes on the outside before stepping through the ropes. -()- " Same old desire Nothing has changed, nothing the same Burning like fire Don't you ever take my name in vain Oh, yeah!" -()- He goes to the center of the ring and holds out his arms motioning up and down his body playing to the crowd as a shower of flashbulbs rains down on the arrogant Y2J. He smirks at his opponent before climbing atop the nearest turnbuckle and posing again, the long guitar solo in the song accompanying him as he poses for the fans. Y2J hops off the turnbuckle and walks over to the ropes as the song begins to fade and the house lights return to normal. Y2J takes off the top part of his old robes he used to wear and hands it to a tech guy at ringside. -()- The music begins to fade as the lights readjust and referee Tim White instructs everyone to make their way to their respective chambers. As the competitors do so we come to find that Ryan Michaels and Jacob Mitchell have drawn numbers 1 and 2 which makes Mitchell’s eyes widen as to say ‘You’ve gotta be kidding me�? Ryan has a look of great determination on his face as Mitchell walks over to Tim White and says, "Whoa, Whoa, Whoa�?THAT’s number 2?! You mean to tell me that you are actually gonna make this kid stand against me, all alone, for five minutes with nothing but miles of chain and steal around the ring just waiting to end his career?! Come on man, cut the kid a break�?Pull in Brock Lesnar, or even Bobby Johnson�?Not this kid�? Tim White starts to explain that the decision is final but before he gets very far Ryan Michaels comes out of no where and shoves Mitchell, which makes brings an expression of sheer shock on Mitchell’s face as Ryan seems pissed. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | Ryan, "SHUT UP AND WRESTLE!" The fans who could hear him pop as Mitchell smirks and laughs slightly, nodding his head and probably respecting the ambition of this young buck. Tim White calls for the bell and these two begin circling, but only briefly before they come into a basic neck and elbow grapple. Mitchell quickly exits the grapple by applying a side headlock to the rookie, however Michaels is fast to counter by applying a hammerlock submission to the Prodigal one. Mitchell smacks his shoulder a couple of times and in an unique counter he thrust himself down and to the side and delivers a reverse drop toe hold (same as a regular drop toe hold only Mitchell was on his chest instead of his back). Michaels hits the mat but quickly gets up, as does Jacob Mitchell, and the two shoot in at each other again but this time Mitchell sweeps the legs of Michaels and quickly drops his chest over that of the younger Heart Break Kid, however Michaels kicks out with authority before White can count. Michaels pops up but Mitchell applies a very generic sleeper hold with minimal pressure, keeping the face paced kid on his ass as Mitchell is posted behind him on a knee with a clear leverage advantage. The crowd is getting behind Michaels, wanting to see the young blue chipper do well in this bout. He seems to use the energy of the crowd as his arms are shaking a bit and he slowly gets to a knee, forcing Mitchell to get to his feet to keep the leverage advantage. Michaels slowly gets up to his feet but since Mitchell has seen this oh so many times he’s smart enough to know that this has no where to go but bad so as opposed to waiting for Michaels to sink a few elbows into his abdomen, Mitchell releases the sleeper and delivers a quick Irish Whip, sending Michaels across the ring to the ropes. Michaels bounces back and attempts to counter by leaping into a drop kick, however, it seems that Mitchell had the exact same idea so they both go to the air looking for a drop kick at the same time, and both connect ever so slightly, as they then land hard on the mat making the crowd pop at the unique situation. Both men slowly get up and they both turn around to face each other at about the same time, but Michaels is first to lunge forward, albeit only for Mitchell to quickly catch him and spin, executing a top notch Powerslam. Mitchell hooks the far leg as Tim White drops down and counts ……�?�?but Ryan again kicks out with authority. The forth generation superstar gets to his feet, realizing that this kid came to play as Ryan holds his back and slowly begins getting to his feet. Ryan gets up and turns around only to receive a kick to the gut. Mitchell puts on a loose front facelock, probably looking to follow up with a DDT, however Michaels quickly scoops the legs of the Prodigal son as he hoist him up and slams him down in a fairly impressive Spinebuster. Mitchell holds his back as Michaels runs to the ropes, jumping on the third rope the same way as Jericho jumps to the second for his lionsault, and then leaps back, driving his elbow deep into the chest of the Icon Slayer in a very impressive and quickly executed elbow drop. Michaels hooks the far leg and Tim White counts ……�?