I feel very sad today. my N daughter has taken all I have and like a fool I feel for her self pity. Now I am left to fend for myself. sick and handicapped and mostly bedridden. I use to have a car but she promised me if I sold it for money to move to OK she would get me a car. But then told me she isn't going to once we were here. For me a car was always freedom.I feel so stuck and alone. I know no one here in OK because I am homebound. I am appling for places to live...and I am looking forward to that,however with no car and not able to pick up for then a gallon of milk because of my illnesses, I do not know how I am going to food shop and do laundry,etc. How can a daughter take everything from her mother and then leave her in this position and emotionally abuse me too? and my other daughter just doesn't want to deal with all this...mary has lied to her so much about me she doesn't know who to believe. She was going to come here and have her baby baptized,but instead she is going for a month to Mexico to have him baptized and he with her husbands family. It feels like my daughter constantly isolate me and keep me out of their lives UNLESS they need something and now that I am down to nothing...there they go. And Mary is bragging all the time about how she is gonna leave and travel with her boyfriend....as she doesn't pay me back the $18,000 she owes me.And says things like...too bad I won't be able to pay off my suv and give it to you. just rubbing it in. And it does hurt. Then she talked about how broke her and her boyfriend are.....but they go out to eat daily and fine dining and he buys her anything she wants.
The bed and bedroom set and her computer I bought her...and she is taking that with her...I feel that is mine since she isn't paying me back. But if I dare say that to her she would go bolistic and get revenge on me somehow.
I just need a hug today. I feel so emotional about all this. Especially when my daughters wave in my face all they are doing and the reason they can do all that they are is because I paid for their college and furniture and on and on. And lucky me gets a pic on the computer of my 5 week old grandson.
I was married to aNP and dated a NP but when it comes to one's children it is a deeper cut.