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Pray for Us : Throught Prayer Love will Awaken
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Recommend  Message 1 of 2 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameHeartFeltandDeep  (Original Message)Sent: 11/13/2005 8:38 PM

"Through the prayers, love has awakened a sense of knowing and self-value that has expanded into all areas of my life."

Most of us have discordant energies around us causing the problems and worries in our lives and interfering with our clear connection to God. Transformational Prayer clears the discordant energy around you and connects you to your Source. When your energy is flowing smoothly from source as it was designed to flow, your life's progress is successful. When there is discord you can become depressed, discouraged, worried, tense and ineffective. Physical illness can develop.

Transformational Prayer clears specific problem areas (relationships, finances, health, insomnia, spiritual and emotion confusion, etc.) and re-establishes Divine connection so that the individual can live in alignment with his/her purpose

There is nothing that Divine Love cannot heal. Our prayers work exclusively with Divine Love.

 Beginning Prayer

I call upon (name any Being of Divine Love) to cleanse and release my energy field of all energies of limitation, whether from the astral plane or any other plane, dimension or planet in creation.

In the name of love, these energies are now all released into the heart of Divine Mother. Go into the heart of Divine Mother, go into the love of Divine Mother now.

Repeat as needed: Go into the love and the truth and the heart of Divine Mother now.

Thank you, God, and so it is.


Divine Love

Ask Divine Love to come forth in your heart. Notice what happens when you ask for this impulse to open within you. As Divine Love comes forth, breathe into the heart area, opening more space in the heart for Divine Love to fill. Continue to ask for Divine Love to open itself within you and notice the response to your request. Allow Divine Love.

If the mind interferes by evaluating, judging, interrupting with thoughts - breathe more and open more deeply until the mind is quiet and the awareness is completely settled in the heart area. Notice the presence of Divine Love. It may be much bigger than the heart area, extending beyond the body.



Opening the Heart

Know that Divine Love is holding you all the time. It is important to notice that you are being held by Divine Love. Notice this by breathing into the heart center (the whole chest area) right now and noticing how the heart opens. Breathe several times into the heart area, allowing the breath to open your heart.

When you notice anything in the heart area, breathe into it - even if it is an uncomfortable feeling like fear, restriction or tightness. Whatever it is, let the breath gently open it. This will free the heart, so that love can be full there, and the heart can open more.

Continue to breathe into the heart area (not the heart organ) as if the breath is coming through the front of the chest directly into the heart center. Whatever you notice, breathe into it, then notice again what is there and breathe into that.

This Heart Exercise will open your heart so that you can be all that you are.

Notice how the heart area responds to the breathing. Notice when a shift takes place and move with the shift by breathing again into what is now present. You may practice this exercise with eyes closed sitting quietly, or with eyes open in activity. Practice this and ask us any questions you have so that we can give you further guidance in connecting with your heart energy.


Divine Light Prayer

Divine Light is pouring into me now. Divine Light is filling my energy field on every level, from most dense to most etheric, akashic and every place in between, multi-dimensionally, multi-temporally and otherwise. Divine Light is opening within me now. I am receiving more and more Divine Light, moment by moment. Divine Light is healing every limitation within my energy system and opening me to Wholeness now. Divine Light is releasing all energies of discord and opening my awareness to Divine Truth, so that more Divine Light can flood my energy system now.

I accept Divine Light within me now and I know that Divine Light is increasing its presence within my system and illuminating my entire energy field. The most rare, delicate quality of light in creation is opening in my energy system and lifting my energy field into resonance with Sacred Light vibration.

Sacred Light vibration is creating Wholeness within my multi-dimensional energy system now. Sacred Light vibration is opening, lifting, cleansing and freeing my entire energy system now, and Sacred Light vibration is allowing my energy system to know Truth. Sacred Light vibration is increasing its presence within my energy system. Divine Light is filling me now and opening me to more light.

I am lifted, opened, cleansed and freed in Divine Light. (You can repeat this phrase several times if you like).

Divine Light is emerging from Source and overflowing on every level of my energy field until there is nothing left but Divine Light holding my multi-dimensional energy system and feeding my multi-dimensional energy system.

I am filled with Light.
I open to more Light.
I know Sacred Light.
I allow Sacred Light to resonate fully throughout my multi-dimensional energy system now, and fill me with Divine Light.
I am Divine Light now, multi-dimensionally and otherwise.
I live in Divine Light and increase Divine Light again and again.

