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MORTISHA' S PATH OF SPIRITUAL FULFILLMENT!Contains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Wiccan 101 : Imbolg
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From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 2/2/2005 4:40 AM
circa Februuary 2
Imbolc, Imbolg (Irish-Gaelic), Oimelc, Brigit's Day, St. Brigid's Day (Irish), Brigid, Feast of Brigid/Brid/Brigante, Feast of Lights,  Lupercalia (Roman), Candlemas, Groundhog Day, Valentine's Day (Christian)

The keyword for Imbolg is INSPIRATION.  We celebrate the "spark" of creation, which ignites the inspiration of love, art, poetry, music, ideas, birth, and any other creative impulses, including fire, fertility, and healing, all sacred to the Celtic Goddess Brigid.*
Imbolg is acknowledged by some when the Sun reaches 15 degrees in Aquarius.  Aquarius is an Air sign, symbolic of independence, originality, inventiveness, and humanitarianism.  To experience these qualities involves the spark of creativity.
Find YOUR spark, what ignites your soul to move forward.  As Nature begins it's growth from the seeds planted into Mother Earth, we too begin our plans for what we wish to achieve this year.  This is a time for new beginnings.
As with all of the cross-quarter days, Imbolg can be used to tell the weather in reverse.  This is where the idea of Groundhog Day came to be.  Valentine's Day also originated from Imbolg, since it is a time of frivolity, love, fertility, and so forth.

* Brigit, Brigid, Brid, and Brighid are pronounced 'BREED'.  I believe this is where the words 'breed', and 'bride' may have originated, as Brigid was called upon to watch over weddings, brides, fertility, births (breeding), and midwifery (healing, births, & women), etc..
amaryllis, angelica, baby's breath, basil, carnation, cinnamon, crocus, heather, laurel (bay), rose, rosemary, snowdrop, violet
red and white
candles, lamps, or other ritual fire to symbolize the returning Sun and fire Goddess, broom (fertility), cauldron to symbolize the womb, red and white flowers, symbols of love, fertility, and personal inspiration
all dairy, seeds, raisins, curries, chives, garlic, onion, peppers, leeks, shallots, spicey foods, spiced wine
Anu, Aphrodite, Aradia, Astarte, Athena, Arianrhod, Branwen, Brigid, Brigit, Brid, Brigante, Cerridwen, Demeter, Freya, Frigga, Hathor, Ishtar, Inanna, Isis, Juno Februta, Juno Lucina, Nut, Ostara, Persephone, Rhiannon, Venus, Vesta
Angus Mac Og, Balder, Cernunnos, Cupid, Dagda, Eros, Frey, Jupiter, Odin, Osiris, Pan, Ra
healing, cleansing and purification rituals, creation, making and blessing candles, burning ritual fire/candles, wearing a crown of 13 candles in honor of the fire Goddess, making Brigid crosses and Brigid beds for fertility & protection, jumping a candle/fire/broom for fertility & protection 
lactating animals as in ewes (female sheep), cows, women, etc.
amethyst, aquamarine, turquoise, garnet, ruby, red jasper
The Star
written by GypsyJaguar�?/FONT> © 2005

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