……�? barely two as Mitchell powers out and clenches his chest, clearly feeling the effects of that deep seeded elbow. JR, "What an impressive exchange of wrestling from these two young athletes!" Michaels gets up as he sees that Mitchell is rolling over to his knees and starting to rise himself. Michaels stands in wait, almost stalking the Icon Slayer as he’s getting to his feet with his back turned to Michaels. As Mitchell gets full erect, Ryan runs up behind and applies a rear waistlock�?With limited difficulty he hoist the Prodigal one up, and delivers a German suplex. Michaels keeps his rear waist lock applied and rolls over, bringing himself and Mitchell back to their feet, and then again�?BAM! A Second German suplex. Michaels continues to hold the rear waistlock and again brings himself and Mitchell up, obviously looking for a third German Suplex, however this time around Mitchell is able to get his hands between Michael’s hands and his own abs, giving himself enough room to quickly turn around while still in Michael’s arms, wrap his prodigal arms around Michaels body, and execute a very quick belly to belly suplex as both competitors lay on their backs for a moment, catching their breath. As the two men are down a timer comes on in the lower right corner counting down from ten as the crowd begins counting with it. Mitchell realizes this is no time to take a breather so he hops up as Michaels is still down, holding his back. ………�?……�?………�?………�?……�?……�?…�? The lights begin going around the chambers randomly until it finally rests on�? JR, "Y2JESUS! Y2JESUS IS COMING IN!" The chamber opens and out steps Jesus, looking into the ring where Mitchell stands in wait, a large grin on his face. Y2J throws his leg over the second rope and cautiously enters the ring before he and Mitchell begin slowly sizing each other up. They’re just about to grapple when from no where Ryan Michaels runs, leap frogs over Jesus�?shoulders in an incredibly display as he easily goes over the 6 foot Savior, wraps his legs around Mitchell, and whips back delivering a sensational hurrincarana making the crowd erupt. Michaels gets up only to be spun around by Jesus and met with a stinging right hand. Michaels doesn’t seem intimidated or even overly effected however as he begins sending his own right hands right back at the self appointed Savior. The two begin going fist for fist until Mitchell comes from behind and clips Y2J’s right knee, dropping him instantly. The crowd boos slightly at the underhanded tactic but Jacob Mitchell is well aware that in a contest of this magnitude, ethics can not be his primary concern. Mitchell gets up, keeping a hold of that right leg of Jesus�? and extends the leg out to the side before jumping up and dropping a hard elbow across the knee and then wrenching the leg back as Y2J screams in pain. Ryan stands and looks on until Mitchell finally releases the leg and stands up only to be met with a big right hand from Michaels�?What had began as a very pure wrestling match has been made more of a brawl on account of the addition of Y2Jesus who completely changed the pace of things upon his entrance to the bout. Michaels goes for an Irish whip however he is gracefully reversed and sent to the ropes himself. As he bounces back he finds himself at too quick a speed to attempt another drop kick reversal, however, Mitchell is still in prime shape to execute a dropkick, and he does so, which finds it’s mark perfectly atop the chest of the rookie Ryan Michaels. Michaels hits the mat hard as Mitchell gets to his feet only to see Jesus has also erected himself. Mitchell turns and begins exchanging quick shots with Jesus before he snapmares him over and quickly follows up with a fast drop kick to the back of the Savior, making him grab his back and drop to his side. The crowd is growing loud, getting behind the Prodigal Son as he’s getting a very fast paced offense going. Jacob glances over and sees Michaels getting to his feet so he quickly bounces over Jesus, hooks Michaels, and snaps back delivering a stinging snap suplex. The fans are going wild as Mitchell waste no time getting back to his feet. He exits the ring between the second and third ropes, runs over to the turnbuckle, and quickly gets up to the top as both Michaels and Jesus are getting to their feet. Then in one swift leap, he executes and insane Crossbody, which looks more like a sideways five star frog splash, and collides across the chests of both Y2Jesus and Ryan Michaels. He quickly rolls off of the two adversaries and holds his chest as the crowd is going berserk, starting a ‘PROD-I-GAL, PROD-I-GAL…�?chant. JR, "The crowd really getting behind the self proclaimed "Prodigal Son" on that exchange�? All three men begin to slowly move about however Jacob Mitchell seems to be the first to his feet. He walks over, looking to attack Y2Jesus who gets to his feet only seconds behind Mitchell, but Y2J is quick to sink his boot right into the gut of the Prodigal one and follow up with a Gutwrench suplex. The crowd boos slightly, not wanting to see Mitchell’s fiery run get cooled down at the hands of the Savior. Y2J glances over and sees Ryan Michaels has now found his feet as well. Ryan staggers and turns over only to have his arm grabbed and for the ‘God only knows how many�?time, he is Irish whipped across the ring, however this time when he comes back Y2J is waiting and catches him by the throat and uses his own momentum to deliver a devastating choke slam. JR, "THE HAND OF GOD! Y2J JUST NAILED THE HAND OF GOD! This one could be OVER for Ryan MICHAELS!" Y2J quickly reaches across and hooks the far leg as Tim White counts ……�?