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Quantock School old Boyz and Girls[email protected] 
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View the details of this row. *************** ****************************** ***************     *************** ****************************** ****************************** ************************************************************ ************************************************************ *************** 11/15/2006 
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Miller, Madeline (married Mr Collins)
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C19)
82    Teacher    
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Ingram, ??
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C23)
82    Teacher    
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Gibbons, ??
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C24)
82    Teacher    
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Savage, ??
69 -
Qs photos: 69 (B10)
69    Teacher    
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Pannetier, Michel
74 -
QS photos 74(B10)
74    Teacher French  
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Moody, Peter.
74 -
QS photos 74(B8)
74    Teacher Economics, Geography.  
A very amiable and able teacher. He is a bit like Monty Don, the gardener chap off the telly.
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Mandjez, Tad
74 -
QS photos 74(B9)
74    Teacher Art Teacher  
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Ball, Mike
75 -
Qs photo: 74(B22)
75    Teacher Music/Geography Ball ache
Married the female French Teacher (Miss Taylor) who replaced Mr Pannetier, she was pregnant!!
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Weaver, ??
78 -
Qs photos: 78(B12)
78    Teacher    
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Fullock, ??
78 -
Qs photos: 78(B25)
78    Teacher   Futucks
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Taphouse, Sue
78 -
Qs photos: 78(B26)
78    Teacher    
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Peto, V
78 -
Qs photos: 78(B27)
78  82  Teacher    
As I remember Mrs Peto Died on the same day the Sir Galahad troop ship was sunk during the Falklands War.
Lovely lady, leaving a lovely husband behind
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Coldwell, ?? (nee Cairns)
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C18)
82    Teacher    
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HOLMES, ?? (Mrs)
72 -
Qs photos: 72(B18),
72    Teacher    
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Jones, Owen
69 -
Qs photos: 69 (B11), 67 (B10), 70 (B15),
69    Teacher    
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Savage, Anne
69 -
Qs photos: 69 (B6)
69    Teacher    
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Leonard, Martha
69 - 79
Qs Photos: 69 (B8)
69    Teacher Geography Teacher  
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Davidson, Ralph?
69 -
Qsphotos: 69(B16)
69    Teacher    
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BUNCE, ?? (Mrs)
72 -
Qs photos: (72)B19,
72    Teacher Library  
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72 -
Qs photos: 72(B16),
72    Teacher Good at beating kids around the head when he lost his cool!!  
This guy was without doubt one of the most inspiring teachers that I ever had. Apart from a strange obsession with a bloody awful puctuation exercise called 'Up the mast' that we still couldn't do properly after a full terms torment he would really make an effort to listen and make and try to encourage even the less able creative writers. He would stroke his beard and bellow in a Brian Blessed manner when excited....Top bloke...(Mark Hughes QS till 1980....)
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Flewitt, Peter
73 -
Qs Photos: 73(B13)
73    Teacher Drama  
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Jackson, Trish
73 -
Qs photos: 73(B14)
73    Teacher Art  
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Andrews, Mike
73 - 75
Qs Photos: 73(B11)
73  75  Teacher Biol.  
A passable teacher. He had an affair and ran off with one of the household staff!
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Parker, ?? (Mrs)
Qs Photos: 73(B12)
73    Teacher Maths  
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Brooks, ?? (nee Carolan)
78 -
Qs photos: 78(B11)
78    Teacher    
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James, Pauline
72 - 9?
Qs photos: 82(C9)
82    v. Staff records (started in Kitchen)  
Mrs Bunce's Daughter.
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Yates, Peter ??
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C21)
82    Teacher Drama Beaky Excellent drama teacher. (?)
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Donnan, Mike
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C6)
82    Teacher English Don-dons Jolly, often volatile English teacher. Gave a mean crusty Trying to bring down the NUT
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Adare, Violet
82 -
Qs photos: 82(C8)
82    v. Staff records  
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Harmer Smith
1958 - 1966
1959  1966  Teacher, Cotham High School   Hovis Muncher

An oddity was Mr Harmer-Smith, with a double breasted suit, usually a fraid and tie and sporting a grey/white a moustacheand white hair swept back Harmer-Smith had been the owner and headmaster of another private boy’s school called The Crescent School situated in Redland, Bristol, obviously in financial trouble he closed down the school and joined the staff at Cotham teaching mainly religious education, Harmer-Smith brought with him a number of his ex pupils that boosted the numbers at Cotham.

Harmer-Smith had an addiction to tea for every time he entered a classroom he carried with him a tray with a kettle, school milk (in half-pint bottles) a cup and saucer, loose tea in a tin and sugar. He then proceeded to plug in the kettle and throughout the lessons drink copious amounts of milky tea!

