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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | Alright, Alright�?Admittedly the ICWA Wasn’t quite the king of the mountain last week. We drew a 3.6 on hour one of Demented and a 3.2 on hour two. Although that still makes us the highest rated show on FX, But it’s not quite what we were hoping for. Never the less, with the line up we’ve got tonight there’s no question�?NO QUESTION, That the ICWA is gonna make the ratings up this week. So with that said, without further ado�?/P> The Cops credits conclude and the screen fades to black briefly before "Straight Out of Line" (already a minute-four into the song at the start of the first chorus) begins playing over the PA as the ICWA Dementa-reel plays With that the cameras begin sweeping the Pepsi Arena in Albany New York as we see the following box pop up in the higher right corner of the screen. ICWA Demented LIVE Albany New York | Busch, "LIVE FROM ALBANY NEW YORK, WELCOME TO ANOTHER EDITION OF EYE-SEE-DUBBYA-EH DEMENTED!!! I’m Burt Busch along side the longest reigning CWA Heavyweight champion of all time "Destructive" Jay Marshal and folks�?We welcome you two the most explosive two hours in professional wrestling today, ICWA DEMENTED!" Marshal, "Demented’s gonna be off the charts, no doubt about that because tonight we may have our most impressive card to date." Busch, "Absolutely we do. Cause tonight�?/P> The crowd pops as the Dementa-Tron lights up  Busch continues, "�?The Synergetic Superstar Nic E. Dangerously teams up with his stablemate from another company Christian Michaels and his girlfriend Amber Michaels to take on the three person team representing Wrestling 2000, Hamid Ismali, Kutter Flash, and Black Widow." Marshal, "Let’s be honest about what those Dub-two-kay call letters really stand for. Wrestling’s Turned-Two Krap! Cause that’s exactly what W2K is, Crap with a capital C or in this case, K." Busch, "That’s your opinion but there’s no denying that Kutter Flash could be one of the deadliest forces to hit this business and Black Widow is as decisive of performer as I’ve seen. As for Hamid�?The way that man’s mind works is flat out frightening some times." Marshal, "First off, you want a "deadly force" go watch some Jay Marshal tapes. I snapped Kane’s arm in two�?I choked out Tyrant�?I’ve beaten every ass that’s been thrown my way and drew up a win record between the CWA and the ICWA of damned near two hundred straight. I could take out Kutter Flash or any other Wrestling Turned-Two Krap "performer" on any day of any week, period. As for the other two�?Hamid’s a glorified Bin Laden impersonator and Black Widow lacks the key essential too be "as decisive of a performer ever seen"." Busch, "What’s that?" Marshal, "A Dick." Busch, "………�?FONT color=#ffff00> Never the less folks, the action certainly doesn’t stop there as tonight �? The crowd pops again as the Dementa-Tron lights up  Busch, "As Da Sweet Lunatic and the "Chaotic Mastermind" Jimmy Stryker meet face to face to sign the contract for their match this Sunday at ICWA Resurrection." Marshal, "There’s a match I’m looking especially forward too." Busch, "I gotta say that surprises me a little�? Marshal, "Of course I’m looking forward to it, we can finally get the US Title off a woman. I mean admittedly DSL’s closer to being a man then any of our other divas�?I saw Laura, our make up lady, waxing DSL’s mustache earlier!" Busch, "Will you stop it!" Marshal, "What?!"  The crowd erupts as the main event banner flashes across the Dementa-Tron Busch, "In Any Event folks, it doesn’t get much bigger than this! Tonight in the main event No Limits Christian Skywalker teams up with W2K Championess Summer Stratus in tag team action verses Bobby Johnson and the number one contender to that W2K Championesship, Image Johnson." Marshal, "All three contenders for the heavyweight title are involved in this match and I guarantee it’s gonna make this an explosive environment!" Busch, "Bobby Johnson and No Limits Christian Skywalker on opposite sides of the ring for the second straight week but let’s not forget the wild card with the zebra skin, Nic E Dangerously who has a controversial relationship with Johnson and Skywalker at best." Marshal, "The tempers are gonna be flarin, the egos flyin, and Image and Summer ain’t exactly bosom-buddies either. It’s gonna be wild!" Kevin Dart: "This match is a seven-woman Battle Royal to determine the number one contender to the ICWA Women’s Championship. Making their way to the ring…from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, and weighing in at 137 pounds�?Blaze Innnnferrrrnoooo!" Black rose petals fall as "Do you dare to enter my world" is said. Busch, " And speaking of wild, HERE WE GO!" Flames block the entrance as Blaze comes walking out. The fans are unable to see her as the bell rings. She lowers her hands and the flames create an opening. She walks through the opening with no show of fear whatsoever. As the rose petals fall "Barely listening" hits and Blaze walks down the ramp. She is introduced and makes her way down the ramp. She enters the ring by jumping on the apron. She does a pose in the ring and takes off her jacket, giving it to the ref. She then stretches and touches her toes without even bending her knees, warming up for her match. The fans go wild as Blaze Inferno smirks and then waits for her opponents as the music fades. Kevin Dart: "From Chicago, Illinois, and weighing in at 124 pounds…Airelllle Dawnnn!" "Tainted Love" begins to play Arielle steps out onto the dark stage. Fireworks shoot off from the left and right of her and the lights on the stage turn on. Arielle throws her arms up with the peace sign. She puts her arm down and walks towards the ring. She walks towards the metal stairs and walks up them. She stops as she steps onto the outside of the appron and turns to the crowd throwing her arm up again. She then gets into the ring through the bottom and middle rope. She walks to the middle of the ring putting her arms in a V. She then brings them down and places them on her hips as she awaits her compitition. Kevin Dart: "From Miami, Florida, and weighing in at 125 pounds…Lucky Fallllconnn!" "Lucky You" by Lost Profits hits the PA, and out walks Lucky Falcon from behind the black curtain. She waves to the fans as they boo, like they were cheering and like the boos were music to her ears. She makes her way down the ramp, as green sparks fall from the ceiling. She then slides up under the bottom ropes and gets onto her knees and then upto her feet as she then raises her hands high above her head and smiles, as she then grabs the ropes and stretches as she waits for her opponents to arrive. Marshal: "This match’s entrances are going to take most of the damn show!" Busch: "I never thought I’d hear myself say this, but I agree with you, Jay." Kevin Dart: "From Los Angeles, California, and weighing in at 135 pounds…Lizzieeee Price!" "Show Stopper" By Danity Kane began to blaze over the P.A. System with flashy white lights flickering upon the stage. Lizzie Pryce began to appear from behind the curtain with a smile as she begins to wave towards the crowd on stage. Lizzie blows a few kisses to the audience while wearing a hot outfit for her ring attire. She walks towards the steel steps and steps between the ropes. She takes her hands and brushes the back of her head to make sure that her hair was just right as she winks into the camera and poses in the middle of the ring. Kevin Dart: "From Green Bay, Wisconsin, and weighing in at 125 pounds…Jaydaaaaa Evansssss!" The tron then flickers as various images of the blonde haired bombshell show. "Faster Kill Pussycat" by Oakenfold blares over the PA as Jayda walks out. She stands on the stage and blows kisses to the fans as they (Boo description/cheer decription, it depends on her alignment at the time). She then charges down the ramp and slides into the ring. She stands in front of one set of ropes and throws her hands up in the air, throwing one hip out giving a pose. She does this for three out of the four sets of ropes and then goes to the side of the farthest turnbuckle. She winks at a stagehand and then stands in the middle of the ring. Marshal: "Here comes my favorite." Kevin Dart: "From Boston, Massachusetts , and weighing in at 135 pounds…former ICWA Women’s Champion Dazzzziiiii Darksideee!" "Juggalo Anthem" begins to play and the arena goes black, two red pyros shoot up as black lights strobe in the arena,Daizi makes her way to the top of the ramp slowly letting the arenas chants soak in and raises one arm in the air. The lights flash back up and Daizi runs down to the ring, slides in under the bottom rope and jumps to the top turnbuckle of each side throwing the "rock on" symbol in the air Kevin Dart: "And finally…from Nashville, Tennessee, and weighing in at an undisclosed amount of weight…previously named the number one contender…Shantellllll Travissss!" " Never Be Me" Blasts over the PA System. The crowd jumps up to its feet, immediatley booing as they hear that one of a kind music. Shantel Travis could only come to mind as they watch Wrestling's Very own Marilyn Monroe's various situations and photoshoot flashes flip over the large screen. Hearing the talented rapper begin to spit in her theme song, as Shantel pushes the large long black curtain from her path as she paces from behind the stage. With an immediate smirk.. staggering some biting her lip as the smirk leaves her face. Reaching the end of the stage where the ramp starts.. the Girl everyone loves to Hate stand still at the top of the ramp, placing her small tender hands at her full waist looking forward over the large arena.. Beginning to make her way down to the squared circle which lies directly in front of her as she looks down at the lit up ramp below her, receiving no positive pump from the crowd as they know nothing good could come of her at all. As she walks by blowing kisses at all of the fans who of course yell back at her with an even meaner cold hearted insult, of course she flips her hair looking and laughing at some of the old wrinkled tanned wives who sit and watch they're husbands and sons cover up they're complete utter lust by booing at her. Gracing the steel steps with one small foot, pushing her weight upwards and placing another foot on the second step.. as she climbs she grabs the ring post to help guide herself across the ring apron. Ducking down into the ring under the second rope.. Standing up straight and expanding her arms outwards with a evil smile on her beautiful face. Shaking her head slightly at the rowdy crowd, Standing there looking around as all the sad ICWA fans yell at the diva. Shantel rolls her eyes once more..Strutting around the ring with her hands rested right in front of her..as she slightly circles the ring. Busch: "There they are, folks. Seven women enter, six leave with a loss and one comes out the number one contender for the ICWA Women’s Championship." Kevin Dart: "Referees Darren Thomas & Ken Martel are presiding." Referee Ken Martel signals for the bell to ring. Busch: "And here we go!" Blaze Inferno makes the first move, as she goes right for the neck of Arielle Dawn. Busch: "Blaze has got Arielle in a nice headlock." Marshal: "Did anyone pat that looney bird down? She’s liable to have a shank on her." Busch: "I seriously doubt it, Jay. Blaze seems determined to come out of this match the victor. I don’t think she’d ruin her shot by getting disqualified." Referee Darren Thomas calls for the women to separate. Over on the other side of the mat, Lizzie Price has just tossed Shantel Travis over the top rope. Busch: "Holy crap! I don’t believe it. The number one contender going into tonight’s match has just been eliminated by Lizzie Price!" Marshal: "It’s a free-for-all in there right now, Bert. Anything can happen." As Shantel hit’s the floor, Dazi Darkside tosses Jayda Evans over the rope. Lucky Falcon is sitting in the opposite corner whistling and checking out her manicure. Busch: "And there goes Jayda. Dazi Darkside has just delivered a DDT and then threw out Miss Evans." Marshal: "And then there were five." Blaze and Arielle are still battling it out. Busch: "The tables have turned with these two ladies. While Jayda was being tossed over the top rope, Blaze attempted a Standing Drop Kick and missed. She hit the mat hard." Marshal: "She certainly did, Bert." Arielle pulls Blaze up off of the mat by her hair and delivers five back-to-back Bitch Slaps. Then, she nailes her with a Bulldog, followed by a Jawbreaker. Busch: "A nice Jawbreaker by Arielle Dawn." Lucky Falcon decides it’s time to get involved in the match. She goes after Lizzie Price, who has been watching Blaze and Arielle Dawn duke it out. She hits Lizze with a hard Clothesline, knocking her off of her feet and over the top rope. Marshal: "Another one bites the dust!" Busch: "What a clothesline by Lucky Falcon!" Marshal: "And then there were four." We’ve now got Dazi Darkside, Blaze Inferno, Arielle Dawn, and Lucky Falcon remaining. Lucky Falcon decides to cut in on Blaze and Arielle’s maylee. She nails Blaze with an armbar. Busch: "A nice armbar by Lucky Falcon." Marshal: "Come on, Dazi. Let’s land this plane." Busch: "I don’t think we’re supposed to be rooting on any one opponent, Jay." Marshal: "So sue me, Bert. I’m rooting for Dazi. She’s got the hottest legs in the bunch!" While Blaze and Lucky Falcon go at it, Dazi decides to attack Arielle Dawn with a crucifix.
Busch: "And Dazi just delivered an unforgiving Crucifix to Arielle Dawn! She lifts Arielle Dawn from the mat by her hair, then bends over and grabs her ankle. She tries to toss her over the top rope, but Arielle Dawn’s not ready to be eliminated just yet. She does her best to hang onto the middle rope. Busch: "Dazi tried to toss out Arielle Dawn, but she’s hanging on for dear life." Marshal: "Come on, Dazi. Toss that biotch!" Busch: "Jay! Control yourself. You’re a professional; start acting like it." Marshal: "Meh…just shut up and announce this catfight, Berty Boy!" Arielle Dawn fights her way back to her feet, then nails Dazi Darkside with a Vertical Suplex. Marshal: "That had to hurt." She collects Dazi from the mat and gets her with a Downfall (Widow’s Peak). Busch: "My god! Arielle Dawn has just ended Dazi Darkside’s chance with a Downfall." Marshal: "Dammit! So much for my horse coming out the winner." Dazi Darkside isn’t moving after that one. Arielle Dawn lifts her, one leg at a time, and over the top rope she goes. Marshal: "And then there were three." Busch: "We’re down to Blaze Inferno, Lucky Falcon, and Arielle Dawn." In a surprising turn of events, Blaze and Arielle Dawn seemingly join forces in an effort to oust Lucky Falcon. Blaze hits her with a running bulldog, and Arielle Dawn comes right behind her and nails her with an STF. Busch: "It looks as though Blaze and Arielle Dawn are trying to take out Lucky Falcon." Marshal: "The eagle has landed. I repeat…the eagle has landed." Busch: "Um, it’s Lucky Falcon, Jay. Not Lucky Eagle." Marshal: "Who cares?" Arielle lands some powerful kicks to the head of Lucky Falcon while she’s down on the mat. Blaze climbs the turnbuckles and flies off of the top rope. Busch: "A Dawn of the Inferno!" Marshal: "It should be over for Lucky Falcon." Lucky Falcon lies, motionless, on the mat. But instead of ousting her, Blaze is distracted by a spear from Arielle Dawn. Blaze lands hard. Busch: "And Arielle Dawn has just nailed Blaze Inferno with a spear." Arielle Dawn stands over Blaze, mocking her for trusting her. She’s so busy laughing that she doesn’t see Lucky Falcon getting up from the mat. Busch: "This is going to end badly." Marshal: "Yeah, for Arielle." Right on cue, Lucky strikes (no pun intended). She nails Arielle with a Hurricanranna, sending her right over the top rope. Marshal: "You know what comes next, folks…and then there were two." Busch: "We’re down to Blaze Inferno and Lucky Falcon in the match that will decide who goes on to become the number one contender to the ICWA Women’s Championship title." Marshal: "I never saw this coming, Bert. Blaze and the whirly bird?" Busch: "Lucky Falcon, Jay." Marshal: "Again…who cares?" Blaze and Lucky Falcon circle round and round for a minute or so. This time, it’s Lucky Falcon making the first move. Busch: "It looks like Lucky’s not wasting any time this go round. She going right for Blaze’s throat." She delivers a very loud Bitch Slap to the face of Blaze Inferno. Then another. And another. The third one knocks Blaze on her ass. Lucky moves in and nails her with a Piledriver. Busch: "A beautiful Piledriver by Lucky Falcon. That would end it for most." Marshal: "Yeah, well Blaze isn’t what I’d call normal. It’s gonna take more than that to pull the curtain on this nutcase." While Blaze is on the mat, Lucky hits her with a Standing Moonsault. Busch: "Oh, my god. This looks like the end for Blaze." Blaze lies on the mat, not moving a bit. Lucky starts to celebrate by strutting around the ring, talking smack. Her back is to Blaze, though, so she doesn’t see Blaze getting up.
