Cats do not like changes in their lives. They hate moving and even a short trip is a stress to them. Adding pheromone in the apartment or the cage is a great help.
Cats produce pheromone, a substance they use to rub on furniture and humans' legs. Pheromone serves specially as a stimulus to other individuals of the same species for behavioral responses. In some occasions you need to help your cat to get their scent for example if you move to another apartment or you have to take your cat to the veterinary.
FELIWAY has been prooven to be effecive for different problems; calming multi cat households, ending or lessening fighting, reducing cat's anxiety, stress, fear and anger, even deterring scratching of furniture. Read more about it here: http://www.catfaeries.com/feliway.html
I also suggest you to take a look at this video;