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Astral=OBE : Can someone explain how you physically feel when you have an OBE/Astral?
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Recommend  Message 1 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2  (Original Message)Sent: 5/31/2007 1:01 AM
I've just had my 2nd 'possible' experience with an OBE or astral - but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn't see it through.

As always, I was laying in bed. I felt my 'hug' get stronger & stronger (this is what happened to me the first time, many months ago).

Anyway, same as last time my heart started beating like mad and although I wanted to continue, it seemed to calm itself down (I wasn't scared or full of excitement which would have in itself stopped it). So I asked if spirit could try again, and again it happened. It got stronger & stronger - the only way I could describe it was as though my body was seizing up and my breaths got weaker. Again it seemed to stop itself and again I asked to try one last time... and it did. This time my heart wasn't racing as much, but it got to the point where I would have stopped breathing altogether and that's the point where I got scared and had to pull out. I was literally on the verge of leaving myself.

Do you really stop breathing when this happens, or am I experiencing something else altogether? (like a heart attack lol).

Help! lol - if I know this is 'normal' I'll see it through - but I just couldn't let go without finding out more first!

Ca xxx

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Recommend  Message 2 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameRose36631Sent: 5/31/2007 2:12 AM
Theres some thing not right there Ca......your breathing would materally become shallower but not to the point you say.
I realy would be happier if you would leave it till it happens naturaly.....because at some point it will and usualy while you sleep

Recommend  Message 3 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2Sent: 5/31/2007 9:22 AM
That's what I was worried about Rose. Honestly though, I'm not forcing this at all - I didn't ask for it - I was just meditating as usual. (once it started itself I asked to try again though).

I met luciddreams in the chat room last night and she was said when it happened to her she did feel like she stopped breathing, but it was only for a minute - but I didn't let it get that far.

I'm not sure what to do now - if it's right and safe I really want to see it through, but what if it's not? How would I know?

I always ask for protection and I really hope (and feel) that it's not a 'bad' spirit. I understand that it could potentially be a dangerous situation, but like I say, I didn't ask for it, it came to me naturally...

Oh, dilemas!

Recommend  Message 4 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 5/31/2007 10:56 AM
Ca hun 
I really feel as Rose does on this . I know you say it is coming to you , but somewhere you are asking for it to happen . I feel that you have to have teaching on how to meditate and be able to control anything that may happen to you regarding the spirit world. 
I know you are reading a lot , but it is not the same as someone with you going through it all whether it be in a circle ( open or closed ) . Have you been to a spiritualist church yet ? I dont mean just for the readings , but to ask them if they have an open circle once a week that will help you be able to understand more .
BlueBell xx

Recommend  Message 5 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2Sent: 5/31/2007 2:42 PM
Thanks BB,

Funnily enough I'm going to that local circle tonight - so (depending on what it's like) I might run it past them too and see if they can show me what to do.

At least I have one thing, which is I seem to be able to stop things if I want to (if I couldn't then I wouldn't even try). I was able to get out of this as soon as I felt uncomfortable.

I know I've said it before, but I really don't know what I'd do without you all here (((((HUGE HUGS & THANKS)))))))

Ca xxx

PS, I'll let you know what happens at the group tonight!

Recommend  Message 6 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2Sent: 5/31/2007 2:46 PM
Oh yeah, I just wanted to explain the 'stopped breathing' thing... I don't think I explained very well. What happened was, like I said, my breaths got weaker and weaker - but it wasn't like I was struggling or fighting for breath. I felt very peaceful and it felt as though I didn't actually need to breath...

Does that make any sense whatsoever?

Recommend  Message 7 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2Sent: 6/2/2007 9:03 PM
I've just put this on Ravens thread but I thought it was appropriate to add it here too...

Something I also forgot until I just read it is where it says "feeling an imbalance in body - the limbs feel very small or very large in comparison to the rest of body for example" That is EXACTLY what I felt too, my arms and legs felt enormous.

Plus reading "You'll probably find that your breath becomes slightly irregular, ignore this and transfer your breathing to the astral figure" really helps too.

The saga also continues though...

Last night it sort of started again even though I'd asked for it not to. I said that I don't feel ready and I'll let them know when I think it's time to try again, but it started again. Then, as I often do I asked to know who was with me - although I have very strong feelings that this is not a bad spirit and I trust them to a certain extent, I just feel that I would be able to trust them more if I know who it is...

I asked if I could be shown by maybe a picture or some other method (as I've had pictures before) - or if I am going on an astral journey, could I do it while I am asleep.

Anyway, things started to build up once again (I think this was the 3rd time by now) and I then heard a voice saying 'it's the only way'. Now, that might have been my imagination (I suppose anything could be) but I really feel like I heard that, it was not in a particular voice, it was like a realisation...

What do you think?

Recommend  Message 8 of 9 in Discussion 
From: windySent: 6/2/2007 9:12 PM
hi there was reading your post and thought i might add a few techniques i learnt when about to travel , as u begin it is normal for some to experience the slowing down of your breath and sometimes like a shaken of yyur body, but provided you have mad the right preps this will pass and you will go out.  Always start with prayer as your guides to be iwth you and should anything come up that you are not able to handle would they please handle it for you, also ask for protection for your spiritual and your physical body and that you only be taking to where you need to go at this time , because most of the time when people get into trouble while travelling its because they are not ready for that lesson or place or are enter into some place they just should not be. these prayers will make sure this does not happen.  Also remember that if you ever feel uncomfortable or to frightened by any thing. you can immediately return to your physically self by useing several techniques, my favorite is knowing that I simply need to wigle my foot or toes and i am immediately returned, others may put in there head to look at there arms or what ever your  journey and technique is your s, but as stated above be safe and good journeying to you

Recommend  Message 9 of 9 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameCadaojo2Sent: 6/2/2007 10:01 PM
Thank you so much Windy, that is REALLY REALLY helpful. I'd never have thought to do that.

I really want to see it through, I want to know what journey it is they want to take me on - but I just need to know it's ok to do and that it's safe. I know I'll feel so much safer having said what you've suggested... and if it really is 'the only way' to meet or see who my spirit is, then I totally want to do it.

Thank you loads again...

I'll let you know what happens :o)

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