 He also had a particular unsavoury habit that sometimes thinking that his lower body was hidden behind the teaching desk he then placed his hand inside his baggy pocket trousers and slowly ‘played with himself�?this did not go unnoticed by us boys, once after ejaculated  inside his trousers he excused himself and dashed into the lavatoryHis other unsavoury habit gave him the nickname ‘Hovis Muncher.�?/FONT>Only a trained psychologist could probably fathom out this peculiarity.He would sit at lunch and take some Hovis bread from the basket, carefully he would moisten it with his salvia and then roll it into a small ball, and then would half sit on it! Slowly he would take pieces from his hiding place and chew on them with his meal.

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Eteridge, JJ ??
67 -
QS photos: 67 (B14)
67    Teacher    
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Childs, Martin
67 -
Qs Photos: 67 (B15)
67    Teacher    
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Rowberry, ??
QS photos: 67 (B8)
67    Teacher    
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King, ??
70 's ??
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71 -
Qs Photos: 71(B17)
71  75  Maths/MusicTeacher Played piano at chapel Spud
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Winrow, Owen
77 -
Qs phots: 77(B11)
77    Teacher Art Teacher  
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Taphouse, Mike
77 - 80's
Qs photos: 77(B22)
77    Teacher Sciences  
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??, Sandra or Clare ??
80 's 90 's
    v. staff    
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??, Sylvia
80 's 90 's
    v. staff Cleaner  
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Robins, Andrew
84 -
Qs photos: - 84(C6), (86)A11
84    Teacher Chem  
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Coldwell, Janet
84 -
Qs photos: 84(C18)
84    Teacher    
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Yates, Pauline
84 -
Qs photos: 84(C5)
84    Teacher    
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Mr ? Jeffery
86 - 88 ish
86  88  teacher computers Skippy
Kiwi famous for his use of "Data"
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Rosiver (sp?), ??
89 -
89    Teacher PE  
PE teacher. Fond of rugby, called football 'round ball'.
Was involved in the same incident as Mr Hampson (see Mr H's profile for more)
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Parsons, ?? (Mrs)
90 -
Qs Photos: 90(A23)
90    Teacher Jub teacher  
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Hagget, Andrew
90 's
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Teear, Lionel

67 -

QS photos: 67 (B16),  

67    Teacher    

Taught History and Public Affairs. Was a great teacher, very personable and really encouraging.

In a monastery in Devon.
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Burgess, Peter

67 -

QS photos: 67 (B9),

67    Teacher Maths, computers etc Bungle, Burge
constantly appalled at the level of noise in the dining room compared to his previous school, it became practice for him to walk in, announce the fact, with the resultant complaint hush of every single kid in the room. His main teaching project was to make something of the newly formed C class: the academic rejects and rebels of the school. Although spending arithmetic lessons watching movies was not making much of anything. But it was a most welcome break from the rest of the school regime at the time. He was well known for spouting random acts of 'Thespianism' and his rather over-indulgent lifestyle
Past away.
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Coldwell, Mike

70 -

QS photos: 70(B10),
70    Teacher Maths Boldwell Taught maths and was a ping-pong wizz. Left school to teach Millfield school
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Peteo, Chris

77 - 80's

Qs photos: 77(B15)

77    Teacher History Jepetto
Very nice chap.  Taught Jubs things like History.  Also organised a choir, if such a thing can exist at QS.
Excellent Violin player
Sadly, Matron informed me that he died a few years ago.
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Shepard, Peter

77 - 90s

Qs photos: 77(b21)

77    Teacher English Sheppy
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Collins, Stu

78 -

Qs photos: 78(B13)

78    Teacher PE, sports studies, junior-history.geography Stu, Hairy Mostly know for his sports lessons, and carrying a large numbers of keys. Was a Somerset cricketer before a serious concusion ended his career. Teaching RE at Brigwater/cannington
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Owen, Bill

78 -

Qs photos: 78(B24)

78    Teacher Art Bill, Bender-bill Art teacher, ran D of E Retired living in Devon/cornwall (Barnstable?)
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Friend, ?? (Mrs)

80 's 90 's

Qs Photos: 88(A25)

    Teacher Jub teaching  
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??, Janice

80 's 90 's

Qs Photos: 90(A25)

    v. Staff cook  
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Langley, David

82 - 90s

82    Teacher Maths and others Langers Very jolly teacher, very well liked, made frog noises and Coleridge master. Very talented and probably a better artist than Mr Owen. He used to paintmovie backdrops. Retired living in Cannington
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Baker, Doug

84 -

Qs photos: 84(C22)

85    v. Staff Builder Doug Cornish builder (unknown)
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Hillier, Ruth