Marshal: "Uh, Lucky…don’t start the party just yet." Lucky senses something isn’t right, and she turns around slowly. Blaze drops her with a Superkick. Busch: "What a Superkick by Blaze!" Blaze immediately grabs Lucky Falcon and tries to throw her over the top rope. Lucky Falcon hangs on to the ropes for dear life. Seeing that she’s not getting the job done, Blaze drops her and lands a few kicks to her head. She picks her up by the hair and delivers a Northern Lights Suplex. Busch: "There’s a Northern Lights Suplex like only Blaze can deliver." Blaze pulls Lucky up once again and gives her a backbreaker. This sends Lucky Falcon to the mat, crumpled. Blaze climbs the turnbuckles once again, hoping to execute a Dawn of the Inferno for the second time that night. As she flies off of the top rope, Lucky Falcon rolls out of the way and Blaze lands on the mat with a thud. Busch: "She moved out of the way! Lucky Falcon found the strength from somewhere and rolled out of harm’s way." Both women are slow getting up, and they finaly get on their feet at almost the exact same time. But it’s Lucky with her footing first, and she gives Blaze a Spinning Heel Kick to the head. This knocks Blaze down once again, so Lucky lifts her from the mat by her hair. She slams Blaze’s head into the turnbuckle three times, each time harder than the time before. She Irish Whips Blaze off of the ropes and clotheslines her. Hard. Busch: "That was brutal." Marshal: "She was trying to take Blaze’s head off." Lucky pulls Blaze off of the mat, and sets her up for a Lucky Break (Unprettier). Busch: "This has got to be it. Lucky Falcon is going for the win with her Lucky Break." Just as Lucky is about to execute the move, Blaze drives her forearm into her skull. She spins her around and nails her with an Arm Bar DDT. Busch: "What a comeback by Blaze! This just might win her the match!" And so it does. Lucky Falcon is out, and Blaze picks her up, tossing her over the top rope and ending the match. The referee raises Blaze’s hand in victory. Kevin Dart: "Here is your winner and the new Number One Contender to the Women’s Championship Title, Blaze Innnferrrnnnoooo!!!" Busch, "There ya have it folks! Blaze Inferno Has out lasted six other divas and is heading to the ICWA Women’s championship verses Image Johnson!" Marshal, "Yeah well, she better not get too excited cause Image Johnson eats divas for lunch…�?I’m hoping one of these days she invites me to watch too!" With that the cameras go to the back and we see James and Andrew in what we can assume is James�?lockeroom. Andrew, "Management’s still gunnin after you�?(shakes his head) They just don’t learn do they." James, "Apparently not�?But to no concern my good man�?I’ll go make light work out of Jamal, and be back before my brew has a chance to get warm." With that James grabs a long neck bottle of Molson and puts it back with a smirk on his face as the cameras begin fading�?/P> Busch, "Well when we get back we’re gonna see it�?One on One, James goes toe to toe with Jamal Atkins who WILL have MSN’s Shane Borden in his corner." *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | When cameras return from commercial we go to the back where we see Image Johnson walking through the back with her ICWA Women’s championship in hand. Busch, "Welcome back folks. There ya see the current ICWA Women’s champion in Image Johnson." Image comes across a door and swings it open. As she does so we see Bobby Johnson sitting on a love seat watching the show with a less than delighted look upon his face. Image, "You ready baby?" Bobby says flatly, "Oh yeah�?I’m ready�?Belee dat." Image, "You alright?" Bobby, "Something seems shady about tonight. I don’t like the Nic factor in this match." Image, "Nic’s our allie, not our enemy." Bobby, "I don’t know about that anymore Im’�?I really don’t." Image, "Nic’s not going to betray Synergy regardless of your guys�?egos clashing." Bobby, "All I know is he better call it right down the middle or Synergy might end being a moot point." The cameras fade from Bobby’s face to the ring. Busch, "Tonight’s definitely gonna be interesting�? TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap, clap, TAKE OUT ATKINS, clap, clap, clap, clap,clap. This is the chant heard throughout the arena as the camera Brings us back to the ringside area as we faded from the previous segment. The shot pans around showing fans on their feet. The entire crowd almost in complete unity of their hate of Atkins. The shot switches to Marshal and Busch. The two sitting there Marshal, bobbing his head to the beat of the chant as if to a good song. Busch, " ladies and gentlemen here we are. And just about to Hit the Ring are none other then the Sadist James and Jamal Atkins. And I must say that from the Reaction here it’s more then obvious what side of the fence this crowd is on." Marshal, " can you Blame them? I mean hell it’s not like Jamal Atkins is the most likable guy, I mean I’m found in some quarters to be dislikable but people come from around the world just to Hate Atkins. And now he’s Set himself up with the two a**holes of our management team." The Booing grows more intense as "this fire Burns" Blast over the P.A. System. The Crowd actually jumping to it’s feet to voice their displeasure as Atkins appears at the head of the ramp. His hands held up high, flipping off the crowd with impunity. Slowly Jamal makes his way down the ramp, shaking his head with disgust at the crowd flipping them off one more time before sliding into the ring where he easily hops to his feet. The booing grows in volume as he raises his hands slowly into the air, allowing the people to Bask in his glowing presence before flipping them off. Busch, "well it seems James�?Plan worked as Mr. Borden seems to be nowhere in site. Looks like this match might actually be a fair one" Marshal, " with James involved? You willing to put money on that?" In the ring Jamal is Laughing to himself, the satisfied smirk slowly slipping off his Face as his music begins to scratch out as if trying to fight with something else as the words " I find the Rack Rather Soothing actually" overpower his music. The crowd explodes into cheers as "Mr. Torture" plays through the speakers. Slowly James walks to the ramp, a large grin on his face as his eyes scan the crowd. A whip held tightly in one hand and a cooler in the other. Slowly he makes his way down the ramp, casually flicking the whip out now and then towards the ring, yelling something towards Jamal, the camera mics not sensitive enough to pick out the words. Slowly James walks around the ring, his eyes locked on Atkins in the center of the ring as he walks around to the announcer booth, placing the cooler on the table and opening it infront of Marshal showing it to be filled with beer. James, "unlike our glorious leaders, I’m not cheap man. They stiffed ya last week but this week Drink up" James grins and turns, running directly to the ring and sliding in. Jamal backing up quickly as James advances on him, the whip still held in his hand. The ref stepping in to intervene James laughing and pointing at Atkins as he walks over to the corner, one hand dipping under his shirt as he drops the whip. Atkins charges forward, looking to catch James off guard as he turns, the hand under his shirt held straight out in front of him, pounding Atkins hard in the stomach, raising the hand quickly, the follow up shot planting him flat on his back. The ref quickly runs over, taking a look at Atkins as James�?hands both start doing something under his shirt. The ref listening to Jamal before turning on James, his hands moving wildly as he points at James�?shirt. Rolling his eyes James slowly slips his hands from under his shirt, his fingers spread wide apart to show that he isn’t holding anything. The boos from the crowd erupt as the ref proceeds to Pat James down, looking for anything that might be able to tell the story of how Jamal was put to his back so quickly. Atkins is back to his feet, glaring angrily at James as the ref turns to him, shaking his head to say that James has no weapons on him. James laughs and makes a quick move forward, Atkins jumping back wearily to another eruption of cheers from the crowd. James laughs again before grabbing the bottom of his shirt. And slowly pulling it up over his head. The crowd erupts into laughter and cheers as Jamal’s eyes go wide. There wrapped around James�?Waist is a Wide piece of chain held together with a huge steel clasp. Busch, " THERE’S THE WEAPON REF" Marshal, " oh don’t be an Idiot. Anyone can see that, that is nothing more then the mans belt. Get off his case" James is laughing as the ref points to his belt, yelling at him, James sighs, rolling his eyes a couple times and finally nodding his head before taking it off and hanging it over the ringpost. Both men step forward locking up, Jamal drops quickly to his back, pulling James�?arm down and nailing a quick arm drag, both men rebound to their feet, Atkins running forward only for James to nail an arm drag of his own. Atkins bounces back, his normal composure nowhere in sight as he charges forward again, being caught in the chest with a hard dropkick, the kick sending him rolling out of the ring. James runs forward, grabbing the ring ropes as Jamal runs close to the Apron to get away from the impending splash. James laughs as he launches a quick kick through the ropes, taking Jamal hard in the head before rolling out of the ring. Jamal finds himself in a bad spot as James grabs the back of his head, slamming it twice into the edge of the ring before rolling him back in. delivering a quick shot to the chest to lay him out flat on his back, lifting his arm and putting it through the ropes as he climbs onto the edge, jumping into the air and dropping the leg across the vulnerable arm, slamming it against the edge of the ring. Jamal screaming in pain as the crowd erupts, Seeing the Sadist slowly begin another nights work. Marshal, " Jamal is in trouble now. That’s the one chance everyone has. You can never be sure what James is going to show up to a fight. The drunk or the torturer. But when you don’t get the drunk your in for one hell of a bad day" In the Ring James seems to be proving Marshal right as he grabs the arm, pinning it against his chest and dropping back in a arm-breaker. Jamal yelling in pain as James rolls from under the arm. Slowly getting to his knees and straddling the Injured appendage. James sits on Jamals back, grabbing the arm and wrenching it up and back, his own body weight preventing Jamals body to move to release the pressure being built up. The ref is quickly to Atkins�?side, asking him if he wants to quit. The crowd has to give credit as he keeps shaking his head, finally telling the ref to get out of his Way. James shakes his head, realizing this is not the way he’s going to pick up the win and dropping the arm. Quickly taking a few steps forward, his eyes locking on Jamal, sizing him up, weighing him for that final moment. Jamal gets to his feet, his instincts saving him as he ducks the clothesline James had aimed at the back of his head, James rebounding from the ropes only to be caught with a hard dropkick. Sprawling on his back, a roar of frustration signaling his anger as he jumps back to his feet, only to be caught with another perfectly placed drop kick. Jamal is not as lucky this time as he comes down on his bad arm, the breath rushing from him in a moment of pure agony. He rolls for a few seconds, his mind fighting through the pain as he stands, Not even registering the screaming crowd signaling his own demise. Busch, " WHAT THE HELL?!?" Jamal is in a bad Place as James hits the final call, taking a single step back, his body Prepared to launch the "closing time", suddenly James straightens, his back arched in pain as the crowd boos. A Fan having Jumped the barricade and slid into the ring behind him. The hooded fan nailing a hard forearm to the back before punching him in the back of the head. The man reaches up as James turns around, pulling the hood off his head. BORDEN!! James eyes go wide for a second as Borden nails another hard punch to James, three quick shots landing upon the jaw of the surprised man as Borden quickly kicks him in the stomach, screaming at the ref to keep the match going as he was about to call for the bell. Borden grabs James�?head slamming him with a hard ddt. James lies on the mat. Atkins making his way over as both men begin sinking hard boots into the stomach of James. Borden reaches down, grabbing his head and pulling him, up, hitting him with a clubbing blow to the back. James seems to almost shake off the blow, the adrenaline of the fight and the anger at being interrupted finally coming to the top as he pops up, throwing Bordens hands off him and unloading a series of Brutal crosses to the head and jaw of Borden. Borden stumbles back a couples steps, James moving to follow him before getting hit in the Back. His shoulders tightening for a second as he turns. Jamal stands there, realizing that trying to hit James while his good arm was still useless was obviously not a good idea. James deals with that situation very quickly, a hard short roundhouse slamming swiftly several times into Jamals shoulder. The fourth shot knocking him from his feet. James turns. Rolling out of the ring to follow Borden who is leaning against the ramp. Both men start Trading hard blow as the ref quickly gets out of the ring, trying to find some way to stop the carnage without actually putting himself between the two men. The crowd erupts suddenly the ref to distracted to look back to the ring. As the camera switches showing Atkins getting slowly to hit feet. The reason for the crowds reaction suddenly becomes very obvious as a Smiling Jamal Atkins turns�?right Into a Grinning Nikki Black. Jamal has no chance to do anything as Nikki brings her right fist around in a hard arch. James�?previously discarded belt wrapped tightly around her knuckles. Jamal crumples to the mat, obviously knocked out from the Blow as Nikki quickly slides out of the ring, making her way around it to the Still brawling James and Borden, Both men are still slamming each other, Borden getting a little bit of the better of the fight because of the effects of his sneak attack shots. Nikki slowly walks up behind him, taking in the entire situation in a glance, looking at Borden then James then the audience. She pulls back her hand still covered in the belt then stops…looking at Borden again and shrugs, instead snapping his foot out in a quick kick, his shoe protruding from between his legs as the top of her foot hits home, Borden grabbing himself and doubling over. James looks at Nikki for a split second before she Points to the ring. James needing no other encouragement slides into the ring, easily lying atop the still prone Body of Atkins. The ref being smart enough not to Argue with James and Nikki quickly joins him in the ring and drops to the mat.1�?.2…�?!!!! Busch, " NIKKI BLACK WAS THE WILDCARD!! James said that he had this match watched and it was by her. No wonder he didn’t fear anyone joining in. God damn of everyone out here no one would have been happier to lay out Atkins then her" Back in the ring James looks at Nikki who holds his belt out for him, smirking as he shakes his head and walks over to the ropes, sitting on them to let her pass through easily. The two of them Walking up the ramp. James reaching the top before stopping suddenly and looking at Nikki then at his belt. His eyes lighting up when he remembers something. Quickly running back down the ramp and moving to the corner. James reaches slightly into the ring, grabbing the whip he brought down with him as the crowd erupts into cheers again, James snapping it once between his hands before heading up the ramp towards Nikki again, the cameras slowly fading From there we fade to the back as we see MSN’s Russ Johnson walking through the back with a clipboard in hand. Busch, "There’s the man with the stroke around this place, Russ Johnson. And he’s coming our way with the official match contract for Jimmy Stryker and Da Sweet Lunatic..."  Busch continues, "Stryker�?DSL�?Face to Face�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | As the commercials conclude we hear a booming male voice say "ICWA Presents the Nike Re-Run" Nike Re-Run | 3 Weeks Ago We open up in the midst of Jimmy Stryker V.S. NED in the opening bout of our return episode of Demented Stryker sends a kick to the midsection as he sets up NED for the Supreme Killing. Just as he is about to lift him up, DSL is seen coming down to the ring. She is seen walking very slowly to the ring, to a chorus of boo's. Stryker turns his head noticing DSL coming to the ring. He then smirks as he screams "Watch This" to her. He lifts up NED into the air, and is about to slam him to the mat, but NED is seen coming to and then pushes off away from Stryker and connects with a dropkick to the chest. Stryker is seen falling to the mat. DSL then makes her way onto the apron as Chris Martin is seen trying to get her off of the apron. NED then grabs a hold of Stryker. NED whips him into the rope, as he does, Stryker is met with a huge neckbreaker from NED. Busch: NED is back in control!!! Marshall: Yeah he is, but with Stryker as good as he is, how much longer? NED and Stryker are both down on the ground still, as Chris is seen still attending to DSL. Chris then stops fighting her as he starts checking on Stryker and NED. Just then DSL is seen taking off the cover of the top turnbuckle, as Chris happened to turn at the right moment, as he is seen going over to the corner and tries to fix the turnbuckle pad. As he does, DSL is seen running over and grabbing a chair. She then slides into the ring, as NED is seen over in the corner with Chris trying to get the pad back in place. NED then looks over his shoulder, as a thunderous chair shot goes down across the back of Stryker. Stryker is seen jumping a bit, but as he gets to his knees after the shot. DSL swings the chair as it connects into the face of Stryker. NED and Chris are seen still fixing the turnbuckle pad, as DSL places the chair in the middle of the ring, as she sets up Stryker in a front face lock, then grabs his pants and nails an Inverted DDT on the steal chair. She then grabs the chair from underneath Stryker and throws it out of the ring. She then slides to the outside of the ring as well, as NED is seen grabbing a hold of Stryker standing him up. NED then hooks up Stryker in the Deus Ex Machina and connects. Chris Martin now finished with the pad turns around as NED is seen covering Stryker. Chris Martin: 1......2......3!!!! DING DING DING!!! Dart: Here is your winner.........NIC E DANGEROUSLY!!!!!!! DSL is seen smirking at Stryker who is down on the mat as she exits ringside. NED then is seen on his feet holding his back and his body that is still affected from the abuse he took early on in the matchup. Chris Martin is seen raising the hand of NED... Busch: DAMN DSL!!! I cant believe she would cost him this match!! Marshall: Of course she would!! Dont you know they are ex-lovers? ____________________________________________________________ We fade from that clip to another clip of in ring action as we see Da Sweet Lunatic and Shane Borden in the ring going at it. It looks like Shane Borden has DSL ready for his version of the Crucifix Powerbomb as we catch up with the match�?/FONT> Just as he’s got her in finisher position, Jimmy Stryker comes out to the ring from the backstage area, carrying a steel chair with him. Busch: " It’s Stryker! Stryker’s here! Can’t he leave well enough alone? Hasn’t she suffered enough?" Marshal: " Stryker’s come to even the score, Bert. He’s plenty pissed that DSL cost him his match earlier on tonight. And from the looks of that steel chair he’s got with him, I think it’s safe to say that he doesn’t feel she’s suffered quite enough just yet." Stryker climbs inside of the ring, and Borden notices he’s got company. He grins and invites Stryker over to join in on the fun. Stryker gives him a thumbs up, takes two steps toward DSL, and raises the chair over his head. As Borden laughs, the chair comes crashing down, with Stryker slamming it into the skull of Borden instead of hitting Da Sweet Lunatic. Busch: " What the hell? What’s just happened here? Jimmy Stryker has just knocked out Shane Borden by slamming a steel chair into his head." Referee Shawn Cain instantly calls for the bell. Dart, " Ladies and Gentlemen�?Your winner via DISQUALIFICATION�?SHANE_BORDDDDDEN!" Busch, " Borden officially picks up the win but a title can’t change hands on a disqualification so DSL will remain as the United States champion�? Jimmy smirks as DSL looks up in confusion. Stryker points down to DSL and then does the "title taunt" around his waist. Marshal, " I GET IT!" \Marshal, "He just got DSL disqualified, still costing her the match, but made sure she kept the championship because Double B�?He’s�?HE’S CHALLANGING FOR THE TITLE!" Busch, "WHAT?! That’s huge! These two have a plethora of history but have never had that one match to bring it all to a head!" _____________________________________________________________ 2 Weeks Ago We hear Kevin Dart’s voice clearly as we see footage of the empty ring from a sky view�?/P> "The following match is a Tag Team Match!" We begin to see footage of Shane Borden coming from behind the curtain. "On his way to the ring�?Shane BORDEN!" It slowly fades to DSL "�?DA_SWEET_LUNNNNNATICK!" "BRODERICK JASON! And JIMMY_STRYYYYYYYYKER!" With that we fade into the match fnish. DSL is seen coming for Jason now, as she is back on her feet. The two then starts to annihalte the hell out of Jason. DSL is seen then exiting the ring, as she is tagged back in by Borden. DSL enters the ring, as the two opponents are not even paying attention as the fallen Stryker jumps up to his feet, and walks over and gets behind Borden and DSL. Borden then is seen backing off but running into something that seems like a brick wall. He turns around as Stryker smiles at him, clocks him one time in the jaw and then tosses him over the top rope and to the floor. Jimmy then grabs DSL and turns her around. Jason is seen laid out, as Stryker kicks her in the midsection and then connects with the Supreme Killing!! DSL is out cold in the middle of the ring now, as Jimmy is seen pulling Jason over to the corner. He then tags Jason, as he runs over and makes the cover on DSL. Martel: 1.....2.....3!!! DING DING DING!! Dart: Here is your winners, the team of Broderick Jason, and Jimmy STRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYKER!!!!! ___________________________________________________________ Last Week We fade into the ring as we see Jimmy Stryker pinning Jamal Atkins. The ref hits the mat what we assume must be a third time as he jumps up and calls for the bell. We see Jimmy stand up as Jamal rolls out of the ring on the rampside. Jimmy walks over and leans on the ropes shaking his head as he smirks. Jimmy is leaning against the ropes looking down at Jamal who’s rolled out onto the floor by the ramp. Jimmy is smirking and shaking his head as the crowd erupts with boos and just out of the corner of the screen we see a figure jump the crowd barricade and slide into the ring�? Busch," DSL! She’s not supposed to be here!" DSL brings the US title up and waits. Jimmy shakes his head as he’s smirking toward Jamal till he finally turns around and his eyes open wide just as DSL Lunges forward and leaps up, nailing Stryker across the head with the championship belt and making Jimmy go backwards up and over the top rope and crashing to the floor below. The crowd boos as DSL just smirks and "Run if you want to" by Jimmy Johnson productions blasts over the PA. Busch, " DSL wasn’t supposed to be here in Philadelphia as a result of other contractual agreements but�?but�?well I guess she got here!" The cameras fade from DSL’s smirking face. ___________________________________________________________ "This has been the Nike Re-Run�?Nike �?JUST DO IT!" 