………�?………�?! Jesus gets to his knees and snaps his neck back, throwing his hair out of his face as he then pulls himself up and Tim White guides Ryan Michaels toward the door as Michaels nurses his neck. Y2J gets up and sees Jacob Mitchell leaning in the corner, clearly opting to let Michaels get eliminated and chalk off one of his adversaries for this bout. Mitchell gets up right and comes out of the corner as Mitchell and Jesus are looking through each others eyes�?Finally the two snap toward each other and catch each other in a neck and elbow grapple. Y2J uses all of his upper body strength and pushes Mitchell down to a knee, but only for a limited amount of time as the Prodigal Son is quick to use his own strength and push himself back up to his feet. Mitchell now becomes the aggressor as he forces Jesus down to a knee. Y2J, however, seems to have the same outlook on things as Mitchell did, not wanting to stay planted to a knee, so he too pushes himself back up as the two stay locked in a stalemate of a grapple. Y2Jesus however, seems hell bent on winning the seeming test of strength that’s come from this grapple as he drives Mitchell into the corner. Typically this is where the official would exert himself and demand the break, however an Elimination Chamber match is No Disqualifications. As Jesus presses Mitchell in the corner the crowd begins to count down as it appears that the 10 second timer has come up. This seems to deter The Savior for a split second, but that’s a split second you simply can’t afford against an athlete the caliber of a Jacob Mitchell. Mitchell shoves Jesus back and spins him around, now replacing the Savior as the dominate member of this grapple as he applies his weight and leverage advantage over Y2J, keeping him stuck in the corner as the lights begin going wild again, till they finally land on�?BR>JR, "Oh boy Paul�?I reckon business is about to pick up�? The cameras show the chamber of Brock Lesnar opening as Lesnar gets an evil grin on his face. Brock walks out of his chamber and enters the ring in the exact opposite corner of Y2J and Jacob Mitchell. Mitchell doesn’t seem to be paying any attention to who came in as he is content to be winning the power struggle with Y2J, however from behind Lesnar sprints and then leaps, nailing a hard high body avalanche compresses Y2J and Mitchell between the turnbuckles and the nearly 300 pound Monster in Brock Lesnar. Lesnar backs up as Mitchell stumbles back and falls�?Y2J also has a far away gaze and he too falls, however it’s an unflattering landing as his head lands directly into the�?errm�?"Lower" regiment of the Icon Slayer’s body. Heyman, "AH-HA-HA! He just got nailed in the Prodigal Testicals! JR!! He’s Been Prodigally Neutered! Do you know what that means?!" JR, "No Prodigal sons for the Prodigal Son?" Heyman, "Oh yeah JR, That’s a Gem�?How long ya been saving that one? No you idiot�?It means�?HE’S FRENCH!!!" JR, "A French Joke�?Yeah�?Those are still in�? Heyman, "How would you know what’s "Still In"?! You’re still wearing a COWBOY HAT!!! THE DUKE IS DEAD JR!!" For obvious reasons Y2J is the first of the two to start trying to get up, however Lesnar is quick to get to his head, guding him up even quicker. Lesnar quickly scoops the Savior up and locks on The Brock Lock! (Bear hug). The crowd boos as Jesus squirms about, attempting to get free but to no avail as his ribs are being squeezed like a ugly girl's stuffed animal after being rejected endlessly during a night at the club�?((No offense ladies:$)) Never the less, Lesnar has it locked on pretty tight as in the background we can see Jacob Mitchell slowly rolling to his knees, nursing his�?eh�?well�?you get the picture. Mitchell slowly makes it to his feet and glances over where he sees the man beast squeezing the life out of the Savior. Typically Jacob would probably just sit back and let his opponent get wrecked by his other opponent, but Mitchell seems a little irritated with the fact that Lesnar not only broke up his successful power grapple with Y2J, but ended up getting the Prodigal sons injured, so in exchange Mitchell drops to a knee behind Lesnar and in one swift motion he delivers a European upper cut between the Monster’s legs, making him instantly release Jesus and bend over in excruciating pain. Y2J, who had landed on his feet and stumbled back against the ropes, bounces off and delivers a Triple H style high knee to the face of The Franchise, making him spin and drop to his back. Y2J goes down to Lesnar’s right