Dear Tortured,
My heart goes out to you as I have been in your shoes with CPS as well as an abusive ex spouse & daugter.
I raised my child all by myself so her N behavior is a blow to me as a mother as I was unable to afford treatment for her (she had signs of it at age 3-4) before it was to late. She used to enlist neighbors & my childless (clueless and resentful because I could procreate) Aunts to call them to save her. Finally she started doing it herself. I became terrified to disipline her because I knew she would and I was afraid I would lose my 2 younger boys. The caseworker finally figured her out, Thank GOD!
I was so wore out I finally, in desperation, took her to CPS, in a different state, and tried to get them to take her! They refused so I got a judge to sign a waver allowing her to marry her boyfriend so I could live in peace. Since she was only 15 yrs old then, she's 31 yrs old now, it never stopped.
To make it worse she had a child, left him with me for his first 5 yrs and then took him away only to dump him with his petty crook father. He will be 15 yrs old now, living, I think, in Louisiana.
She would never tell me or would refuse to give me the address where they lived and as soon as I found it myself ($Private Detectives$) they, his father and him, would move. Public records show the father gets evicted alot, 3 time in one year alone, last I checked.
I haven't seen him since Christmas 1999, for 30 minutes. She brought him over, collected their gifts and left. He asked to stay, she refused to let him. I haven't seen him since.
Need Help with how to handle CPS
It gives some good advice on how to handle CPS and clueless caseworkers.
I have in the last few yrs cut myself off from her. I don't contact her and she has not bothered me in a long while either. The N supply in her profession is abundant, she a pro boxer and her good looks are still there, as far as I can see from the pics on her web site.
If you look, her own son is not even mentioned on her web site! I can only assume she either could care less herself or she has lost track of him as well. She was not raised that way!
You, like me, have to keep telling ourselves that our children are the way they are through no fault of our own.
If you are Christian, read the Bible. I have. It is one of the few things that has literally has saved me more times then I can count!
They even had N children back then too!
If you are not Christian, I hope it doesn't offend you but I listed my favorite verses below.
I know it is rough right now and it very well may get worse at some point. Keep your chin up, your feeling in check (in front of your son and his aaccomplises) get help from a couselor, if you can't afford one try MHMR. They may be able to help you get the support you need in your area. In the meantime, I hope the members and the information in this site offer you the help and support you deserve.
I personally hope that I have helped in some way, I care, I know your pain, and I will keep you and yours in my prayers.
Wicked Children
Know not God 1Sa_2:12;