Thank you, God, and so it is.


Divine Grace Prayer

I know that the Wholeness of Divine Grace is completely filling my energy field now. Divine Grace is pouring into my energy field now, filling every place in my multidimensional and multi-temporal and otherwise energy system with the presence of Divine Grace. Divine Grace is opening within my energy field on every level from most dense to most etheric, akashic and beyond, and every place in between.

Divine Grace is permeating, penetrating, saturating my energy field with the holy presence of Divine Grace. Divine Grace is opening within every atom, cell, molecule, particle, place and space within my entire energy system now, more and more wholeness of Divine Grace filling me now. Divine Grace is opening, clearing, balancing, lifting, healing, freeing - holding me in Divine Grace now. More and more wholeness of Divine Grace, wholeness is pouring into wholeness, pouring into more wholeness of Divine Grace. I am lifted, opened, cleansed and freed in the wholeness of Divine Grace (repeat until clear). This is occurring now under Grace in God's most wise and perfect ways.

Thank you, God, and so it is.


Divine Truth Prayer

Divine Truth is opening in Wholeness within my energy system now. Divine Truth knows only Truth and is resonating Truth throughout my energy system, releasing all untruth. Divine Truth knows Wholeness and fills me with the Wholeness of Divine Truth. All untruth anywhere in my multi-dimensional energy system is releasing, letting go, opening in Truth. Divine Truth is Whole and complete within my energy system and heals me in Truth. Truth knows Wholeness and allows Wholeness to be fully present within my energy system.

Divine Truth knows me intimately and fills me with Truth. Truth is opening in Wholeness again and again throughout my energy system, freeing me from all untruth on every level in every place and point of my energy field. I am healing in Wholeness of Divine Truth. I am Wholeness of Divine Truth.

Thank you, God, and so it is.


Ascending Light Prayer

Ascending Light vibration is entering my energy system now. Ascending Light vibration is moving into every level of my multi-dimensional energy system. Ascending Light vibration is filling my energy system. Ascending Light is resonating on every level of my system, opening it to more Ascending Light.

Ascending Light vibration is lifting and clearing all ancestral patterning within my energy system. Ascending Light vibration is freeing my system from all limiting energies and frequencies. Ascending Light vibration is filling my entire energy system, lifting me into Ascending Light. Every level of my system is receiving Ascending Light. I am radiant with Ascending Light and Ascending Light is increasing its presence within my energy system moment by moment.

My limited DNA patterning is releasing in Ascending Light vibration. Ascending Light vibration is filling my DNA system, releasing old limiting patterning and filling my DNA system with Ascending Light. Ascending Light is vibrating throughout my entire energy system - healing, lifting, clearing, opening me to more Ascending Light.

More and more Ascending Light is pouring into my energy system. My energy system is vibrating in Ascending Light, is lifting into Ascending Light. My multi-dimensional energy system knows Ascending Light. Every molecule, cell, atom, particle, place and space in my multi-dimensional system is receiving Ascending Light. My system is opening in Ascending Light again and again as I lift into Ascending Light.

Thank you, God, and so it is.


Divine Love Prayer

Wholeness of Divine Love is pouring into my energy field now. The lively, radiant presence of Divine Love is filling my energy field now. The radiant presence of Divine Love is moving everywhere within my energy system. Divine Love is saturating my energy field. Divine Love is increasing and intensifying its presence moment by moment within my energy field now. The lively, dynamic energy of Divine Love is clearing, opening and transmuting all energies of lack and limitation within my energy system, multi-dimensionally, multi-temporally and otherwise. My system is opening to the presence of more and more life energy of Divine Love. The vital life energy of Divine Love is transmuting all energies of discord and limitation within my system now. Radiant, vibrant Divine Love is transmuting all error conditioning, all error patterning, all limited belief systems and all limiting self-concepts.

Divine Love is radiant within my energy field. Divine Love is increasing its presence within my energy field. The life energy of Divine Love is pulsating within my energy system now, in complete unison with the heartbeat of the Creator. My energy system is radiant with Divine Love.

The dynamic pulsations of Divine Love within my energy system are clearing and transmuting all limitation and discord in my system now. I am one with the fullness of God's Love.

Thank you, God, and so it is.

Please use your power for bringing light to these areas of great need. Do not engage with fear - open in the heart and bring forth light.

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From: MSN NicknameChiefWhiteCloud23Sent: 11/16/2005 10:34 PM