84 -

Qs photos: 84(C4)

84    Teacher Music  
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Brooks, Nick

84 - 92

Qs photos: 84(C8)

84  92  Teacher Englsih and once plasterer Bruno Taught English and was recruited by the head after some nice plastering work. Very nice chap and inspiring teacher. Also in 92 he was the Geography teacher. Sadly Mr Brooks died in a boating accident in about 1992
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Jones, Geoffrey


Qs photos: 84(C21)

84    Teacher Geography Jug-head, death-breath Taught geography. Not known for his sense of humour. Quite left-wing and anti-bloodsports. (none)
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Caple, ??Margert

86 - 90's

Qs Photos: 90(A13)

86    v. Staff Girls Matron  
A very motherly woman with a big heart - Ferm but fair .
Having lost her husband Derek to cancer , she is now married to a lovely man and lives in Bridgwater but spends a great deal of the year galavanting around europe.
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Grifths, Colin ??

87 - 90 ish

Qs photos: 88(A22)

87    Teacher Computer science Taffy Jolly, if a little wiffy Welshman (unknown)
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Bagnell, ??

87 - 90

Qs photos: 88(A6)

87  90  Teacher biology Baggers, Bag-witch
Running a postoffice in Sommerset
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Hazel, David

89 -

Qs photos: 90(A7)

89    Teacher unknown Yokel
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Edwards, John

89 - 90's

Qs Photos: 90(A20)

89    Teacher ?  
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Peaster, David T. 64 - 96 64  96  Peaster Headmaster The Head, Big P, Ben David founded the school in 1965 and was headmaster, and in effect the CEO.
Sadly David past away in 1996. you can leave a tribute here (link to be added).
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Warriner, Gerry 65 - 92 -ish 65  92  Peaster - almost Deputy headmaster, RE Gerry Second to the head. Tour guide for prospective pupils. After a stroke in 85 was kept on in a more minor capacity. Retired, living in Bridgwater and terrorising the locals
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Peaster, Philip 65 - 96 -ish 65    Peaster Enforcer, metal-work Mr Phil, Phil, Big Phil Job was to ensure the school ran like clockwork, in charge of slave gangs, log-chopping, x-country runs. The sound of his voice echoing down the corridors was usually enough to shake everyone into action, run for their lives or hide Retired, living in house on QS grounds
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Peaster, Ducan 70 's to date     Peaster Various non-teaching Duncan peapod Son of DP. Part of the Peaster clan that was obsessed with the rock band Kiss of which numerous artistic impressions could be seen manifesting the corridors of the school Running the gym and pool as a sports club.
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Peaster, Russell 70 's to date     Peaster Various non-teaching Russ Catch phrase "armwestle for a pound boy" ??
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Peaster, Jane 73 ?? - to date 73  Peaster Matron Matron In charge of tendering to the sick, the infirm and those after a skive. Joined QS as nurse and married David in ??. Running the School as "Quantock Lodge"
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Proctor, ?? 80 -ish 90 -ish     v. Staff Head cleaner and boys hairdresser   Firm but fair Proctor. I pity the fool spotted with hands in pockets and scuffing their steps Living near the school
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??, Wolly 80 's     v. Staff cook Volley Mad German cook.
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Keast, Craig 80 's     v. Staff Gardener  
the story goes that Craig, who was I think autistic, was found living homeless and in a pretty bad state. One of the school staff took him in and gave him jobs - the worst jobs and simplest jobs in the school. Of all his unspoken talents (?), he was one hell of a fast runner!
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Parsons, ?? Mrs 80 's 90 's     Teacher Jub teacher  
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Downs, Katie 84 - 90's 84    Teacher French Saggy Inept French teacher
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Dr Peters, Roger 86 - 92 ish 86    Teacher Chemistry, physics and biology Physco, the Doc, Doc Peters Very volatile chain smoking chemiostry teacher ... ...
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Coulson, David 86 ish - 89 86  89  Teacher PE   Taught PE. Was very well liked by the pupils - probably as he was an ex-Quantock pupil himself. Off to Saudi as a physio
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Hampson, Paul 87 - 92 ish 87    Teacher Geography, PE Hammy

Taught Geography and was well like chap. Keen sportsman and took the backs for rugby lessons.
Left after a run in with Dr Peters, aprently a baseball bat was waved about a bit!
Dr Peters later returned to teach at the school Mr H did not.

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Williams ??, ?? 90 's 89    Teacher ? Dippy
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Caple, ??Derek ( Husband to Margret Capel) 90 's     v. Staff Unknown Jolly Green giant
Sadly passed away after a long hard fight with cancer in about 2000.
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Rowe, ?? 90 's     v. Staff Girls Matron  