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Wiccan 101 : Elemental Correspondences Chart (revised)
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From: MSN Nickname♥Gyp§yJaguar™�?/nobr>  (Original Message)Sent: 2/16/2005 5:52 PM

Elemental Correspondences
© GypsyJaguar 2003-2005









Center & Circumference 
 WIND  Boreas  Eurus  Notus  Zephyrus  
 HOUR  Midnight  Dawn  Noon  Twilight  Now & all time, no time
 SEASON  Winter  Spring  Summer  Autumn Turning of the year 
 SENSE  Touch  Hearing  Sight  Smell, Taste Hearing 
 ENERGY  Receptive  Projective  Projective  Receptive  all
 ZODIAC  Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn  Aquarius, Gemini, Libra  Aries, Leo, Sagittarius  Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces  all
 RULES  The body, fertility, growth, nature, sustenance, prosperity, stability, money, business, employment, treasures, jewels, minerals, bones, structure, purpose, thoroughness,  grounding, The Earth

The mind, Psychic abilities, vibrations, knowledge, study, abstract learning, theory, instruction, communication, imagination, inspiration, ideas, beliefs, beginnings, travel, movement, freedom, The winds

 action, activity, energy, strength, spirit, enthusiasm, daring, freedom, sexuality, challenge, courage, authority, leadership,  illumination, perception, blood,  life, will, healing, protection, destroying, purification, change, stars, The Sun

Emotions, love, beauty, healing, cleansing, absorbing, intuition, the subconscious mind, the womb, regeneration, fertility, psychic awareness, reflection, divination, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships, compassion, forgiveness,  understanding, The Moon

Timelessness, spacelessness, past lives, all energies 
 PLACES  Caves, canyons, forests, groves, valleys, fields, farms, gardens, parks, plant nurseries, farmer's markets, kitchens, basements, mines, holes  Mountaintops, wind-swept plains, cloudy skies, high towers, airports, schools, libraries, offices, travel agencies, psychiatrist's offices.  Deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, ovens, fireplaces, bedrooms (for sex), weight rooms, locker rooms, saunas, athletic fields.  Lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam rooms, fountains

Akashic records,

 the cosmos

 MAGICKAL PHRASE  tacere (to be silent)  noscere (to know)  Velle (to will)  Audere (to dare) Ire (to progress) 
 RITUAL FORMS  Burying, planting, making images in soil or sand  Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, visualization, divination, positive thinking, concentration, recovering lost items  Burning or smouldering; heating.  Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing  all
 TOOLS  Pentacle, Earth,  Powders, Salt, Stones, Gems, Images, Cords, Trees  Wand, Censer/Incense, Oils  Sword/Athame, Candle/Flame  Cup/Chalice, Cauldron, Mirror, Water, Liquids, Solutions Cauldron, Lamp
 COLORS  Green, Brown, Black  Yellow, light blue, pastels  Red, gold, orange

Blue, blue-green, indigo, grey, black, Silver

Brilliant White Light, Blackness


from Cunningham's "The Complete Book of Incense, Oils, & Brews"

 Bistort, Cypress, Fern, Honeysuckle, Horehound, Magnolia, Mugwort, Narcissus, Oakmoss, Patchouli, Primrose, Rhubarb, Vervain, Vetivert

Acacia, Gum Arabic, Almond, Anise, Gum Benzoin, Bergamot, Citron Peel, Lavender, Lemongrass, Lemon Verbena, Mace, Margoram, Mastic Resin, Parsley, Peppermint, Sage, Star Anise

Allspice, Angelica, Asafotida, Basil, Bay, Carnation, Cedar, Cinnamon, Clove, Copal Resin, Coriander, Deerstongue, Dill, Dragons Blood Resin, Fennel, Juniper, Lime, Marigold, Nutmeg, Orange, Peppermint, Rosemary, Rose Geranium, Sassafras Bark, Tangerine, Tobacco, Woodruff

 Apple Blossom, Lemon Balm, Calamus, Camomile, Camphor, Catnip, Cardamom, Cherry, Coconut, Comfrey, Elder, Eucalyptus, Iris, Gardenia, Heather, Hyacinth, Jasmine, Lemon, Licorice, Lilac, Lily, Lotus, Myrrh Resin, Orris Root, Passion Flower, Sandalwood, Peach, Plumeria, Rose, Spearmint, Sweet Pea, Tansy, Thyme, Tonka Beans, Vanilla Beans, Violet, Ylang Ylang



