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Wiccan 101 : Wicca Questions
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname---_Nysa_---  (Original Message)Sent: 11/5/2003 9:58 PM
This may seem a little strange to some, but I'm not asking for a reading or anything like that, just general information.  I was talking with a few members in the chat room and thought I would post a few questions here & also on the Wiccan board.
A little background:  I write screenplays as a paying hobby.  (Which is a very nice hobby to have!)  And my last screenplay focuses on two witches the difference of good vs. evil.  I want to make sure that I have all the information I am going to have intertwined into this screenplay as acurate as I can get it.  I want to make sure that Wiccans, and witches don't get a bad rap from this, and maybe set a few things straight!  So all the help of you wonderful people will be appricated and you are THANKED :)
Blessed Be~
1~ What is the difference between the Occult and Wicca?
2~ is the God worshipped in Wicca, the Christian God?
3~ Who is the Goddess, as the Christian God says to worship no other God's or idol before him?
4~Can anyone study to be a witch/warlock?
5~What exactly is a warlock? A male witch?
6~ Are all witches phsyic? (yes I know I can't spell that.)
7~Can you be Wiccan and not a witch?
8~Do witches speak latin or witchen? LOL
9~Can anyone do a spell?
10~ Your energies have to be completely focused to make a spell work, right?
11~Is it okay to worship the Christan God and believe in witchcraft?
12~Are some witches evil? And do they get their powers from Satan?  (NOT ALL, just some?)
That's all I have for now.. I'll post more as they appear. 
Thank you all :)

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Recommend (1 recommendation so far) Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>Sent: 11/6/2003 3:53 AM
Hi Nysa!  Wonderful questions!!  I should start off by saying that there are many different belief systems in Wicca, so if you ask different Wiccans you may get some varying answers.  I will tell you MY take on things, but I highly suggest getting some more opinions to get a better over-all view of things. 
1~ What is the difference between the Occult and Wicca?  The Occult is relating to "supernatural" powers or knowledge, Wicca is catergorized under Occult.
2~ is the God worshipped in Wicca, the Christian God?  I'm sure this is one you'll get very different answers for, but I believe that all of the dieties prayed to from all of the different religions are one in the same...only called by different names.  While researching the different Gods you will find that their stories of origins & myths surrounding them are all very similar to each other.
3~ Who is the Goddess, as the Christian God says to worship no other God's or idol before him?  The Goddess is the feminine half of the God.  In Wicca, male & female are equal.  The masculine & feminine are to be equally balanced.  The God is metaphorically split into two equal  halves, both as important as the other. 
4~Can anyone study to be a witch/warlock?  I say yes, some say you need to be born into it, but if you seem to have interest in learning about becoming one,  then there must be a good reason for it.
5~What exactly is a warlock? A male witch? "Warlock" is very rarely used for male witches, from the Old Norse var lokkur, "spirit song" .  Some will tell you that a male witch is called a witch, & that a warlock is someone who was banned from the coven. 
6~ Are all witches phsyic? (yes I know I can't spell that.)  Not only are all witches psychic, but all PEOPLE are.  You are born with inherent psychic is only when doubt of what you are experiencing is continually put upon you, do you start to push these abilities aside, making it more difficult to re-obtain once you may decide to take them up again.
7~Can you be Wiccan and not a witch?  Oh, there are some Wiccans who dislike the phrase "witch" because of the negative portrayal of them in stories & movies, "Witch" comes from the Anglo-Saxon wicce (witch), derived from an Indo-European root word meaning "to bend" or "change".  It may also be related to the Old Norse vitki (wizard), derived from root words meaning "wise one" or "seer."
8~Do witches speak latin or witchen? LOL  I'm sure some do!  I study several different languages.  Some may chant their spells in Latin or other languages, but everyone has their own individual ways of doing things. 
9~Can anyone do a spell?  Yes...although some will be more powerful than others, it just depends on your goal & the time & energy & knowledge that you put into it.
10~ Your energies have to be completely focused to make a spell work, right? YES...and that is exactly what a spell is...focusing your energies on manifesting into your desire.
11~Is it okay to worship the Christan God and believe in witchcraft? Sure...he doesn't just belong to the Christians after all...he is in each & every one of us.
12~Are some witches evil? And do they get their powers from Satan?  (NOT ALL, just some?)  As with any group of people, there are always going to be a few bad apples.  There are some people who learn about witchcraft to only do ill against others.  Wiccans strictly believe that whatever you do will come back to you 3 times (some even believe more than 3), so obviously you would want to do good so you get good coming back instead of bad, as to adhere to the rede, which at the end states...."an ye harm none, do what ye will".
As for Satan, the Pagan God-image was bent into one to be feared as evil while they were trying to convert Pagans to Christianity.  Wiccans do not believe in Satan because we know he does not exist.
Good luck on your screenplay!  I'd love to read it sometime.  I have always wanted to make a movie, but of course you need money to do that...LOLOL  But I have plans for a low-budget music video, so that's a start in the right direction.  I hope these answers help...if you have any more questions post away!
Live, Love, & Learn
In Love & Light

