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Gardening : Garden Stool
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 Message 1 of 13 in Discussion 
From: NecyAnn  (Original Message)Sent: 5/6/2003 2:58 AM
For the last 2 years, I have neglected my garden and flower beds because it hurt too much to kneel or bend to pull weeds and plant.  I was outside this weekend sitting on an old milking stool trying to pull some weeds and I found that I COULD garden.  For some reason it never occurred to me to try a stool before... but it is great.  I spent about a half hour at a time gardening and then resting.  It was wonderful.  I am now really excited about spending the summer in my garden!  Does anyone else have tricks that they use to garden while dealing with pain?

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 Message 2 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamehissyspitSent: 5/7/2003 6:05 AM
     I refuse to use a push mower, I use a garden tractor with a big cutting deck but I do mow more than an acre. I do not pick up my leaves. I rake them over my flower beds in the fall and let them protect my flowers from the snow. They make some awesome mulch by spring. I don't throw away any pine needles. Mixed with dirt and left for a winter or two, they make the best compost for a lot of plants that love acid soils. It is great for berries. Beer in a plate will attract slugs and kill them. Put up bird feeders to attract birds to your yard. Bug eating birds will come to see what the seed eaters are doing. Some birds eat their weight in bugs everyday. Never use anything but organic pesticides in your yard. Remember that when you poison your bugs that you are killing the beneficial ones too.
    My favorite is don't try and get rid of the dandilions in your yard. Add them to your salads and they can be cooked. I like them in salads but not cooked. They are very good for you too.
    Learn to tell what weeds are actually what we know as wildflowers. I mow around them and now I get great areas of different wild flowers over the course of the year.
    Use your imaginnation. Your yard is your corner of the universe and let it be as free and easy as you are.

 Message 3 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGentleRiley1Sent: 7/9/2003 7:43 AM
i cannot do gardening anymore by bending over, i use mostly pots. But i was given a knee bench, that you could sit on it or kneel on it. You can buy them in garden stores

 Message 4 of 13 in Discussion 
From: hannnahSent: 7/13/2003 2:10 AM
Same here NecyAnn, my garden has been neglected for a couple years. I had to cut back a lot of roses due to mildew, but I was so happy to see they have returned healthy. Smaller, but ay least I don't have to replace them. That red rose used to cover that wall, all around those 2 lower windows and up the middle, and out again to almost the second story windows.  I  mean I really cut it back! But I had too.
Here is a pic of my roses from last week.  It is way better this week, all my lilies are in bloom and  delphiliums and daisies, it looks very colourful. But my son took the camera on his fishing trip, so I can't post a pic of it. My garden used to be brimming with flowers, but it will take some time, at my slow pace to get to that point again. I am not doing annuals anymore really, and trying to make it a low maitance garden with a lot of succulents and that sort of plant.

 Message 5 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamesoft_and_silky_ladyloveSent: 7/13/2003 2:23 AM

very beautiful garden. I admire that. Wish I was able to grow flowers. Don't seem to have that green thumb.

Your Friend,
>From: "Dealing with Chronic Pain" <[email protected]>
>Reply-To: "Dealing with Chronic Pain" <[email protected]>
>To: "Dealing with Chronic Pain" <[email protected]>
>Subject: Re: Garden Stool
>Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2003 18:10:13 -0700

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 Message 6 of 13 in Discussion 
From: hanah.Sent: 7/13/2003 4:42 AM
Thank-you Debbie.
You can grow flowers or plants, anybody can.  You just need something low maintance becuase of your health issues. What area do you live in?
The  2 most important things to grow thriving plants are
Good soil
The proper light for the type of plant
Water, but some can be ignored, if you get the right sort.

 Message 7 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameGentleRiley1Sent: 7/15/2003 9:40 AM
I do most of my plnting in pots since i cannot bend over. Iusr a regular stool ad for thegarden my roommate uses a Kneel stool, whch you can kneel, sit, and has heavy duty handles to help you grt up. Alos there is a " TheClaw' that have feet like on the bottom. you adjust it so that it is up to yourhips, and al you do is twist it. It has bee advertise many times on TV, I also have hired a friend to weed, cut the grass etc. its worth the aggravation tht i wpud have togo thru.

