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Astral=OBE : My Monday Nights ...
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Recommend  Message 1 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤Rävën¤  (Original Message)Sent: 6/4/2006 3:25 AM
I have to agree with Nature  
It is a shame that this board has been quiet for a while.
I have decided to make Monday nights my 'astral' night and then each Tuesday I can post on the board about my experiences!
It has been a while since I consciously astralled and am looking forward to it. A good way to practice for myself and I could even get hubby to join in!  WHOO HOO!
Give it a couple of months, I'll have my very own journal on here
Love Raven 

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Recommend  Message 2 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 6/5/2006 12:03 AM
I look forward to reading about your astral travel hun 
BlueBell xx

Recommend  Message 3 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname¤Rävën¤Sent: 6/6/2006 2:59 PM
Ok ... the early hours of 06.06.06 ...
I went upstairs to bed, and found a black feather under my quilt! I was really ecstatic about this and debated getting back up and coming on here to post about it lol I've had a raven with me for the last 3 days, circling my head, and then I find the black feather!
Anyway, probably due to my excitement, I got sort of 'side tracked'from the astral and ended up shape shifting instead! I became my power/totem animal - Raven.
I was flying alone over a forest with very tall trees and there was snow covering the tops of them. Something red caught my eye towards the edge of the forest (Northerly direction) and I swooped down to see what it was. As I got closer, I saw it was a rabbit who had caught a back leg in some kind of trap. The red was blood in the white snow. I immediately flew away and started to screech, circling the forest. Within moments, there were 4 other ravens and 2 owls coming towards me. The owls perched themselves at either side of the rabbit, and the ravens circled with me above the forest, we were all screeching, but it didn't sound like 'noise' - we were calling for help. It took minutes before we had a whole host of other birds, about 30 of us in all. We flew down to the rabbit and we managed to free the trap off the back leg and set it free. The owls came closer, and we all backed off. One of the owls spread it's wings over the rabbit, and the other owl leant over and started to cry tears onto the rabbits leg. As it did this, the wound started to heal. I wanted to stay and watch, but I knew I had to fly again.
I flew directly upwards out of the forest. When I reached the top of the trees, I spread my wings and let myself soar. I looked underneath me and saw the snow melting away. This is the last thing I remember.
I wasn't sure about sharing this as I know it sounds odd, but when I left the house this morning, we saw a raven on my roof  and it was like a validation for me.
Love Raven x

Recommend  Message 4 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 6/6/2006 11:39 PM
Wow !!! thats wonderful Raven hun !!! 

Recommend  Message 5 of 5 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameangelnlight50Sent: 6/8/2006 4:28 PM

That is wonderful Raven.


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