leg and picks it up as he points to the other leg and barks at Mitchell. Jacob contemplates the command briefly and then shrugs as he grabs the left leg and the two bring the legs together only to then yank them apart in a devastating Wish Bone, making Lesnar grab his inner thighs and roll over to his chest in pain. Y2J offers his hand and Jacob Mitchell quirks the prodigal brow, knowing this can’t possibly lead to anything but betrayal, however his curiosity gets the best of him and he finds himself with no option other than to shake the Savior’s hand�?And just as he figured, as soon as Mitchell shake’s Jesus�?hand, Y2J delivers a stiff kick between the legs in what one may label "The Low Blow From Hell"�?Y2J quickly hooks the Prodigal arms and drops back delivering a double Arm DDT. He rolls Mitchell over and hooks the far leg as Senior Referee Tim White counts …………�?…………�?………�?But only two as Jacob Mitchell thrust his right arm up. Y2J slaps the canvas and shakes his head as he gets up. When he turns around he sees Lesnar has just gotten up and has his back to the Savior. Lesnar turns around and Y2J scoops him up and drops to a knee, delivering an inverted atomic drop. Lesnar bends slightly, holding himself as Y2J goes back to the well and re-executes the same move with similar effects. Finally he hooks him for a Vertical suplex and hoist him up, showing great power as he keeps him in the air for a couple of solid seconds before dropping back and hitting the suplex. The crowd pops as Y2J keeps the fist full of Lesnar’s tights and the modified front facelock. Y2J rolls his hips in an Eddie Guerrero fashion and rolls over, keeping the set up for the vertical suplex locked as he pulls Lesnar up, and then executes a second stalling vertical Suplex. And yet again, he keeps the set up held on, rolls his hips, and again brings the nearly 300 pound behemoth to his feet, only to once again hoist him up, hold him up, and drop back, landing the third and seeming final vertical suplex. Lesnar holds his back as Y2J gets up, breathing heavy but smiling. Across the ring Mitchell is leaning on the top rope, still holding "himself" after having two consecutive low blows, both of high impact. Mitchell comes across the ring but only for Y2Jesus to scoop him up and deliver a devastating Spinebuster. Mitchell bridges up and clenches his back as Y2J rushes around to his legs, hooks em, turns him over and drops to a knee locking on The Pearly Gates (Modified Lion Tamer/Walls of Jericho). JR, "Y2J really starting to work that back of Jacob Mitchell�?After the injuries he sustatined in the Impress The Boss match two weeks ago, Jesus may have just found the key to eliminating the Prodigal Son�? Y2J keeps the move locked in as Lesnar finds his feet and shows no sign of bailing Mitchell out. The crowd starts to boo, and only grows louder with their boos as Lesnar actually hops up on the corner and just sits there, watching Y2J tear at that back of the Icon Slayer. Y2J really has that lock synched in as the pain is clearly etched in Mitchell’s face�?The crowd suddenly begins to count down 10…………�?…………�?………�?………�?……�?……�?………�?………�?……�?……�? With that the lights begin going wild again and eventually land on the next chamber to be opened�?BR>JR, "This could be interesting Paul�? The camera shows Matt Matlock as his chamber opens and the way he’s positioned he just happens to be eye to eye with Y2J. Matlock seems slightly hesitant as Y2J almost instantly releases his submission hold on Mitchell and stands up, seemingly in wait of the Lone Wolf. The Prodigal Son holds his back in great pain as Johnson looks on from his chamber, getting pissed that he’s missing all the action. Lesnar hops down from his turnbuckle, but opts to leave Y2J and Matt Matlock to handle their business as Lesnar grabs Mitchell and guides him up before Irish whipping him over to the corner. Lesnar goes over to Mitchell’s corner, bends down, grabs the middle ropes, and begins driving his shoulder into the ribs of the Prodigal son as on the other side of the ring Y2Jesus and Matt Matlock are still at a stair down. Matt Matlock slowly steps out of the chamber as for the first time in his career, we can actually sense fear in his eyes�?Which is a completely different story than we read from Y2Jesus�?eyes which are filled with hate. Suddenly Matlock jumps back into his chamber and draws the glass door closed as Y2Jesus hops through the ropes and comes after him. Matlock smirks as he is seemingly safe within the Chamber but the door suddenly pops open as whoever is operating the Chamber has apparently opted not to allow Matlock to use the chamber for safety. Y2J gets an evil grin as he has the Lone Wolf cornered�?But we all know that a Wolf is at it’s most dangerous when it’s cornered, and as such he springs forward with huge right hands, forcing Jesus to back off one step at a time until finally Matlock and Jesus are both out of the Chamber and the chamber closes behind them. Over on the otherside of the Chamber, still in the ring, Brock