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Wiccan 101 : the use of Stones and Crystals in Magick
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From: GypsyPoet  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2002 1:17 PM

This is one of the essays my teacher had me write after my lessons on the subject. I noticed there wasn't any where else to put this so I figured "the Wiccan Corner" was a perfect place. I hope you don't mind. Besides. It's good to have around. ~Bright Smiles~

Why we use Stones and Crystals in magick

Humans have used stones and crystals for many centuries. We have built houses, conducted electricity using only the minerals and metals found in the earth. The glasses we use for drinking or simple decorations are made from the smallest stones known to human kind, melted and molded to serve us. Using this information, I have come to the conclusion that stones, gemstones, and crystals are a sort of "Link" if you will, to the God and Goddess. Gifts to help guide us on the path of the Wise. They are made of the same energy that we hold in our bodies. Our energy has many colors and attributes, as do the many crystals and stones we use. They aid us in our rituals, our celebrations, and our journey to the divine. Raising our energies and awareness of the world around us is the sole purpose of using stones and crystals for magick.

Projective and Receptive are the two general energies. Projective is usually very bright, forceful, and strong. Receptive is calmer, directed inward and grounded. Here are just a few examples of the two different energies present in stones. Some Projective stones are: Blood stone, Cat’s eye, Red Jasper and Obsidian and here are some Receptive stones: Amethyst, Emerald, Jade and Moon stone. This proves how everything is naturally connected. It is perfectly balanced, there is no good or bad. But positive/negative, male/female, God/Goddess, day/night I can go on listing but you have the idea.
Each stone retains a certain type of energy. Other stones are recorded to retain several energies at a time. All energy flows through each stone or crystal but it is the kind of energy retained with in the stone that defines its purpose. A rose quartz retains energies of love, compassion and understanding. If it retained any other type of energy it would not be a Rose quartz. Stones and crystals come in a variety of colors. Much like our Chakra each element or color if you will is like an inscription. By looking at the color of the stones you will have an Idea of what kind of energy it retains.

Red stones, protection, courage and they help with the blood flow. Pink stones help us with love, our relationships, they are also calming and soothing. Orange stones help us with our personal power our self-esteem. Yellow stones help us with communication, visualization and they also aid in the nervous system. Green stones help us with money, grounding and are most commonly used for healing. If you find that you frequently have migraines you would use a green stone to aid in the healing.

Blue stones help us calm our emotions and sleeping disorders, they also aid in the decreasing of ulcers and inflammation. Purple stones help us with purification and meditation. The subconscious, mysticism and mental illness. White stones most of which are ruled by the moon, with this in mind it is only natural that they help with sleep and psycism, they protect us after dark. So if you were a late worker it would not hurt to place a moonstone in your car for the travel home. Black stones help us with our anxiety; promote resilience, grounding and self-control. Multicolored stones are combined energy. Examine the colors and then you will see what powers the stones holds.

Let us take Agate for example. There are many different types of Agate and this is an example of one stone that retains many different types of energy. One would use Agate for courage, gardening, healing, longevity and love. If you are lacking in any of those attributes there are several things you could do. The receptive way to raise that energy level is by placing an Agate in your pocket, medicine bag, or even on a pendant; this is the receptive way to raise that certain energy level. The Projective way to raise that energy level would be to place a piece of Agate on your Alter.
Amber is also a very commonly used stone. However it is not a stone at all it is in fact fossilized tree resin. Amber is normally transparent yellow, golden or orange in some cases. Amber is said to carry large amounts of organic energy, and is Electro magnetically charged. Amber has been used since the ancient times for upset stomachs, to balance moods and instill confidence. We can also use stones in casting a circle if we have no other tools. Simply place a piece of brown and green Jasper in the north (for earth) an Amethyst in the west (for water), Aventurine in the east (for air) and a piece of Red Jasper in the south (for fire).

It is very important that we learn to use crystals and stones in our magick.. They are a kind of filter, a focal point for our energy. Energy is very wild and sparse. With our focus and a stone to draw the energy, the energy can be directed more efficiently. They are very useful and equally beautiful tools for rituals and Ceremonies. The Ancient ones used the same tools and in a way we are preserving an art that has been a part of our lives since the dawn of man.

The next most important thing in learning how to use the gifts we were given is how to cleanse them. We cleanse all of our tools to insure the purest form of energy that flows through them. There are several ways we can cleanse our stones. You can simply burry the stone in the earth for a week or so. Be sure you mark where you put it so you may easily find it. You can place the stones in the sun; direct sunlight is the surest way to cleanse your stones. Running water as in a stream or river is also an efficient way. Tie them in a mesh bag this way you will not lose them. We cleanse our stones to rid them of any negative energy it may have retained either from it’s previous owner or otherwise. If you cannot reach running water or it is impossible for you cleanse your crystals in the ways I have described a simple ritual can be used. Place a small bowl of fresh dirt in the north, a small basin of water in the west, incense in the east and a red candle in the south. Pass the stones through each element asking them to aid in the cleansing of the energy.

We call on the earth and fire, the wind and rain, we call upon the power of the stones to guide us, heal us and purify us. Just as our mind and spirits are apart of everything, the stones and crystals help us attune ourselves to the Divine light and the Divine love.

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