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Irish Faery-Faith Tradition



This is a tradition based upon Ancient Celtic religion and the lore of the Tuatha De Danaan.

     A very old manuscript from Ireland called "Lebor Gabala Erenn" "The Book Of The Talking Of Ireland", which might be considered to be the first recordings of the Oral Faery Tradition. As it contains ancient gods, goddesses, pre-Christian and Christian Ireland.

     The book is about the "Shining Ones" and accounts oh their Druidry, Knowledge, Science, Phrophecy and Magick, they are experts in the arts of Pagan cunning. The Shining Ones are now known as the fantasy term- Faery. They first came about in Irish folk tales and are told as Fairy Tales worldwide. Their ways survived in folk memory, becoming the "superstitions" of Ireland. Most Irish believe in Faeries and perform a superstitious act at least onve or twice a year. This is where the practice of Faery-Faith comes from, within this faith are Bhairdic practices and Druidry. 

     The ancient Bhairdic system was made from five primary Groves, each one provided a college and training for one particular field of study. The Druids did the sacrifices, fertility rites and religious ceremonies. These topics made them famous, then later in history the word "Bard" was used for singers of songs and poetry, usually travelling minstrels. The word Bhaird/Bard also means Priest, Priestess or a teacher of any kind. Through these, things were remembered and passed down through time.

     In the Modern Irish Faery-Faith the students are taught a spiritual system based on the Wisdom Of The Trees, as in the five primary Groves. Each Grove contains three to five trees, each of the five Groves has a Head Bhaird and an assistant Bhaird. Each tree within a Grove also has a Head Bhaird and over all these groups is a Triad of Bhairds, the Cheif Bhairds or Gold Ollamhs. Each Grove is associated with a direction, season, specific date and high holiday, each tree has an ogham( ancient Irish form of writing ), colour and dates. The students train in the trees lore and develope skills and pass certain tests. It is considered a way of life other than an occult. The Faery or Shining Ones become the students guides and spiritual benefactors. They are required to have skills of Divination, Psychic Development, the Stars, Astronomy, Astrology, Botany and Herbology.

The Structure of the Irish Faery-Faith is-

The Biaalhd Grove

In this Grove are-Pine, Elm, Rowan, Hawthorn and Oak. It governs na Tuath, the professional vocations such as physicians, philosophers, druids, wizards and the Faery-Faith Network administrator.

The Oamgn Grove

In this Grove are-Gorse, Juniper, Vine, Ivy and Ash. It governs na Naomh, the Learned Ones, Holy Ones, such as the religious leaders, rulers, experts, masters, judges/mediators and teachers.

The Qeuung Grove

In this Grove are-Aspen, Heather, Crab Apple and Reed.It governs na Bansagart, the servants of the Goddess, as well as artists, guards, gardeners, botanists, herbalists and therapists.

The Scuesstr Grove

In this Grove are- Honeysuckle, Aspen, Willow, Hazel and Blackthorn.It governs na Sagart, the servants of the Sun God, as well as soothsayers, diviners, astrologers, smiths, metalurgy, trades, psychics and body workers.

The Roiitf Grove

In this Grove are-Gooseberry, Yew, Elder, Holly and Alder. It governs the science and arts , as well as arts and crafts and animal husbandry.

The Spiritual practices according to the Ogham each Lunar Cycle are-

Bo'Raud, the Red Cow or new crescent moon.

Bo'Finn, the White Cow of full moon.

Bo'Donn, the Brown Cow or old crescent moon.

Bo'Orann, the Dark Cow or dark moon.

They worship the Shining Ones at the following community festivals-

Samhain ( SOW-in) October 31st

Nollaig ( NULL-ig ) December 21st

Imbolc ( IM-bulk ) February 1st

La' Fheile Earrach ( law AY-lah ARE-uckh ) March 21st

La' Bealtaine ( law BAL-tene ) May 1st

La' Fheile Eoin ( law AY-lah A-un ) June 21st

Lunas ( LOO-nass-ah ) August 1st

La' Fheile Fomhar ( law AY-lee FOE-war ) September 21st





 Page and Art Work By Witching Puppy