Lesnar is only just backing out of the corner after a series of shoulder thrusts into the ribs of Jacob Mitchell. Mitchell stumbles forward and Lesnar wraps his arms around him and hoist him up, now applying the Brock Lock to the Prodigal Son, which is not only squeezing the air out of Mitchell, but also applying more pressure to that already over worked back. Mitchell is squinting in pain as we go back over where Jesus and Matlock are slugging it out, finally however, in what has been the trend of the night, Y2Jesus delivers a swift kick between the legs of Matlock. Matlock doubles over and Jesus grabs him by the back of the head, gets running, and then tosses him as he goes flying through one of the empty chambers, shattering the glass as the crowd erupts. Crowd: HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT, HOLLY SHIT…�?BR>JR, "MAH GAWD!" Jesus looks at the heap of Matlock covered in glass with no remorse what so ever, his eyes still full of hate and furry. Jesus bends down and grabs Matlock by the head, pulling him up and dragging him out of the chamber as he his face is quickly being hidden by a crimson mask of his own blood. Jesus leans Matlock’s back against the chain wall of the Chamber, using the wall to keep him propped up as he goes over to the ropes and enters the ring, only to climb up to the third rope and launch himself, looking for God only knows what as Matlock dives to the side and Y2J nails the Chamber and drops back, hitting the steal floor hard as Matlock drops to a knee, trying to wipe some of the blood away so he can see straight. Back in the ring Lesnar has that Brock Lock applied pretty tightly and Mitchell seems to be out of it, seemingly having passed out from pressure of the hold that’s designed to squeeze the air from your body. White gets over and hoist Mitchell’s arm up, only to release it and watch it drop. Tim White counts 1�?as the crowd is growing loud, trying to get behind their new found hero in Jacob Mitchell. The official again raises the arm, and again it flops down making him count 2. Once more, for all the marbles, Tim White raises the arm of Jacob Mitchell, but as he does Mitchell Raises the other arm and then brings them both down in the form of a Chop across the area where the neck and the shoulders connect, making Lesnar release Mitchell. Mitchell staggers back and wraps his arms on the top rope as Lesnar shakes off the shot to the nerves and runs forward, looking for a clothesline but Mitchell drops down and grabs the top rope on his way, creating a "low bridge" and making Lesnar go up and over the ropes, landing on the steal floor of the elimination chamber. The Prodigal Son rolls under the bottom rope as Lesnar gets up to his feet. Mitchell joins him only to drop back down and deliver a basic Fireman’s carry. Mitchell gets up and Lesnar isn’t slow to his feet either, however when he arrives to his feet he is met with a quick kick to the got followed by an Inverted DDT (Even Flow). Jacob plants Lesnar on the steal floor and rolls him over, looking for the pin as Tim White drops down and counts ……………�?……………�?……………�?Only two as Lesnar just barely thrust that arm up. Back on the other side of the ring Matlock has taken full advantage of Jesus�?slip up and seems to be working that right knee of the Savior. Matlock has Y2J’s leg on bottom rope as he himself hops up on the bottom rope while holding the top rope, jumps back, and drops his ass on the knee of Jesus. Jesus screams out in pain but Matlock replaces Y2J’s foot on the bottom rope, steps on it to keep it in place, and again jumps, and again lands his ass on the knee of Y2J. JR, "This may not be the most conscientious strategy, but it’s certainly an effective one�?Especially when you consider all the damage that knee of Y2Jesus�?has taken over the course of the last few weeks." Matlock repeats this modified bonsai drop to the knee about three more times before he grabs the right leg and begins delivering hard stomps to the back of that already injured and still heavily braced knee. As he continues to work the Savior’s knee we go back over to the other side of the chamber where Mitchell is just dropping back, wrapping his legs around Lesnar as he has latched on a modified Crossface Chickenwing. JR, "Shades of former WWF Heavyweight Champion, Bob Backlund!" Mitchell keeps the hold locked in as Lesnar is fighting to hang on. As this is going on, back over with Y2J and Matlock, Matt Matlock swings around in a spinning toe hold, only to follow through and apply the Figure Four Leg Lock to Y2Jesus! With all 4 men quite literally tied up in one way or another the timer comes back on as the crowd goes wild counting down. 10……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?……�?