This foot surgery and the infection really affected me a lot. I have been very ill ever since the surgery was done, I know it now. I had a blood panel done resently and the result shocked me and my doc.
The good news is that I am free from the infection now, the cut has healed and yesterday I could get my new shoes! I have been jumping on one leg till now with the help of a vehicle which I don't know the English name of. People were wondering why I have only one shoe. I told them I am so poor I can' afford using the both at the same time. Ha ha ha! Anyhow I am very happy for my new shoes as they are comfy and look good. Now I can touch the floor with my both feet.
Jumping on one leg for months has hurt my back and neck. I have a terrible pain which is not leaving me for a minute. The back is like an open abscess and sencitive for a gentle touch. It's so hard to sit in front of the computer and work, I just can't stand out with the increasing pain. This is the reason why I have not been visible here for so long.
I had my first Remicade treatment since January one week ago. Maybe the blood panel test will show up better results next time. I hope these treatments will help me as before.
Enough for now. Hope to be back again soon.