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Wiccan 101 : Vernal Equinox
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  (Original Message)Sent: 3/20/2003 4:00 AM
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Recommend  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>Sent: 3/7/2004 12:52 AM
From: lioness_walkin  (Original Message) Sent: 3/6/2004 11:57 AM
Well my beloved,
 It seems that we are not far from the Frist day of Spring! Already here there are hints of it as I view my yard and garden. The sun is shining brightly as I sit here writing, listening to the new song of hatchlings that have spent the winter nestled safely in the trees about my home. Crocus is in bloom and the first new shoots of my lavendar roses are jumping forward to meet the sun. I have been feeling the pull of spring for some time now and have been anxious to be able to get out and work the soil. Unfortunatlly it has been too wet and the ground to soggy for such endeavors at this time but I have been in preparation with the promise of things drying out and being able to plant. This is the time that I have started to propagate plants indoors so that they have a good start on the time that they will actually meet the ground in which they will finally rest. No doubt that the rest of you in the northern hemispher are also starting to feel springs pull as well.
The first day of spring is also know as the Vernal Equinox... "The Spring or Vernal equinox is one of the pivotal points in the wheel of the year. At this time, the amount of dark and light is balanced, twelve hours of each, day and night."
I am attaching a link that I found this morning that I thought that you would find interesting. 
and hope that it will take you directly to the page. if not cut and paste it into your address bar and enjoy the material.
Love, Light and Much Laughter

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>Sent: 3/16/2004 4:36 AM

Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>Sent: 3/13/2005 11:17 PM

Vernal Equinox 

Spring Equinox, Lady Day, Alban Eiler, Ostara, Eostara, Eostre, Eostar, Easter

Also connections to St. Patrick's Day and April Fool's Day



Beginnings is the key word for this point in time. The Sun reaches it's most Northern point around March 21, entering Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, a fire sign symbolic of conception (beginnings), drive, and intensity. This is the first day of Spring. 'Vernal' is Latin for bloom. 'Equinox' is Latin for equal night. In the North, signs of life are beginning to emerge in Nature. Trees and plants are starting to bud, grass begins to sprout in patches of melted snow, the sweet sounds of birds are starting to return as they make their nests and begin to lay their eggs. Fertility is abound. In the Pagan Wheel of the Year, the Goddess conceives the child of the God, which in turn is the God himself. The seed is planted. Light and dark are in balance once again, but this time Light is overtaking the Dark. From this day forward the daylight grows longer, and night grows shorter until the Summer Solstice, when the Sun reaches its peak. This is the time to make a fresh start in any endeavor. There is a sense of eagerness and excitement in the air. New possibilities, fresh perspectives, and the drive to begin these possibilities. Some cultures consider this the New Year.

The Shamrock (trefoil), the Lily, Fleur-de-lis, and similar plants were all symbols of the three aspects of the Goddess; Virgin Maiden, Mother, and Crone. These threefolds represent the Goddess's ability to self-fertilize. The Triple Mothers of Celtic lore were sometimes called Three Brigits, or Three Morgans. In Roman myth, the Goddess Juno used a magic lily to conceive Mars without a male.

The name for the feminine horomone Estrogen comes from Eostre, the Goddess of fertility & conception. Her symbols were the hare (another fertility symbol) and the egg of creation. It was said you could see a hare in the moon at this time of year.





Daffodils, catnip, clover, crocus, honeysuckle, lilies, lemon, lemongrass, lotus, jonquils, meadowsweet, narcissus, snowdrops, spearmint, tulips, violets, All Spring flowers




Green, Yellow, Scarlet, Violet, Pastels: Pinks, lt. Blues



DECORATIONS (altar or otherwise):

Colored &/or decorated eggs, birds, nests or baskets, rabbits & hares, Spring flowers.




Spring flower foods, first fruits of season, seeds, sprouts, leafy greens, eggs, honey cakes, cakes, buns, biscuits, cheeses, honey ham .



Aphrodite, Arachne, Astarte, Athena, Blodeuwedd, Cybele, Eostre, Gaia, Gaea, Hera, Inanna, Isis, Ishtar, Juno, Minerva, Persephone, Venus, Attis, The Great Horned God, The Green Man, Lord of the Greenwood, Robin of the Woods, Cernunnos, Demeter, The Dagda, Mithras, Odin, Osiris, Thoth, Pan...any God/desses of Love, Youth, Fertility, The Moon & Sun



amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, jasper, rose quartz, moonstone.




rabbits, hares, lambs, all baby animals.




collecting, decorating, & eating eggs, starting a garden, taking nature walks, making baskets, cleaning & cleansing, making a fresh start, new beginnings, obtaining balance




The Empress & The Fool



written by GypsyJaguar  2003-2005

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