| With that the cameras fade into the ring which we see has: a red canvas cover, a table with a black table cloth over it, two black leather swivel chairs, a microphone on each side of the table, and Russ Johnson standing next to the table. The cameras fade to the ramp as "Right Now" by Korn blasts over the PA Making the crowd erupt. Busch, "HERE WE GO!" Marshal, "Jimmy Stryker coming out for the OFFICIAL Contract signin�?for the Pay Per View and I’m tellin�?ya what�?That US Title match is gonna tear the roof off MSG come this Sunday." With that Jimmy Stryker walks from behind the curtain to a huge ovation. Busch, "There he is�?The undefeated ICWA Heavyweight champion of past and the current number 1 contender to the ICWA United States championship�?The "Chaotic Mastermind" Jimmy Stryker." Marshal, "Jimmy Stryker a big dude, no question the odds on favorite for ICWA Resurrection�?He’s clearly got the size advantage necessary to win this one." Busch, "Size isn’t everything Jay�? Marshal, "It is when your opponent doesn’t have any." Busch, "How can a person not have any size? DSL’s over five and a half feet tall and she’s got a strong frame for a female competitor." Marshal, "You misunderstood me Bert�?I’m not talking about her height or her weight�? Busch, "Then what in the Hell are ya talking about?" Marshal, "I’m talking about the reason I know Jimmy Stryker’s gonna be the new US Champion after this Sunday�?He has added "Mass" in his trunks that DSL doesn’t." Busch, "You’re a pig." Marshal, "If it’s considered being a "pig" to understand the concept of male supremacy then Oink Oink woman!" Stryker gets down to the bottom of the ramp and heads to the stairs as the fans are reaching in hopes of touching greatness. Jimmy walks up onto the ring apron and steps up over the top rope as the crowd is going nuts for the mastermind. Busch, "The fans here in Albany steadily behind the chaotic mastermind." Russ and Jimmy shake hands as Russ starts getting Jimmy situated on one side of the ring. As he’s doing that "Run If You Want To" by Jimmy Johnston productions begins playing as the fans react with a mixed reaction. Busch, "Time to get the champion out here." Marshal, "What a disgrace." That said DSL steps out from behind the curtain.  | Busch, "Da Sweet Lunatic obtained that United States Championship in August of Oh-five on a controversial decision. Then United States champion Alexis Davis actually defeated DSL in her title defense at the Royal Rumble pay per view�?However, Alexis turned around after the match, handed her championship to DSL, and walked out on the company claiming that the competition wasn’t stiff enough. DSL has had the championship ever since." Marshal, " Ya know something Double B�?I’m all about giving your blood for a championship BUT�?Anyone who can give that said blood for seven days without dying and without ever getting busted open�?Well that’s a problem bubba." Busch sarcastically, "Oh, that was real tastful." Marshal, "WHAT?! You know what DSL taste like when she’s on that seven day bleedin�?spree?! You got your redwings?!" Busch, "I’m not going to dignify that with an answer." Marshal, "It’s alright dude, I’d find out how many licks it takes to get to her tootsie pop too�?I just wouldn’t do it while Cherry was the "flavor"." Busch, "You’re disgusting." Marshal, "So let me ask you this�?I’ve got a pool going with Jaymie’s brother, Devon Monroe and Shane Borden�?We all say she’s a transvestite but Shane’s convinced she’s not�?How bout it? She packin or what?" Busch, "………………�? Marshal, "Come on man�?Let me know, this could be some good cash�?She got a�?You know�?If DSL were a pizza would she come with Peperoni or what?!" Busch, "……………………�? Marshal, "Don’t be embarassed if she used her Wood�?erm�?"Spoon" to toss your Salad, I’m not gonna look at ya any differently." Busch, "WHY DON’T YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH!?!?! You sit out here CRITICIZING everybody and talkin�?down about women and everything else! I’ll have you know one of the strongest people I ever knew was a WOMAN! My mama had �?has �?More class in her toe then you’ve got in your whole DAMNED body and she busted her ass her whole life in ways you couldn’t fathom! That woman woulda dropped you in your tracks! And what the Hells your big problem ANYWAY?! You got some kinda mama issues?! Did your mother abandon you or did she take ya in the closet like Norman Bates in Psycho?! You keeping your 8 wives as a front?! HUH?! YOU LIKE MEN JAY?! Not that there’s anything wrong with that�? Marshal, "Damn Bert, don’t blow a frickin gasket�? By now DSL is at ringside. She walks around and up the stairs as she ducks down and enters the ring between the bottom and second ropes. As she does the music starts to draw to a close. We see Russ urge both competitors to take a seat, which they do with the contract dead center between them. Russ, "Alright�?We showed the footage of the last three weeks but as many of your long term fans know, this feud has been brewing for several years and the last three weeks has been nothing more than a finish to the icying on a rather large cake. That said, what you see before you is a match contract for this Sunday�?Madison Square Garden�?One on One on ICWA Pay Per View for the ICWA United States championship but perhaps equally importantly, to try and conclude this lengthy grudge once and for all. So with that said, All that’s left now is for you two to sign the contract. But if you’d like to say something first, that is what the microphones in front of you are for." DSL smirks as she grabs her Microphone and leans forward with an almost menacing look in her eyes as her grin is a bit evil�?/P> DSL, "Go ahead Jimmy�?Come and get me (winks)." Jimmy nods as he picks up his microphone, "Oh, I’m gonna come and get you�?You can bet that constantly expandin�?ass of that!" The crowd erupts as Marshal says, "HA! I Knew she’d been usin�?Slim Slow!" Jimmy, "You want me to sign this contract? Is that what you want�?" Jimmy leans back and looks to the crowd, "You people want me to sign this contract?!" The crowd erupts. Busch, "The people have spoken and they’re fixin to wanta see DSL and Jimmy Stryker get it on!" Marshal, "Perverts." Jimmy stands up, bends over the table as if to sign�?But suddenly rips the contract off the clip board, wads it up, and then somewhat sarcastically he wines up like Randy Johnson at the plate and sends a paper fast ball into the tenth floor making the crowd boo. Busch, "What the Hell?!" RJ brings the mic back to his mouth and says, "What the Hell are you doin?! That was a well laid contract!" Jimmy, "You can take your well laid contract and stick it up your well laid ass!" The crowd pops and boos alike till finally Jimmy Stryker reaches into the inside pocket of his goat and withdraws a folded up paper packet. Jimmy Unfolds it and clips it into the clip board. Jimmy brings the mic back up to his mouth, "You run around calling your self The Sweet "Lunatic"�?Well you may be a "Sweet Lunatic" but I’m a "Chaotic MASTERMIND" and I’ll guarantee that my Japanese death matches down south with the reptile�?I’d bet those matches ALONE would trump anything "loony" that you’ve done! But since you want to run around and claim to be so damn Hardcore and such a "Lunatic"�?Well I say that’s right up the Chaotic Mastermind’s alley and I say You�?Me�?Resurection�?BURIED ALIVE!" The crowd erupts as Busch says, "A BURIED ALIVE MATCH?! That’s damn well hardcore! No rules, anything goes, and Jay�?You have too�?You have to be�?to be�?BURIED ALIVE!" The crowd is going nuts as they begin chanting "SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT, SIGN-IT�?/P> RJ, "Well surely her lawyers will have to review the contra�? DSL, "I Accept." The crowd goes through the roof as Jimmy smirks, bends down, grabs a pen and jots down his John Handcock. DSL Grabs the same contract, swings it around�?BAM! Da Sweet Signature is signed. Busch, "BAH GAWD�?WE�?WE�?WE GOT OUR SELVES A MATCH! A BURIED ALIVE MATCH!" DSL Gets to her feet and grins and evil grin as Jimmy smirks a cocky smirk and both glare into each others eyes with intense contempt. "Right Now" by Korn blasts over the PA as we hear Marshal say, "Do you understand what this means Bert? We all know Jimmy’s always had a taste for the dark side, he’s even been known to create a few eerie phenomenon’s around the this place�?BUT�?This match is one of the most disturbing, diabolical matches in the history of this business�?Let me just explain what this means�?It means that Jimmy Stryker’s disdain�?His pure hatred for DSL is so strong, So INTENSE�?That he doesn’t want to pin her, he doesn’t want to make her tap out�?He wants to stuff her in a deep dark hole and LITERALY BURY Her ALIVE! Think about that for a minute�?Try and soak up JUST how intense this rivalry is because a Buried Alive match isn’t something some challenges Joe Nobody too just cause they happen to be a champion�?This is the end all�?The Omega�?And Sunday we’re going to LITERALY see one of these performer’s come to their end as they’re Buried�?ALIVE!" With that the cameras go to the back where we see Nic Dangerously in a lockeroom with Christian Michaels and Amber Michaels. The crowd immediately pops as NED’s been getting over well (despite being a Heel). Nic, "Alright, so we’re all in tune? Keep Amber protected and keep that ginormous dolt out of the ring as much as possible�? CM, "Gotcha monkey-nuts!" Nic, "Good." With that NED turns, swings the door open, and leads the charge into the hall way as Amber and CM follow one on either side. Busch, "Well, When we get back�?  Busch, "�?FONT color=#ffff00> Synergy goes head to head with the team being refered to as of late as "Team W2K" In Hamid Ismali, Black Widow, and W2K Heavyweight Champion Kutter Flash ." Marshal, "I hope NED kills this W2Krap!" Busch, "Well we’re fixin to find out if he will�?NEXT!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | Demented returns to the air off the heels of another commercial and its time for the first hour's main event. Already blasting in the arena is "Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns N Roses. The song leading the team of Hamid Ismalli, Black Widow, and Kutter Phuken Flash, representing W2K, to the ring. Many of these great New York fans booing the trio. Though there are of course those males that have had one too many beers that dare give Widow some cat calls. She responds in kind by flipping them the bird before sliding in the ring. Busch: Well there you have the team of Hamid Ismalli, Black Widow, and Kutter Flash. They represent W2K here tonight against a trio of Synergy members that are about to make their way to the ring. Marshal: I'm telling you Bert, this crap needs to be kept off the ICWA's shows. Let them carry their happy lil asses back down to San Antonio and put on shows there! Busch: I don't like how Hamid and his guys do business, but I still can't say I'm as anti W2K as you are. I mean its a promotion full of some very rich history. They deserve a chance to showcase what they can do to a national audience. Marshal: They're a garbage company. "Welcome To The Jungle" fades away and is replaced with another theme. This one is "The Beautiful People" by Marilyn Manson and its leading the Synergy trio out to the ring. These fans giving a warmer reception for Nic E Dangerously, Christian Michaels, and of course Amber Michaels. But whereas their opponents in the ring are attired for a six person wrestling match, the Synergy trio looks more dressed for a street fight in jeans, boots, and Synergy shirts. Synergy stops at the bottom of the rampa nd all three look at each other an nod. Without warning they sprint forward and slide under the bottom rope. Quickly to their feet, Synergy surges toward team W2K. Hamid dives from the ring so CM & NED go to work on Kutter. meanwhile Amber with the element of surprise on her side gets Widow backed into a corner with forearm shots. Poor ole Teddy Longfeather is left begging five people that are completely ignoring him to get it down to one on one. Busch: This one sure didn't take long to break down. Marshal: Well what do you expect from a bunch of people that should be wrestling in a bingo hall somewhere? As CM and NED are slamming their forearms across the back of Kutter by the ropes, Amber is climbing onto the second rope with Widow trapped in the corner. The fans cheer as Amber begins to rain down the punches to Widow's face. Now its your choice whether they're cheering because of the classic ten-punch......Or if its because the bounce from the punches is making her boobies jiggle. Either way its obvious why the cheers suddenly turn to boos. Widow has taken enough from lil miss prissya nd dumped her over the top rope and to the floor below. Hamid quickly coming over and wrapping a power cord of some sort around Amber's throat. Black Widow hops out and puts the boots to Amber's stomach as she's being choked. Back in the ring, CM an NED whip Kutter across the ring. He hits the ropes and rebounds off. They may have been thinking a double clothesline to Kutter, but he changes those plans. He changes them by lowering him head and delivering a double spear to both men. NED rolls out of the ring near where Widow an Hamid have been workin over Amber. CM rolls out to the side that would be considered behind them. And Hamid upon seeing NED within striking distance of him and getting up freaks. He goes to scurry away but runs right into a right hand from CM. And Widow gets her's too as NED yanks her by the hair and slams her face into the barricade at ringside. NED an CM collect Amber and head for their corner. At the same time Kutter hops out of the ring to collect his group. Busch: My gawd Jay! This match hasn't even been underway very long and we've already had it break out into a brawl that the referee couldn't control! Marshal: You're wrong there Bert. This match hasn't even officially begun yet! Those three Synergy yahoos charged the ring at the same time and just started brawling with team W2K. There hasn't even been an opening bell yet. Busch: You're right Jay! Whats going to happen next in this match? Can Longfeather get these two teams under control and get something resembling a wrestling match going? Folks we'll find out right after these messages! ****COMMERCIAL BREAK**** | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | That last commercial comes to an end and we fade back into Demented. Currently in the ring we have CM on down on the mat on his side with Black Widow kneeling behind him. She has his left arm underneath her right arm, a knee planted in his shoulder, and is leaning back in an effort to pop his shoulder out of place. Longfeather comes in and asks CM if he wants to give it up and he declines that offer. The corwd begins clapping, trying to will Michaels out of this situation. Busch: Welcome back folks! During the commercial break we finally got things settled downd somewhat. Teddy Longfeather was able to finally get one member from both teams in the ring. As you can see it was Christian Michaels from his and Black Widow from her's. For about the last minute or two she's been working on that left arm and shoulder, trying to dislocate it. Marshal: You know how I'd get out of this move? Busch: How Jay? Marshal: I'd squeeze her boob. Busch: Well Michaels is a married man, so I doubt that he'll be taking that route. Marshal: Yeah, I have heard this guy is whipped pretty hardcore. Seems that the fans cheering has finally empowered Michaels enough to get to his feet. But Widow keeps hold of his arm, forcing CM to keep it outstretched by holding his wrist with her left hand. Widow starts to hammer the bicep and where the arm connects to the rest of the skeleton. CM is left doubled over in pain and its amplified when Widow takes the arm and twists it around a few times. She finally pulls it behind Michaels in a hammerlock. Instinctively he ducks down and tries to get hold of one of Widow's legs. However she takes a wide enough stance that he can reach her. So with that avenue not available, CM spins round and reverses to where its now Widow thats in the hammerlock. She tries the same first attempt at escape that Christian tried. It doesn't work for either and so Widow resorts to heading into the ropes. Teddy calls for a break and he momentarily gets one. But CM quickly takes a waistlock and looks to German suplex his opponent. As he lifts her though, Widow sends her legs back and hooks them around Michaels waist as her hands grip the top rope. Now in a position to deliver a wheel-barrow suplex. CM starts attempting one but Widow has a death grip on that top rope. And the repeated attempts create a bouncing effect and finally after a fourth try, Widow's hands slip off the rope on the fifth try! She's sent flying up and over CM's head and lands hard on her back, effectively completing the wheel-barrow suplex. No sooner than Widow first hits the mat, Hamid is already stepping in. Of course this draw Longfeather over to him. At the same time CM is getting back up near the ropes, having thrown himself onto his back to make sure he hit the move. And he looks up just in time to see the massive treetrunk that is called Kutter's right arm coming for his head. Its too late to duck so he takes the hit full on, being