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Psychic Ability : Aura Color Meanings
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From: MSN NicknameDancingMoonWolf2U  (Original Message)Sent: 7/27/2007 12:29 AM
Aura 's

The aura is seen as a dim colored light about the body.

To see the aura one only needs to look for it, like an echo or an odor you don't notice it at first as its always there, to help see one first just clear your mind of all thought, silence if you will, then look gently to the third eye on the person you wish to see. Soon you will see something like unto the heat waves given off of a hot car in summer...then just ask "what color is this I see?" and a color will appear, don't look directly at the aura at first as it will disappear at first just try to catch it out of the corner of your eye until you have had a bit of practice. Also the aura grows brighter and easier to see the longer a person is in the same place.

It's easier to see it at first on a person standing in one place than a person walking.

Sometimes the background color has a lot to do with how easily you see the aura. I prefer seeing them with a light background others prefer dark backgrounds.

The colors of an aura reveals a persons talents, habits and general character. Each color or ray has a special characteristic that it imparts to everything connected to it.

These characteristics are as follows.

violet- spirituality

indigo- intuition

blue- religious inspiration

green- harmony and sympathy

yellow- intellect

orange- energy

red- life

Also all hues have different meanings as follows:

red- the symbol of life, strength and vitality, the physical nature

clear bright red- generosity and ambition

dark red- deep passion, love, courage, hatred, anger

reddish- brown-sensuality, voluptuousness

very dark red- selfishness

cloudy red- greed, cruelty

crimson- lower passions and desire

scarlet- lust

deep crimson shot with black- materialism

rosy pink- unselfish love

orange- energy, the etheric astral nature, dynamic force

bright clear orange- health and vitality

deep orange- pride

muddy cloudy orange- low intellect

yellow- mind and intellect, mental plane, mental power

golden- high soul qualities

pale primrose- great intellectual power

dark dingy yellow- jealousy, suspicion

dull- false optimism, visionary mentality

green- harmony and sympathy, individualism, independence

bright clear green- good qualities

light green- prosperity, success

mint- adaptability, versatility

clear green- sympathy

dark green- deceit

olive- treachery, double nature

blue- inspiration, devotion, artistic, harmonious

deep clear blue- high spiritual attainment

pale lilac and wisteria tints- cosmic consciousness, love for humanity

bluish purple- transcendent idealism

minor colors

light grey- fear

dark grey- conventionalism, formality

heavy leaden grey- meanness, lack of imagination

greyish green- deceit, duplicity

brownish grey- depression

black- malice, vice, depravity

pink- modesty, gentleness, unselfishness

silver- versatility, vivacity, movement (an excess could be a sign of inconsistency, and a fickle nature)

light brown- practical mind

dull grey brown- selfishness

clear brown- avarice

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 Message 2 of 2 in Discussion 
From: wingnutSent: 7/27/2007 1:02 PM