If it meant something to you and you made a copy to share, then I am glad. A garden or anything is not worth anything if we can't share it with the world. If each of us can make one person feel good for just one moment and they can pass that moment along, can you imagine that moment multiplied by all the people in the world? I have had many wonderful people give me small gifts of thought. Some of it took years to make sense but thankfully it stuck in my brain and kept me from falling when I needed it most. There is a song that says it isn't what you take but what you leave behind you as you go and there is much wisdom in it. It is called THREE WOODEN CROSSES and it has left me with a lot of thought and reminded me of things and people I met along the way and all that I was given. So it wasn't hard to write that. Some of the weeds and thorns in my garden were very painful at some time, but I found the beauty and the treasure masked by the thorns and stickers that were put there as a defense. They taught me lessons that I am not sure they realized that their bad was really good. So now instead of anger and hurt, I find that I am richer for the experience and the hurt was only temporary even if it felt like forever. Besides after moving to the country, I have found that some of my favorite flowers are really just weeds.
My mother in law just loves all the dandilions in her yard. She goes out and picks them and adds them to our salads and cooks them. I pick them for the cows and horses and they just go nuts. Some people make wine from them. Others think that they are the most awful thing to happen. In the early spring when flowers are scarce, I go by acres of fields that are in bloom with them and they are magnificent. I don't use chemicals on my yard and there is a acre of it so I get lot of dandilions to bloom and I mow them off and in a few days I have more to make me smile at their beauty again.
I started mowing around some of the wild flowers in the field next to my house just for fun. Now in mid summer I stop mowing for a few weeks because the wild daisys begin to bloom and there are a couple of hundred that fill the field and it is so pretty. Then after they die and broadcast their seeds I mow again and know that the next year they will come again. That is why I always try to tell people to look down where they step because there are things waiting to be discovered and you never know what treasure is waiting for you.