knocked up and landing on his neck and shoulders. Michaels is folded in half as Kutter slowly walks back over to the corner. Longfeather turning and seeing Kutter as he gets back in the corner. He comes over and admonishes the beast of a man. Then Kutter snarls at him and Longfeather gets back to the center of the ring. Busch: That right there is exacly the problem with having only one ref in matches like this. One guy can distract the one ref while the other gets in an illegal hit. Marshal: And it doesn't help when the ref is scared crapless by one of the competitors. Busch: It really doesn't! With that assist from Kutter putting CM down, Widow is able to recover and get to her feet. She pulls CM to his, with ahandful of hair no less, and whips him into her corner. In a classic heel move Widow gets the ref's attention so that CM can be worked over in the corner by her partners. Finally she comes over and gives a couple European uppercuts to Michaels before making the tag to Kutter. The W2K champion steps in and starts to thrust massive shoulder deep into Michaels gut. After a few of these he instructs Hamid an Widow to hold him in place. They each take hold of an arm as Kutter gets to the middle of the ring. CM starts struggling and gets his left arm free of Hamid and slams the elbow into his face. Michaels looks up just in time to see Kutter charging in. He spins out of the corner and lets the beast crash his shoulder into the steel turnpost. Widow tries for a right hand but CM blocks and nails her with one of his own. he then staggers across the ring towards his corner. He doesn't seem to get why NED an Amber are frantically pointing behind him.....until he's flying back in a massive German suplex from Kutter. Marshal: Whoa! Michaels got some serious air there. Guess we can call him Air Michaels now. Christian laying face down until Kutter pulls him to his feet. He whips CM to the ropes and sets for a back body drop. Michaels gets the telegram and rolls over Kutter's back. The big sucker turns around and.... Busch: Kutter Just Got Whapped!!!! The big guy doesn't go down, but CM doesn't really care much. He uses the time wisely and makes it to the corner and tags in NED. The fans pop as Dangerously finally steps foot in this match. When he does Kutter is just snapping outta his daze. He see's NED and charges at him. Dangerously hits the mat and takes Kutter down with a drop toe hold. He tries to put a single leg crab on Kutter, but the beast powers out of it. he charges at NED again. Once again he gets a drop toe hold for it. Only this time Kutter eats the second turnbuckle. NED grabs hold of his greasy hair and slams Kutter's face into the turnbuckle a couple times. Finally Kutter turns out of the corner and is on his hands an knees. NED stands straddling over his back and clasps his hands together. He then starts slamming his clasped hands across the neck an shoulders of Kutter. Marshal: You know....I think Dangerously is only making the guy mad. Busch: You might be correct. The ole Destructive One is right. The hits have barely stung, but they were enough to enrage Kutter. In a show of inhumane speed he leaps to his feet and throws him an NED back onto the mat. There's no cushioning the blow for NED either. He's splatted between the mat an Kutter. The beast of a man rolling off and then ripping NED to his feet. He flings, yes FLINGS, NED hard into a corner. Nic hits backfirst in that corner hard and it sounds like a shotgun being blasted. Dangerously tries to get himself back up but Kutter walks over and puts a foot on his back. He pushes NED back down to his stomach and then just starts stomping away at the lower back.Kutter stops only to ascened to the second turnbuckle, seemingly looking to do a Spike Dudley-ish double stomp only to NED's lower back. But he looks over and see's Hamid command he go up top. Kutter isn't really comfortable up there but he goes up anyways. Bad idea though! NED manages to roll over and somehow get to his feet and up top with Kuttering with catlike speed. He then brings Kutter off with a DEVASTATING 151 DDT! Busch: GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY! Marshal: Holy sh*t! Is that big bastard getting up? Sure enough it looks that way as Kutter landed seemingly on his head and flipped over with such an impact that he landed in a seated position. And to boot Kutter puts a hand on the mat and tries to push himself to his feet. But his arm is shakey and he finally falls back in a sprawled position like NED. Longfeather checks both men. Neither is moving so he starts the ten count. One...........Two.........Three......... Busch: I'll be surprised if either of these two are walking by tommorrow after that one. Four.........Five..........Six.......... Marshal: I don't believe it Busch. Kutter is to a knee as Longfeather hits seven. At the count of eight he's up on spaghetti legs. But its enough to break the count and Kutter falls back into his corner to gain his bearings a lil more. However Widow see's her shot to get Dangerously. She makes a blind tag andrushes over. Widow into a mount position and just starts pounding her fist into NED's face. Amber has seen enough and she rushes into the ring and shoves Widow off her man.This brings in Hamid who shoves Amber down on her pretty lil booty. And thats answered by CM flying into the ring with a missle dropkick that sends Hamid flying to the mat and bouncing over to the ropes. CM gets up, eating up the cheers of the crowd.....Until he turns around and gets broken in half by a GORE from Kutter! poor Amber is left by herself in the ring. She scurries to her feet and starts backing away from Kutter slowly.....But she bumps into Widow. The former W2K champion whips Amber around and delivers the "Sweet Dreams" X-factor. Busch: Oh yeah, big woman! Attacking a woman who's only been in this business a few months. Marshal: Well she is part of her team... The crowd suddenly comes alive as NED revives enough to deliver a surprise Deus Ex Machina on Widow! he turns, ready to try an fend off Kutter but instead gets Hamid on his back. Nic manages to shake that weasel off. But he allows Kutter the time ta slink in and kick him hard in the gut. Doubled over, NED is easily lifted up and sent crashing down with a powerful powerbomb. Hamid and Widow get back to their feet an he directs her an Kutter to pick the bones of Michaels an Dangerously. Teddy Longfeather realizes he's lost control of this one and ends the match as a no contest. And instead of being upset, Hamid is thrilled. He slides out of the ring and grabs a table. He struggles to get it in the ring, but finally manages. NED is laid face down on the table and Kutter brings CM off the middle rope with a powerbomb through NED an the table! Busch: Nic Dangerously folded at a very backward angle there folks! Someone needs to get down her to do something. And as if on cue here comes a team of MSN security from behind the black curtain. They're headed down looking like a military troop when suddenly from each side of the ramp rushes ten guys in full police riot gear. So we have about twelve MSN security guys seemingly held at bay by twenty riot gear attired guys who have "W2K Security" on the back of their vests. Marshal: Hey what the hell is this bullsh*t? Back in the ring Hamid is standing on the bottom rope pointing down toward the ramp, screaming, "YES! KEEP THEM OUT OF THIS RING!" We come back to the ring just in time to see Widow toss Amber Michaels through the ropes to the floor like a rag doll. CM IS Barely moving in the corner from the Gore but barely is a step beyond not-at-all so Widow walks over and grabs the middle ropes as she brings her leg into the throat and chest of CM, choking him and keeping him restrained. Hamid has hopped down off the rope and is back at center ring giving NED direction. Busch, "Aww come on�?This is enough�? Hamid, "FINISH HIM! PICK HIS ASS UP AND GORE IT STRAIGHT TO HELL!!!" Busch, "DAMN IT; NO! DON’T DO THAT!" Kutter bends down to pick up a lifeless NED as all of a sudden the Dementa-Tron lights up and we hear�?/P> "Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, (Crowd Erupts) The Money goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atchu�? Busch, "YOU DON’T THINK?!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Kutter drops NED and waits for a fight. Hamid has a hand on NED’s shoulder as Widow is still choking CM. Suddenly up on the stage�?/P> Busch, "THERE HE IS! It’s WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET HAS RETURNED TO THE EYE-SEE-DUBBYA-EH!" Marshal, "Yeah but ya have to believe he’s hear for Synergy! They branded him back in March and he’s vowed revenge and what better time then when these W2K Rejects have em down!" Busch, "Oh My God�?I bet your right!" Hamid can be seen shouting something to the ringside W2K Security and two guards come and slide into the ring. They get on either side of Kutter and Hamid with tasers drawn�?/P> Finally WallStreet steps forward on the ramp except�?/P> Busch, "WAIT?! WHAT THE HELL! THAT’S JIMMY STRYKER!" Suddenly the guard on the right side turns and nails Kutter right in the chest with the taser dropping him down to his knees. The crowd erupts as Hamid’s eyes draw wide. The right riot officer quickly lifts his face shield as the crowd erupts�?/P> Busch, "WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET! BAH GAWD THE CORPORATE ICON *IS* HERE!!!" The other riot officer in the ring lunges toward WallStreet but WallStreet cracks him right over the helmet with that tazer as if he was a rail road worker with a sledgehammer and a rail road spike. The officer stagers and WallStreet grabs him by the back of the neck and ships him sailing over the top rope. The other officers start noticing the commotion in the ring so MSN Security takes this as their opportunity and they lunge forward and begin matching off with the W2K Riot officers. Theoretically MSN doesn’t stand a chance but from the back We see Christian Skywalker, Damien Destruction, James, MJ Storm, Joey De�?Angelo, and The Hardy Boys, all coming down the ramp in fight mode. Busch, "BAH GAWD! IT’S A FLOOD OF THE "GOOD GUYS"!!" The previously mentioned superstars begin aiding MSN Security in their quest against the W2K Riot Officers as in the ring WallStreet has completely taken off his helmet. Widow by now had stopped attacking CM and just as we go back to the ring we see her running just to be hoisted up, spun around, and BAM! Massive Spinebuster. Busch, "SPINEBUSTER! SHADE OF ARN ANDERSON AND THE GAME!" Widow hits the mat hard and rolls out of the ring. Hamid suddenly puts up his hands and begs forgiveness but WallStreet puts up his index finger and begins shaking his head and his finger in Hulk Hogan fashion, which makes an already beserk crowd go completely off the wall. Busch, "HAMID WANTS MERCY BUT WALLSTREET IS GONNA SHOW NONE!!" Hamid suddenly swings his leg up and kicks Street between the legs which makes WallStreet instantly double over in pain as the crowd boos. Busch, "NO!" WallStreet drops to a knee as Hamid turns around and smirks, raising his hands to the fans. Behind him we see WallStreet get a smirk on his face as we see WallStreet (still on one knee) reach down in his pants, and as he begins standing he pulls out a rather large protective cup and raises it into the air like Foley with Mr. Socko. The capacity crowd goes absolutely nuts. Busch, "YES!!" Hamid (who’s still smirking) turns around and his eyes go wide as WallStreet grabs the back of Hamid’s head with his left hand, and with his right he slams that nut cup right in Hamid’s face and keeps it there making Hamid look like he has an odd oxygen mask being forced on him. Hamid’s arms fly about as the crowd is going nuts�?/P> Busch, "WALLSTREET JUST�?HE JUST�?WELL HE JUST SHOVED THAT PROTECTIVE CUP RIGHT IN THE FACE OF HAMID ISMALI!" Marshal, "I Think He Likes It!" Finally WallStreet shoves Hamid down (with the nut cup still on his face). Hamid instantly rolls out of the ring and begins holding his face, yelling about in disgust. WallStreet turns around�?/P> Busch, "GORE! GORE! GORE! BAH GAWD KUTTER JUST GORED WALLSTREET RIGHT INTO THOSE TURNBUCKLES!!!" The crowd boos as WallStreet looks damned near unconscious in the corner from that massive Gore. Kutter begins throwing hard right hands to the face of WallStreet as WallStreet’s head is bouncing back and forth like a basketball. Busch, "I Can’t believe he recovered from a�?from a�?FROM A TASER!" Suddenly we hear a headset drop. Busch, "What�?What are you doin�?Jay?!" The crowd pops as Destructive Jay Marshal slides into the ring and he has a steel chair in hand. Marshal suddenly wraps Kutter across the back with intense power. Kutter perks up and turns around as the camera zooms in quickly on the huge indentation in that chair. Busch, "Bah gawd�?JAY! Get out of there! You’re not a wrestler anymore!" Kutter comes with a power strut toward Marshal but Marshal wraps Kutter directly over the head with the chair. Kutter stops only briefly as he shakes his head about and then continues walking forward�?THHHHWACK! Again Marshal wraps Kutter over the top of the head�?Kutter staggers back and ALMOST drops to a knee, but again he shakes it off. Marshal raises the chair high above his head and goes for yet another insane shot but Kutter swings a quick but huge haymaker, punching the chair with so much force it goes flying over Marshal’s head. Busch, "Oh God�?Jay’s in trouble�?Somebody get in there!" Kutter continues forward but Jay shows no intimidation as he gets in a shoot fighting stance�?Suddenly we see a big arm come up between Kutter’s legs and nail him with a big time low blow. Kutter bends ever so slightly as the crowd erupts and the cameras pan out showing WallStreet on one knee behind Kutter. WallStreet delivers a second lowblow�?a third�?forth�?fifth�?sixth�?/P> Busch, "My God�?This guy�?This�?This MANSTER�?He’s still standing�? He is standing but he’s doubled over and he looks like he’s hurtin�?WallStreet gets on all fours now as he’s still behind Kutter and Marshal lunges forward and nails a bigtime spear sending himself and Kutter up and over the back of WallStreet and down on the mat. WallStreet finally gets up to his feet as does Jay but that Monster is barely phased and looks like he’s about to get back up. Kutter gets to his knees with hate in his eyes but as he’s about to stand up we see Hamid reach in, grab Kutter’s ankle with both hands, and tug as hard as he can, just BARELY pulling Kutter out of the ring. Hamid pulls Kutter back but Kutter’s trying to still get back to the ring. Hamid, "NO! LET’S GO! COME ON! NOT HERE, NOT NOW! LET’S GO!" Kutter’s still trying to lunge back in the ring and Marshal and WallStreet are definitely standing it wait�?Although they don’t realize that right behind them stands NED and CM too. Finally Black Widow comes up on the otherside of Kutter and she too pulls Kutter back. Black, "Not right now, let’s go." Kutter’s damn sure reluctant but Hamid and Widow finally get him to back off. Hamid hops over the fan barricade, Kutter follows, and then the two of them each grab under an armpit of Widow and bring her up and over. All Three look back toward the ring as they walk backwards through the crowd, begging protected of course by Arena security. Back on the floor it looks like all of the Superstars and security guards must have brawled their way all the way to the back cause none of them are anywhere in site�?All that’s left is a lot of rubble, Amber Michaels at ringside (although she’s pulling herself up) and of course Synergy, Jay Marshal, and WallStreet in the ring. Busch, "WallStreet’s come back and�?I’m not sure I can believe I’m saying this but�?He came to the save of Synergy! And Jay Marshal�?Former CWA Heavyweight champion "Destructive" Jay Marshal went in there and he got him some too!" Still in the ring NED and CM are standing behind Street and Marshal un-noticed. W2K finally disappears through a fan exit so WallStreet and Marshal turn around simultaneously to find themselves face to face with CM and NED. The still berserk crowd is getting even louder. Busch, "OH BOY! HERE WE GO!" CM is standing strong beside NED and Marshal is surprisingly strong behind WallStreet�?Suddenly both WallStreet and Nic step forward getting right in each others face�?/P> Crowd is going nuts�?/P> "Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atchu�? "Piggy Bank" by 50 Cent blasts over the PA As WallStreet and NED stay face to face and CM and Marshal stay respectively behind their performers. Busch, "BAH GAWD! What an intense situation�?Don’t go anywhere, we’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | As the commercials concludes the cameras come back to ringside where we see Bert Busch and "Destructive" Jay Marshal. Busch, "Folks, finally some order has been restored. I just got word that ALL W2K Staff and Performers have been escorted out of the building." Marshal, "Good. Get those sons a bitches outta here before they get themselves hurt�?bad." Busch, "Well for those of you just joinin�?us we just got off the Heels of that huge six man tag between Synergy and "Team W2K" and well�?Let’s show ya what happened." Moments Ago | We come in on a still frame of Kutter bending down to pick up a beaten NED with Hamid beside him and Widow in the corner holding CM at bay. Busch, "Well here ya see�?The match is over, W2K Senior official Teddy Longfeather lost all control and threw this one out�?The monster Kutter Flash already put Nic Dangerously through the table with a second rope power bomb, and now Hamid’s instructing further dismemberment�? Kutter bends down to pick up a lifeless NED as all of a sudden the Dementa-Tron lights up and we hear�?