That's another thing you have to let's funny that our neighbors know more about what is going on with these kids than our families (who think we are terrible moms) My family never understood either, now they do to a degree but not fully and they never will. I tell you though, our neighbors knew what we lived through, they lived through it with us.
Children's services were invloved with us annually at least for about 12 years. I felt like they were just waiting for a reason to pounce and take all our children (because of "atypical behaviors" my oldest displayed) Anyway they would come and visit fairly often, and I was always friendly, had coffee with them while they asked all thier questions. Then they would question the two younger ones...Finally one day I got fed up and I said "You know instead of asking them about what 'mommy and daddy" do to them, maybe you should use that same line of questioning and ask them about P...well, it worked! They finally had thier eyes open.