 TREE  Oak  Aspen  Almond in flower


 STONES  Heavy or opaque, as in coal, jet, obsidian, black tourmaline; green, as in emerald, peridot, jasper, jade, malachite, olivine, chrysoprase, green agate, green calcite(including stalagmite & stalactite), green tourmaline, turquoise; brown as in brown jasper, moss agate, cat's-eye;  salt, alum

Light stones, such as pumice, transparent stones, such as mica, aventurine, mottled jasper, sphene

 Red or fiery, as in jasper, ruby, garnet, red agate; volcanic, as in lava, flint, sulfur, obsidian, onyx,sunstone,  hematite; gold-orange as in  tiger's eye, asbestos,  citrine,  apache tear, topaz, amber, bloodstone, carnelian,; clear, as in quartz crystal, diamond, zircon.  Transparent or translucent, as in amethyst, selenite, quartz crystal, chalcedony, calcite, celestite, coral, pearl, moonstone; blue- bluegreen, as in blue tourmaline, lapis lazuli, blue lace agate, blue calcite, sapphire, azurite, beryl, aquamarine, jade, chrysocolla; lepidolite.  organic as in amber, coral, fossils,Jet, Mother-of-pearl, petrified wood.

Drum, all percussion instruments

 Flute, all wind instruments  Guitar, all stringed instruments  Cymbal, bell, all resonant metals  
 CREATURES  Cows/bulls, bison, bear, deer/stags, goats, sheep, dogs,  wolves,  gophers, beavers, groundhogs, ants, earthworms, mice, chipmunks, squirrels, rabbits, burrowing earth-dwelling animals  Birds, Butterflies, Flying insects, Fairies, airborn & winged creatures  fire-breathing dragons, crocodiles, alligators,lizards, snakes, scorpions, lions/wild cats, coyotes, raccoons, foxes, boars, rams, baboons, bats, vultures, roosters, eagles, hawks,  horses, shellfish, starfish  Fish, Dolphins, porpoises, sea lions, Seals, Frogs, Water-dwelling Snakes, Eels, Sea Serpents, Sea Dragons, Mermaids, ducks, gulls, pelicans, storks, ibis, swans, cranes, herons,  sandpipers, flamingoes, all water creatures and birds  Sphinx
 ARCHANGEL  Uriel  Raphael  Michael  Gabriel Metatron 
 GODDESSES  Ceres, Demeter, Gaea, Mah, Nephthys, Persephone, Rhea, Prithivi, Rhiannon

Aradia, Arianrhod, Cardea, Nuit, Urania

 Brigit, Pele, Vesta, Persephone  Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya



 GODS  Adonis, Athos, Arawn, Cernunnos, Dionysus, Marduk, Pan, Tammuz  Enlil, Khephera, Mercury, Shu, Thoth  Agni, Hepaetus, Horus, Prometheus, Vulcan  Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.



 METAL  Iron, Lead  Tin, copper  Copper, brass, gold  Silver, Mercury  all & none
 ALCHEMICAL SYMBOL  inverted triangle w/ line thru middle  Triangle

Triangle w/ line thru middle

 Inverted Triangle  
 CELTIC NAME  Tuath  Airt  Deas  Iar  
 ELEMENTAL SPIRITS  Gnomes, Trolls, Dwarfs  Sylphs/sprites  salamanders, firedrakes, dragons, giffins, phoenix  Undines, Mer-folk, Nymphs  
 ELEMENTAL RULER  Ghob/Ghom/Gob  Paralda



 EGYPTIAN ELEMENTAL KING Apephi (an ape)  Ameshet (a young man)

Toumathph (a jackal)

 Kabexnaf (a hawk)  
 MAJOR ARCANA CARD  Universe (XXI)  Fool (0)  Judgment (XX)

Hanged Man (XII)

Fool & Judgment 


 Pentacles  Wands  Swords  Cups


Tarot suit: Major Arcana 

*NOTE* for incense see herbs/plants

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