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Dealing with Chronic PainContains "mature" content, but not necessarily adult.[email protected] 
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From: MSN Nicknamehissyspit  (Original Message)Sent: 4/24/2003 3:57 AM
      I am so happy to see that others who share a passion that I have. I am not always able to do what I want in my garden, but I do as much as I can despite this nasty pain. But the sunfilled days are back and they make my pain much less and I am getting some much needed peace and serenity getting my hands dirty and seeing the seeds I have sown turning into things of beauty.
     My greatest passion is for lilacs. I have 14 of them in nine varieties. I am waiting for my 15th to come and am looking forward to its arrival. But I love violets of all kinds and really just about anything that grows. I have a bird garden that is still being expanded and some days it will have up to 25 birds or more at a time. I am fortunate to live in the country so I see a lot of everything in my garden and yard. Even the deer and rabbits are welcome. I even have a opposum who comes to eat with my cats upon occasion.
    I hope I can share with others the joys and the miracles that come from the garden and share all the secrets that are to be found.

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