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Book List : Have you read.....
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Recommend  Message 1 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGlasgowgurl3  (Original Message)Sent: 7/17/2004 2:47 PM
I just bought two books today. Has anyone read them?
The Art of Dreaming  by Carlos Castaneda
The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold

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Recommend  Message 2 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGlasgowgurl3Sent: 7/17/2004 3:09 PM
I found some reviews of the books on the web:
The art of dreaming:
This book takes lucid dreaming to a whole new level. This book may also severely affect your view of the world. Essentially Castaneda writes about becoming a sorcerer. One of his techniques consists of going to sleep in your lucid dream and waking up in a second lucid dream. This lucid dream within a lucid dream is said to be easier to maintain (even for several hours!) and to be more vivid than the lucid dream you started with.

Carlos Castaneda, The art of dreaming


the Lovely Bones

In Alice Sebold's new book, The Lovely Bones, a 14-year-old girl takes readers through an imaginative exploration of the space between heaven and Earth.

Teenager Susie Salmon narrates the story from heaven after she is raped and murdered on her way home from school. As the girl adjusts to her new home, in her own heaven, she watches her family members as they try to recover from the feelings of despair that have invaded their everyday lives after her death.

In The Lovely Bones, first-time novelist Sebold looks at the passage from life to death and how love forms a bridge between the two.

Recommend  Message 3 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameEverydaySensitiveSoulSent: 7/17/2004 6:02 PM
Hiya Glasgowgurl......
I read 'the lovely bones' about three months back and enjoyed the book......i passed it onto my sister for something to read after i had finished it and she read the very first page or so but did'nt want to continue with the rest.But her mind isn't an  open one to what we all believe and i think she didn't like the idea that the book touched on the idea of our souls continuing after death.......a shame but its her life and i cannot and will not force my beliefs upon her......
Happy reading Glasgowgurlthanks for sharing the reviews and book titles.
Love and Blessings

Recommend  Message 4 of 4 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGlasgowgurl3Sent: 7/17/2004 6:08 PM
thanx, your welcome.
I've not started reading.
colleagues  at work suggested the 'lovely bones' book to me - i was out shopping today and i saw it in a sale and bought it. will start reading tonight.

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