………�?! This time the lights don’t need to go flashing about as we clearly know who’s coming in. The chamber opens and out steps Bobby Johnson who’s been anxiously waiting. Johnson hops in the ring and looks about, seeing Y2Jesus and Matt Matlock tied up on the side of the chamber nearest the ramp, and Brock Lesnar and Jacob Mitchell tied up on the side nearest the commentary table. Finally Johnson runs toward Matlock and Jesus, but only to bounce off the ropes and dart across the ring, grabbing the top rope and leaping up and over in a bit of a summersault which he lands right across the chest of Brock Lesnar. Mitchell, who was just put between a Brock and a Hard place, releases the hold and rolls over, holding his back which is clearly in pain. Johnson, like a shark smelling Blood begins stomping away the back of the Prodigal son. Back on the otherside of the ring Jesus is desperately trying to cling to his spot in this chamber. Tim White is right down there, asking him if he wants to tap, but he simply refuses. The crowd is growing louder and louder chanting "Y 2 J, Y 2 J, Y 2 J�? until finally, Jesus starts rolling to his side. Matlock tries desperately to keep the Savior from reversing the move, but to no avail as Y2Jesus finally rolls the Lone Wolf over, reversing the pressure. The move quickly breaks however as Y2J grabs his knee, rocking in pain. Back on the other side of the ring Bobby Johnson has Mitchell hooked and then hoist him up and delivers a Northern Lights Suplex, sending The Prodigal Son up and over the top rope, making him land hard in the ring on that already damaged back. Johnson goes to follow when out of no where Lesnar grabs the Hardcore Champion and throws him up against the Chamber wall With great force. Johnson hits the walk and lands down on his feet, stumbling forward, only for Lesnar to scoop him up and hold him infront of the Franchise ever so briefly before he drops to a knee, driving his knee deep into the ribs of the Hardcore Champion. Lesnar stands up and then drops again, and then repeats this process one more time before releasing Johnson on the steal floor of the Chamber. In the ring Mitchell is on his knees and his forehead, gripping his back as Lesnar smirks, sensing the end for the Prodigal one. Lesnar enters the ring between the Second and Third ropes and walks over to Mitchell. Lesnar picks Mitchell up and throws him up on his shoulders. With limited hesitation, Lesnar throws Mitchell out for the F5 but as Mitchell is thrown in front of Lesnar he actually spins around in the air, hooks Lesnar’s head, and drops with The Prodigal Drop (RKO) Out of no where. The crowd erupts as Mitchell grabs his back with a look of pain across his face, but quickly covers Lesnar, hooking the far leg as Tim White counts …………�?…………�?…………�?! JR, "BAH GAWD! THE PRODIGAL DROP CAME OUT OF NO WHERE AND NOW THE ODDS ON FAVORITE HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!!!" Jacob Mitchell rolls off of Lesnar, still holding his back, as Brock’s only just opening his eyes, staring up at the ceiling wondering what just happened. Mitchell slowly gets up and turns to go grab Johnson but as he does he finds Johnson leaping off the top turnbuckle and notices just in time to see the Hardcore rookie’s chest colliding with his own in a very neatly executed Moonsault. Johnson wastes no time hooking the far leg as White counts ………�?…………�?………�?But only two as The Prodigal son just kicks out. The crowd pops but Bobby Johnson doesn’t seem to share their enthusiasm. Johnson gets up and glances over toward the side of the chamber where Jesus and Matlock had been fighting, just in time to catch the bottom of Matlock’s boots going into his chest off of a Missile Drop Kick from the Canadian native. Y2Jesus, who is down on the floor�?From what we’re not sure as we’ve been following Mitchell, Lesnar, and Johnson up to this point, rolls under the ropes, re-entering the ring as all four remaining men are now in the ring. Matlock pulls Johnson up by the neck and whips him over to the corner. Matlock follows, although not with a lot of speed as he’s sustained quite a bit of blood loss at this point. In the ring Jacob Mitchell and Y2Jesus are both slow to their feet, but they both seem to obtain their vertical base at about the same time. Mitchell stumbles forward and out of desperation Y2Jesus throws out that right leg, kicking The Icon Slayer in the gun and than BAM! JR, "DIVINE INTERVENTION! HE HIT DIVINE INTERVENTION, BUT DOES HE HAVE ENOUGH TO CAPITILIZE ON IT?!?!?!" Jesus nailed the Divine Intervention (Stone Cold Stunner), and Mitchell is out on his back but after the punishment that Jesus�?knee has taken, that kick to Mitchell to set up for the Divine Intervention all but finished it off. Jesus can’t seem to do anything but hold that knee and rock in pain. Over in the corner Matlock has began walking the top rope with Johnson’s arm in his grasp. As he gets about half way down the rope he leaps off and drops his forearm across the shoulder of the Hardcore Champion, making him drop to the canvas. Matlock would probably follow this up but he notices both Jesus and Mitchell seemingly down and out so he rushes over in hopes of capitalizing and drops down, hooking the legs of Mitchell and rolling back, rolling Mitchell up slightly as he’s being pinned. White drops down and counts ………�?