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BUTTERFLY & ANGEL'S SPIRITUAL HAVENContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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Recommend  Message 1 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_Lancelot  (Original Message)Sent: 9/18/2006 5:17 PM
I wish to get my act together and either get a new job or get by business going. I seem blocked for somme reason
L &L & L &L

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Recommend  Message 4 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 9/19/2006 7:42 PM
Thank you for the support
David L&L&L&L

Recommend  Message 5 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamequartz19490Sent: 9/19/2006 9:30 PM

Recommend  Message 6 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamepipletom0Sent: 9/19/2006 10:42 PM
 Scratching Scratching Faint Faintluv pip 

Recommend  Message 7 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 10/20/2006 11:07 AM
Still wishing, loving
great souls
love to all

Recommend  Message 8 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehoneyrosa1Sent: 10/20/2006 12:46 PM

Recommend  Message 9 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameStinkybinkySent: 10/25/2006 2:53 PM
Hi David,
I know what you mean.  I am trying to start up my alternative therapy business by doing shamanic healing, reiki and crystal healing.  I seem to get blocked every turn as well.  I think these things are sent to try us - when the time is right for us both then things will start to move.  Good Luck to you.

Recommend  Message 10 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameChiefWhiteCloud23Sent: 10/26/2006 12:08 AM
Dear David,
Don,t Wish ,But ""PRAY"
Love Whitecloud..x.x

Recommend  Message 11 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 10/26/2006 12:12 PM
hello Stinky
Thanks forthe message and wishing you sucess right now with your venture

Recommend  Message 12 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 10/26/2006 12:14 PM
Hello White Cloud
Thank you very much for the message! just to let you know i do pray constantly Ha
one day the brick wall will come down and it will happen

Recommend  Message 13 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameBlueBell_One1Sent: 10/26/2006 5:04 PM
It will David,keep thinking positive hun, all will come right when its time 
BlueBell xx

Recommend  Message 14 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehoneyrosa1Sent: 10/30/2006 2:38 PM
Hello David,
This morning my son was wearing my slippers and I asked him why because he had his own.And he said to me ," Mum If I wear your slippers I can take larger steps."
What could I say . It was true he thought he could get further by wearing them but I know that it is his little steps that he is taking him there.So David take the little steps to get there.Which I'm sure you are doing now. Ask for help from your guides or family passed as they are there for you.
We all get there in the end .
Take care
love and light

Recommend  Message 15 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 10/30/2006 3:14 PM
Dear Honeyrosa
What a great story and thank you so very nuch for that

Recommend  Message 16 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehoneyrosa1Sent: 10/30/2006 5:42 PM
Hi David,
It's amazing the things children say but I thought it kinda made sense so I thought I would tell you about it. Everyday experiences mean different things to each other. I like to think about things a bit more than I used to,  because we do learn from them whether it be good or bad.Hopefully for the better.
So much love and light to you
with your path

Recommend  Message 17 of 18 in Discussion 
From: Sir_LancelotSent: 10/31/2006 4:19 PM
Dear Honeyosa
Thank you for the lovely message when I thought about the story again. I was reminded of something that happened to me when I was two or three years old
My Parents were obviously going out to a diner or party or work do or something but was ever it was important enough for them to arrange my grandmother to come and stay for the night so that She could baby-sit. After my parents had gone my Grandmother cooked supper for my sister (3 years elder and more sensible) and myself and after supper I was of course very excited to see my Grandmother so I was running around the house in a hyper state, thinking about it I had by this point already got ready for bed but I had not put on my slippers.
The house was good for doing a fast circuit from the kitchen to the lounge to the dinning room and back to the Kitchen and I can remember doing this circuit a few times in my excitement (obviously a real hyper child Ha) on my last circuit I ran into the dining room to kitchen door and the impact removed my entire big toe nail right the way down. My Grandmother obviously wanting to calm me down and no doubt just wishing to get this hyper active child to get to bed so that she could get some rest said to me when she had calmed me down “if you go to bed and go straight to sleep by the morning another one will have grown�?
I can remember being in bed lying on my back with one leg crossed at the ankle so that it could keep the sheets away from the exposed toe as it was agony when it touched. When I awoke in the morning I was still laying in the same position and I lifted the sheet to see that a complete new toe mail had grown!
I ran into my parent’s room to inform them of this great news, they had obviously had a late night and my grandmother had already gone to bed. And so said to me that it must have been a dream and it was early and I should go back to bed.
I went back to my room and found the old toenail, which I had kept!
Moral anything is possible until we convince ourselves it is not so maybe your son could walk further in your slippers after all


Recommend  Message 18 of 18 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamehoneyrosa1Sent: 10/31/2006 4:53 PM
Wow an amazing story David.
I never knew that a toenail would grow so quickly.
I couldn't help laughing imagining you do circuits around the room, it reminds me of my son. He is always on the go.
Thanks for that
Love Honeyrosaxx

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