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Chakra One:  RED

Earth, Physical identity, oriented to self-preservation

Located at the base of the spine, this chakra forms our foundation. It represents the element earth, and is therefore related to our survival instincts, and to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane. Ideally this chakra brings us health, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence.


Chakra Two: ORANGE

Water, Emotional identity, oriented to self-gratification

The second chakra, located in the abdomen, lower back, and sexual organs, is related to the element water, and to emotions and sexuality. It connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation, and movement. Ideally this chakra brings us fluidity and grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment, and the ability to accept change.


Chakra Three:  YELLOW

Fire, Ego identity, oriented to self-definition

This chakra is known as the power chakra, located in the solar plexus. It rules our personal power, will, and autonomy, as well as our metabolism. When healthy, this chakra brings us energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, and non-dominating power.



Chakra Four: GREEN

Air, Social identity, oriented to self-acceptance

This chakra is called the heart chakra and is the middle chakra in a system of seven. It is related to love and is the integrator of opposites in the psyche: mind and body, male and female, persona and shadow, ego and unity. A healthy fourth chakra allows us to love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.


Chakra Five: BLUE

Sound, Creative identity, oriented to self-expression

This is the chakra located in the throat and is thus related to communication and creativity. Here we experience the world symbolically through vibration, such as the vibration of sound representing language.

Chakra Six: INDIGO

Light, Archetypal identity, oriented to self-reflection

This chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. As such it opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels. When healthy it allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture."


Chakra Seven: WHITE

Thought, Universal identity, oriented to self-knowledge

This is the crown chakra that relates to consciousness as pure awareness. It is our connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing. When developed, this chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection, and bliss.


�?/FONT> Chakra Cleansing and Raising 
***Promotes Self Healing and ESP***

Make sure you are in a comfortable position, albeit laying down or sitting. Perform a brief relaxation method. Two minutes of breath awareness is plenty.

Imagine raw energy entering your feet, mentally feel it moving up to your base chakra via your legs, assist the energy with your mental hands (imagine your hands) if it helps. You may feel tingling, especially in your feet and lower legs, don't worry, enjoy this feeling (Note : some people do not feel anything physically, this is normal, and does not mean there is no energy, there is). The energy has now reached your base chakra. This is coloured red. Imagine it as a small sphere, about 5cm in diameter. With your mind, imagine your hands opening this sphere, using the same motion as you would to open a warm, fresh bread roll. As you open it, imagine a flash of bright, red light fill the room (keep your eyes closed, this is all mental). Feel the energy in the chakra swirling around and around. If you visualise it swirling slowly, that's because your subconscious wants you too. This means that the chakra needs to be energised. Imagine one of your hands, with its forefinger outstretched (as if pointing), dip its finger into the swirling chakra and start to spin it faster, in a circular motion (clockwise). Keep doing this until you feel the chakra swirling faster and faster. The faster it goes, the brighter it is, and the further the swirling is projecting from your body. A distance of six feet is a good, full and healthy chakra. When it gets this big, take your time, and imagine the light eminating from it fill your body, so your body is glowing red, inside and out. Now, if you see long, thin black lines within your body when you imagine this (you'll see what I mean), feel and visualise them being forced out of your body by the intense swirling from your base chakra. Do not rush this part, its the healing process. How you imagine the dark spots being removed is completely up to you. When the chakra is bright, clean and large, you can move on.

Imagine the spleen chakra (three finger widths below your belly button), this is orange. Feel more energy rising up through your feet, into your base chakra. See the base chakra overflowing, the energy emitted now rising into your spleen chakra. Repeat the process described above for opening, stimulating and cleansing the chakra.

Now you are onto your solar plexus chakra. This is yellow. Feel the energy again, rise up into your feet, causing the base chakra to overflow with energy into the spleen chakra. The spleen chakra now also overflows, this time into the solar plexus chakra. Feel the energy rising up through your body. Again, repeat the opening, stimulating and cleansing process.

Now you are onto the heart chakra. It's colour is green. Feel the energy rise up through your feet, up your legs, through the base chakra, then your spleen chakra, then the solar plexus chakra, overflowing all the way, until it reaches your heart chakra. Repeat the opening, stimulating and cleansing process.

Now you move on up to the throat chakra. It's colour is blue. Feel the overflowing of energy from your base chakra, spleen chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, all the way up to your throat chakra. Repeat the opening, stimulating and cleansing process.

The next chakra is the Brow chakra. This is the focus of your psychic abilities, whether you are aware of them or not (inexperienced and / or skeptic), if you want to heighten your ESP abilities, focus and concentrate hard when performing the blow process.

Feel energy rising up through your feet, mentally perform and feel the overflowing process from your base chakra, spleen chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, and then stimulating your Brow chakra. It's colour is indigo. Repeat the opening, stimulating and cleansing process.

Now the final stage. Again, feel energy rising up through your feet, into your base chakra, spleen chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, Brow chakra, and finally, the Crown chakra. This chakra is bigger than the other six. It covers the whole top of the head, from the hairline upwards (or where the hairline used to be). It's colour is violet at the hairline, but gradually changes to white at the top of the head. Repeat the opening, stimulating and cleansing process.

Note : If you are only meditating, it's important to close the chakras, just perform the above process backwards. Only spend 1/4 of the time closing them. Leave them open if you are going to project after the meditation process, as this will result in a longer, more vivid experience.

Note how I have used the correct colours when describing this technique. This is to help you remember the correct colours when performing the technique.

Also, now would be a good time to attempt to see an aura! The third-eye (brow chakra) will be extremely active for a few hours.