………�?……………�?! But just as Tim White’s hand is about to graze the canvas for the three Mitchell some how kicks out. Matlock gets up, assuming he’s won but the official is shaking his head and signifying that Jacob Mitchell did infact escape the three count which makes the crowd erupt. Tim White starts to explain this to Matlock and he grows infuriated. As the two argue over the count, Johnson crawls behind Matlock and BAM! Low blow. Matlock bends over and Johnson rolls him up, grabbing a fist full of Matlock’s pants as Tim White counts …………�?………�?………�?Only two as Matlock just kicks out. On the mat Mitchell is just starting to try and roll over to his chest and Y2Jesus is slowly sliding himself over to the ropes in hopes of using them to pull himself up to his feet. Bobby Johnson gets up and Matlock rolls over to his knees and forehead, holding�?himself�?Bobby Suddenly grabs Matlock and falls back, hooking on that Bourbon Street Blues (Modified Tazmission) on Matt Matlock, which makes the crowd pop. | |
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ICWA Resurrection Live May 1, 2005 | JR, "Matlock may have to give it up here�? As Johnson synchs in that devastating submission hold both Mitchell and Jesus are just finding their feet. Jesus is using the ropes to hold him up as Mitchell is in the center of the ring. Mitchell turns around and stumbles forward as Jesus holds onto the top rope and throws out an attempted kick to the gut of the Prodigal Son, but Jacob catches the right leg of Y2J and pulls him out from the ropes, making him hop on that good leg. Mitchell gets him about center ring, releases the leg, delivers a kick to the gut of his own, and then puts Y2J’s head between the Prodigal Legs and hoist him up, holding him as if looking for a stalling piledriver. Mitchell brings his right arm between the legs of Jesus and hooks his left arm before dropping on his ass, nailing a Cradle Piledriver. Heyman, "Forget Bob Backlund and Ric Flair, that was "Shades of" one of the all time greats of ECW, Jerry Lynn!" Mitchell covers Jesus, holding down the far arm by the wrist as White, who has his attention on Matlock and Johnson, darts over and counts …………�?…………�?……………�?Just as he’s about to hit the three Jesus thrusts his shoulder up. Mitchell leans back on his knees, looking to the sky with a look of sheer frustration as White quickly goes back to Matlock who’s yet to submit, but is seemingly losing consciousness. As he finally seems to have faded off from a combination of the Bourbon Street Blues and the blood loss, Tim White raises his arm, and then releases it, counting 1. He repeats this process, and counts 2. He raises the arm one more time�?releases……�?3! Johnson releases the hold and pushes the unconscious Matt Matlock off of him. JR, "Take a good long look, cause one of those three men is gonna be your next ICWA Heavyweight Champion!" Heyman, "Frankly I’m still a little surprised that Brock Lesnar is out of the running�?Note I say Surprised, not disappointed�?But all the same, I think with Y2Jesus�?knee, it’s clearly a contest between Bobby Johnson and Jacob Mitchell as Y2Jesus is seemingly on borrowed time�?And with Bobby Johnson being the freshest of the three, I’d have to say that as long as he plays his cards right this one should be instrumental�? JR, "That’s certainly an arguably point, but I wouldn’t count out Y2Jesus OR Jacob Mitchell just yet�? Johnson and Mitchell both get up at about the same time and meet in a bit of a slug fest, however Mitchell quickly realizes that he is not gonna win a punch for punch situation with the fresher Bobby Johnson so he quickly grabs the arm of the Hardcore Champion and drops him hard with an Armbar take down. Mitchell keeps the armbar locked in, hoping for a submission as he wrenches back, all but snapping the arm off the man’s body. As Johnson cries out in agony, realizing that his arm’s on the verge of being broken, Y2Jeus has gotten on his hands and left knee and is dragging his right leg behind him like a wounded dog, heading for the ropes. He slowly gets there, and one by one, pulls himself up the ropes, getting to his feet and again leaning on the ropes to maintain his vertical base. Back in the center of the ring, Bobby Johnson has pulled his knees under him, giving him a strong base as Mitchell has elevated himself to a knee to keep the leverage advantage over Johnson. Bobby, however, still manages to slowly make his way up which forces Mitchell to get up to his feet. Johnson suddenly dips down and reverses the armbar with a deep arm drag. Mitchell hits the mat and slowly gets up as Johnson is holding that left arm, clearly feeling the effects of that viciously applied armbar. Johnson turns around just as Mitchell does the same. Johnson grabs Mitchell by the arm and delivers an Irish whip, sending him across the ring. Bobby follows and just as The Prodigal Son hits the ropes to bounce back, he is met with a clothesline sending him up and over the ropes to the steal floor outside. Bobby exits the ring between the second and third ropes as Jesus is remaining in the ring, letting these two handle their business as he attempts to let his knee recuperate a little. Bobby stands on the outside, stalking Mitchell, as he seems to be ready to finish the Prodigal one. Mitchell slowly pulls himself up, his back to Johnson, as he slowly turns only to see the Hardcore Champ lunging forward looking for the Killa Kick. Mitchell, however, ducks the kick and Bobby turns around as Mitchell kicks him in the gut and hooks his arms as if he’s setting up for a pedigree, but instead throws Johnson up for the Powerbomb and then drops, nailing The Prodigal Plunge (Tiger driver). Mitchell holds on to Johnson’s legs and Tim White Counts, …………�?