A Salad to Bring Passion
Prepare a salad from lettuce, cucumber, carrot slices, and chopped eggs. Make sure to tear the lettuce by hand instead of cutting it, so emotions aren't also cut off. Also consider carving the carrot slices into heart shapes by chilling the fresh carrot, using 1/4-inch pieces, and carefully cutting out a small indentation on one edge.
Toss this salad with cardamom dressing to hold the energy together. Add a verbal component like "With greens to grow, and carrots to light an inner glow, cucumber adds some zest, eggs and dressing do the rest. Passion from this bowl now turned, within me let those fires burn." Serve by the light of two red candles.
Increasing desire, adoration, or yearning for a person, job, art, etc.
Waxing to full moon. During hours of potent sunlight (the Fire element). Seasons of spring and summer, especially May Day. Wednesday and Friday. Moon in Virgo, Aquarius, or Pisces.