 Message 8 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname50ModelEllieSent: 7/18/2005 10:19 PM
I have never tried a garden stool because I can't get down low enough to sit on one.  I love to garden and have found (Like so may of the other folks that have answered) that container gardening has done wonders for me!  I do fairly well with inside plants but only tried the outside veggies a couple of years ago.  Ditto to the correct light and good soil.  I have pots of tomatoes, and habenero peppers on my pation.  I grow some small marigolds in little pots around them to help with the insect problems.  I picked my first two Roma tomatoes today!  I am so excited!  I invested in a potting stand at a yard sale - a whole 5 dollars- and have it on my patio this year.  The nice thing about that is that you can rotate it's position.  I grow my perenialls in window boxes (the plastic kind) and other flowers in little pots.  This year it is in a shady spot so I am able to grow my impatients, etc. there.  It helps so much to have things at the proper level so you can take care of them as they grow without having to bend over.  I will post pics later.  Good Luck to everybody!

 Message 9 of 13 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 7/18/2005 11:21 PM
I have converted almost everything to either raised beds or pots.  That cuts way down on weeds.
That way also I can garden on a stool, or standing.  I rarely have to bend over.  I dono't know what I would od without my garden.  So I'm glad you are geting some enjoyment out of gardening again. 
Lots of love and healing hugs,

 Message 10 of 13 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 7/18/2005 11:23 PM
Gentle reminder to use a little larger font please.  I really have a hard time reading the default, and I know others do too.  I get little e-mails asking me to remind people.    LOL  So here's your reminder. 

 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname50ModelEllieSent: 7/20/2005 10:55 PM
New Message on Dealing with Chronic Pain

Garden Stool

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From: 50ModelEllie

I have never tried a garden stool because I can't get down low enough to sit on one.  I love to garden and have found (Like so may of the other folks that have answered) that container gardening has done wonders for me!  I do fairly well with inside plants but only tried the outside veggies a couple of years ago.  Ditto to the correct light and good soil.  I have pots of tomatoes, and habenero peppers on my pation.  I grow some small marigolds in little pots around them to help with the insect problems.  I picked my first two Roma tomatoes today!  I am so excited!  I invested in a potting stand at a yard sale - a whole 5 dollars- and have it on my patio this year.  The nice thing about that is that you can rotate it's position.  I grow my perenialls in window boxes (the plastic kind) and other flowers in little pots.  This year it is in a shady spot so I am able to grow my impatients, etc. there.  It helps so much to have things at the proper level so you can take care of them as they grow without having to bend over.  I will post pics later.  Good Luck to everybody!

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 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname50ModelEllieSent: 7/20/2005 10:55 PM
New Message on Dealing with Chronic Pain

Garden Stool

  Reply to Sender   Recommend Message 8 in Discussion
From: 50ModelEllie

I have never tried a garden stool because I can't get down low enough to sit on one.  I love to garden and have found (Like so may of the other folks that have answered) that container gardening has done wonders for me!  I do fairly well with inside plants but only tried the outside veggies a couple of years ago.  Ditto to the correct light and good soil.  I have pots of tomatoes, and habenero peppers on my pation.  I grow some small marigolds in little pots around them to help with the insect problems.  I picked my first two Roma tomatoes today!  I am so excited!  I invested in a potting stand at a yard sale - a whole 5 dollars- and have it on my patio this year.  The nice thing about that is that you can rotate it's position.  I grow my perenialls in window boxes (the plastic kind) and other flowers in little pots.  This year it is in a shady spot so I am able to grow my impatients, etc. there.  It helps so much to have things at the proper level so you can take care of them as they grow without having to bend over.  I will post pics later.  Good Luck to everybody!

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 Message 11 of 13 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nickname50ModelEllieSent: 7/20/2005 10:55 PM

New Message on Dealing with Chronic Pain

From: 50ModelEllie
Message 8 in Discussion

I have never tried a garden stool because I can't get down low enough to sit on one. I love to garden and have found (Like so may of the other folks that have answered) that container gardening has done wonders for me! I do fairly well with inside plants but only tried the outside veggies a couple of years ago. Ditto to the correct light and good soil. I have pots of tomatoes, and habenero peppers on my pation. I grow some small marigolds in little pots around them to help with the insect problems. I picked my first two Roma tomatoes today! I am so excited! I invested in a potting stand at a yard sale - a whole 5 dollars- and have it on my patio this year. The nice thing about that is that you can rotate it's position. I grow my perenialls in window boxes (the plastic kind) and other flowers in little pots. This year it is in a shady spot so I am able to grow my impatients, etc. there. It helps so much to have things at the proper level so you can take care of them as they grow without having to bend over. I will post pics later. Good Luck to everybody!


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