……………�?…………………�?! But once again, just as White goes to hit the steal, Johnson throws that right shoulder up and Tim White declares that it was in fact just in the nick of time. Mitchell rolls his eyes in frustration and falls back, rolling over and slowly getting up. An exhausted Jacob Mitchell grabs Bobby Johnson by the head and slowly guides him up to his feet before grabbing him by the neck and tossing him up and over the top rope, back into the ring. Johnson gets up, stumbling a bit, and turns just in time for Jesus to grab him by the neck and drop to his ass, hitting the Divine Intervention (Stunner). Johnson drops back and Jesus hooks the far leg as Tim White counts ……………�?…………�?………�?! Johnson throws up his shoulder, but this time it seems it was to late as Tim White signifies that Bobby Johnson has been eliminated. JR, "There goes your prediction Paul�?It looks like it’s gonna be Mitchell or Jesus!" Mitchell enters the ring and goes over, grabbing Jesus by the hair, but Y2J quickly delivers a low blow, making Mitchell drop to his knees. Jesus rolls over and again uses the ropes to pull himself up. Mitchell slowly gets up, still holding himself and stumbling forward as Jesus decides to follow up the nut shot. Y2J reaches down and scoops up Mitchell looking for the Atomic drop, but in the air Mitchell spins around and BAM! JR, "PRODIGAL DROP ON JESUS, PRODIGAL DROP ON JESUS, BAH GAWD HE HIT THE PRODIGAL DROP!!!" Jesus landed with a foot on the bottom rope but Mitchell doesn’t have the energy to bother grabing the leg as he simply drapes his own body over Y2J’s. Since a rope break is irrelevant in an Elimination chamber, Tim White drops and counts ……………�?…………�?………………�?! Finkle, "Your winner�?AND THE NEW ICWA HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION�?JACOB MITCHHHHHEEELLLLL!!!!" The crowd goes nuts as Chauffers by the Deftones blasts over the PA and Tim White raises Mitchell’s arm. Mitchell rolls off of Jesus as a crew member opens the door to the chamber and slides in the world heavyweight title. White goes over and grabs the strap and hands it to the newly crowned Champion, Jacob Mitchell who hugs the strap, one step shy of sheading tears. As his music plays and the crowd erupts, Mace, Seifer, Kill Switch (Picture ECW’s Raven), and Omen all dart down from behind the curtain and come into the chamber. Switch and Omen lift Mitchell up to his feet as Seifer gives him a very approving nod. Mitchell nearly falls over as Seifer catches him and the two end up hugging. Seifer gives him a couple pats on the back as he then releases the hug and raises Mitchell’s arm high in the air. The nWs members are all congratulating Mitchell and giving him his props when the lights suddenly start to flicker and similar to the way it did a couple weeks ago, the ring begins to shake, which makes an exhausted Mitchell fall on his ass. With that the Dementa-Tron lights up as Right Now by Korn Blasts over the PA. In Walked 6 Gladiators to wage War All for a material object, Yet so much More Now from the rubble Stands One Who’s Been Proven The Best But Now You Shall Truly Be Put To The Test As You’ve Survived One Disaster Now Get Prepared To Meet The Master�?/STRONG> | With that a huge explosion hits the stage making a wall of Flames erupt to about the same level as the top of the Dementa-Tron, Right Now still playing over the PA. As the flames slowly die down, on the stage stands a large man with a long black Cloak. He slowly grabs the hood and pulls it back, showing an emotionless Jimmy Stryker. Mitchell, who is still sitting in the ring, has a look of slight surprise and curiosity on his face as Stryker’s lips coil into an evil and sadistic grin�?/P> JR, "What the Hell…�?Well we’ve got our New Champion, but for how long?! Thanks for joining us folks�?I’m Jim Ross alongside Paul Heyman, and we’ll catch next week on DEMENTED!!!" All Name and Copyrights Reserved to InterCountyWrestlingAlliance Inc. 2002 �?2005, baring those names and copyrights which are already reserved else where. In such situation, the rights are reserved under their legal keeper. The ICWA Claims no affiliation to any parties outside of those who have publicly admitted such affiliation, and is a non-profit Entertainment Federation. | |
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