/P> "Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, (Crowd Erupts) The Money goes Into My Piggy Bank Clickity Clank, Clickity Clank, The Money Goes Into My Piggy Bank I’ll Get Atchu�? Busch, "YOU DON’T THINK?!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Kutter drops NED and waits for a fight. Hamid has a hand on NED’s shoulder as Widow is still choking CM. Suddenly up on the stage�?/P> Busch, "THERE HE IS! It’s WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET HAS RETURNED TO THE EYE-SEE-DUBBYA-EH!" (Scene does an unnoticed fade to the a different part) Busch, "WAIT?! WHAT THE HELL! THAT’S JIMMY STRYKER!" Suddenly the guard on the right side turns and nails Kutter right in the chest with the taser dropping him down to his knees. The crowd erupts as Hamid’s eyes draw wide. The right riot officer quickly lifts his face shield as the crowd erupts�?/P> Busch, "WALLSTREET! WALLSTREET! BAH GAWD THE CORPORATE ICON *IS* HERE!!!" …The officer stagers and WallStreet grabs him by the back of the neck and ships him sailing over the top rope. The other officers start noticing the commotion in the ring so MSN Security takes this as their opportunity and they lunge forward and begin matching off with the W2K Riot officers. Theoretically MSN doesn’t stand a chance but from the back We see Christian Skywalker, Damien Destruction, James, MJ Storm, Joey De�?Angelo, and The Hardy Boys, all coming down the ramp in fight mode. Busch, "BAH GAWD! IT’S A FLOOD OF THE "GOOD GUYS"!!" The previously mentioned superstars begin aiding MSN Security in their quest against the W2K Riot Officers as in the ring WallStreet has completely taken off his helmet. Widow by now had stopped attacking CM and just as we go back to the ring we see her running just to be hoisted up, spun around, and BAM! Massive Spinebuster. Busch, "SPINEBUSTER! SHADE OF ARN ANDERSON AND THE GAME!"Hamid suddenly swings his leg up and kicks Street between the legs which makes WallStreet instantly double over in pain as the crowd boos. Busch, "NO!" WallStreet drops to a knee as Hamid turns around and smirks, raising his hands to the fans. Hamid (who’s still smirking) turns around and his eyes go wide as WallStreet grabs the back of Hamid’s head with his left hand, and with his right he slams that nut cup right in Hamid’s face and keeps it there making Hamid look like he has an odd oxygen mask being forced on him. Hamid’s arms fly about as the crowd is going nuts�?/P> Busch, "WALLSTREET JUST�?HE JUST�?WELL HE JUST SHOVED THAT PROTECTIVE CUP RIGHT IN THE FACE OF HAMID ISMALI!" Marshal, "I Think He Likes It!" WallStreet turns around�?/P> Busch, "GORE! GORE! GORE! BAH GAWD KUTTER JUST GORED WALLSTREET RIGHT INTO THOSE TURNBUCKLES!!!" Suddenly we hear a headset drop. Busch, "What�?What are you doin�?Jay?!" Marshal suddenly wraps Kutter across the back with intense power (w/ a steal chair). Kutter perks up and turns around as the camera zooms in quickly on the huge indentation in that chair. Busch, "Bah gawd�?JAY! Get out of there! You’re not a wrestler anymore!" THHHHWACK! Again Marshal wraps Kutter over the top of the head�?Kutter staggers back and ALMOST drops to a knee, but again he shakes it off. Marshal raises the chair high above his head and goes for yet another insane shot but Kutter swings a quick but huge haymaker, punching the chair with so much force it goes flying over Marshal’s head. Busch, "Oh God�?Jay’s in trouble�?Somebody get in there!" Kutter continues forward but Jay shows no intimidation as he gets in a shoot fighting stance�?Suddenly we see a big arm come up between Kutter’s legs and nail him with a big time low blow. Kutter bends ever so slightly as the crowd erupts and the cameras pan out showing WallStreet on one knee behind Kutter. Busch, "My God�?This guy�?This�?This MANSTER�?He’s still standing�? WallStreet gets on all fours now as he’s still behind Kutter and Marshal lunges forward and nails a bigtime spear sending himself and Kutter up and over the back of WallStreet and down on the mat. WallStreet finally gets up to his feet as does Jay but that Monster is barely phased and looks like he’s about to get back up. Kutter gets to his knees with hate in his eyes but as he’s about to stand up we see Hamid reach in, grab Kutter’s ankle with both hands, and tug as hard as he can, just BARELY pulling Kutter out of the ring. Hamid pulls Kutter back but Kutter’s trying to still get back to the ring. | The scene goes back to the commentators at ringside. Busch, "Well from there Hamid and Widow finally got that monster Kutter Flash to fall back and they took off through the crowd but for a minute there I thought�?(Looks at Jay) �?FONT color=#ffff33>Well I thought You and WallStreet were fixin to get it on with Synergy’s Christian Michaels and Nic Dangerously !" Marshal, "Well lets get one thing straight right now�?I wasn’t in there to defend WallStreet. WallStreet and I hate each other�?We’ve never liked each other, but after the Atlanta Screw Job in GWC, That dislike definitely took the jump to hate and while it’s been three years�?We’re still no where near buddies�?So had Nic lambasted WallStreet then and there, I’d of let him lay flat on his back and gotten a good laugh at his expense�?STRONG> BUT, When it comes to this W2Krap, I’m sick of it. I’m sick of seeing Hamid Ismali walk around like he owns this place cause all of a sudden having mental control over a gaping vagina with legs that probably can’t even spell his own name is a special feat�?No, I don’t think so. The Wrestling Turned-Two Krap B.S. ends here and now. Kutter wants to put our boss, wants to put Jaymie Leigh through a wall? Well they better watch their backs because I know where their lil�?arena is, I know Hamid Ish-suck-me is runnin the show down there, and If they keep up their crap I *WILL* Obliterate them; Period." Busch, "Obviously my broadcast partner’s very adamant about his disdain for Dubbya Two Kay and I can’t really say as I blame him at this point�?But speaking about being adamant�?No question this past week Nikki Black was very adamant about doing whatever it took to try and obtain the ICWA Hardcore championship from one Matt Hardy�?Now that didn’t happen, but what did happen was that two very large men who I can only assume by their uncanny resemblance to each other, are identical twins�?Well they came in and they went to town." Last Week | (As some custom instrumental is playing in the background we fade through Nikki Black’s entrance�?Then Matt Hardy’s.) The Insturmental continues to play as we cut midway through their match�?/FONT> The camera goes to the ramp where we see a couple of large men in black suits The two men slowly start walking down the ramp, keeping their faces expressionless and their eyes hidden behind their glasses. Matt Hardy doesn’t even notice as he gets up and grabs Nikki by the head and arm, guiding her to her feet. Hardy Delivers an Irish whip, shipping her across into the turnbuckles nearest the commentary table. Matt bends down and grabs the trash can, tipping it up and dumping the contents (a 10MPH Road sign, a cookie sheet, and a baseball bat) onto the Mat. Hardy then charges with the Trash can, throws it at Nikki (who catches it on instinct) and leaps up into the air doing somewhat of a flying summersault as his ass and legs crash into the trash can making it smash into the rib area of Nikki Black. Hardy holds his lower back as Black collapses down onto the mat and the crowd is going wild. Meanwhile, our two suits have made it to ringside. They both reach up simultaneously and grab the top rope, pulling themselves up onto the ring apron before bending down and entering the ring between the second and third ropes at the exact same time. They both walk over as Hardy is pulling himself up holding his lowerback. Hardy staggers a bit and turns around only to have both of the suits grab Hardy by the throat at the same time. They both hoist Hardy up into the air, and then BAM! __________________________ . One of the large bald men sits up ontop of the top turnbuckle (facing the tables) as the other grabs Hardy in what looks like a high angle belly to back, but ends up handing him up to his brother on the top rope. It looks like a potential top rope power bomb when the fans erupt and we look at the ramp Busch, " JEFF HARDY! JEFF HARDY! JEFF HARDY’S COMIN�?TO HIS BROTHER’S AID!" Jeff slides into the ring and pops up, instantly going after the standing suit with hard right hands to the face, making the crowd go absolutely nuts. Hardy hits right after right after right although they don’t seem to be doing a hole lot of damage. Finally the Suit delivers a swift kick between Jeff’s legs making him double over slightly as the suit wraps both hands around Jeff’s throat, hoist him up into the air, and swings around nailing a Spinning sit-down double handed choke slam (or a Baldo bomb) to Jeff Hardy. ________________________ Hardy hooks his legs and drops back, sending the suit flying off the second rope via a hurrincarana that sends him CRASHING through the tables, sending the fans into a frenzy . Crowd: HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT, HOLY SHIT�?/P> _________________________ The other Suit is reeling, leaning on the ropes as the crowd is going nuts�?Hardy pulls back for a big haymaker and WHAM!
The crowd boos as Busch says, "DAMN HER!" Just as Hardy was about to send the big guy up and over Nikki Black dropped to a knee behind hardy and nailed a hard uppercut style low blow. Hardy is doubled over as the big man shoves Hardy’s head between his legs. The crowd is booing as we see the suit hoist Hardy into the air, and then BAM! Big time powerbomb. Nikki smirks as she drops down to her knees and covers Matt Hardy, making the ref count …………………�?………………………�?…………………………………�?! But wait! Just as his hand was grazing the mat for three Hardy popped the shoulder up! ________________________ Busch, " Well�?It appears that Matt Hardy got the shoulder up but it’s pretty much instrumental from here." Nikki points to the big guy then down to Hardy and yells "FINISH HIM!" He nods and bends down, grabbing a couple of fist fulls of Hardy’s hair and pulling him up when suddenly we see a figure slide under the bottom rope with a�?a�?SLEDGE HAMMER! Busch, "IT’S JAMAL ATKINS AND HE’S GOT A SLEDGE HAMMER!" The big man turns around and BAM! Atkins drills him across the forehead with the Sledgehammer making the big man drop and roll out of the ring. By now the other big man who was hurrincarana’d through the table has found his feet and is staggering over. He shakes it off and runs toward Atkins quickly darts forward and meets him with the sledgehammer across the skull, making him drop and roll out of the ring as well. The fans are going wild. Busch, "JAMAL HAS COME TO THE AID OF HARDY!" Marshal, "Get smart Busch! He’s not "aiding" Hardy, he’s saving his Hardcore championship!" Jamal turns around and WHACK! Nikki black swings and smashes him across the skull with the wooden baseball bat we’d seen fall out of the trash can earlier. Jamal’s hit with such force that he literally spins through the air before landing face first on the mat and rolling out to the ringside floor nearest the ramp. Nikki shakes her head and turns (baseball bat still in hand) only to be met by a kick to the gut. She keeps the baseball bat as Hardy quickly puts her in a front face lock, throws out the V1 Making the fans erupt, and then Busch, "TWIST OF FATE! TWIST OF FATE! HARDY HAS HIT THE TWIST OF FATE ON NIKKI BLACK!" The bat goes flying as Hardy uses all of his power to crawl over and lay across Nikki as the ref counts ……………………�?………………………�?……………………�?! One of the big bald men suddenly dives from nowhere and just hits Hardy but apparently not in time as Tim White jumps up and calls for the bell. | *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | [Demented comes back from a commercial break, with Dart standing inside of the ring. Over the speakers, "Live For The Moment" by Monster Magnet begins to blare. The crowd arises to their feet, at the sight of Matt Hardy stepping out throwing up the old "V1" sign and getting the fans all excited. They pop even more when Jeff Hardy comes out from behind the curtain as well. They both throw up the old Hardy Boyz sign as they make their way down to the ring.] Dart : Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, accompanied to ringside by his brother Jeff Hardy, he hails from from Cameron, North Carolina and weighs two hundred and twenty-five pounds...the co-holder of the ICWA Hardcore Title, Matt Hardy! Bert : Hello folks and welcome back to ICWA Demented. So much has happened tonight and it's only going to get hotter from here, as we get set to see Matt Hardy take on Nikki Black's hired goons. Well, one of them anyway. Marshall : What are you talking about? Matt Hardy's a whooping boy, plain and simple! This "match" won't take very long at all. [By now Matt's inside the ring, with Jeff on the outside. Matt's posing and showing off to the fans. But his song gets cut off abruptly as Fuel's "Won't Back Down" starts to blare now. The fans boo, but some of the men cheer as the gorgeous Nikki Black steps out onto the stage. Coming out behind her are the two large men dressed all in black. The trio head for the ring, as Matt puts his hands on his knees and bends over, getting ready for a fight.] Dart : And his opponent, being accompanied by his....uh, brother and Nikki Black...he is "The Black Entourage"! Bert : BE 1 and BE2 coming out to the ring now. Marshall : You sunk my battleship! Bert : What? Marshall : BE 1 and BE 2! You hit me! HA HA! Bert : Actually that would've been the frigate, not the battleship. Marshall : ...Just shut up Bert. [The three are at ringside now, as Nikki whispers something in both men's ears. One of the men steps onto the apron and over the ropes as Nikki and BE2 take their positions on the other side of the ring. The man takes off his sunglasses and cracks his knuckles as Matt licks his lips and paces the ring. The bell sounds as Matt makes a running start, leaping into the air and connecting with a dropkick to BE1's head. This knocks the big man around but he's still on his feet so Matt does it again and sends him to the corner. Matt climbs up now and goes for the old 10 punch. He punches as the fans count along with it. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7....BE suddenly reaches up and grabs Matt and brings him backfirst to the canvas with a large f'n powerbomb. He holds Matt's legs in a cover as the ref counts. One....two....Matt gets a shoulder up!] Bert : Well Hardy with the early offensive just had his entire game plan, basically get shot to hell. The big man is now in control. Marshall : I told ya, Hardy's an idiot. You don't try to go punch for a punch with a man that size. Matt's lost so many times he's getting stupider every match. Bert : Right, and that would be why he won last week. Marshall : Grr.... [BE 1 now just circles Matt, like a tiger stalking it's wounded kill. Matt gets up to his feet, and then nearly loses his head with a powerful clothesline that would make even Big Show wince. BE then makes another cover but he only gets a count of two before Matt gets a shoulder up. Matt is in obvious pain as BE lifts him to his feet and starts nailing him with hard rights and lefts to the stomach. He whips Matt hard to a corner and charges, but V1 lifts his legs up and leaps over BE, letting the big man hit the corner hard. Matt bounces off the ropes and dropkicks BE in the back. He grabs BE by the head and slams it onto the corner turnbuckle. BE turns around and stumbles out as Matt leaps to the top and jumps off with a bulldog, taking BE to the mat. He covers as the ref counts. One...two..kickout!] Bert : And now with a quick flurry of moves Matt Hardy is back in this thing and The Entourage is reeling! Marshall : Just dumb luck, that's all. [Matt is on his feet and so are the fans, as BE gets up to his feet. On the outside, BE2 looks to interject himself into the match, but Jeff Hardy's waiting for him, as he dives off the ring apron and takes the big man down to the floor. Matt makes the sign and then...BHAM! Twist of Fate on the Black Entourage! Matt looks for a pin, but then Nikki Black jumps up on the apron. Shawn Cain gets in her face telling her to get down, but then Hardy himself comes over and gets into a heated verbal confrontation with her. While neither man is looking, BE 2 sneaks into the ring, rolls his bro out and then lays down in the same position he was in! Nikki gets down, as Matt goes for the cover. One...and BE powers out of it! Matt's shocked at this and perhaps even more shocked when a giant foot catches him right in the jaw.] Bert : Oh come on! This is essentially a handicap match now! Marshall : Ha ha! I love it! These guys have brawn and brains! Now if only they'd ditch that bitch and make her get back to cooking things would be alright. [Bert just rolls his eyes as BE2 is the man inside the ring now dismantling the semi-exhausted Hardy. Punch, kick, jab, chop and then a big time suplex leave Matt hurt on the canvas. BE slides in for a cover. One....two....THR---NO!] Bert : Just like he says, he will not die! He kicked out just at the last second! Marshall : This is why the BE are winning. They have brains, Hardy doesn't. Bert : Now what the hell makes you say that? Marshall : Cause he kicked out, which means he's just gonna have his ass kicked some more. [On the outside now, BE2 is attacking Jeff and lays him out. Nikki gets up on the apron again, but this time instead of arguing she tries to seduce Shawn. Behind him, BE1 slides a chair into the ring as BE2 sets Matt up for a powerbomb and then BHAM! Powerbomb hard right onto the chair. The sound almost has Shawn turn around but Nikki grabs him and lays a soft kiss on him, sure to take any man's mind off of the task at hand. The BE dispose of the evidence as Nikki gets down to the floor. Shawn snaps out of it and sees BE making a cover. One...two...THRE...] Bert : What the?! He kicked out! That son of a bitch is still alive! Marshall : How damn stupid can you be! [The fans are on their feet, as Matt kicked out at close to the last millisecond. BE2 is not pleased though, as he whips Matt hard to the corner and then starts choking him. Cain counts to 4 before BE breaks, but then he's on Matt again, choking what little life is left in him. BE backs up now, the same as his brother did earlier on. He charges, but this time Matt ducks down and out of the way of the big man. He stops himself short from hitting the corner, but as he turns around Matt comes flying at him with a flurry of hard lefts and rights. Left, right, left, right, left, right and a dropkick to the knee takes the big man down a bit. The fans are cheering, as Matt punches BE right in between the eyes. Matt bounces off the opposite ropes, comes back and then connects with a top rope springboard dropkick right to head of the big man.] Bert : Hardy with a second wind! And he's taking it to the Black Entourage now! He simply will not lay down and die! Marshall : Well he should! If he knows what's good for him! [Nikki gets up on the apron one more time, shouting at Matt and flipping him off. Shawn Cain is about ready to eject her from ringside, when Matt comes over and slaps her across the face and then grabs a handful of hair and brings her inside the ring. Nikki stands up, and gets a Twist of Fate! Cain checks on Nikki and tries to get her out of the ring, as the BE brother on the outside tries to swap places again. But Jeff grabs the leg of the brother on the outside of the ring to stop him. The two of them now get into a fistfight as Matt climbs to the top rope. He makes the V1 sign and leaps off with a guillotine leg drop. On the outside, Jeff is down on the floor. As Matt turns the big man over. Shawn is in position and looks for the count!] ONE! Marshall : That son of a bitch is actually going to win! Bert : I told you! TWO! ..................... THR----DING DING! Bert : Oh come on now! [Just as Shawn's hand came down for the three, the second bro came into the ring and wailed Matt across the back with a crowbar. Shawn instantly calls for the bell.] Dart : Your winner of this match via disqualification, Matt Hardy! Bert : This could get ugly. F’n A it could. BE2 picks Matt up by the hair and tosses him over to the corner. He takes his crow bar and presses it into the throat of Hardy, choking him in the corner as BE1 is now pulling himself up. On the outside we see that Jeff Hardy is up. Jeff reaches under the ring and grabs a black steal chair before sliding into the ring. He’s just about to nail BE2 when we notice that BE1 actually has a mic. Black Entourage Member 1, "JEFF! You MAY not wanta do that…�? The crowd is booing as Jeff Stops and looks back at BE1. BE1, "I think your services could probably be better used elsewhere�? BE1 smirks as he points to the Dementa-Tron. Busch, "What the Hell’s he talking about�? Suddenly the Dementa-Tron kicks on as we see two huge guys with long black hair and all black attire carrying a large black sack over their shoulders. We can hear whimpers from the sack and it’s squirming about but these two large men are having no difficulty as they appear to be carrying the sack into the parking lot. Their trip is a brief one as they find a black Buick with the trunk poped. The two men drop the sack into the trunk as we hear a door draw open and then close�?Shortly their after the one and only Nikki Black walks into the scene �?a smirk upon her face. Nikki waves sarcastically, "HI MATT! Miss me?" At this point BE2 isn’t really choking Hardy so much as restraining him. Hardy’s glaring up at the Dementa-Tron, as too is Jeff still in the center of the ring. Nikki, "I think a friend of yours might want to say Hi�? With that she turns to the guys (who’s faces we still haven’t seen) and nods toward the sack. Apparently they understand this direction as they begin untying a rope around the top of the sack. The sack comes undone and they pull it down revealing�?/P> Busch, "That’s�?THAT’S ASHLEY MASSARIO! Matt Hardy’s girlfriend!" Matt becomes inraged and goes to charge forward but BE2 Lifts his knee hard into Hardy’s crotch, instantly stoping his charge as he doubles over in pain. BE2 jams the crowbar back in Hardy’s throat and presses him hard against the turnbuckles as Jeff’s focus is still on the screen where Ashley is half in a black sack, her mouth duct-tapped, her wrists duct-tapped, and we can only assume her ankles as well. Nikki, "Well hero�?You’re the "Over Coming Adversity" guy right? You and your brother are the "Live for the Moment" boys right? You gonna come and get her or just play with my men?" Jeff looks back at Matt enough to basically ask through eye contact alone "Do I go or do I stay and fight" and Matt must have understood it as he groans (still in pain), "GO!" Jeff hesitates only momentarly as he then takes off, heading out of the ring and darting up the ramp. Nikki laughs, "She’s kinda cute�?She’ll be a fun lil play thing�?Come and get her Matt�?Come and get her in New York City at Resurrection this weekend�?Oh and uh, bring your hardcore title too (winks)." With that Nikki nods toward the men before she walks back around the car. The men violently shove Ashley down in the trunk before grabbing it and slamming it shut. We can see Nikki get into the car behind the driver’s side as the two men still have their backs to the cameras. Busch, "OH COME ON! THIS IS WRONG!" Marshal, "I’m not sure what Nikki has in mind for Ashley but I hope she video tapes." Busch, "JAY!" Marshal, "You’re right�?This is 2006, give me a website and put that stuff on live web cam!" Back in the ring Hardy is trying to struggle free but he’s not having a lot of luck�?But it doesn’t take long for the crowd to start to pop as we see a rather attractive young woman come flying down the ramp with a steal chair in hand. Busch, "Who the Hell is that?!" Marshal, "A Woman with a death wish! Slit your wrists lady, it’s gonna be a Hell of a lot less painful!" She slides into the ring, runs, leaps, and slams the chair over BE1’s head, dropping him down to a knee. BE2 Hears the crash and turns only slightly to see what’s up, but slightly enough as Matt brings his leg up right between BE2’s legs. BE2 drops his crowbar and the woman runs from behind and cracks him in the back of the head. BE2 drops to a knee and Matt quickly hooks his head, swings around and nails an inverted Twist of Fate. Busch, "TWIST OF FATE! TWIST OF FATE! HE JUST PUT DOWN ONE OF THEM ENTOURAGE FELLAS WITH TWIST OF FATE!" BE1 is back to his feet behind the woman though. He runs forward and clotheslines her from behind, knocking her down on her face. Busch, "Wait�?Isn’t that, that woman we’ve seen Jeff with backstage as of late?" Marshal, "I wouldn’t know, when I see Jeff backstage I go the otherway. Till they prove that "gay" isn’t contagious, I steer clear of guys like Jeff Hardy�? Busch, "�?FONT color=#ffff00>I don’t think Jeff Hardy is gay�?Not that there’d be a problem with it if he was ." Marshal, "Whatever keeps us on TV." Back in the ring Hardy turns around just in time to see the woman hit the mat. Hardy lunges forward and begins engaging in fist to fist combat with this gigantion fella. As those two are throwing fists the crowd erupts. We look up at the Dementa-Tron and see Jeff run into the scene in the parking lot with a 4 x 4 as he cracks one of the big guys across the back with so much force that the board shatters. The big guy drops down to his knees as the other one turns around�?Now that we’re getting a view they kinda look like WCW’s Kronik (Brian Clark and Brian Adams…�?Ugh�?These guys V) ((Adams on the left, Clark on the right)) Never the less�?The one that looks like Clark is down, but the one that looks like Adams turns around. Hardy swings a couple of fists at the guys chest (as he’s a pretty tall guy), but the Brian Adams look alike grabs Jeff by the throat and in one very quick motion, swings him around and chokeslams him on the trunk of that car. Busch, "OH GOD! ASHLEY’S INSIDE THAT TRUNK!" All of a sudden the car starts up, the back tires squeal, and it takes off as Hardy rolls off the back from the momentum, landing hard on the pavement as the car zips off out of our view. Busch, "NO!" Back in the ring Hardy somehow got BE1 doubled over, and BAM! He nails another Twist of Fate. BE2 Is already starting to come around though. Hardy looks up at the Dementa-Tron and sees the Brian Adams look alike laying boots to Jeff Hardy so Matt quickly helps up the woman�?/P> Busch, "Well they’re tellin�?me through the headphones that this woman’s name is Lizzie Pryce�?And as I’d said earlier, she’s been seen hanging around Matt’s brother Jeff quite a bit backstage�?But I don’t�?Well I�?Somebody better get back there and help out Jeff!" Marshal, "Yeah, if anybody needs help it’s definitely Jeff Hardy." The woman shows discomfort but seems alright so Hardy quickly rushes out of the ring and bolts up the ramp as Lizzie follows close behind. Busch, "Matt’s on his way to save his brother but let’s hope his brother lasts that long!" Now we switch to the parking lot where the Brian Clark lookin fella is getting up and the Adams lookin fella’s picked Jeff Hardy up to his feet. The Clark look alike (who from here on will just be referred to as "Clark") gets to his feet as the Adams look alike (who will be referred to as Adams) has a firm hold on Jeff’s throat. Clark puts his hand over Hardy’s throat as well as the two then hoist Jeff up, charge forward, and BAM! Busch, "BAH GAWD! THAT’S A DOUBLE CHOKESLAM WITH AUTHORITY! AND IT’S�?IT’S�?IT’S ON PAVEMENT!" Actually to be technical there was a pile of cables next to a concrete pillar that broke Hardy’s fall, but all the same The crowd is chanting: HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY, HARDY�?/P> Matt and Lizzie come rushing into the scene and Lizzie runs over to Jeff immediately dropping to her knees next to him and holding his unconscious carcass as Matt gets in a fightin�?stance to take on these two guys if necessary. Busch, "That miss Pryce checking on the fallen Hardy brother, I sure hope there’s not an addition to that list right here!" The Kronik look alikes both let out small laughs as they see Matt in position for a fight. They both turn their backs to Matt and walk only a few steps forward to a par of Harley Davidsons. They get on, turn the keys, rev em up, and take off as Matt opts to let em get away and go check on his brother. Busch, "I can’t believe what’s just transpired here�?We�?We’ll be right back!" *Commercial Break* | |
 | |
ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | As the commercials draw to conclusion the Dementa-Tron takes over the screen. Moments Ago | We start with a freeze frame on the black buick as Adams has Jeff Hardy in the air. Busch, "Well ya see that black buick, probably a rental for Nikki Black�?Matt Hardy’s girlfriend and WWE Smackdown performer Ashley Massario was in the trunk of that car while Matt had been detained in the ring by those two large, twins under Nikki Black’s contract. Jeff rushed to the back to try and make the save against what I can only assume is Nikki Black’s two newest editions to her entourage�?And well�?You’ll see here how well that worked out." The scene starts to roll and we see Adams swing Hardy around and chokeslam him on the trunk of the car. The scene then switches as we see both Kronik lookin fellas hoist Jeff Hardy into the air, and then run and double chokeslam him into the pile of cables next to the cement piler in the parking garage. | With that the cameras go to ringside with Bert Busch and Jay Marshal. Busch, "Devistating Double chokeslam�?Jeff Hardy could have sustained some serious internal injuries from that explosive move�?He’s been taken to a near by hospital and we’ll update you as soon as we’re updated but folks�?The bigger story here is that during the commercial Break Matt Hardy came across Russ Johnson and�?Well�?Take a look for yourself." During The Commercial | We open with a freeze frame on Matt Hardy who’s standing next to the back of the ambulance that Jeff is being loaded into. The footage starts rolling and we see Russ Johnson walk into the scene. RJ, "Good lord. Is gonna be alright?" Matt, "I don’t know�?But I know Nikki Black’s not gonna be. She wants my hardcore championship, fine. Send somebody to injure me so I’m not a hundred percent in our title match, I get that. It makes sense. I don’t agree with the tactics, but at least I understand them and at least they’re directed at the right source. And alright�?You want to put my brother out to send me a message? Fine. He knew stuff like this could happen the minute the signed that ICWA contract. But Ashley doesn’t work here and has nothing to do with any of this. The only reason she even came here tonight was so we could spend a little more time together. This isn’t just business anymore�?This isn’t just about some title belt�?It’s personal. So if she wants to make this personal�?She wants to fight, I want a special match at Resurrection�? RJ, "I don’t know how much I can help ya out here Matt. You have the Hardcore championship and unfortunately that means that it has to be defended under Hardcore rules." Matt, "Oh don’t worry about that Russ. My match of choice is very Hardcore. See, I don’t like doing extreme matches all the time and I hate doing big gimmick matches without just cause�?But this is definitely just-cause. Nikki Black wants to take this beyond business and make it extreme�?Fine, I can do that too. Russ�?I want the Hardcore championship match at Resurrection to have the guaranteed edition of three of my favorite toys�?I want there to be Tables�? The crowd erupts Hardy, "I want there to be some chairs, cause what good’s a table without a chair to sit at the said table with�?And then, My Hardcore championship should be extended 20 feet in the air which means unless she has one Hell of a pair of those Air Michaels, we’re going to need�?A Ladder!" Crowd Erupts further Matt Hardy, "Let me spell it out Russ, I want Nikki black and I want her in a Tee�?EL�?CEEE!" The crowd is going absolutely nuts as Russ nods, extends his hand and says, "You’ve got it." Hardy still has a look of rage in his eyes as the footage concludes. | The cameras come back to Busch and Marshal. Busch, "TABLES! LADDERS! AND CHAIRS! THAT’S HUGE!" Marshal, "The TLC Match. In the four years this company has operated we’ve only ever had one TLC Match�?It was at ICWA Betrayal in 2003 and it was where then ICWA Heavyweight Champion Brock Lesnar had his last dance with the championship before history was made and the only Woman in this company’s rich history to ever be World heavyweight champion did the unthinkable�?Hope Cassidy became ICWA Heavyweight champion. And that match was as extreme a classic as I’ve ever seen Double B. Now that’s two performers with no prior experience in the match and the match was really used more for it’s symbolisim of extreme to put an exclamation mark on the Lesnar/Cassidy feud�?In this one not only is the feud just as hot, but, Matt Hardy’s well experienced in the TLC environment. Plus, ya know Jeff could be a factor, and this is definitely his crowning match as well." With that we fade into the greatest announcer today�?Kevin Dart. Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!! The entire arena waits in silence. They know who's coming, and they're saving their breath to boo. Suddenly, loud music comes blaring over the speakers of the arena, along with a voice...
Don't hate me, because I'm beautiful Don't hate me, because I'm the best Don't hate me, because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest...do The song picks up in pace, as we see Matt Matlock emerge from the backstage area, with his usual out of ring attire on and his CWA & nWWF Title belts over each shoulder. Pyros shoot off in a shower at the top of the stage, as Matlock slides each belt down to a hand and spins around, raising them up in the air. Following this, he makes his way to the ring and climbs inside. As he does, the song is coming to a close, with pyro blasting at all four corners once during each of the final lines.
Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm beautiful Don't hate me (BOOM!) because I'm the best Don't hate me (BOOM) because I'm the champion Just love me, like all the rest do Love Me
BOOM! Each time the pyro blasts, Matt sticks his arms straight into the air, titles in hand of course. As the final explosion goes off, he hands his belts to the ref and then removes his hat, ring, cross and shades as he gets ready to tangle with his opponent. Dart: Coming to the ring from Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, Canada, weighing two hundred and thirty five pounds....he is the Cornered Animal....MATT MATLOCK!!!!! The fans are buzzing about after getting back to their seats with their drinks and food items.They're waiting for one of the combatants in the upcoming contest when 'Firefly' by Breaking Benjamin begins to blare over the pa system and the words to the opening verse is seen on the titantron: You my friend You're a lot like them But I cut your line And you know I did Now I'm lost in you Like I always do And I'd die to win 'Cause I'm born to lose The lights begin to flicker red and orange as we see some red smoke appear on the stage as it lingers there. The black curtain flicks open as the words And I'd die to win are heard, and appearing on the stage is M.J. Storm. He begins to walk down the entrance ramps as we then hear the ring announcer speak. Dart: Making his way to the ring, from Madison, Wisconsin, weighing in at two hundred and fifty-six pounds, he is "The Fallen Superstar" M.J. Storm!!!!!!!! M.J. finishes walking down the ramp, and slides into the ring. He walks over to a set of ropes, and jumps on them, bouncing. He then hops down and turns to a stagehand and hands them his leather trenchcoat,and gets ready for his match. Tim White is the referee as the bell is hear sounding.. DING DING DING!!!! Matlock with a look of anger on his face after last week is seen circling around MJ Storm. Storm however keeps watchful eyes on Matlock as he can snap at a moments notice. Matlock not wanting to waste much more time, immediately grabs a hold of Storm locking up with him and pushing him into the corner. Storm then breaks free, as he slaps the taste out of Matlock. Matlock angry takes a swing at Storm, but Storm ducks and moves right out of the way, sending Matlock swinging at nothing but air, running into the turnbuckle. Matlock then swings his body around, as Storm is right there smiling and waving his finger in the air, telling Matlock that he was a little too slow. As Matlock is seen coming for Storm, up off his feet he goes, and nails a dropkick to the face of Matlock sending him back into the corner. Storm then goes to work with a couple of right hands. He then grabs Matlock and nails him with a hip toss. Storm, then sits up Matlock and connects with a neck snap. Matlock falls back to the mat, as Storm is quickly seen reacting to the downed Matlock. Storm then moves quickly to the leg of Matlock, as he locks in the single leg Boston crap. Matlock is seen yelping out, as he is trying to get to the ropes on any side of the ring. Matlock is trying to focus on other things than the pain, but it seems that is not an option. Storm quickly lets go of the leg, as he then drags Matlock over to the same corner of the ring he was in before. Storm then slides to the outside of the ring, grabs the leg of Matlock and wraps it tightly around the ring post. Storm still not pleased, somehow locks up Matlock in a upside down figure four around the post to try and hyperextend the leg and knee. Busch: Holy crap!!! Matlock is seen being put in his place. Marshall: Yeah, but you have to think about what you have to do, to win this matchup. Storm then releases the hold as he slide back in under the bottom rope. As he does, before he can get to his knees, there is Matlock, as he comes clubbing down hard on the back of MJ Storm. Storm now back up to his knees, as he shakes off the blow, as Matlock then gets up to his feet. His one leg damaged a bit, as he then gets Storm to his feet. Matlock then grabs Storm and lifts him high into the air. The leg is starting to collapse on him, as Storm comes crashing down in a vertical suplex. Storm is seen bouncing off the canvas a bit, from the impact of the suplex he just recieved. Matlock then stands up one more time, as his leg is still not in the best state after the last attacks by Storm. Matlock then picks up Storm again. The leg and knee again give way as he somehow pulls off a very devistating pile driver. Storm is seen lying on the mat, unable to move, after that shot to the head. Matlock then bounces himself off the ropes, not at full speed, but comes up and leaps into the air, dropping his good knee into the head of MJ Storm. Matlock trying to get the job done, goes to the outside. He is seen climbing to the top rope. Matlock a little shaky, waits for Storm to stand up only to watch him drop again after the vicious Missile dropkick from Matlock. Matlock is seen trying to go for the cover. Tim: 1......2......Kickout by Storm Matlock with a look of shock on his face, as he grabs Storm from the mat, and rakes him in the eyes. Matlock is seen bouncing himself off the ropes, and coming at Storm. But now that he is on his feet, Storm now moves to his left, and brings his knee up, nailing Matlock in the gut, sending him flying over and onto his back. Matlock is now seen grabbing his midsection as Storm seems to be back on the attack. Storm helps up Matlock, but Matlockl sends a slbow shot to the ribs of Storm. Matlock then stands up as he swings around Storm locking him into the Masterlock. Storm is seems to be fighting it. As he is Storm is seen dropping to his knees. Matlock with a grin on his face, keeps locking in the hold tighter and tighter. Storm is seen looking like he is out cold. Matlock is seen yelling at Tim White to check him. Tim is seen grabbing Storms hand. Tim: 1 Busch: It dropped once!!! Tim: 2 Marshall: It dropped a second time, but no one cares Bert!!! Tim: Thr.... Busch: No!! Storms arms is still up in the air!!! Storm is seen waving his arm around in the air. and as soon as he gets free he seems to be ready for a mauling on Matlock. Matlock not happy with what has been going on, as Storm breaks free of the hold and takes off into the ropes, as Matlock is seen clotheslining Storm back down to the mat. Matlock then goes for Storm, as Storm is seen rolling up Matlock into a pinning predicament. Tim: 1....2....Kickout by Matlock. Storm first to his feet, as he is now going back to work on Matlock. Matlock slowly gets back to his feet, as Storm charges with a clothesline, Matlock back on his feet nailed with another clothesline. As the third time Matlock is back up, a swinging neckbreaker from Storm crashing Matlock down hard to the canvas. Matlock is seen holding his neck, as one more time Storm is seen coming to Matlock and picking him up. Storm places Matlock over his shoulders, and sends him down hard with a huge Death Valley Driver. Matlock's head hits the mat hard as Storm is now back to his feet. Storm then helps up Matlock and whips him into the ropes, As Matlock is coming back, is nailed with a tilt-o whirl backbreaker. Matlock now down on the mat, as Storm smiles. Storm then stalks Matlock. a little more, as he then stops, and drops to one knee as he gets closer to see the face of Matlock looking up at him. Storm, then slaps Matlock in the back of the head, as he then stands up with the crowd giving Storm a mixed reaction. Storm is now seen pulling Matlock closer to the ropes, as he then takes off, sets himself up and nails Matlock now with a springboard moonsault. Storm then gets to his feet, as he moves around to where Matlock is feet first towards the corner post. Storm then catapults Matlock as he is flying through the air, as the top of Matlocks head smacks off the ring post, sending Matlock down, an impaler DDT. Matlock is now down on the mat not moving one bit. Storm then makes the cover. Tim: 1.....2....Kickout by Matlock!!!! Busch: How in the heck did, he get out of that? Marshall: Literally Bert!! Matlock had the crap kicked out of him, and he still got out of the pin. Storm wondering what he is going to do, as He pulls Matlock up to his feet. Matlock a bit wobbly, as Storm comes charging off the ropes. Storm is seen leaping at him, instead Matlock is seen grabbing the back of Storms head and dropping him to the mat in a X-Factor style. Storm is seen holding his face, as Matlock just sits on his ass for a moment, as he is now trying to collect himself after that string of attacks from Storm. Matlock then gets to one knee, forgetting about the other one, as it gives way. He falls to the mat, as he just smiles, his normal smile. Matlock gets up and dusts himself off, as he is able to stand for a moment. Matlock then picks up Storm, as he leads him over to the ropes. Matlock is seen using Storms weight to get him to the top rope. Matlock has Storms arm in hand as he walks to the middle of the ropes. Matlock jumps off and sends a shot to the arm, just about as great as the Undertaker would do. Matlock watches as Storm jumps around the ring holding his arm, as Matlock is right behind him. Matlock then jumps up and grabs the back of the head of Storm and nails him with a bulldog, sending the face of Storm into the mat. Matlock now back on his game as Storm seems to be a little behind. Matlock then goes back to the top rope once again. Matlock then shakes his head at the fallen Storm, as Matlock leaps off nailing Storm with a guillotine legdrop off the top rope. Busch: Holy crap!!! That was a move for sure!! Marshall: YEah no doubt. But how is Storm going to come back from that? Matlock then immediatly goe back to work on the head and neck of Storm, by locking in a headlock. Matlock smirks as he holds it in tighter and tighter with each wrench of the arms. Matlock so sure of himself that this match is over, lets go of Storm, and starts parading around the ring, showing off and not paying attention. As he does Storm is seen shaking his head. Storm then smirks as the crowd is heard cheering a bit. As Matlock turns around to see what the crowd was cheering about, Storm is continuing to play stupid with Matlock as he has somewhat come out of the stupor he was in moments ago. Matlock then heads over to Storm, as MJ cracks him in the gut with a fist surprising Matlock. Storm then jumps to his feet. He then start stomping kick after kick into the gut of Matlock. Matlock just backs off of MJ. Busch: I feel it coming Jay!! Marshall: A Fart? Busch: No you sick moron!! The End!!! Marshall: Well I have to fart!! Busch: Good for you!! Just then Storm signals himself for the end of Matlock. Storm steps back arches his body and BAM!!!! Nailing Matlock with the Weather Advisory!! Matlock crashes down to the mat hard. Storm stalks Matlock�?Matlock gets to his feet, staggers around�?MJ picks him up for the Black Hole Slam�?He spins around and BAM! Busch, "WHAT THE HELL?! A crew member from ringside just hit a Superkick on MJ Storm!" DING DING DING!! Dart, "Your Winner via Disqualification�?MJ STORM!" The crowd erupts with boos as MJ Storm and Matt Matlock are both down on the mat. The Crew member grabs his black ICWA Baseball cap and tosses it into the crowd and then rips off a dark beared revealing himself as�?/P> Busch, "THAT’S SFM! HE’S SUSPENDED! WHAT THE HELL IS HE DOING HERE!" MJ pulls himself up on the ropes and SFM lunges forward and hits a clothesline with so much force that he goes up and over the top rope with MJ as they both hit the floor at ringside. SFM is the first back to his feet but MJ isn’t far behind. The two start throwing punches back and forth, going like two scorned lovers on Jerry Springer. As the brawl heats up we see all of our Zebra skins come flying down from the back with a couple of old school wrestlers in suits that now work backstage (Longtime ICWA fans may recognize X Bomb, Psycho, and Tyrant). They try and separate Storm and Frost-Mann but their luck is minimal at best. Back in the ring Matlock’s finally on his feet and he’s leaning on the ropes, pointing at SFM and MJ laughing�?Suddenly the crowd erupts as the camera pans back and we see Joey De�?Angelo standing behind Matlock with his stick ball bat in hand Busch, "JOEY DE’ANGELO IS HERE! AND HE’S WAITIN FOR MATLOCK!" Matt shakes his head and turns around as Joey darts forward with the stickball bat�?Much to everyone surprise though Matlock displays cat like reflexes and ducks the bat. Joey spins around and is met by a big right hand, followed by a second, then a third, then a kick to the gut, he hooks the arms and BAM! He nails his version of the Double Arm DDT. Busch, "ANIMAL INSTINCTS! HE JUST GOT THE ENFORCER WITH THE ANIMAL INSTINCTS!!" Matlock gets over Joey and starts hitting hard right hands, making a couple of the officials slide in the ring and pull back Matlock as well. Busch, "Bah gawd! What a scene of chaos and disorder!" Suddenly the famous sound is heard�?"Em�?Es�?En�? The MSN theme (modified nWo theme) blasts over the PA as Russ Johnson comes out from behind the curtain with a mic in hand. Russ, "Come On�?Come On�?(Music fades)�?That’s it! First of all, Joey, Matlock�?It’s official. This Sunday Matt Matlock WILL Defend his nWWF Championship against Joey De�?Angelo (crowd erupts)�?FONT color=#cccc99> BUT, Since both of you guys pride yourselves on being such terrific hardcore specialists�?The match is gonna be an ICWA Street Fight! (Crowd erupts)." Busch, "An ICWA Street Fight?! That’s gonna be gruesome!" RJ points down the ramp, "As for you two�?Sean, this is gettin�?old. It’s one thing to rebel against the powers that be when we’re over bearing dicks. I get that. I understand why Steve Austin had such a difficult time with Vince McMahon�?I grasp why DX and McMahon have such hard times�?But we’re not them. We don’t abuse our power�?Well maybe Devon does from time to time but regardless, it hasn’t been abused in your direction. The fact of the matter is that your actions have been pointless, have made a lot of people question your intelligence, and on top of all that, have been completely self destructive. Not only have you gained nothing from your un-warnted grudge against Miss Leigh and the rest of the Administrative staff, but you’ve had a sixty day ban on challenging for championships and an indefinite, unpaid suspension. And then, you go and show blatant disregard for our regulations as you ignore our suspension and choose to attack MJ Storm. I just don’t understand it SFM�?But what I do understand is that MJ Storm wants a piece of you just as bad as you seem to want a piece of him, and more importantly, the ICWA Fans want to see it happen (crowd erupts)�?So here’s what I’m gonna do. At ICWA Resurrection, for one night only I will lift your suspension as you will go one on one with MJ Storm in a GWC No Remorse Match. (Crowd erupts)�?IF you can get through the night without trying to do some mornic random attack on the management team, MAYBE we’ll lift your suspension for good and even consider lifting the title suspension�?MAYBE. Now with that said, while you’ll be free to be at ICWA Resurrection, you are not supposed to be here�?So�? With that six New York State troopers come from behind the curtain and start walking down the ramp. Russ, "It’s not our intention to press charges, but we are having you removed from the facility. Good evening Mr. Frost-mann." Busch, "New York State police are in the arena and they’re looking to cordially escort SFM out. He’s lucky that Miss Leigh doesn’t press charges for trespassing." Marshal, "Well that’s the entire point. Management here isn’t overbearing and they’re not trying to be dicks�?They’re just trying to do their job and SFM’s making that a royal pain in the ass." The police get to SFM who’s still being restrained by officials, and slap a pair of cuffs on him as the cameras switch to the Dementa-Tron�?/P>  Busch, "SFM’s being taken away but all five of these guys are still here and when we come back they’re gonna�?They’re gonna Get it ON!" *Commercial Break* | |
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ICWA Demented Live August 2nd, 2006 | Dart: The following contest is scheduled for one fall...... "King Nothing" rumbles across the PA, as a woman's voice repeats "Danger... danger... danger..." over and over. Red and white strobes flare across the rampway, and the song kicks in just after the woman says "You have just entered... the dangerzone!", at the chorus, and Nic E Dangerously walks out on stage, with arms extended parallel to the floor, and he spins as he walks down to the ramp. Once he hits the ring, he walks up the steps, holding the top rope with his left hand, as his right arm extends up, with a fist. He turns to the ring and enters. Dart: Please welcome the special guest referee....NIC E. DANGEROUSLY!!!! The crowd gets a little unpleasant as NED gets himself into the ring. He smirks as finally.... As I stand in the gorrilla position, I can hear the crowd as they wait for something to happen when my theme blares throughout the arena. As "Hot in Here" by Nelly plays, I step out from behind the curtain and stand on top of the entrance ramp with my hands on my hips.
Dart :"Making her way to the ring from Toronto, Ontario, Canada please welcome....Summer Stratus!"