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: DanaSent: 12/10/2003 4:21 PM

Hi Nysa

  Just like Gypsy said there are different views so I will also answer the questions as best as I can.

1~ what is the difference between the Occult and Wicca?<o:p></o:p>

Well after studying about religion and having two family members in the family who majored in religion I will give you a brief explanation as I can of Occult as I understood it and as it was explained to me.  All religions fall under two categories Occult and Cult. Cult based religions usually worship one god, have strict dogma.  Are usually started by one human an example of a cult based religion is Christianity.  Occult based religions usually worship more than one deity, they follow and observe natural cycles and were started by humans watching nature and seeing natural things such as the sun and moon as deities. The first intelligent human forms started having spiritual beliefs from observing nature and assuming that a deity of some sort caused them to happen or influenced them. Occult religions have a more eclectic dogma.  Occult is a mystery religion, believing in the mysteries of nature and so on.  An example of an Occult based religion is Wicca.<o:p></o:p>

2~ is the God worshipped in Wicca, the Christian God?<o:p></o:p>

Some wiccans do recognize the Christian God but not all, I personally don’t.<o:p></o:p>

3~ who is the Goddess, as the Christian God says to worship no other God's or idol before him?<o:p></o:p>

  The goddess is our mother, the one who gives birth to our god. There needs to be a balance of female and male energy. It takes both a female and a male to create life.  As for the “Christian God�?saying not worship any other god before him, all as I can say to that is Christianity was created after the belief and worship of the Goddess.  This saying is disregarded by many pagans because many of us don’t believe in or follow the bible, but some Wicca’s do.  The bible was written by humans they can claim god said anything.<o:p></o:p>

4~Can anyone study to be a witch/warlock?  Yes they can but they should not do it for attention or to be different or to scare mommy and daddy and freak out their elders and friends.  They should only study it if it is something they truly are curious about or truly feel spiritually drawn to, it is a spiritual belief and not a fad or fun game.<o:p></o:p>

5~what exactly is a warlock? A male witch?  I was raised in a hereditary family and we only used the term warlock to mean oath breaker or someone who turned their back on the basic principals of Wicca, therefore breaking their oath to the Goddess and God.<o:p></o:p>

6~ Are all witches phsycic? (yes I know I can't spell that.) all human beings are, wiccans tend to learn how to uses these natural abilities probably because we acknowledge they exist, but anyone can learn how to open up these abilities in themselves.<o:p></o:p>

7~Can you be Wicca and not a witch?  Last time I checked the words meant the same thing, but some Wicca’s don’t think witches are the same and vise versa.  In my family and circle of friends they are the same. The word witch means wise one and the word Wicca means wise one.  But again there is a big debate on that one.<o:p></o:p>

8~Do witches speak Latin or witchen? I guess some do just as anyone can speak whatever language they like.  I’m a witch and I don’t speak Latin, I speak French but not because I’m a witch it’s because I’m both French and Scottish Canadian.  Went to French schools all my life until College<o:p></o:p>

9~Can anyone do a spell? Yup, I consider spells like a different form of prayer.<o:p></o:p>

10~ Your energies have to be completely focused to make a spell work, right? Yep<o:p></o:p>

11~Is it okay to worship the Christian God and believe in witchcraft? Yep I don’t see anything wrong with that.  My fiancé is Christian and he believes in witchcraft and has no problem with it.<o:p></o:p>

12~Are some witches evil? And do they get their powers from Satan?  (NOT ALL, just some?) Witches cannot get powers from something they don’t believe in, Only the Judeo Christian religions believe or acknowledge he exist so that is just like saying do Buddhist worship the devil.  Some people claim to be witches and worshipers of the devil, but they are obviously ill informed people and usually do it to get negative attention.  Some witches do cast bad spells but they’re not suppose to and if they do then the 3 fold law will come into effect eventually.<o:p></o:p>

<o:p> </o:p>


Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>Sent: 2/27/2004 10:56 PM
Here's a good report on the origins of the words Warlock & Wizard...

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