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 Message 1 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewings_shelley  (Original Message)Sent: 8/4/2003 5:42 AM

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 Message 5 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewings_shelleySent: 8/4/2003 9:35 PM
thanks hannah, i love flowers and i am so sick that my african violents wont grow right........feel like they are a part of me....shelley</HTML>

 Message 6 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamefunkymonkeymishaSent: 10/28/2003 2:39 AM
Have you got them inside or outside, i had some inside and they liked a dark spot and not to over water them either, i also repotted mine as the bulb got bigger and it thrived really well.  I hope this helps you some

 Message 7 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewings_shelleySent: 10/29/2003 3:05 PM
Thank u Misha I will try the repotting, I havent done it so maybe it will help. I brought it inside now because it is to cold here for them. My babies reblossomed and is doing much better now! I was so happy!

 Message 8 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknamemommytodaisySent: 10/29/2003 6:52 PM
I have put them in a north or east window and keep them warm. Dont overwater and when they bloom it is time to repot because they only bloom when root bound. I am going to check out the sites myself. Good luck!!! MTD

The number of members that recommended this message. 0 recommendations  Message 9 of 19 in Discussion 
Sent: 11/12/2003 9:58 AM
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 Message 10 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameOneSmallAngelSent: 11/12/2003 10:25 AM
I know how to take care of them..... give them to someone who has a green thumb!!  lol  I have killed mine so many times.  Right now I have one left and it is in the house, but not in direct sunlight.  I give it food made for them, once in a while.  Do not overwater them.  Do not get leaves wet, and water from the bottom.  If I kill this one, I will get a catcus, then I have killed those too.  And you all thought angels were so kind.... mawhahahaha....

 Message 11 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewings_shelleySent: 11/12/2003 1:28 PM
I have been known to kill catus myself. they actually look like someone stuck a pin in them and they deflated! I laughed when u said give it to someone with a green thumb! It is so true! My husband is doing my kitchen over and he's putting in these ceiling lights.....I bought a stand and put all my plants on it i couldnt believe how my plants are doing they love that one light! I bought a xmas catcus and it is growing like a weed! so maybe i found something here.....unreal. I hope your plants grow well..... even my african violent bloomed. so u think I should repot it now?        I will give it a try!
good luck, love to u,  wings_

 Message 12 of 19 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 11/13/2003 12:38 AM
For one thing, you're going to have to call it by it's right name, hon.  It's a violet, not a violent.  LOL
Once you quit telling it that it's violent, maybe it will grow better.  OK.  OK.  So I can't spell either.  I know how it is when your tingers get fangled.  ... Er fingers get tangled.  Whatever...  But I did have to tease you a little cuz it was such a big change in the meaning of the word, from violet to violent.  LOL
Anyway, I've got a green thumb, but some things I can't grow very well.  It just depends.  And there are some things I do very well with, and then they go bad on me.  I had this wonderfull bonzai tree for three years, and it just died.  Nothing I could do would  save it.  Dead it went.  Rats...
I've got a greenhouse and an atrium full of plants though.  Haven't I posted pictures?  Well I will when I get the greehouse re-populated for winter. 
Hugs and lots of love,

 Message 13 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN NicknameterryjeanneSent: 11/18/2003 2:00 AM

 Message 14 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknameladycase2Sent: 2/22/2004 12:54 PM
I had such a great laugh over not noticing the mispleling of violets!  I just love this board!  Just being able to read these wonderful is great.  I inherited 6 African Violets from my mom when she passed in 2002.  My biggest fear was that they were goin  to die too!  I have NO idea why they did NOT!  I am going to check out those sites you folks have listed and THANKS so much for a good chuckle in the morning.  Much needed!   MaryG

 Message 15 of 19 in Discussion 
From: Monet0858Sent: 6/9/2004 12:17 AM
Hi, I saw alot of good answers and advice. One thing, along with not getting water on thier leaves is they dont like cold water.....they like it alittle warm. Not hot just warm....I hope it has survived or you have new ones since I see this post is pretty old......

 Message 16 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknametomcat5162Sent: 7/13/2004 3:55 PM
Shelley, The links that Hannah listed below are excellent, I checked them out prior to posting. I even learned something I didn't know about these plants. I currently am down to only 5 african violets, I recently gave 4 others away. They can become quite a chore! Have faith, you can grow them too! I "plant-sat" my neighbor's violet one summer, warning her not to look for it to be alive on her return. I had never grown one before. I put it in the windowsill of my dining room window-FACES DUE EAST! When she came home after about 6 weeks, the plant was in full bloom and I didn't want too give it back. Thus started my new found plant. I find that indirect sunlight from the east window has been the best at my home. They also did VERY well when I took them to work and they rec'd flourescent light. I do not find it necessary to repot mine very often at all. I think the post about repotting because they only bloom once then get root bound is slightly incorrect. I don't change my pots out and I have blooms after blooms after blooms. The KEY is to use more than the recommended amount of African Violet Food and always water with the food EVERY time you water. You will have some of the healthiest plants you ever imagined. Also do not overwater. Set aside one specific day of the week, such as Fridays and water all of them on that day. One last thing, I'm using those "self-watering" pots, the ones that the tray is attached and has a reservoir to hold extra water. Once a week, and that's all. Good luck.

 Message 17 of 19 in Discussion 
From: DanSent: 7/14/2004 1:29 AM
This makes me wonder if anyone has heard from onesmallangel?  She's been missing now for a long time, since they found that lung cancer and operated on it. 
Anyone?  It's been months...  I'm just hopeing that someone has heard from her. 
Hugs and love,

 Message 18 of 19 in Discussion 
From: MSN Nicknamewings_shelleySent: 7/14/2004 4:13 AM
Haven't heard a word I wish we did..
Sending her prayers and angels so maybe she'll hear our call to her..
Love shell

 Message 19 of 19 in Discussion 
From: hannnahSent: 7/31/2004 12:48 AM
Dan, I e-mailed her husband and he didn't reply, a while back. The email didn't bounce though.

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