I walk down the ramp with a smile on my face as I hear the cheers from the crowd. As I reach the bottom of the ramp, I slide in the ring under the bottom rope. As I get to my feet, I walk over to the ropes and point out into the crowd as cameras flash. I do this on the opposite side of the ring as well before my music cuts and I pace the ring waiting on her tag team partner as well as her opponent. Busch: This might get ugly!! Marshall: Yes indeed!!! The arena goes completely black as an announcer with a deep voice comes over the PA system and begins to countdown. 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... and then red, white, and blue pyro explodes from the stage as "No Limits" Christian Skywalker comes from behind the curtain. He smiles and poses while the crowd gives him a tremendous ovation. He then walks down the ramp towards the ring and he climbs the stairs. He walks halfway down the apron and then turns and poses for the crowd some more. He then gets into the ring and... Dart: In the ring from Silver Springs, New York weighing two hundred and fifty pounds.....NO LIMITS CHRISTIAN SKYYYYYYYYWALKER!!!! Without another moments notice...... "Some Bodies Gonna Get It", by Three 6 Mafia starts to play over the PA system: "Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Somebody gon' get they ass kicked Somebody gon' get their wig split Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck Beat 'em up, beat 'em up, break his neck, break his neck" The arena lights go off, all except the one over the ring, and on the rampway. Pink laser lights dance all over the arena, and Image makes her way onto the ramp. She makes her way down the ramp, and halfway down, she starts to run forward and slides in under the ropes. Image goes over to one corner and climbs the turnbuckle. She flexes her left bicep, then gives it a quick kiss. Dart: In the ring, from Alexandria, Louisiana, she is your ICWA Womens Champion.....IMAGE JOHNSON!!!!!! She jumps down and walks to the center of the ring, waiting for her husband and tag team partner to arrive....not a moment too soon as...... The G.O.A.T., by LL Cool J, starts to play over the P.A. system. Single words start to flash up on the big screen�? THE……�?FUTURE…�?.OF………THE………FRANCHISE…�?.BOBBY………JOHNSON Various scene from past matches involving Bobby starts to play. Bobby giving Ricky Carter a 450 Splash off the top of a ladder, while Ricky’s laying on a table. Bobby giving Matt Matlock a Bourbon Street Blues�?in The Elimination Chamber. Bobby with a tight Bourbon Street Blues�?on Chris Stlyes. Bobby giving Demented 3 straight Killa Kicks�? with the last one knocking the big man over the top ropes. Bobby jumping off the top of the turnbuckle, and giving MJ Storm a Body Splash, while he is laying on the announce table. Bobby giving Luther Aldridge The Greatest Trademark Move Of All Time�? Bobby giving Matt Collins a Killa Kick, and going for the pin. Bobby standing up on the turnbuckle with his arms raised in the air after winning the ICWA’s Royal Rumble. Bobby in the middle of the ring, holding up the PWT Titanium Championship after beating Jimmy Stryker to become the Titanium Champion. Bobby Standing over a fallen Christian Michaels, while holding the PWT Peoples Championship... Busch: Here he comes, its none other than Bobby Johnson!! Marshall: He is on a tear this week I am sure, after the loss last week to NLCS who is just staring up at the rampway awating the presence of Johnson!! Bobby makes his way out from behind the curtains, and stops on the top of the ramp. He’s wearing a black wrestling singlet with the wide green stripes down the sides of it and the Grim Reaper symbol on the front of it, a black and green Team Johnson pullover jersey, black and green wrestling boots, a black and green fitted Team Johnson baseball cap, and his ICWA Hardcore Championship fastened around his waist. He gets down in a Shawn Michaels type pose, then stands back up and starts to jump from side to side a lot like Brock Lesnar used to, and the crowd gives him a huge pop. He stops jumping, and starts to make his way down the ramp. He stops in front of the ring, and leaps up onto the rings edge, and then grabs the ropes, and leap frogs over them, and lands inside the ring. He walks over to the far corner, and climbs up the turnbuckle, and flexes his biceps for the crowd, and gets back down, and walks over to the opposite turnbuckle, and repeats his flexing routine. He finally jumps down, and takes the pullover and hat off, and sets them down in the corner. As he walks over to where Image is standing at the two are seen pointing at Summer and NLCS. The two then start talking some crap, and then... Dart: In the ring also from Alexandria, Louisiana, weighing two hundred and fifty five pounds......BOBBY JOHNSON!!!! DING DING DING!!!!! Bobby and NLCS are determined to start this matchup, but it seems like Image had other plans. NLCS, is seen coming at both of them nailing them with a double clothesline sending both of the Johnson's to the ground. NLCS then grabs a hold of Bobby and tosses him over the top rope and to the floor. Image is seen in the ring, as NLCS is going after her. As he does Summer is seen running in the way of NLCS as she runs quickly to send a knee into the jaw of Image, but Image being the smart one moves out of the way as the knee of Summer crashes into the turnbuckle. NED however is seen trying to get NLCS out of the ring, as NLCS is seen pushing NED back and helps himself out of the ring. Summer then is seen being helped to her feet by Image. Image is seen slapping the spit out of the mouth of Summer, as she falls back a bit. Summer then comes back with a forearm to Image, but Image being the baddest bitch around, decides to swing one of her own forearms to the mouth of Summer. The two women are seen throwing forearms back and forth until NED is sick and tired of it and breaks it up. NED then pushes both women apart, as the two finally lock up. Image is seen now getting the better of, Summer as she is being pushed back into the ropes. Busch: What is happening now? Marshall: Just watch and see!! Image is seen whipping Summer into the ropes. As Summer is on her way back she moves out of the way of a Image dropkick. As Image is going to the ground Right there is Summer to connect with more intensity with a reversed DDT. Image is seen grabbing her head, as Summer is seen pulling Image over to her corner where NLCS is seen waiting patiently for the tag. She then reaches the corner tagging in NLCS, as Bobby is now back onto the apron. NLCS and Summer are seen getting Image into a standing position as they are about to connect with a double vertical suplex on Image. But low and behold, here comes Bobby as he goes right for NLCS spearing him down to the canvas, and immediatly throwing right hands. NLCS then rolls over onto Bobby as he is know throwing hard shots. As Bobby now rolls NLCS back over, Bobby is seen being poked in the eyes by NLCS, as NED is standing in the corner, now deciding to try and get Bobby to the outside of the ring. Bobby unable to see out of one eye, as NLCS hurries over, pushing NED to the side, and splashes Bobby into the corner turnbuckle. NLCS then grabs the head of Bobby, as he begins ramming it into the turnbuckle as the crowd is heard Chanting.. ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX SEVEN EIGHT NINE TEN!! Bobby's head bounced off the turnbuckle for the last time as here Image is seen with Summer all over her. NED finally grabs a hold of NLCS and forces him out of the ring, and warns him not to get back in until he is tagged. NLCS explaining he is the legal man, as NED finally realizes it and pulls Image off of Summer and gets Summer out of the ring and to the apron where Summer is still lying on her back not moving much at the moment. NLCS is then seen hooking it up with Image. Image smirking at NLCS, as Christian, just rolls his eyes at her. NLCS then goes for the lock up but Image gets out of the way, as NLCS turns around to get her but Image with a kick to the midsection but is being blocked by NLCS, but Image with all of her might is seen leaping upwards, landing the other foot into the back of the head of NLCS. NLCS now a little bit wobbly, as Image is seen tagging in Bobby. Image is seen exiting the ring, as Bobby is now going to work on NLCS. Bobby then hooks, NLCS up and nails him with a textbook suplex to the mat, Bobby rolls over to his side, as NLCS is now wondering what has just happened. Bobby then is seen going to the top rope, as he takes off and is seen nailing NLCS with a huge Moonsault. Bobby being as big as he is pulling off a move like that. Image is seen with a smile on her face, as Summer finally realizes where the hell she actually is. Bobby then picks up NLCS as he brings him over to his side of the ring. Image is then seen entering the ring, as Bobby and Image are seen bringing the boots to NLCS. NED who is about as fed up as anyone, grabs a hold of Image and tries to show her out of the ring, as Bobby stops the attack on NLCS, and stares down NED with a cold stare. He then shakes his head as Bobby continues the assault on NLCS. Bobby then tags in Image, as NED acknowledges the tag. Image then pulls NLCS out of the corner, as she then nails him with a huge DDT with NLCS hitting the mat hard. Image now to her feet, as she is seen taunting Summer. Summer is seen getting into the ring, but NED stops her at the last moment. Busch: NED quit paying attention to her and watch what is happening in the ring!!! Bobby is now into the ring, as the two of them start kicking and punching NLCS, who is about out of it. Summer is heard screaming and yelling at NED to turn around, as NED is continuing to get her out of the ring. As Summer exits, NED turns around as Bobby is no longer in the ring, and has a hold on the tag rope. Image then is seen whipping NLCS into the ropes, as she does, NLCS reverses it somehow sending Image into the ropes. But NLCS follows her as when Image is seen turning around, NLCS is right there to send her over the top and to the floor, as Summer is seen dropping to the mat, as NLCS is seen turning to make the tag, but Summer is not there. She then realizes that NLCS is right there to make the tag as she gets up onto the apron. NLCS drops to his knees, as he is now crawling over to make the tag, as Bobby is seen coming into try and stop him. As Bobby grabs the ankle of NLCS, NED is seen kicking the grip of Bobby loose, as NLCS is seen making the tag to Summer Stratus. NED see's the tag as he shrugs it off and goes back into the corner where he was standing a moment ago. NLCS is seen lying on the mat of the ring, as Summer is now on the outside going after Image. Summer is seen standing Image up. Image is seen wobbly but on her feet, as Summer is seen going up the steel steps and to the ring apron. As she does, she takes off and leaps, locking the legs around the head and neck of Image and nailing a hurricanrana sending Image flipping through the air, and down to the mat on the outside as NED is seen looking on and making a face that shows that, the move inflicted had to have hurt. Summer on the outside as the bump gave her a bit of a jolt as she is not down on the outside. Busch; Holy crap!! Did you see that move? Marshall: Yeah I did and MY GAWD!!!! She could have killed Image right there!!! She however is the first to her feet, as She then picks up Image as she wraps her arms around the waist of Image. NED not even paying attention to what is going on, outside of the ring. Summer sends the back of Image into the ring apron. Now in fact Bobby is seen coming from around his side of the ring. He is waiting as Summer is seen in the clear, as NLCS has been watching Bobby this whole time. NLCS then takes off and steps in the way of Summer as Bobby is seen coming full speed, Bobby is seen jumping at Summer, but is caught by NLCS. The impact rocks NLCS back a bit, but he then takes a couple of steps, and then takes off nailing Bobby with a huge running powerslam on the mat outside. Summer then rolls Image into the ring, as NED is seen wiping off his referee shirt the lint that is has gained. Summer is seen covering Image in the middle of the ring... NED notices it as he pushes himself from the corner as he drops to his knees slowly, as he finally makes the count... NED: 1......Kickout by Image!!! Summer looks up at NED, as NED shows a one count sign to the officials at the timekeeper table. Summer with a pissed off look on her face decided to get into the face of NED. NED shrugs and backs off back into his corner, as Image is seen rolling over onto her stomach. Image smirks, as she now rolls up Summer into a inside cradle...NED rolls his eyes as he shrugs but drops to the mat... NED: 1....2....Kickout by Summer!! Summer then pokes a thumb into the eye of Image, as she gets back to her feet. Summer is then seen coming over and grabbing the arm of Image who is still down on the mat, locking in a painful armbar!!. Image is heard screaming out, as Bobby is still on the outside after NLCS put him down on the ground to the outside. Image about seen to tap out but dosent, as NED is finally seen coming over to ask Image if she is wanting to tap out. Image shaking her head no, as finally Bobby is seen sliding in under the bottom rope. Bobby then kicks Summer in the back of the head, as he is seen pulling Image over to their corner, exiting the ring, and then making the tag. Image is seen sliding to the outside, as now Bobby is seen grabbing a hold of Summer. Summer really focusing on how she is going to survive, but here comes NLCS once again, and jumps into the air, and connects with a neckbreaker on Bobby Johnson as Summer is seen falling to her knees on the ground, as NLCS is seen rolling out of the ring, as NED is seen pointing at him and telling him to stay out unless he is tagged in. Summer finally able to get herself motivated once again tags in NLCS. NLCS then goes after Bobby Johnson, but as he does, Bobby gets to his feet, and sends NLCS down with a huge belly to belly suplex. Busch: Bobby trying to make a comeback for his team. Marshall: But for how long, NLCS and Summer seem to be giving them a run for their money!! Bobby then grabs NLCS, and slaps him a couple of times. Bobby is seen talking smack to him, as Bobby puts NLCS up onto his shoulders, and drops backward nailing him with a Samoan Drops. NLCS is seen laying out as Bobby is seen getting up and heading back for NLCS. Bobby then reaches his destination, as he picks up NLCS and whips him into the ropes. Bobby is then seen nailing him with the t-bone suplex...The Greatest TradeMark Move of all time. Bobby is seen laughing at NLCS, as Summer is seen coming into the ring. She then goes from behindm taking out Bobby's knee. Bobby is seen dropping to one knee as Image is still seeming to be a little out of it, Summer is seen sending kicks to the back of the knee, as Image is to her feet and lunges forward as Summer. Summer is seen dropping to the mat, as now both couples are seen going at each other in the ring at the same time. NED however is seen cleaning out his fingernails, as he finally shakes off the boredom, and tries to break it all up with no luck. Image and Summer are seen going at it, as Now Bobby and NLCS are seen going at it as well. NED then just backs off and lets them all just beat each other down watching them all kill one another. Summer and Image are seen both fighting over towards the ropes. Image and Summer finally are seen fighting so much, that a clothesline delivered to Image has now sent Summer over the top as well, since Image kept a tight hold on her. Both women crash to the mat on the outside, as Bobby and NLCS, are seem trying to take advantage with throwing fists at one another. NLCS finally smirks, as he takes about four more shots at Bobby and bounces himself off the ropes, as he is returning, NLCS is met with a knee to the gut and then a gutwrench suplex from Bobby Johnson!! Image and Summer are still on the outside, not moving, as Bobby is still in control of NLCS. NED is now seen waving at the concession man, asking for him to bring him a hot dog. NED is seen waiting as the man is then seen handing the hot dog to security to hands the hot dog to NED. Busch: (Laughing) A hot dog? This is no time to eat!! Though its pretty hillarious!! Marshall: (Laughing) Nothing like a refreshement while your in the ring, and not in the stands!!! Bobby wondering what the hell NED is doing, as he just shurgs it off and locks NLCS in a headlock. NED is seen in the corner enjoying his hot dog, as NLCS is seen being choked out by Bobby. NLCS is seen getting to his feet as Bobby is unable to believe that he could even stand after all the punishment. NED about halfway through his hotdog, as NLCS is seen sending elbows to the gut of Bobby breaking free of the hold. NLCS is then seen throwing himself into the ropes, as Bobby was set up for a back body drop, but NLCS stopping and bringing up a foot to the face of Bobby sending him back a bit. NLCS then smirks, as NED finally finishes his hot dog, as he now sits back in the corner, and lets it settle. NLCS then is seen setting up Bobby. NLCS then is seen going for the eyes of Bobby, as now the two women have come to life, as they are seen battling their way through the crowd, going deeper and deeper into the crowd, as the main focus is in the ring at the moment. NED then comes over to stop NLCS from continuing the eye rake, as NLCS is seen stepping back. NLCS the goes to nail Bobby with a side kick, but Bobby moves out of the way as Bobby revs up and swings at NLCS for the Killa Kick. NLCS is seen moving out of the way as NED is seen standing right in the way after trying to get NLCS off of Bobby, as NED drops to the mat. Bobby covering his face with his hands, as he is upset at what has just occured. As he is not paying attention to NLCS, Skywalker, comes up from behing Bobby and bends him over wrapping his arm around the neck of Bobby. NLCS then drops Bobby nailing him with the Red Scare. NLCS is seen covering Bobby, but then looks up as he notices, NED down and out on the mat from the Killa Kick earlier. Busch: This match would have been over with if, this wouldn’t of happened!!! GET UP NED!!! Marshall: Yeah but now what will happen. There is no one to make the count!!! NLCS a bit pissed off at what has happened as he knows that he had this match won. NLCS then climbs over slapping the face of NED. NED is then seen coming to, as NED is now back on his feet. As NLCS is seen turning around, NED pulls him in and nails NLCS with the Deus Ex Machina as NLCS is seen coming down hard with a thud. Bobby is seen coming back to life, as he then notices NLCS down on the mat, as NED is back to his feet. Bobby then is seen trying to capitalize, as he then makes the cover on NLCS. NED is seen about to drop, but throws his hands into the air, then bringing them down flipping off Bobby Johnson. Bobby with a look of shock on his face, watches as NED is seen exiting the ring and heading towards the backstage area. NED is then seen heading through the curtains, as there is now no referee left for this matchup!! Busch, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Marshal, "How’s a match gonna finish without a referee?!" Busch, "Well Image Johnson and Summer Stratus�?They’re rivalry has gotten so intense that they brawled their way into the back and we’re being told security is finally separating them somewhere near the women’s lockeroom�? Marshal, "Let’s get a camera back there!" Busch, "But�?What the Hell is going on with this match now?!" Back in the ring Bobby is leaning on the ropes yelling up toward the Dementa-Tron, obviously trying to figure out what’s going on. In the background NLCS has finally found his feet. NLCS runs from behind and hits a hard forearm into the back of Bobby Johnson. Johnson spins around and there’s no hesitation as Skywalker and Johnson both start unloading rapid right hands. Busch, "GOOD GOD!" The screen splits as someone must have taken Marshal’s advice. Image and Summer are destroying the Women’s lockeroom as they’re beating the holy Hell out of each other. Back in the ring Johnson and Skywalker are going like them damn Rock Em, Sock Em robots. Busch, "NIC DANGEROUSLY WALKED OUT ON THE MAIN EVENT! He basically told BOTH En El See Es AND Bobby Johnson to go screw themselves�?Bobby and En El See Es are destroying each other! That combined with the fact that neither can be thrilled with how Ned left this match�?How intense is the main event gonna be this Sunday as Nic Dangerously, Christian Skywalker, and Bobby Johnson go at it in a best of Five falls match for the ICWA Heavyweight championship?! Not only that, but look at Summer Stratus and Image Johnson! BAH GAWD! So Many intense rivalries heading into ICWA Resurrection! Sunday Night, Seven Thirty PM�?Call Your Local Cable or Satalite Provider and make sure to come see us there! We’ve�?We’ve gotta go! Bert Busch alongside Jay Marshal�?GOOD GOD WHAT A NIGHT!" The cameras fade as all four performers are still destroying each other. | |
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ICWA Demented Credits All Match Banners Were Created by Jan AKA Nikki Black Ending Credit Banner Created by Nic Dangerously Match 1 Seven Woman Battle Royal: Contendership to the ICWA Women's Title Daizi Darkside V.S. Shantel Travis V.S. Lizzie Pryce V.S. Jayda Evans V.S. Arielle Dawn V.S. Blaze Inferno V.S. Lucky Falcon Written by: Jenny AKA Image Johnson Match 2 Jamal Atkins V.S. James Written by: James First Hour Main Event W2K Six Man Tag NED, CM, & Amber Michaels V.S. Kutter Flash, Hamid Ismali, & Black Widow Written by: Johnathan AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Match 5 Singles Matt Hardy V.S. A Member Of The Black Entourage Written By: Matt Matlock Match 6 Matt Matlock V.S. MJ Storm Written By: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Main Event Mixed Tag Special Referee: Nic Dangeroulsy "No Limits" Christian Skywalker & Summer Stratus V.S. "Head Nigga In Charge" Bobby Johnson & Image Johnson Written by: Aaron AKA Jimmy Stryker Judges (Please not NOBODY Judged their own match) John AKA ICWA's Matt Hardy Jenny AKA Image Johnson Rob AKA Bobby Johnson Aaron AKA Jimmy Styrker Matt AKA MJ Storm
Thanks to everyone who rped this week. Those who did rp did a great job. Special Thanks to Matt Matlock and Jimmy Stryker who picked up the two matches I was supposed to write so that results would make a quicker appereance. Also, Special thanks to everyone who's been so paitent with results as of late. Thank You. 
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